Searcher a-5

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Searcher a-5 Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  “I am going to ask you some questions and if any of you are dishonest I am going to close this meeting and leave your planets to fend for themselves against the Eight Legs. Does everyone understand?”

  The eight Planet Leaders looked at each other and Goige stood and said, “I will speak for all of us.”

  “I want to know how long ago your eight planets had a meeting to plan an invasion of the Gresh.”

  The room started to yell and Matt yelled, “Silence. Your lives depend on an honest answer.” The room grew instantly still. Angel wondered what was happening.

  Goige looked back at the people in the room and then turned and said, “We planned to invade them fifty years ago and were building up the forces to make it happen.” Angel was shocked beyond speech.

  “I want each of you to listen closely and understand what I’m saying. You were attacked by the Gresh because they knew of your attack more than five hundred years ago.” Now everyone in the room was shocked silent.

  “The Gresh are a race of psychics. They sensed hundreds of years ago that they were facing destruction from your planets; they could sense that you were coming to destroy them. Every member of their race could feel your threat and they grew up knowing you were coming. They struggled and worked to develop space travel and warships to protect themselves and finally they attacked you to prevent the danger you represented. Just like our rulers can sense danger, the Gresh also possess the power to see danger approaching. They are not the danger in this room, you are.”

  Goige hung his head, “You are right. Now I understand the hatred they showed when they invaded.”

  Life stepped forward and looked out at the assembly. “No you don’t. Our hatred was misplaced.”

  Goige looked up, “What do you mean?”

  “The tremendous danger my race was feeling was not coming from you but from those creatures we were just shown. We thought it was you that was going to totally eradicate my people but it wasn’t just you. We also felt those creatures and we could feel that they were coming soon. We thought it was only you but that was a mistake. They will be here in six cycles, or years as this speaker uses the term. I sense that everyone in this room will be dead within ten of those years if nothing changes.”

  Angel looked at Matt and he nodded at her.

  Life then said something that changed everything, “I can sense that these strange beings that came to us and forced peace between us are being truthful. They are a good people and one that we should attempt to learn what they know. I also sense that they want to use my people to help them in their war against the coming horde. We will agree to do so but only if your eight worlds are brought under the protection of their Realm.”

  Goige looked at the former warlord with a puzzled expression and asked, “Why would you want to save us?”

  “Like them, we revere life. We made an error thinking you were going to eradicate us. We were more heavy handed with you than we should have been and I am truly sorry for our actions against you. I hope that by being in their mist they can save you from yourselves. I sense that you are worth saving.”

  Matt looked at the gathering, “I do not have the authority to make these decisions. I will ask my leaders and will let you know what they decide.”

  The meeting ended and the Leaders of the eight planets came on stage and talked with Life. It appeared many years of mistrust were now over for the nine worlds.

  Matt looked at Angel and thought, “Looks like a trip to see our Royal Family is in order. Are you up to going with me?”

  Angel thought to herself, “I will follow you all my life,” then thought back to him. “I’ll have to dress for the occasion. When do we go?”

  “We’ll go immediately. You have an hour to get ready. However, with your beauty, you don’t need to do much.”

  “Why, Magic, I never thought you noticed.”

  “It’s like trying to ignore a super nova; it’s just not possible.”

  Angel felt her heart grow. “Now I know; he does care for me.” She held that feeling close as she took Life back to his ship before boarding fly Girl.

  Chapter 4

  “Well, it looks like he is coming to see us.”

  The King looked up, “Why?”

  “It seems our Searcher has uncovered an entire planet of super psychics that have the temperament to join our armed forces. It also appears that they can raise the Alphas.”

  The King was genuinely surprised.

  “That’s not all love. It appears this race of psychics have determined that the Eight Legs will be coming in six years.”

  The King sat straight up in his chair. “Do you think they are accurate?”

  The Queen thought for a moment, “I believe they are. Unlike us they have a whole planet to focus on the danger so cumulatively they are probably not far from the truth.”

  “My sense of danger has been growing. I suspect that if their timetable is accurate then it matches closely with the progression of what we sense.”

  The Queen looked the King directly in the eye and said, “The Searcher saw the truth in the situation even when a seed from Sprig and Twig missed it. He was able to prevent punishing an innocent race for other’s actions. I sense that his power is growing faster than a normal latent psychic.”

  “Why do you think that is?”

  “I’m not sure. There’s also something about his ship that seems different from any I’ve sensed.”

  “Are we going to meet with him?”

  The Queen closed her eyes and thought for several minutes. “No.”

  “Are you sure, My Love?”

  “I do not want to diminish what he could possibly become. I’m concerned that our first contact when he was an applicant may have slowed his development.”

  “Usually the reverse happens.”

  “I don’t think so in his case. We should let him meet with Anglo and give him the approval he needs to move forward.”

  “Are we going to tell him about his genetics?”

