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Marked Page 10

by Skylar West

  Jimmy kept his fingers in until my orgasm subsided. "Tsk, tsk, bella. Did you come without asking permission?"

  Shit! "Um, uh, yes?"

  I heard him chuckle. "Yes, you did, Tesoro. You have been naughty and need reminding of your position." I felt the ruler come down on my backside with a crack. I jumped, gasping in surprise. But before I could process the sting on my right cheek, it came down again on my left and then in such quick succession, all I could do was try to maintain position.

  He lifted me off the desk and placed me on the chaise lounge he had in his office, then he took off his belt and wrapped it around my wrists. I was on my knees, my fists behind me and pressed into my lower back. I had no momentum to change my position, even if I wanted to. Jimmy was behind me, and I couldn't see what he was doing, could only hear sounds and try to decipher what was going to happen next.

  My stinging backside hurt like crazy, but I was so turned on, I could feel my soaking slit peering at Jimmy, open and exposed and wanting some action. I had learned my lesson; I would not come again without permission. Jimmy left the room and was back a few minutes later. He slid something into my ass.

  "Ah, Tesoro, you should see the beautiful sight you make. Just seeing you trussed up like this in my office makes me want to fuck you until you scream."

  I felt my lady parts clench. Oh God, he was making me hot, in fact, burning hot. "Jimmy, what did you put in my ass? It's hot!" I began to twist and moan and try to get up, to dislodge the item in my ass that was making me so uncomfortable.

  "It's called figging. I have a ginger plug in your ass. Now be a good girl and stay still while I create more burning heat. If you're good, I will fuck you until the burn is gone." Then I felt a crack across my sit spot. The heat from the ruler and from the ginger was creating a wanton mess in my lady parts. I wanted to scream. I wanted to jump in a lake, get fucked by an entire football team, the sensations were driving me insane.

  He repeated the spanking until I lost count and became a mewling, begging mess. Then I felt his red-hot cock at the entrance to my folds, and I cried with relief. "Yes, yes, yes, pleasse," I begged. Jimmy took me in one thrust and it was all I could do to not come. Jimmy banged me hard, and with each slam of his pelvis, the ginger moved and created more heat.

  "Please, I beg of you, take it out, Jimmy, please, I can't take anymore."

  Jimmy kept up the pounding from behind, but he reached around and pinched my clitoris and said, "Come!"

  I did, my orgasm accompanied by a long keen, a primordial release of the kind I'd never felt before. In that moment of release, my life flashed before me, my birth, my existence. I screamed with the intensity and orgasmed again and again, cresting and falling. I lost sense of time and space. It was only when I felt my arms being released that I started my descent back to earth.

  "Good girl, Tesoro." I could barely smile, and my eyes drooped. Jimmy scooped me up and carried me to the bed. I was asleep the moment he put me down, not even twitching when he wiped me and pulled the blankets over me. I sank into a deep slumber.


  My God, she was amazing; she was made for me, for my cock and for my kink. Theresa was perfect. I understood why I'd fallen so hard for her when we were kids. Somehow, my dominant self had recognized her submissive self, even in our friendship as children.

  I pictured her as a little girl, her enormous blue eyes looking at me with pure love and trust. She had trusted me with her life back then. I didn't have that with her yet. I would win it back; it would just take time, mostly, by letting go of things that were no longer part of her life. Her primal scream had set something off in me. It awoke in me a sense of conviction, the desire to create and control. Being with her took away the sense of burden I'd felt these past few years, running the company. Not just the company, but keeping our Sicilian connections at bay. My pa was old school; he didn't see a problem with using his connections, where I preferred to use my degree and my head.

  He put me in charge of everything when my ma got sick, two years ago. Since then, I have been slowly changing the direction of the company. It's not as if we engaged in illegal activities, we didn't, but for my pops, his idea of business had been to line the pockets of anyone who said no or got in our way. That wasn't my way, but occasionally, I'd be hard pressed to follow the legitimate path. That is where my challenges would come, and I would choose the path less followed, while I looked for ways to appease everyone.

