Deadly Secrets

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Deadly Secrets Page 20

by Sarah Barrie

  A sudden jolt of nerves had her cemented to the spot, but then Katrina leaned in close and said something in his ear, and he laughed.

  ‘Looks like Reid’s already found some company,’ Madi commented.

  ‘Well, Katrina is looking very pretty tonight,’ Carol replied conversationally.

  Jordan squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. ‘While he’s busy, let’s go do some socialising of our own.’

  Spotting Matt and his mates, she strode into the room. Madi and Lillian smirked at each other, hung back and watched. She was almost completely unaware that the room gradually quietened as she entered it, that people stepped out of her way to watch her progress. A young waiter preparing tables tripped on a chair leg as he ogled her, loudly rattling the cutlery on his tray. This she did notice with a small grin, but she continued across the room, only stopping when she reached the group. She began to mingle.

  ‘Got it,’ Carol chuckled, lowering the camera.

  ‘I forgot to look,’ Madi replied, ‘but now I see it. Don’t exhale too hard, you’ll knock him over.’

  ‘Have to hand it to Jordan, ignoring the handsomest man in the room. I wouldn’t, if he looked at me like that,’ Lillian sighed wistfully.

  Carol grinned. ‘I think it was that or scratch Katrina’s eyes out. And you’re all such good friends.’

  Madi grinned. ‘Come on, Lillian. Let’s go rescue our men.’

  Reid didn’t immediately see Jordan. His attention was first drawn by the low whistle of one of the other guests. When he followed their gazes, he found himself swallowing desperately to get some moisture back into his mouth. She glided straight past him and stopped to chat with the group further across the room. The guys looked shell-shocked.

  Madi appeared behind him with a friendly slap on the back. ‘Looks pretty good, huh?’


  ‘You okay there?’

  ‘Not sure. This is my first experience with spontaneous human combustion.’ He grinned, and with a wink that curled her toes, excused himself and headed across the room.

  A moment later, Jordan felt a hand on her back, and cast a glance over her shoulder.

  ‘Oh, hello,’ she greeted coolly, in complete contrast to how she was feeling. Up close, he was just more devastating.

  ‘Hi. Excuse us, gentlemen.’

  Jordan allowed herself to be moved along until they were a few feet away. ‘I was talking to them.’

  ‘No, you were protesting my proximity to those cling-ons over there. And just for the record, sweetheart: it’s no contest.’

  Jordan took a step back from the intensity of his eyes. ‘Okay, maybe I was —’

  Her gaze met Hal Carter’s across the room and the words caught in her throat. He was all but snarling at her. Reid turned and Carter’s face warmed. Smiling, he sent them a wave.


  ‘I saw it,’ he reassured her. ‘He’s not fooling anyone.’

  The announcer asked people to find their seats, and Reid held out an arm. ‘Shall we?’

  ‘Sure.’ She smiled and took it. ‘You really going to pull my chair out for me?’

  ‘Right now? I’d walk on water for you. By the way, that dress is amazing.’

  ‘So this is all about a dress?’ she asked lightly.

  ‘Not entirely,’ he murmured in her ear. ‘It’s a lot about the body it’s showing off…and some more about imagining what’s under it.’ His voice slid through her system like a caress, while every nerve ending woke up and paid attention.

  Oh, my God. ‘I see.’

  ‘You’re blushing.’

  ‘Just hot in here.’ And most of that heat was centred somewhere really low and intimate.

  Reid could barely take his eyes off her during dinner and the somewhat boring speeches. Every now and then he’d lock eyes with her, see her colour slightly and drop her gaze. She was the most fascinating contradiction of confidence and uncertainty. He listened to conversation flow around them, wondering how long it would be before he could get her to himself.

  When the night was finally turned over to a DJ, most of the guests got up to refresh their drinks and dance. Reid was about to ask Jordan if she’d like to follow suit when he noticed the unseeing stare on her face.

  ‘Earth to Jordan?’

  ‘Huh? Oh, sorry. What?’

  ‘What’s going on in there?’

  She considered making something up, then shrugged, deciding it didn’t matter. ‘This could be it: my last…I might not be here next year.’