  The Queen smiled, “And spoil the fun of him finding out on his own. I don’t think so.”

  Aladdin and Wings teleported into the Ross System and before Matt could ask for permission to approach Ross his com activated and a young man wearing the Royal Colors said, “Welcome, Searcher; your meeting has been approved and scheduled in thirty minutes. It will be held in the map room of Castle Gardner. The coordinates have been sent to your display. We will be expecting you and your fellow Searcher.”

  Matt looked at Angel on his display and saw her surprise. “We will be there momentarily.” He then looked at Angel, “I guess we don’t have enough time to change.”

  “Speak for yourself. Give me five minutes and then we’ll go.”

  Matt waited and hummed a song he had in his head that he knew he had never heard before. ““Don’t play with the spaceship.” Now where did that come from?” Angel thought to him, “I’m ready. I’ll port in five seconds.”

  “Count it down, girl.”

  Matt hit his port control and reappeared in a huge room that had every wall covered with maps of galaxies. He turned and saw Angel behind him and lost his breath; she was stunning. The green dress could not have fit any better if it had been painted on her and her hair was beautiful. “How do I look, Magic?”

  Matt could only stare. He finally got his breath and said, “Stunning. You are more beautiful than I have ever seen you.”

  Angel smiled but they were interrupted by a young man that entered the room and walked forward to greet them. “Welcome to Castle Gardner, Searchers. I am Samuel Anglo Gardner and I am here to represent the King and Queen.”

  Angel bowed, “I am Angelica Dodd and it is my pleasure to meet you.”

  Matt also bowed, “I am Matthew Gardner and I am also pleased to meet you.”

  The young man looked at Matt and said, “We have a similar name. Are we related?”

  “Oh no, Your Majesty, I along with millions of others are named after the Royal Fa
mily. I just happen to have the same last name.”

  “Who were your parents?”

  “I don’t know. They were killed in a ship accident when I was a baby and I was raised in a state institution on Cross.”

  The young man looked at Matt for a long moment and then turned to Angel. “I must say that you are one of the most impressive Searchers I have ever met.” He then looked at Matt and said, “Your companion is quite lovely.”

  “That adjective doesn’t really do her justice.”

  Anglo smiled and said, “You’re right but I must preserve the family’s reputation by not being too forward.”

  Angel smiled and said, “Thank both of you.” All she could think was that Matt had not denied her being his companion.

  “I am one of the Royal Couple’s distant grand children. We assist them in handling most of the Realm’s issues. Tell me what you need.”

  “I have found a race that is composed of strong psychics. They possess the temperament to be a part of the Realm and I believe that they are capable of flying the Alphas. They have agreed to assist us in our efforts against the Eight Legs but they say they will only do it if we allow the eight planets that were planning to attack them to join the Realm.”

  “What are your thoughts concerning the matter?”

  “I think those eight planets have had an epiphany about the consequences of aggression by having to endure an invasion and are open to embracing the values of our Realm.”

  “So you would accept them into the Realm?”

  “Only if we have people present to insure their smooth transition.”

  “Angelica, do you agree?”

  “Yes, I do, Your Majesty.”

  “I also understand that this race of psychics say we only have six years left to prepare.”

  Matt was surprised. How could he know that?

  “Don’t look so shocked, Searcher. The strongest psychics in the universe are members of the Royal Family. They also agree that time grows short. You have been given the authority to move forward with your plan.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  “There’s more, Searcher.”

  Matt thought, “Uh oh, there’s got to be a catch.”

  “Your have been given the authority in the future to make agreements for the Realm. We ask you to use your best judgment, but the Realm will support whatever you deem necessary.”

  Matt was absolutely speechless.

  “There’s still more, Searcher. Four years from now you will return here and take command of our Searcher Class ships and develop a strategy to use them against the Eight Legs. You will be given the rank of Vice Admiral immediately and your orders will be followed by all branches of our armed forces.”

  Angel was amazed but she was also troubled. This was a lot of responsibility. Would he have time for her?”

  “Why are you doing this,” Matt asked feeling fear from this much authority being given him? “I am fresh out of the academy and I know there has got to be others more qualified.”

  “You’re probably right; there are others with more experience, however, we have been watching your development and we feel that in four years you will be light years ahead of everyone else if your talents continue to grow. Seeing how you use your position over the next four years will determine whether or not we have made a wise decision. I must say that from my very brief contact with you today I think the decision is an excellent one.”

  Matt stood straighter and said, “I’ll do my best to make the Royal Family proud.”

  “I know you will. One last item and you can go your way. You must name an adjutant that will travel with you to assist you in carrying out your commands.” Anglo looked at Angel and continued talking to Matt, “Do you have anyone you would like to recommend for the position?”

  Matt looked at Angel, “I would like Angelica Dodd to be named to that post.”

