Deadly Secrets

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Deadly Secrets Page 11

by Sarah Barrie

  Mack went ballistic and Jordan dragged him, fighting all the way, back into a stable.

  Merv lumbered in wearing black track pants, a red plaid work shirt and scuffed boots. His hair was untidy, and permanent bags had moved in under his eyes. ‘Afternoon, Jordy.’


  ‘Hi Dad,’ Michael greeted. ‘I’ll just be a minute.’

  Merv watched him jog away. ‘How’s the boy doin’?’

  ‘He’s fantastic. He’s got a real talent with the horses.’

  Merv looked unconvinced. ‘Seems he’s staying out of trouble, anyway. I had one of those interviews with his teachers on Friday. They told me his work’s picking up. I reckon that’s your doing.’

  Jordan shook her head slowly. ‘It’s Michael’s doing, Merv. Not mine.’

  Merv wiped his brow. ‘I’m not doing very well by him, Jordy. I’m working long hours. He’s got nothing to do but get into trouble. Makes me feel better knowing he’s here, doing something other than being a nuisance to everyone. I know I’ve said it, but I really appreciate it. Not many would have given him the opportunity — not with his rep.’

  ‘Probably time you stop saying it, Merv. Michael’s doing me the favour. He’s been working really hard, learning lots, and he’s really taken with Buster.’

  ‘You and that damn horse is all I ever hear about. He’s talking about Jackaroo School in the holidays, reckons he wants to break horses in professionally, do some mustering…all sorts of things I’ve never heard come out of his mouth before.’

  ‘That Jackarooing course is great, but he’s gonna need a good horse.’

  Merv sighed, his eyes looked troubled. ‘Jordy, I just can’t afford it.’

  ‘Actually…I have an idea I want to run past you. Can you afford some gear?’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘He said his birthday’s coming up. I’d like him to have Buster.’ When Merv just stared, Jordan shrugged. ‘He didn’t cost me anything and Michael’s put in most of the hard work. I haven’t been paying him a cent for all he’s done around here.’

  ‘You want to give him your horse?’

  ‘No. I want you to buy the horse — twenty bucks should do it — then I want you to give him the horse for his birthday.’

  ‘Well, geez Jordy…twenty bucks…’ Merv shook his head.

  ‘That’s non-negotiable. Don’t even try and talk me down.’

  Merv laughed a little, then surprised her by wrapping her up in a huge hug. ‘You’re one in a million, Jordy.’

  ‘Brian Dunmore came through with the merchandise,’ Brett told Reid when he turned up at his apartment that afternoon.

  ‘You got the pills?’

  ‘Right here. I thought you’d want to send them off for testing.’

  Reid took the sachet and fiddled with it, thought about it. ‘You got another poker game tonight?’

  ‘Give me a break. Every five minutes I spend with those morons knocks another couple of points off my IQ.’

  ‘And you have so few to lose.’

  ‘Shit man, you should have been a comedian. Why the question?’

  ‘Wondering if you’re busy.’

  ‘You asking me out?’

  Reid grinned. ‘I want you to go to the club tonight, offer these pills to Jordan.’

  ‘You what?’

  ‘There’s no way she’s manufacturing, but I want to see how she reacts if they’re offered to her.’

  Brett nodded slowly, noted his friend looked a little on edge. ‘You’ve got a thing for the feisty cowgirl and you want the all-clear.’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

  ‘I don’t think I am being ridiculous,’ Brett taunted. ‘It was the whole “pointing a gun at you” thing, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Would you just do it?’

  ‘Sure, but once she meets me, you could lose her forever…’

  Reid rolled his eyes. ‘I’ll risk it.’

  Sitting comfortably at a table at the club, Jordan watched the goings on of the Friday-night crowd and debated leaving them all to it. Was it really possible another week had just disappeared? She should be at home, doing…what? It was dark; all she could do today was done. And God, it was good to just sit and put her feet up. But sleep would be better. And hadn’t she come to that conclusion last week? Madi grinned at the way she stretched out over two chairs and, head back, closed her eyes.

  ‘We boring you, Jordy?’

  ‘Chronic overwork. When the cattle sell I’m heading to Hawaii… No, scratch that — too much to do. I’d be compelled to snorkel, dive, sight-see…I’m going to bed. Yes, perfect — bed. And I may not get up. For a very, very long time.’

  ‘Probably a good idea. You’re losing weight,’ Madi lectured her.

  ‘Why thank you.’