  ‘Oh honey, don’t think like that,’ he soothed quietly. Then louder, ‘You’re going to get what you need, just keep believing it.’

  ‘Amen to that!’ Carol called out across the table. ‘Why don’t you two go dance?’

  ‘Would you like to?’ Reid asked, squeezing her hand.

  ‘Maybe in a minute.’ Jordan was trying to shake off her mood, while wondering how a word as simple as ‘honey’ could have caused such a jarring backflip from her generally reliable heart.

  ‘Screw that!’ Madi got to her feet and headed across the dancefloor. Both Reid and Jordan watched her approach the DJ and Jordan groaned.

  ‘What’s she up to?’

  ‘She’s talking to Blake, the DJ. Heads up.’

  As she spoke, the current song ended and Blake’s voice filled the pavilion. ‘I have a special request. Get up and dance, Jordy. This one’s just for you.’

  ‘Madi…’ Jordan swore as Madi reappeared and Bon Jovi’s Living On A Prayer began to play. Madi pulled her to her feet and, before Reid’s eyes, she was quickly engulfed in a sea of people. It was three songs later when Jordan managed to squeeze back to Reid through the tight crowd of dancers.

  ‘How are you still here?’ she asked over the loud music.

  ‘There was something on the dancefloor worth watching. So I watched.’

  ‘Uh-huh. Are you my date or what?’ she scolded happily.

  ‘Yes ma’am.’

  ‘So get off your arse, Tallon.’

  ‘Yes ma’am,’ he repeated, and allowed himself to be manoeuvred onto the dance floor.

  It was crowded, loud and energetic. It was completely not his thing. He enjoyed the hell out of it. Too soon, it seemed, there was a lull in the music and it seemed everyone in the pavilion had something to say to Jordan. He again left her to it, happy for the chance to get outside and check with the security he’d quietly hired to watch the cattle.

  ‘Want a beer?’ Madi asked, appearing with two and moving into step with Reid.

  ‘Thanks.’ He noticed her tumble a little and raised his eyebrows. ‘How many have you had?’

  Madi grinned. ‘A few. You enjoying yourself?’


  ‘So where’s Jordy?’

  ‘There seems to be a few hundred people needing to talk to her tonight.’

  ‘Just the usual. I bet she’d rather be talking to you. Hi Dad.’

  Joel appeared in front of them and noted his daughter’s slight sway. ‘Madi, ease up on the alcohol, eh?’

  Madi rolled her eyes but kissed him on the cheek. ‘Yes Dad. I’m going to go find Matt.’

  Joel chuckled as his daughter practically danced away. ‘It’s good to see her happy.’

  ‘Must be, after…’

  ‘Sean? Yeah.’ He sighed. ‘You heading out to check the cattle?’

  ‘I was.’

  ‘Just been over there. Seems someone’s gone and hired a security guard.’

  Reid shrugged. ‘Small investment for peace of mind. I was going to see if he needed a break.’

  ‘I just gave him one. He was talking to Harry when I turned up. He wouldn’t leave until Harry reassured him I was on your side.’

  ‘Then I won’t have to beat him.’

  Joel laughed. ‘Everything’s fine. Why don’t you go find Jordy?’


  It wasn’t difficult to find her and, when he made eye contact, he saw her excuse herself fro
m yet another group of people. ‘Hi handsome.’

  ‘Hi yourself.’ He spun her around to the edge of the dance floor, his arms circling her waist.

  ‘Haven’t you had enough dancing yet?’

  ‘It’s just an excuse to get my arms around you.’

  ‘Oh? Since when have you ever bothered with one?’

  He chuckled, pulled her closer, his hands sliding down to skim the edge of her scooping dress. His fingers lingered at the hemline, lightly caressing the skin of her lower back and making her shiver. ‘Relax,’ he whispered in her ear.

  ‘Nothing about how you’re touching me is intended to make me relax, Reid, and you know it.’ She felt rather than saw his smile, and let her arms slip up around his neck. When his lips brushed her forehead, she turned her head to let it rest against his chest.