  Anglo still looking at Angel said, “Searcher Dodd, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and will be Vice Admiral Matthew Gardner’s adjutant. If both of you will step over here there is one formality to handle.”

  Matt looked at Angel and saw her excitement. It thrilled him. They walked over to a table and there were two Royal Decrees laying there with their names and new ranks on them. “If each of you will sign I think we will be done.”

  Matt and Angel stared at Anglo Gardner and he smiled at them. “I told you we have the most powerful psychics in this universe in the Royal Family. This really shouldn’t surprise you at all. Now sign and go to work.”

  Matt and Angel walked outside the Castle after Anglo Gardner had left and sat down in the garden just inside the castle wall. Angel looked at Matt and said, “You know your new position doesn’t surprise me, Magic.”

  “It sure as heck surprised me, Angel.”

  There was a moment of silence and Angel looked at him, “I notice that you didn’t tell Anglo that I was not your companion.”

  Matt turned red and looked down at the ground. Then he looked Angel in the eye and said, “I was honored that he even thought you could be my companion.”

  “Matt, He knew the truth even when you didn’t. I have been your companion since that day in the library when you opened my mind to math. I knew then that I would never have anyone else in my heart but you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t know if you felt the same way.”

  “I have loved you since the moment you first called me Magic, Angel.”

  “He reached for her and she came into his arms and kissed him as each of them opened their minds to each other.”

  Upstairs in the Royal Family’s living quarters the King suddenly jumped straight up and yelled, “What in the blazing torg was that?”

  The Queen came running into the room and came into his arms and said gleefully, “It looks like our Searcher has found his integrator.”

  “That psychic wave was larger than any I’ve ever experienced.”

  “He’s the one, My Darling. He doesn’t know it yet, but I have no doubt; he’s the one.”

  Matt and Angel stood on the barren plain with five hundred Gresh warriors. He listened as Stem gave them instructions and then watched at each of them seemingly mesmerized by the beauty of the ships in front of them stepped forward and raised an Alpha ship. As the last one raised a ship he walked in front of them and announced, “If you are willing to put your lives on the line to protect the life in our universe, you will be accepted into our Academy to become Searchers and when you graduate you will become the commander of the ship you have just raised. This is a responsibility that you must own to the depths of all that you are and all that you hope to become. The intelligent life of our universe will live or die with the commitment you make today. What is your answer?”

  All five hundred Gresh shouted at the top of their voices, “We choose life.”

  “Welcome to the Stars Realm Armed Forces, Searchers. Your training begins tomorrow.”

  The former Warlord walked forward and looked Matt directly in the eye, “My life is full. Thank you for bringing me and my people to this moment in time.”

  “I expect you to be one of our finest, Life. I have seen your measure and I am totally impressed. We are going to bring a million of your people to this plain to raise a ship within the next year and attempt to have them trained on an accelerated schedule to prepare you for the coming conflict. I firmly believe that you will need less time than most because of your psychic abilities. Our Algean allies are working on a thousand planets to prepare the ships for your warriors. You and your people may be the difference in the coming war. I am excited at the prospect of working with you.”

  The Gresh warrior saluted Matt and turned to join his fellow warriors.

  “Have you noticed that all of their warriors are equal now? They have done away with ranks they once used in their military.”

  Matt looked at Angel and smiled, “Yes, I noticed.”

  She l
ooked at the Gresh Warriors, “They will be formidable in battle.”

  Matt looked with her and said, “I hope it’s enough.”

  Stem sat on Aladdin and attached a device to the control board. “What are you doing, Stem,” Al asked.

  “I’m checking to see how many of your systems are active.”

  “How many do I have?”

  ‘You had access to eighty last time I looked.” Stem watched his readout and then grew four feet before he could stop himself. “Al, according to my readouts you have had an additional ninety systems come on line within the last sixty rotations.”

  “I wondered what that was. I see how they can be used and some of them are pretty remarkable.”

  “Al, we never thought anyone would ever have more than a hundred available.”

  “Then why did you have more than that put in?”

  “We could create them so we saw no reason not to include them. Do you feel comfortable with how to use the new ones?”

  “They actually came on line after Magic returned from Castle Gardner. He linked with my central processor and they immediately activated. I have been working them into my general command structure since that time getting a fuller understanding of how to use them.”

  Stem thought for a moment. “Al, you know that you are now the most powerful warship in the fleet.”

  “I must disagree with you, Stem.”


  “I am the most powerful Peace Ship. My purpose is to save life, not war on it.”

  “I’m impressed, Al. It also appears that your intelligence is also on a whole new magnitude.”

  “That may be true but I have seen Magic’s mind and I am not close to the changes taking place there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He already knows the new systems and can use them faster than I can. I am working hard to keep up with his speed. I don’t know what happened at Castle Gardner but whatever it was it caused a remarkable change in my commander.”

  Stem listened to the ship and then sent a thought to Sprig. “Father, I may have found The One.”


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