  ‘You’re getting bony. And you have shadows under your eyes.’

  ‘Someone keeps dragging me out to the club; it’s taking its toll.’

  Matt laughed and pushed his packet of chips at her. ‘How about I drop by a couple of afternoons this week and do a bit of work with those stud cattle?’

  ‘You don’t have to do that.’

  Madi leaned back, stretched and pointed her beer at Matt. ‘We’ll both help. Don’t argue.’

  ‘Okay.’ Jordan yawned. ‘Who’s arguing?’

  ‘You would, if you weren’t so tired.’

  ‘I told you, after the sale, bed. Sleep. Lots of both.’

  ‘Well, at least find yourself a man and have some fun while you’re there.’

  ‘Sounds like too much work again.’

  ‘Oh Jordy, how can we do couples stuff if you’re not in a couple?’

  ‘Just because you’re in the midst of shiny, happy love…my priorities are different.’

  ‘Your priorities are always different.’

  ‘She’s jealous.’ Matt gave Madi a long, simmering kiss.

  Jordan sighed dramatically. ‘Yeah, you’re ripping my heart out, Matt. Come to Hawaii with me.’

  ‘You just don’t want to admit you’ve got a thing for Reid,’ Madi chuckled.

  Jordan swore and got to her feet. ‘I think I need another drink.’

  Reid slipped into the club and, spotting the trio, sat quietly in the corner, just out of their line of sight. If they saw him, he’d blow it, but he had to know how Jordan reacted when Brett approached her with the pills. He’d been antsy about it all afternoon — nearly called the whole thing off several times. His gaze moved to Brett, sitting at a table near the bar with Beau and Gary. The two exchanged brief glances, and when Jordan got to her feet and headed over to the bar, Brett moved.

  Stepping up beside her, he crowded Jordan in, smiled lazily. ‘Hi.’

  Jordan flicked him a cool stare. ‘Hello.’ She’d seen him at the club a few times now and decided he was just passing through with the seasonal work. A good-looking guy she might have been interested in talking to — had he not hung around with the Carter crew.

  ‘I’ve been meaning to introduce myself. I’m Brett.’

  He held out a hand, which she ignored, but she nodded and smiled politely — if not distantly. ‘Jordan.’

  ‘You’re a fixture around here, aren’t you?’

  ‘Only when the service is this slow.’ And damn it, would they hurry up?

  ‘I meant you’re a local.’

  ‘I know. You’re not, and you spend your time with my good friends over there.’ As she indicated to the men sitting behind them she saw them smirking into their beers, enjoying the show.

  ‘You’ve noticed me then?’ He sent her his best appreciative smile, looked her up and down. ‘I’ve done a bit of noticing myself.’ He ran a finger suggestively down Jordan’s arm and she clamped her jaw in annoyance. ‘So what do you say…want to go back to my place? Get to know each other?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she purred and, mimicking him, she leaned in, her face an inch now from his. ‘Will two people fit under a rock?’

  ‘What are you afte
r, Jordy?’ the young waitress asked.

  ‘Two beers and a Coke thanks, Charlie.’

  Brett played with Jordan’s hair. ‘I can show you a fun time,’ he murmured conspiratorially, and began digging away in his jeans with his free hand.

  Jordan’s brow lifted in reluctant amusement. ‘Looking for your brain?’

  ‘I’ve got some good stuff, look.’

  This time Jordan snorted out a laugh in disbelief. ‘I’m sorry,’ she shook her head. ‘I didn’t bring my microscope.’

  ‘I’m not — funny,’ he mumbled wryly. ‘Not that…although.’

  She glanced down, saw the little plastic sachet of pills, and raised her brow higher. ‘I was about to suggest it was time you took your medication.’

  ‘They’re top quality…lots of fun. I was heading off to a party out at the Grainger place. We could go there or…somewhere quieter.’ His hand moved from her hair to her face and traced the line of her jaw.

  ‘No thanks.’

  ‘Okay, wait.’ When she made to move away, he took her arm, stopped her in her tracks.

  Jordan made a point of looking from Brett to the men sitting behind them, then back to Brett. ‘You just fit right in, don’t you? Pity.’

  ‘Give me a chance to prove you wrong.’

  ‘I just did. Dismal failure.’

  ‘Here, take these. No commitment,’ he pressed, handing her the pills. ‘When you see how good they are…and remember how great I am, I get a date. Deal?’

  Setting her tray of drinks back on the counter, Jordan took the sachet and popped it into his shirt pocket, patted it. ‘Enjoy your night.’

