Alien Comfort Women: The Complete Bundle

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Alien Comfort Women: The Complete Bundle Page 3

by S. L. Hadley

  For a second, Nadia thought she planned to attack the creature or try and shove it back up inside her. Instead, the woman’s fingers settled atop her clit and began to roughly tease the swollen button.

  Unable to look away, Nadia gasped in disbelief and felt her cheeks go red. The woman’s cries, once pained, now contained a lusty, unmistakable eagerness.

  Despite everything, Nadia couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

  So jealous, in fact, that it wasn’t until she felt the wetness against her fingertips that Nadia realized she’d begun to mimic the woman’s erotic activities. Yanking her hand up from between her legs, she forced herself to close her eyes.

  “Stop it,” she muttered. “Focus!”

  It was easier said than done. The woman’s aroused cried continued unabated, leaving Nadia all too aware of the aching emptiness between her own legs. It wouldn’t be long, certainly no more than a couple of weeks, until she’d have the chance to birth her own brood and—

  Shit. Just… stop!

  With a grating sound, the door to the harem chamber began to open. At once, the spell was broken and Nadia’s instincts returned to her. She waited, holding her breath and pressing herself painfully hard into the relatively shadowed protection the corner offered.

  After a brief delay, the Coleos entered. Though it was unmistakably a drone, she had no way of knowing whether it was the one that had impregnated her. Not that it would have mattered; she was escaping, not fighting.

  She waited until the alien had passed her and she was safely hidden from its sight then cautiously crept to the edge of the doorway. Her lungs began to burn, but she couldn’t risk taking a breath. If the creature’s pheromones hit her full-force, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

  The hallway was empty and, heart pounding, Nadia slipped around the corner. She thought about glancing back to hopefully share one last glance with Card, but knew she couldn’t spare the time. Besides, he would understand.

  Only once she was safely a dozen meters from the room did Nadia release the air from her lungs. She tried to do so quietly, taking shallow, silent breaths. To her relief, there was no cloud of pheromones waiting for her. Her mind remained clear. If anything, it felt sharper than it had in days.

  The hallway she’d entered continued on for what looked like miles, lit with nothing but the same blue bioluminescent stone she was used to. Good God, how was she ever going to find an exit? It wasn’t just the scale of the place that worried her. Every ten meters or so, an unmarked tunnel led off in either direction, giving her the impression she was trapped in some sort of otherworldly maze. And down any one of those tunnels, there could be hundreds or thousands of Coleos waiting for her.

  Swallowing hard, Nadia set off at a stealthy trot. At first, progress was slow. She paused constantly, peering down the tunnels at each intersection in search of anything that might be an alien or an exit. But, after walking what must have been a half-mile, she felt her caution begin to fade.

  Nothing. Nothing at all, except an endless series of tunnels, all dimly blue.

  Gritting her teeth, Nadia continued to walk. She was going to die in here. The idea grew more and more pronounced in her mind as the minutes passed. There was no exit and certainly no way for her to find her way back to the harem chamber. Centuries from now, some Coleos archeologist was going to find her crumbling skeleton tucked away in some corner.

  Good. Better to die than to wind up as nothing but a mindless baby factory for the enemy.

  Nadia was so distracted with the notion of her own upcoming martyrdom that she nearly collided with the Coleos. She caught herself just in time, hurling herself to the side and trying to blend into the wall.

  It didn’t work. The drone paused, then turned and looked directly at her with its six black, bulbous eyes.

  Nadia ran back the way she’d come but she’d barely taken a step when the alien roared. Stumbling, she glanced over her shoulder at the beast. It wasn’t pursuing.

  But, as it turned out, it didn’t need to.

  Drones poured from the tunnels ahead of her. Where in the world had they come from? Those hallways had been deserted moments earlier. Cursing, she veered to the right, sprinting down the first vacant tunnel she saw.

  More Coleos emerged ahead and she zigzagged again. Yet more drones appeared. Slowing to a defeated walk, Nadia looked around.

