Just His Type (Part Four)

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Just His Type (Part Four) Page 8

by June, Victoria

  "Okay," I agreed, still in shock. "I'll do that."

  Dad gave me a curt, dismissive nod and before he changed his mind and mood, I fled the house.

  The drive out to St. Andrews was longer than I remembered but then the only other time I'd been there I had Matt for company and time tended to fly in his presence. The sea sparkled turquoise beyond the rust colored fields as I drove along the coast. The closer I got to my destination, the more my nervousness edged out. By the time I pulled into the full parking lot at the little church on the end of the peninsula, my insides were shaking.

  I took a few deep breaths. It was already quarter to the hour, so I couldn't very well sit in the truck for much longer. I checked my reflection in the rear-view mirror, reapplied my lipstick, and bolstered my courage.

  Reverend Nate was standing at the open church doors, resplendent in his liturgical robes as he welcomed the guests. I stood quietly at his elbow and waited to get his attention.

  "Welcome to St. Andr..." Nate began, but then he actually looked at me." Flick?"

  I couldn't contain my bubble of laughter.


  He shook his head before he took a step back, looked me up and down, and gave me a very unreverend-like whistle.

  "You look amazing!"

  Some of my nervousness abated under the compliment. "Thank you." I tried to curtsey, but the snugness of my dress didn't spare me much room to move.

  Nate stood there, a little stunned, and I was glad there was no one behind me waiting to enter the church.

  "Its okay, isn't it?" I asked in a whisper. "It's not inappropriate for church?"

  Nate treated me to his warm, rich chuckle. "No, Flick—it's just fine."

  "Thank goodness," I said with a relieved smile. "It's the only dress I own."

  "Well it's a good one," said a deep, slow voice from within the shadow of the church entryway. Joe Tanner stepped out into the sunshine. In his tuxedo he looked like a big black and white wall, topped with a ginger mop of hair. I'd never seen him dressed up before and while he didn't have Matt's good looks, he certainly looked handsome.

  "Ya clean up good, Flick," was all he said.

  I laughed. "You too."

  Joe held out his arm and I took it, feeling very small beside him. We were only a few steps into the building when Chuck appeared. He caught sight of me, put his hand to his chest, and stumbled jokingly back a couple of steps.

  "I must be seeing things," he teased as he approached and bent to brush a kiss on my cheek. "You look wonderful! Like a pixie wearing moonlight."

  I couldn't acknowledge the compliment with anything other than a broad smile.

  Matt's younger brother held out a clear plastic container to me. Inside was nestled a single rose -- huge, lush, and creamy white.

  "I've been told this is for you."

  He popped open the plastic lid and carefully drew the rose out. Then there was an awkward pause as he first studied the corsage and then my strapless dress. His 'uhh' of hesitation made both Joe and I laugh.

  He turned the corsage over. It wasn't rigged with one of those uncomfortable elastics to slip over your wrist. It didn't even have a sharp pin to fasten it to my dress. It was just a beautiful singular rose.

  I reached down and took the flower from his slender hands and then, in a flash of inspiration, tucked it behind my ear. The intoxicatingly delicate scent of rose enveloped me.

  Then, even though I was still on Joe's arm, Chuck presented me with his too. All eyes were on us as I took the short walk down the aisle sandwiched between the two of them.

  There were pews of redheads which had to be Tanners, but other than that everyone in the small, packed church was a stranger.

  "Where is everyone?" I whispered to the guys as they stopped at a pew near the front.

  "The girls are all over at the manse next door, getting ready. Matt's in the vestry with Adam, keeping him company. We thought we'd lend Adam the funny brother to keep him distracted. I think the groom might be a bit nervous," Chuck told me.

  I tried to hide my disappointment. I wanted to see Matt first so I could thank him for the beautiful dress, but before I could say anything to that effect to Chuck and Joe, the woman seated at the piano began to play.

  Joe patted my arm as if he'd read my mind. "Don't worry, you'll see him soon enough."

  Chuck offered me an encouraging smile then gave Joe a little shove towards the front of the church. "Show time."

  Nate took his place at the altar and welcomed us all with a booming voice. The music swelled again and from the side door at the front filed Adam, Joe, Matt, and Chuck. Each was wearing identical tuxedos, each handsome in their own way, but I only had eyes for one of them.

  Matt took his spot between his brothers, his wide hands dutifully clasped in front of him, his dark auburn head bent. Once they were situated, he glanced up at the rest of the church. His gaze met mine and everything around me faded away.

  Matt's cobalt eyes widened and my heart did an odd sort of flip. His dimpled, lopsided grin appeared but this time it came coupled with a heavy-lidded expression I didn't recognize. I almost looked away, feeling confused, but Matt winked at me. It was a familiar expression and made me feel a little more like my usual self. But in a dress.

  Before I could wink in return though, the guests in the church rose from their seats and all heads turned to the rear of the church. The music changed yet again. Sunshine poured in through the stained glass windows, bathing everyone in rainbow-colored light. We all watched as Rhiannon came down the aisle first, carrying little Sophie. The two dark-haired beauties wore matching teal blue and drew admiring murmurs from the crowd.