  ‘You’re killing me here! Why not? Tell me…I can handle it.’

  ‘It?’ She grinned wryly. ‘Maybe. Me? No, Brett.’

  A seductive smile came over his face as his grip on her arm turned to a caress. ‘Don’t be so sure, sweetheart. You’d be surprised at my…talents.’

  ‘I’m sure “surprised” would be the word, but no, that’s not what I meant.’ She took his wrist and slammed it down hard on the bar at an angle that made him wince. ‘You can’t handle me. You don’t get to. Ever. Are we clear?’

  ‘Yeah — yeah! Sorry. Ow.’

  She slipped off her seat, picked up her drinks and smiled with some satisfaction at the way he was rolling his arm. A few steps away she paused, looked over her shoulder. ‘And just for the record: if I had agreed…you wouldn’t have needed the things in your pocket to have a good time.’

  ‘Slam!’ Beau smacked his hand down on the table and laughed loudly, said something else to Brett she didn’t catch.

  Reid approached the bar, obviously battling a smirk. ‘You okay?’

  ‘Fine. Where did you come from?’

  ‘Just came in. Was that guy giving you a hard time…or were you giving him one?’

  Jordan shrugged. ‘Just a misunderstanding.’

  ‘Hi Reid!’ Madi called out. ‘Join us.’ She pulled another chair around. ‘What was that about?’

  ‘They’ve found number six.’

  ‘Thought so. Name?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know — how about Dopey?’

  Madi’s eyes widened. She sighed. ‘That explains the last comment.’


  ‘Dopey it is.’

  ‘He offered you drugs?’ Reid made a show of looking from Brett to Jordan.

  ‘Forget it,’ Jordan ordered quietly.

  Reid watched her carefully for a moment, then, seemingly content to let it drop, asked, ‘Number six?’

  Matt nodded. ‘Code names for Carter and his men…who are they, Madi?’

  ‘Ah…Nasty, Sleazy, Smelly, Shifty, Crazy — and Dopey. We just need the seventh dwarf.’

  ‘We’ll get one. Those germs just keep multiplying,’ Jordan muttered.

  ‘Hope you broke his arm,’ Madi agreed.

  ‘Don’t want the trouble.’ She watched Brett get up to leave, saw him run into Brian, who was on his way in. They chatted, moved on. ‘They’re all the same.’

  ‘Here comes the gang,’ Madi commented as their friends headed toward them. ‘Shame they missed that.’

  ‘Isn’t it?’ Matt agreed.

  As Lillian, David and Mitch pulled some chairs from surrounding tables, there was a round of greetings, and Lillian’s eyes slanted to Reid. ‘You hanging around, handsome?’

  ‘For a while. Are you singing tonight?’ he asked Jordan. He acknowledged he was way too happy Jordan had turned down the drugs; couldn’t help it.

  Startled, Jordan shrugged. ‘If I hang around long enough I’ll probably be dragged up for what passes as singing…most of the time.’

  ‘I think you’re great.’ And as far as he was concerned, she was no longer, in any way, a suspect. In a couple more weeks she wouldn’t be on probation, or technically in his charge. And then he intended on exploring some of these feelings that kept tugging at him. Thoroughly.

  ‘I, um — thanks.’

  ‘You could do a duet.’ Lillian smiled and sighed. ‘Wouldn’t that be lovely?’

  ‘Lovely would be far from what it would be,’ Reid promised.

  Jordan grinned at his definite response. ‘I really should head off soon, anyway.’

  ‘Not before you see what I picked up in the city today,’ Lillian told her.

  ‘You left him in the car?’ Jordan teased.

  Lillian just pulled a face. ‘I bought my dress for the sales dinner.’

  ‘Already?’ Jordan groaned. ‘It’s so far away.’

  ‘Keep telling yourself that.’ Madi laughed, then said to Lillian, ‘Go get it.’

  ‘Uh-uh. I can’t let my date see it.’

  ‘Date?’ Jordan looked from Lillian to where her gaze rested on David. ‘Really?’

  David looked slightly flushed. Lillian smiled wickedly. ‘Well, well,’ Madi deduced. ‘About bloody time.’

  Matt rose from his seat. ‘Have you been holding out on us, Dave?’

  David held up his hands in defence, but grinned sheepishly. ‘It’s just a date.’

  ‘Oh?’ Lillian, in her element, enquired, ‘And what was last night, David? Was that just a date?’