  The toll it was taking on me was what I'd been struggling with when Theresa had walked through the front door. She inspired me to be better, to do better, to be the Jimmy who was truthful, loving, kind, protective, to seek happiness and love to play and be with my family. She gave me my life back, just her existence, who she was and what she represented. I would guard that like the treasure I knew it to be.

  Tonight, she never questioned me. She had total faith in me that I would follow through on my promise, and I did. Now, with both my girls safely tucked away, I went back to my earlier conversation with my father.

  He was sending my second cousin to Philly. He had flown into Florida from Italy. After spending some time together, my pops decided that he needed to come to Philadelphia and be part of our company. We'd see. I didn't recall ever meeting this cousin, and as I'd said, I wasn't into old school business tactics. If this kid was legitimate, then finding a place for him was not a problem, but if he proved to be anything but, back to Italy or wherever the fuck he wanted, but not here, and not with my company.

  The next morning as Maggie and I were heading out the door, Theresa said she would be picking Maggie up from cheerleading and would have dinner ready for 6:00 pm. That was perfect; I was picking up my cousin from the airport at 5:00. I would bring him back for dinner and get to know him. "I'm bringing a guest, Tesoro; see you at 6:00." Then Mags and I were out the door.


  Being in Jimmy's kitchen was a little overwhelming. But it did remind me of dinner, so I made a list and looked up how to make guacamole. I was determined to make this dinner from scratch, with homemade salsa and guacamole.

  At 2:30, I hit the grocery store, and just as I was packing the groceries in my car, the awaited text from Maggie came through. Pulling out of the store parking lot, I wondered how Jimmy was doing. He'd been strangely quiet today, whereas, usually, he texted me several times to see what I was doing or wearing; sometimes we had phone sex. Today, just a quick, be good, I'm busy, see you at 6:00 with Joseph.

  I was excited watching Maggie's practice; the team was excellent, and Tessa was a great coach. I started writing notes on my tablet and decided I would do a post on cheerleading as a sport and as a support for team sports. Emma was, by far, the best cheerleader on the team. She did gymnastics, and you could tell.

  Maggie took dance so rhythmically, she moved the best, but the big moves were all Emma. It was nice that the two friends could be so close and have such different skill sets yet have no jealousy. I imagined it was the excellent parenting and friendship both girls had.

  The rest of the team seemed less dedicated but performed well. I couldn't believe the type of draw cheerleading had. I didn't even remember if our school had offered cheerleading, that's how far off the radar it been just ten years ago.

  Maggie and I chattered away happily while preparing dinner. We both changed our clothing after the messy stuff was done, and she opened the wine for dinner. I found Maggie to be one of the most independent almost-thirteen-year-olds I'd ever met. Living with Jimmy, he taught her a lot about independence, while Maria had taught her how to navigate the kitchen like a pro. She could cook almost as well as her father. I was soon overpowered by her capabilities and stayed with frying the meat and heating the shells; she made everything else.

  I heard the front door open, and two voices, one deeper, Jimmy's, and one with a heavy Italian accent; that must be the cousin. They entered the dining room from the living room side while Maggie and I entered from the kitchen and almost collided with each

  "Daddy," Maggie burst out as she moved into him for a hug.

  I smiled. I loved how close they were and how happy they were to see each other. I felt eyes watching and glanced from the happy duo to Joseph. He wasn't looking at them, though; he was watching me. His expression was predatory, much like Jimmy's, but where Jimmy's was playful, this guy's was sinister.

  My eyes grew wide, a sliver of fear racing up my spine. He smiled, and it was anything but warm. I would have to be careful around this one. I knew, already, his intentions, and they were not honourable. Jimmy released Maggie and turned to me. I quickly painted a different expression on my face. Jimmy frowned but said nothing.

  Maggie and I brought in the food from the kitchen, setting everything up buffet style in the center of the table while the guys got themselves drinks. Joseph commented on the house and the furnishings constantly. I got the sense that his interests lay strictly in money and acquisitions.

  We sat down to eat. "Thank you, ladies, for the wonderful meal," Jimmy said when he'd finished. He stood and started clearing.

  Joseph's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "Doing women's work, Jimmy?" he added to his look of dismay.