  She was surrounded. Drones approached from every direction, crowding the tunnels in absolute silence. They slowed as they drew near, then stopped and watched her. The only movement was that of their atrophied front claws, which wriggled eagerly as though anticipating the chance to tear into her flesh.

  “Fuck you!” Nadia screamed. She extended both arms, rotating slowly in a circle as she aimed an obscene gesture at every assembled alien. “Just do it! Kill me already, you bastards!”

  Still, the drones did not move. There must have been dozens of them, all watching her quietly.

  Then, the ground shook. It was a faint, almost unnoticeable tremor. At least at first. Then, with each passing second, there came another aftershock, each stronger than the last.

  Nadia’s heart, already beating frantically at the prospect of her imminent death, began to beat yet faster.

  At first, she mistook the beast for part of the tunnel. It was massive, nearly twice as tall as the drones, and it had to stoop to fit in the tunnel at all. The only thing that distinguished its armored exoskeleton from the rocky walls at all was the lack of luminescence. As it neared, the drones scrambled out of its path. One failed to move quickly enough and was crushed beneath an enormous, taloned hoof. It died silently, shell cracked and spined limbs quivering in the puddle of goo that had once been its body.

  The beast growled, the sound rumbling through the tunnel like an approaching train. Leaning in, it cocked its enormous fanged maw to examine her. The enormous eyes were yellow, slit-pupiled, and the size of a softball. Staring into them, Nadia was overcome by a sudden awareness of her own insignificance. The alien watching her was ancient; centuries were meaningless to it. And how much less so was she, a puny lifeform barely in its second decade?

  The Hivelord roared, breath washing over her like a hurricane wind. The air was hot, humid, and carrying a putrid scent that reminded her of rotting meat.

  Nadia felt something warm and wet trickling down the inside of her thigh, but was so distracted by the terrifying entity before her to realize she’d pissed herself. She tried to back away, but her legs didn’t seem to be working. They gave out a second later, dropping her to the ground. She remained there, trembling and unable to look away from the alien before her.

  The Hivelord inched closer, opening its maw once more. This time, the only reaction Nadia could muster was a quiet whimper. This was it. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

  Rather than the agony of fanged teeth tearing into her, Nadia felt something soft and damp brush her neck and shoulders. She continued to wait. But, as the seconds passed and her death did not arrive, she nervously cracked open a single eye.

  The Hivelord’s chin rested nearly on the ground, just in front of her. But, rather than biting, it kept its mouth ajar. A mass of tentacles lay on either side of its beaked mandibles, giving it the appearance of some Lovecraftian monstrosity. And it was those tentacles that now explored her upper body.

  Part of her wanted to shy away, but fear kept her motionless. Was the beast tasting her? Savoring the flavor of her fear in anticipation of its meal? Or was it simply curious? Was it possible she might actually make it out of here alive?

  Two of the tentacles ensnared her wrists suddenly, making her yelp. They rose, dragging her to her feet, then off the ground entirely. More tentacles grasped her ankles, her neck, and her thighs. Nadia’s trembling grew worse as she found herself suspended above the creature’s maw. Was it planning to devour her one limb at a time? She could hardly imagine a worse fate.

  “Just do it,” she whispered, though she doubted the Hivelord could hear,
much less understand her. “Get it over with.”

  Perhaps it was merely her imagination, but the alien almost seemed to pause. The remaining tentacles ceased to writhe about her body, though the ones holding her aloft didn’t loosen. Again, the Hivelord let out a rumbling growl.

  Then it exhaled.

  Again, the hot and humid breath blew across Nadia’s skin. Only, this time, the smell wasn’t nearly as foul. If anything, it had taken on an almost floral aroma. She sniffed in confusion, inhaling deeply in an attempt to place the familiar scent.

  Immediately, over the course of barely five seconds, her heartbeat slowed. Fear bled from her, replaced by contentment and relief.

  The pheromones. Of course.

  The sensation was so powerful that Nadia didn’t stand a chance of resisting it. The most she could manage was a mild, intellectual amusement as she went limp in the Hivelord’s grasp. Of course it would have such an ability. If a mere drone could overwhelm her resistance, how could she have hoped to resist the persuasive might of a Coleos commander?