  Perfect, she thought. ‘Where’d you go just now?’

  ‘Check the cattle.’

  ‘With Madi?’

  ‘Okay you got me, we’re having an affair.’ His grin increased as Jordan laughed into his shoulder.

  ‘I’ll kill her later.’

  ‘I like it when you play jealous.’

  ‘You’re as delusional as you are conceited.’

  ‘I can be whatever I want — I’m the town hottie. Katrina told me.’

  ‘Undoubtedly she was trying to get you into bed with flattery.’

  ‘That could work.’

  ‘Not if you want me.’ Jordan’s eyes narrowed playfully as she looked up. ‘I don’t share.’

  He stopped dancing, his face immediately and completely serious, his eyes burning with promise. ‘Oh, I want you.’ His words had her heart pounding in her ears; even drawing a breath was suddenly complicated. ‘More than I’ve ever wanted a woman in my life. What do you want, Jordan?’

  She might have been quaking inside, but she met his gaze steadily. ‘I’m here, aren’t I?’

  She watched his eyes impossibly darken, felt his fingers tighten on her waist. They stared at each other, each reading the other as the tension wrapped around them.

  ‘Oh, just kiss her already!’ Carol called impatiently from somewhere over near the tables. It was followed quickly by giggling and laughter.

  ‘Well?’ Reid asked.

  ‘Depends on how much spotlight you can handle.’

  ‘Honey, I figured out much earlier than this that I was going to have to get used to that with you around. They want a show. Let’s time it to the music.’

  She smiled slowly. ‘Just like in the movies, huh?’

  ‘I can handle the odd fairy tale…as long as I get to kiss the princess.’

  As the song lifted to a crescendo into the final chorus, he closed the distance. She was giggling when his mouth descended on hers to the eruption of cheers and whistles.

  Much later, Reid led her out into the clear, warm night. As soon as they were free of the crowds, Jordan used their clasped fingers to pull him around for a slow, intoxicating kiss. ‘I have to say it…you are, as promised, a first-class date.’

  He smiled, but it dropped as his eyes began to simmer. ‘You floored me tonight. I couldn’t breathe when I saw you.’ Cupping her face gently, he ran his thumbs lightly over her cheeks while his eyes roamed over her. The smile returned. ‘I love that I can make you blush.’

  ‘You want me to keep blushing? Keep looking at me like that.’

  ‘It’s a given. Come on, I’ll walk you back.’

  They reached her cabin, and when he didn’t immediately move or take his gaze from her face, she had to ask. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Just looking at you. I can’t get enough of just looking at you.’

  She melted. How was a woman supposed to defend herself against that? Slowly, he lowered his head and touched his lips softly to hers. She leaned in, played with his mouth the same way he played with hers. His hands moved lightly over her body, one sliding around to the base of her neck, caressing, steadying, while the other brushed tantalisingly along the side of her breast, and across her back to bring her closer.

  As he pressed her to him, as she felt his body’s response to her, Jordan’s lazy, flirtatious mood turned with lightning speed to red-hot desire. Her grip on his arms tightened and she kissed him hungrily. Feeling the change, Reid’s own desire erupted, and he pushed her back against the wall, crushing her to him. Needing to be even closer, Jordan sprung up, and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  ‘Jordan…look where we are.’

  ‘Oh…’ Understanding, she simply let go of him with one arm to reach behind her and open the door. They fell in as it gave way and she slid from his waist. He kissed her again, like a man desperate for water, then dragged his mouth from hers, looked down at her with barely restrained desire written all over him.

  ‘Tell me to go,’ he demanded unsteadily.


  Their mouths met again, impatient, feeding on each other’s need. She pushed his jacket from his shoulders, untucked his shirt and shoved her hands underneath, desperate to feel his skin. It was hot, his muscles shuddering under her touch.

  ‘Here, now?’ he asked as he fought to keep himself from ripping her dress from her in one desperate tug.

  ‘Anywhere. Right now,’ she demanded, struggling to speak, kiss and draw breath at the same time.