  Jimmy carried himself very nonchalantly, but I could tell he was angry. "I know what you are used to in Sicily, but around here, I love and honour the women in my life, just as they love and honour me. Dishes aren't women's work, Joe; it is just work. I think you need a lesson in American standards; come, you can help me."

  Joe looked like he was going to reject when Jimmy's eyes turned to steel. Joe got up and grabbed our dishes.

  When they left the room, Maggie and I laughed behind our hands.

  "If he's going to hang around with my dad, he's got a lot to learn."

  I nodded in agreement. "Come on, Maggie, let's go sit outside and go over your birthday party. I have some ideas." I grabbed my tablet and the two of us scooted outside. "So, what are your thoughts on using the pool and having a water fantasy pool party?"

  "Ooh, I like it," she said, her eyes lighting up. "Does that mean that we need costumes, or is there a colour theme?"

  I grinned at her enthusiasm and replied, "I was thinking black and pink. Also, have you heard of Rachel Hunt?"

  "Who hasn't?" Maggie said. "She is the hottest iron chef on television. Dad and I watch her show sometimes."

  "I know Rachel and her partner, Sam. I'm going to have them design the teen fantasy pool party menu. How does that sound?"

  "Seriously, oh my God, Theresa, yes!" she practically screeched.

  I was putting out ideas to see where her thoughts were gravitating. She seemed super excited about Rachel and the food; maybe I would work on the party theme and come up with more ideas. "So, listen, I heard there are state championships coming up? Have you heard of the Junior Jaguars?"

  Maggie was literally bouncing up and down in her seat. "Yes, they won the championship last year, and they are from Philadelphia."

  I smiled. "That's right. Well, I have it on good authority that Tessa is good friends with their coach. Would you be interested in having them come here and perform for your birthday?"

  Her face dropped. "No, I don't think so; they will be a reminder of how bad we are, and the guys will think they're hot instead of us."

  I sucked at this. I decided to take a different track. "How many people do you want to invite? I was thinking fifty in total, half boys and half girls?"

  "Oh, that many, do you think my dad will be okay with that?"

  "Your dad said the sky's the limit, as many as you want."

  She lit up at that. "Well then, it would probably be more like thirty and twenty. I can't think of more than twenty boys I'd want here." She giggled.

  I joined her and that's when Jimmy and Joe joined us on the deck. Jimmy brought out dessert coffees and treats. I accepted the coffee but not the treats.

  "Whatsa matter, Theresa, afraid your hips will get wider?" Joe laughed. The three of us looked at Joe like he was from another planet. Before Jimmy or I could say anything, Maggie said, "Theresa is perfect. I wish I had her hips."

  That shut Joe up and effectively ended our planning session. We got onto safe, generic topics about travel and weather. Maggie removed herself and headed off to do her homework. I was going to follow her lead, but I got a silent shake from Jimmy. He didn't want to get stuck with this guy. I didn't blame him.

  It was hard seeing any connection at all. Jimmy my blond, Italian giant, and Joe, who was my height and built like a bull. I guess he could be considered attractive, but he certainly wasn't my type. He was exactly what I pictured in a Sicilian from the old country. After an hour or so longer, Jimmy said it was time. He was taking Joe to a set of rooms his father had rented for him downtown, so he'd be closer to the action.

  When Jimmy returned, he found me in bed reading. He flopped down and ran his hands over his face as if to wash away his day. "I put my book down and moved beside him, resting my head on his chest.

  "Tough day, Sir?"

  He liked my use of 'Sir' and a smile lit up his face. He rolled toward me, catching my chin in his hand. "It was, Tesoro, but it's all done now. There is only me and you and what I've been dreaming of doing to you all day."

  My lady parts squeezed and did a cheer. I had been dreaming of things all day as well. I went to the closet, telling Jimmy to close his eyes. When I emerged, I was wearing a cheerleading outfit that Tessa had loaned me with a wink and a giggle.

  I struck a pose and told him to open his eyes. He roamed my body, his eyes glittering. "T, how did you know I was dreaming of fucking a cheerleader tonight?"

  I winked. "I know everything, Jimmy Falcone, everything there is to know about you."