  Adele appeared next in the same shade of blue, holding a bouquet of fat white roses. She didn't even look around at the guests in the church; she only had eyes for Nate who stood front-and-centre at the altar. I wondered if she was imagining taking this walk as a bride.

  Violet followed, her pretty face alight with an ear-to-ear grin, her own bouquet bobbed as she bounced up the aisle. She saw me out of the corner of her eye as she passed by me and mouthed a private, little 'hello'.

  The guests held their breath when Lilly stepped into the church flanked by her parents. The smile on her face could have lit the darkest night. She smiled so hard her sapphire eyes were little more than squinted slits in her pretty face.

  I can't say I know a lot about wedding dresses but hers was gorgeous, simple and strapless, devoid of any lace or sparkles or bows -- just sumptuous ivory that hugged her curves until it broke into a frothy pool of fabric over her hips and down to the floor. In lieu of a veil a single lush, creamy rose identical to mine sat nestled in the intricate updo of her auburn hair. I glanced down as Lilly glided past. The shoes which peaked out from beneath her gown were teal blue. I smiled. Trust a Tanner to add that last quirky touch.

  Near the altar, the Tanner brothers beamed at their sister. All three wore the same proud and loving expression, but the attention shifted to Adam as Lilly took her last few steps down the aisle.

  Adam always looked handsome, but in a tuxedo he looked like a movie star stepped down from the screen. His broad shoulders filled the jacket out to perfection and almost all his tattoos were covered by the collar and cuffs of his pristine white shirt. Unlike the Tanner men, Adam's tie and waistcoat weren't teal blue, but were perfect snowy white. He was a gorgeous study in stark black and white. Except for his eyes. From feet away I could still make out the stunning shade of emerald. I expected to see his signature cocky smile, but there was none of that as Lilly approached. His bottom lip quivered. The Adam Brooks I'd come to know was nothing like the stock-still and awed groom at the altar.

  Joe leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Adam swallowed hard and nodded.

  Then without speaking a word, Lilly's father led her up the two steps to the altar and handed her over to Adam and the ceremony began.

  Nate's smooth voice echoed off the rafters of the small church, wrapp
ing us all in a spell of wonder as he spoke of the miracle of love.

  "I've performed a lot of weddings over the years," Nate confided just before the vows began. "Twenty-two to be exact. Some of the couples have been parishioners of mine, some strangers. A few have even become friends after the fact, but I've never been privileged enough to be in the position I'm in today, for today I'm marrying two dear friends."

  "There can be no greater honor than being asked by your best friend to perform his wedding..." Nate smiled at Adam and then over at Lilly. "... except perhaps the honor of marrying your best friend. The moment that Adam first told me about Lilly, I suspected that someday soon I would be standing here doing just this, and I confess I've never been happier to be right."

  Nate approached the couple and put his hands over their clasped hands. "Ready?" I heard him whisper to the two of them. Lilly and Adam nodded in unison.

  Nate raised his head, smiled at the guests gathered in the church and began.

  "Lilly Frances Tanner do you take Adam Reginald Brooks to be your lawfully wedded husband? In health and in sickness, in times of prosperity and in times of want, through joy and through sorrow, until death parts you?"

  I noticed Lilly shaking as she said, "I do," in a wobbly voice... Her happy smile was damp with the tears that rolled over her cheeks.

  "Adam Reginald Brooks do you take Lilly Frances Tanner to be your lawfully wedded wife? In health and in sickness, in times of prosperity and in times of want, through joy and through sorrow, until death parts you?"

  For a moment there was silence and then Adam, whose handsome face had remained expressionless through the entire ceremony, broke into a wide smile.

  "I do."

  I couldn't tear my eyes from the couple standing so proudly at the altar. It was magical watching something so monumental happen right in front of me.

  Joe handed Nate a small box. Nate opened it and passed Lilly a ring. She took Adam's hand.

  "With this ring I take you as my own; my helpmate, my protector, my husband," Lilly managed to get out as she slid the golden band onto Adam's finger.

  Nate handed Adam a ring too. Adam took Lilly's hand, raised it to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles. Every woman in the room sighed aloud, myself included.

  "With this ring I take you as my own; my helpmate, my treasure, my wife."

  A profound silence passed before Nate clasped both the bride's and groom's shoulders.

  "Well then," Nate continued with warmth and joy in his voice. "There's nothing left for me but to say, much more proudly than you can possibly imagine, that by power vested in me by God, the church I serve in His name, and the laws of this good province, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Adam, you may kiss your beautiful bride."

  Lilly rose on her tiptoes as Adam wrapped his arms around her. Tears rained down her face until Adam reached up, still in the midst of their kiss, and wiped them away.

  Everyone came to their feet and exploded into applause. I couldn't hear Adam speak over the din, but I recognized the three words he said to Lilly as his mouth moved just an inch from her lips.