  Jordan cleared her throat. ‘Settle, Lil. He gets too much redder, I’m going to have to take him to emergency.’

  ‘What he needs is a drink. I’ll get this round,’ Matt offered and headed for the bar.

  Jordan watched Reid get to his feet and he looked up, caught her stare and sent her an enquiring eyebrow. She wasn’t sure she didn’t get a touch of David’s colour. Reid’s eyes darkened. ‘Something you want?’

  ‘Huh? Oh, no…I’m good. I’ll sit on this last Coke until I leave.’ She turned her attention to Lillian and Madi. ‘Come on, let’s go see this dress.’

  As soon as they were out the door, Lillian pressed a finger into Jordan’s arm. ‘I believe I detect some strong undercurrents running between you and the hottie.’

  ‘Cut it out, Lil.’ Jordan brushed the comment off with a wave of her hand.

  ‘She refuses to talk about it,’ Madi told Lillian in an overly loud conspiratorial tone. ‘She was picking on David, but honestly, when was the last time you saw Jordan blush?’

  ‘I don’t blush!’ Jordan objected. ‘Honestly, you two need a hobby.’

  ‘You did just then. The way you two looked at each other, I’m not sure I didn’t blush.’ Madi ducked, giggling as Jordan swung playfully at her.

  ‘Look,’ Jordan began thoughtfully, ‘I’ll admit he has a certain… physical attraction.’

  ‘Damn straight. He’s drop-dead bloody gorgeous!’ Lillian shivered dramatically.

  ‘Lil, remember David?’

  ‘Oh come on…you’d have to be lacking all five senses not to appreciate Reid Tallon.’ They reached Lillian’s car and she unlocked it, then dove into the backseat to pull out a box. ‘What do you think?’

  She held up a tiny slip of shiny material, barely, to Jordan’s mind, the size of a t-shirt.

‘It’s perfect for you, Lil. It will leave nothing to David’s — or anyone else’s — imagination.’

  ‘Yep,’ Madi added, admiring the fabric. ‘If you’re brave enough to wear it, more power to you. It’s gorgeous. Let’s get back. I’m going to drag Matt home. I’m tired.’

  ‘I’m heading too,’ Jordan nodded.

  ‘Bunch of old women,’ Lillian complained, but threw her arms around Jordan and Madi’s shoulders in her usual fashion as they walked back towards the club. ‘At least say goodnight to the hottie, Jordy. Want some tips on how to do it properly?’

  ‘Lillian…if I ever need any tips on how to “do it properly”, you’ll be the first person I run to.’

  ‘Oh, that’s so sweet.’

  ‘Because no one else I know comes close to matching your experience.’

  ‘Well, darling,’ Lillian drawled at Madi’s snort of amusement, ‘what man can resist me?’

  At the bar, Matt ordered the drinks then paused and looked at Reid. ‘You?’

  ‘No, thanks. I’ll help deliver these, then I’m off.’

  ‘What about Jordan?’

  ‘No, she’s off too.’

  ‘Someone’s getting lucky,’ Beau sniggered to Gary from behind them.

  ‘Excuse me?’ Reid turned his attention to the two men and glared. It was a tossup who was more inebriated: Beau or Gary.

  ‘Nice piece of ass, that’s all. Let me know when you’re finished with it,’ Beau muttered into his beer. Gary seemed to think that was hilarious and snorted.

  Oh yes, Reid thought, Brett was spot on about these guys.

  ‘Is that any way to talk about a lady?’ he asked casually.

  Matt moved around next to Reid. A united front.

  Beau stiffened slightly, but sniggered. ‘Oh look, she’s got a fan club. She doing you both at once?’

  Reid and Matt moved at the same time. Reid had Beau by his collar and off the floor in a second, while Matt moved in to block Gary. The club went silent, held its breath.

  ‘If you’ve got anything else to say, say it,’ Reid instructed icily, ‘but make sure you think before you open your mouth.’

  Beau sized up his opponent and lifted his hands truce-style, so Reid dropped him in disgust. Turning his attention back to Matt and the drinks, he heard, ‘She must be good…wonder what she charges?’

  Oblivious to the standoff, Jordan, Madi and Lillian pushed back through the door just in time to see Reid shake his head in disgust and spin, planting his fist hard into Beau’s stomach. Gary lunged at Matt, almost tripping over his own feet and falling into Matt’s fist as he lashed out. Reid effortlessly pulled Beau’s substantial weight upright and dragged him to the door before shoving him through it.


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