  "Then you know what I'm thinking right now." I gulped at the look of desire in his eyes. I walked to him and knelt at his feet, undid his zipper and pulled out his hard cock, putting his length in my mouth.

  He moaned and lay back on the bed. "Oh, baby, getting sucked off by the hottest cheerleader is a dream come true."

  Chapter Eleven


  I was so nervous, fellow blogger and queen of the cooking channel, Rachel Hunt would be here any moment to discuss the menu for Maggie's birthday. I answered the door and invited Rachel and Sam in. We'd only met in person once, at a benefit, and I was not a conversation carrier at all.

  She was so enthralled with Jimmy's gourmet kitchen, she asked if she could make everything here and film it for her show. I quickly texted Jimmy while she and Sam wandered around my kitchen oohing and awing about every little thing.

  Me: Help! "Scream emoji"

  J: What's wrong, baby, miss me?

  Me: Yes, but the problem is Rachel Hunt. I need help, please can you come?

  J: see you in 5

  I heaved a sigh of relief. Jimmy could navigate these two women like it was nobody's business. Just as they made their way to the gourmet, double turbo air, double section fridges, Jimmy walked through the door. He came into the kitchen, saw the ladies, saw me dying in a pool of doubt and turned into suave Jimmy.

  "Buongiorno, bellissima signore," he said, taking each of their hands and kissing them. Welcome to my humble abode." Jimmy was wearing jeans that were tight enough to outline his powerful legs; added to that were black boots and a black t-shirt that offset his olive colouring and blond surfer hair. He looked like he'd stepped out of a fantasy.

  Both women blushed.

  "Rachel Hunt, I love your recipes; my daughter and I watch your show. I'm honoured." He kissed her hand again and then finally let it go. It was funny seeing Rachel speechless. Jimmy gracefully continued to lead the conversation. "I hear you are lending your expertise for my daughter's thirteenth birthday. I cannot tell you enough how thrilled I am to have you and your lovely assistant here in my home."

  Rachel seemed to gain control of herself. Her panties were probably soaked. I snickered; Jimmy had that effect on women. "Oh, Mr. Falcone, I mentioned to Theresa that we would love to film
an episode of my show here while preparing the food for the birthday. I do hope it is allowed?"

  Now he knew why I called him. I wasn't about to let a film crew in his home if he didn't want one. I held my breath while he deliberated. Then I watched as he threw in a parameter of his own. "Oh, bella, I'm sure Maggie would love to participate in your show. She would be thrilled to be sharing this portion of her birthday party with the world. What do you say, T, wouldn't Maggie love that?"

  "She would, but I think only if she had Emma with her."

  "Ah, bella," he said, kissing me deeply, "you think of everything. Of course, the best friend must be in attendance, right, Samantha?"

  Sam, who had not spoken a word since Jimmy had waltzed into the kitchen, said, "Yes, Mr. Falcone, of course."

  It was now up to Rachel. If she wanted to film here, she would have two guest assistants. "I don't see why we couldn't. It's a deal, Mr. Falcone."

  "Jimmy," he said, "please call me Jimmy, bella."

  I watched Rachel—she was turned on.

  "I must leave you beautiful women in the hands of my capable and lovely Theresa. Enjoy your day," he said as he headed out the door.

  The three of us sat down and, over coffee, finalized the menu, deciding on pizza pinwheels, spicy potato skins with bean dip, wings, truffle, mini cheese cake, chocolate dipped fruit, a do it yourself burger bar, with vegetable ranch cups. The episode would be Party Food for Teens. I couldn't wait to tell Maggie. With what I considered the hard part out of the way, I thought about entertainment and spent the rest of my day solidifying plans.

  The day of the filming, Jimmy stayed home to help me set up the decorations as the party started at noon the next day and went until 8:00 pm. Maggie and Emma had their makeup and hair done by Rachel Hunt's crew, their outfits chosen, and were ready to shoot the cooking show.

  Jimmy and I went outside, filling three hundred pink and black balloons. Then we put them in netting that Jimmy rigged to fall when the cord was pulled. Next, we set up the food tables, the tiki bar, and the base for the DIY rotating burger bar.


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