  "I love you," he told her.

  Just then I glanced past the newlyweds to Matt. Unlike everyone else in the church he wasn't watching Adam and Lilly; he was focused on me.

  It was in that moment that I knew exactly what I wanted and I knew I'd risk anything for it. Anything for the chance that Matt would look at me even a fraction of the way Adam looked at Lilly.

  Then the music began again and all at once everyone was moving. Lilly and Adam floated down the aisle, followed by the Tanners, Rhiannon, and Adele. I tried to slip out from my pew just behind them, but I got caught up in the melee of wedding guests. The crowd carried me down the aisle and out into the late afternoon sunshine. Although I caught glimpses of Matt through the crush, I couldn't get to him.

  Just as I was about to reach out and touch his sleeve, Mrs. Tanner swooped in and herded the bride, groom, and wedding party into a waiting limousine.

  I pulled my hand back, disappointed and bereft. The other guests began to disperse, climbing to their own vehicles, leaving me alone and unsure on the front steps of St. Andrews.

  "Are you lost?" asked a voice over my shoulder. I turned around to find Reverend Nate smiling at me.

  "A little," I admitted. "I've never been to a wedding before. Now what?"

  Nate's brown eyes sparkled. "Now we party. You are coming to the reception aren't you?"

  "I guess so."

  Nate swept down the church stairs and took my arm. "Of course you are," he reassured me. "It'll give you a chance to kick back, relax, and dance your pretty little feet off."

  His enthusiasm was contagious.

  "I've just got to change and lock up," he said as he led me back inside. "And seeing as we've been abandoned by a certain bridesmaid and a certain groomsman, we can carpool out to the farm together if you want."

  "Won't we be late?" I asked as Nate sat me in the front pew.

  "Nah. The wedding party has snuck off to do pictures with photographer. They'll be at least an hour, if not more. Adam assured me there would be appetizers and entertainment to keep everyone busy in the interim."

  Nate slipped into the vestry, only to appear minutes later in khaki dress pants and a pale blue shirt. He fumbled with his tie as he crossed to meet me.

  "Presentable?" he asked as he held out his arms so I could inspect him.

  "I think a certain bridesmaid would approve." The way his face changed at the mere thought of Adele was adorable.

  I followed him through the church as he closed windows and tidied pews. Then he held open the door for me. I waited as he locked up behind us.

  Only Nate's car and my truck remained in the parking lot.

  "Yours or mine?"

  Nate chuckled. "Better take mine. I loaded up the guitar and a few other things I might need earlier."

  "So what's the equipment for?" I asked as we settled into his car and began the drive out to the Tanner's farm. "Are you playing the guitar for us tonight?"

  He grinned over at me. "Perhaps... you never know. I like to be prepared. Actually, Adam's asked me to play the piano for his first dance with Lilly, as a surprise for her."

  "Really?" I sighed. "That's so sweet. What are you going to play?"

  Nate wiggled his eyebrows. "So glad you asked."

  A CD stuck out of the player on the dashboard. He pushed it in and hit a few buttons. I laughed as a familiar melody filled the small car.

  "Simon and Garfunkel? Adam doesn't seem the type."

  Nate's laughter joined mine. "How well do you know it?"

  "Every word," I admitted with a shy smile. "I love this song."

  "Will you sing it with me tonight?"

  I gasped and looked over, hoping to find that Nate was joking. "In front of everybody?"

  "Yes, in front of everybody. Lilly would love it. It could be your gift to her and Adam."

  I bit my bottom lip as I thought it over.

  "You're ready, Flick." His voice was like a gentle nudge. "You have an amazing voice. You should share it."

  It would be nice to do something for Lilly and Adam on their wedding day in return for their kindness in welcoming me into the fold. Besides, I just realized I hadn't bought them a gift, not that I could afford one even if I had remembered. My voice would have to be gift enough.

  "Can we practice it once or twice?" I asked before I chickened out completely.

  "Sure." Nate hit the 'back' button on the CD player and the old tune began again.

  We got to sing the song four more times before we rounded the familiar bend near the Tanner farm. With every run-through I felt my confidence grow. Nate gave me a few little tips, but he mostly had nothing but praise for my fledgling attempts.

  Cars lined the roads and laneway down to the farm. After we found an empty spot and parked, Nate grabbed his guitar and as we ambled down the lane he regaled me with the tale of Rhiannon and Joe's shotgun wedding
a little more than a year earlier.

  A huge white tent took up a large portion of the Tanner's yard. Pastel colored paper lanterns hung from the trees as white clad tables and chairs spilled out from the tent onto the lawn. Music floated up to greet us and there were flowers everywhere—lush beds of pinks and purples bordered the house and the tree-line and huge bouquets graced the tables. We had walked into in the most enchanting garden in the world.

  Guests mingled and clutched elegant flutes of pale pink champagne while servers moved through the crowd with trays laden with appetizers.

  Nate whistled under his breath.


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