  Despite her earlier panic, Nadia even began to smile as the Hivelord’s tentacles spun her about. She studied the faces of the gathered drones. And, for the first time, she almost thought she could perceive a hint of emotion on their alien faces. She blinked in surprise, looked again, and felt her smile widen. It was there.

  Jealousy. The drones were actually jealous. How was it possible?

  She didn’t have time to consider the matter. An audible crack split the air, followed a split-second later by a searing pain that lanced across her backside. Tears filling her eyes, Nadia tried to spin but the Hivelord held her fast. Eventually, she managed to wriggle enough to peer over her shoulder—just in time to see another of the tentacles whip through the air and deliver a ferocious smack to her ass.

  Nadia cried out in pain, mind racing. The Coleos was spanking her? Punishing her? For what, trying to escape?

  Another spank followed and Nadia yelped, face burning nearly as red as her rear. Several more followed in quick succession, leaving her eyes brimming with tears. It was humiliating. She was an adult, a soldier, and she was being disciplined by her captors as though she was nothing but a disobedient child!

  And, to make matter worse, it was working.

  No matter how she struggled, Nadia had no way of freeing herself. As the spanking continued, the sensation progressed from simply painful to unbearable. Her ass felt as though it was on fire and the discomfort soon surpassed anything she’d experienced throughout her military training.

  “Let me go!” she pleaded, thrashing as another agonizing blow fell. Tears leaked down her cheeks, splashing against the ground several meters below. “Please…!”

  The Hivelord rumbled again, the vibration traveling through its tentacles and into Nadia’s core. Once more, it exhaled a lungful of sweet-scented pheromones.

  Nadia’s struggles ceased immediately and the pain of her battered rear subsided significantly. She let out a shaky sigh of relief.

  Why was she still fighting? How had she missed the truth of things? She deserved this! The Hivelord was disciplining her like a child because that was what her youthful rebellion deserved! She was destined to be a mother and yet she was behaving like an adolescent. She ought to be thankful for the reprimand!

  Sniffling, Nadia blinked away tears as she examined the drones before her. Suddenly, it all made sense. That was why they were jealous! The Hivelord’s attention was a sign of how valued she was! They were insignificant; she was precious enough to be personally spanked by an exalted one!

  And, boy, was she ever going to rub it in.

  “Do it!” Nadia urged the Coleos. “Punish me! More!”

  Without any hesitation, another of the Hivelord’s tentacles slapped her powerfully across the ass. Nadia groaned, gritting her teeth and savoring the burning ache. She wanted more, wanted to be reminded of how powerless she truly was.

  “More!” she demanded. “Harder!”

  Another blow fell, hard enough to drive the air from her lungs. Nadia cried out, squirming. She’d never thought of herself as particularly kinky, but something about being manhandled by the immense creature left her desperate to be filled. Maybe, if she was extra obedient, she’d be allowed to service a few of the drones before they returned her to her room. The very idea sent a pleasant thrill shivering through her clit.

  Toes curling, she waited for the next blow.

  It never came. In fact, a few of the tentacles even loosened their grasp, if only a little.

  No! Was it over already?

  “What are you doing?” Nadia begged. “More! Please!”

  One of the Hivelord’s tentacles slowly slithered up her leg, silencing her protests. She gasped, heart racing as it continued higher, easing past her arousal-slickened folds. Was it planning to satisfy her like the drone had? The tentacle might not have had the girth of a Coleos’ phallus, but it had already proven versatile enough.

  Apparently not. The tentacle moved even higher, past Nadia’s waist, between her breasts, until it dangled inches from her face. There it stayed, swaying slightly like a charmed cobra. Then, as she watched, the pointed tip slowly parted, peeling back like foreskin to reveal a small, quarter-sized mouth. Not that it resembled any mouth she’d ever seen. There were no teeth, nor a tongue, merely a fleshy pink hole that seemed to serve no apparent purpose.

  But, as the tentacle-mouth inched closer and pressed itself to her cheek, Nadia immediately grasped the significance. The mouth clung to her where it brushed the skin, like the octopus suction cup it so resembled. It made her skin burn and tingle, eliciting a groan as it pulled free.