  Unable any longer to think straight, he dragged her back in. He felt her tremble, heard a quiet gasp, a plea. She ripped at his belt and he tugged at her dress. Everything was fast, furious; hands, mouths, lips, teeth. This was madness, Reid thought, throbbing with need. He possessed more control than this. Even as he thought it, his hand cupped her breast and her moan shot straight to his loins. He felt himself struggling not to explode when her hips ground against his, and desperation overtook reason.

  He fell down with her onto the small air mattress, his mouth ravaging every inch of her, disposing of her remaining scraps of clothing and exposing her beautiful long, lean body. She quivered, whimpered, writhed; as frantic as he was, moving against him, craving the feel of skin against skin. Her movements, the look on her flushed face, in those untamed eyes, took him beyond sanity.

  He moved away just long enough to remove the rest of his clothes and recover a small foil packet from his wallet, then he was back, and she wrapped herself around him, arched up, and when he drove himself inside her she stiffened and, already impossibly aroused, exploded underneath him. Feeling her let go, hearing the cry that tore from her, he took what he wanted, and let himself fly.

  Jordan allowed her eyelids to drift shut on a contented smile, then lazily opened them again when she felt fingers gently brush her hair from her cheek. Reid was looking down at her, his smile a reflection of hers.


  ‘Wow,’ she echoed, her voice little more than a whisper, then her eyes danced wickedly. ‘I hope I didn’t rush you.’

  He chuckled. ‘That was going to be my line.’

  When he shifted, she snuggled in, wrapped her arm around his waist. ‘I’m not letting you go.’

  He kissed the top of her head, tucked her even closer into him. ‘Honey, I’m not going anywhere.’



  Jordan felt the light touch on her shoulder, the warmth of the body against hers and for a moment was disoriented. A small frown crumpled her forehead in thought as she struggled to drag herself out of her dreams.

  ‘Don’t tell me you wake up grumpy.’ Reid’s finger gently traced the faint line between her eyes.

  A slow smile spread over her face as the memory came flooding back, and she opened her eyes, rolled up onto her elbows and looked down at him. ‘Good morning.’

  ‘Back at you.’ He lifted his head to plant a featherlight kiss on her lips. ‘You look beautiful in the morning.’

  She laughed. ‘I’ll bet.’

  Then it hit her. Morning. There was so much to do! She sat up, ready to leap off the mattress, but Reid snatched her hand and pulled her down to him for a longer, slower ki

  ‘Want to tell me about the rush?’

  ‘I have so much to do. My first class is at eight-thirty and I have to wash and blowdry all the cattle this morning. What time is it? If I’m —’

  ‘It’s only five.’

  ‘What? Oh.’

  ‘Joel came past a few minutes ago and said he’d make a start.’

  ‘Joel — oh! He didn’t — you didn’t…’

  Reid’s grin spread. ‘You are truly the most divine creature. I didn’t make a sound. He just knocked, said he was making a start and left.’

  ‘You woke up, I didn’t?’ She frowned, surprised.

  ‘You were sound asleep.’

  ‘Must have been. I should —’

  ‘Not quite yet.’ He nuzzled her shoulder, nipped playfully at her neck. Desire shot through her. She turned her mouth to his, groaning at the instant flood of need that surged into her.

  ‘Reid, I have to…’

  His mouth moved to her breast, and the objection died in her throat. ‘As I remember it, we’re good at fast.’

  When Jordan finally headed out, she found Joel and Matt at the wash bays. ‘Sleep in?’ Joel asked innocently. Only his eyes revealed a wicked sparkle. Matt wiggled his eyebrows.

  Oh, God. So much for thinking they might not have known. Seeing that everything was under control, she muttered something unintelligible and hurried back inside to prepare her bull for his class. Reid met her halfway.

  ‘All good?’

  ‘Ah…yeah. Of course.’ When he lifted his brow in an ‘I’m not buying it’ look, a sheepish smile split her face. ‘Joel…Matt…oh hell.’

  Reid laughed. ‘I guess we didn’t hide our tracks very well.’

  She shook her head and laughed at herself. ‘I don’t have time to worry about this!’

  As she strode past, he snagged her and swung her into his arms, swooping her back for a dramatic kiss.


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