  Slowly, two more tentacles rose to sway before her eyes, each peeling back to reveal another sucker-mouth. The sight made Nadia’s mouth water and she squirmed in anticipation.

  “Please!” she whispered. “Oh, please! Please!”

  The anticipation grew and grew until it was only the tentacles around her wrists and ankles that kept Nadia from taking matters into her own hands. With slowness that could only have been deliberate, the tendrils in front of her slowly wrapped themselves around her body. One eased its way along her collar, over her shoulder, and down her spine while the others slowly encircled her breasts. Those two squeezed delicately, the careful pressure making Nadia’s eyes roll with delight as she thrust out her chest against them. The sucker-mouths teased her, tracing the sensitive edges of her areolas. Each time they began to stick, the Hivelord moved on, never quite giving her the stimulation she so desperately desired. Meanwhile, the tentacle travelling down her back looped round, between her legs, grinding against the outer petals of her defenseless womanhood with all the deliberateness of a lover.

  Nadia writhed, so aroused she thought she might go mad from waiting.

  “Do it!” she pleaded. “Please, I can’t stand it!”

  At once, all three sucker-mouths grabbed ahold of their targets. Nadia squealed, tensing as though electrified. The simultaneous pressure on her nipples and clit was so magnificent after everything that had happened, she couldn’t help herself. She shuddered, struggling to breathe normally. Though it was difficult to judge accurately, she instinctively felt as though the slightest additional stimulation would be enough to drive her over the edge.

  She was partially wrong. As another stinging blow landed on her already aching backside, she merely gasped. With the pleasure surging through her from the front, it was virtually impossible to feel the pain. Everything blurred together in her lust-fueled mind, leaving her thoughts hazy and muddled.

  But, as a pair of tentacles slithered up her thighs toward her sex, Nadia’s thoughts reasserted themselves in dramatic fashion. The first plunged into her dripping snatch, thrusting and wriggling as if unaware of how tightly she was already clenched around it. The other lined itself up against a slightly less orthodox orifice, but drove inward with equal abandon. Fortunately, its natural lubrication was sufficient to ease the entry.

  That did
n’t stop Nadia from screeching like an animal as she was penetrated, though.

  “Oh, God,” she groaned. It was all she had time for before the sensations overwhelmed her.

  Shuddering, Nadia came. Her voice became a keening wail as her insides clenched down around both tentacles. They continued to thrust, stretching and teasing her entrances as she rode the mind-numbing pleasure of her climax. The bliss was so intense that she didn’t even feel the tentacles that continued to rain down vicious blows against her abused rear. Instead, all she was conscious of was the delicious pressure of being filled, along with the tingling suction the Hivelord’s other tentacles provided.

  As she gradually came down from her ecstatic high, Nadia became aware that something had changed. The Hivelord’s tentacles had ceased to move inside her. She prayed it was simply giving her time to recover, but her fears proved founded a moment later as the immense creature slowly deposited her back onto the ground. The suction-mouths abandoned first her nipples, then her clit, the latter making her flinch reflexively. Then, with a wet, slurping noise, the twin tentacles slipped free of her thoroughly bred holes.

  “What?” she protested. “That’s it?”

  The cool, stone floor of the tunnel felt remarkably good against her sore backside, but it didn’t stop her from trying—and failing—to stand. Her legs shook too much to support her, so she simply propped herself up with her arms and stared at the Hivelord. The air still smelled of flowers.

  “Just one? Is that all you’ve got?”

  The second she’d spoken, Nadia knew she’d made a mistake. The Hivelord growled, then roared. Clapping her hands over her ears, she found herself flat on her back again.

  Apparently satisfied, the Hivelord turned to go.

  The drones did not.

  As she sat back up, Nadia glanced around. She counted at least twenty drones, the phallic tentacle of each extended and straining in her direction. Their soulless, alien eyes still blazed with jealousy. Swallowing hard, she debated for a second whether she ought to be excited or scared by the prospect.


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