Immortal Transition

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Immortal Transition Page 15

by K J Carr

  They feel me. El spoke up finally. I had forgotten that she had woken me up. I will admit, I jumped a little when she started speaking this time. Please don’t speak aloud when talking to me. I think if they hear you talking to yourself, they will think you are mentally unwell.

  Perhaps I was. I mean, El was now inside my head?

  We need to speak more about this, El. I warned.

  Indeed, we will. Later, though. She disappeared again in my mind.

  I looked back at the men.

  “Where did you just go?” Ridwan asked, curious.

  “What? Oh, I was just thinking. I mean, a year? What does that even mean?”

  Enoch shook his head. “We don’t know. No one can guess, except…”

  His pause was so long, I started to think he wasn’t going to continue.

  I waved a hand at him, impatiently. “Go on.”

  He sighed. “Rumors are that when a Transition goes on for as long as yours does, it is special. You have jump up into the higher echelons. It also signals a need for us, since it generally only happens when a major war or some sort of massive change will occur.”

  I had jumped over Enoch in terms of levels? Ha! Bet that burned his goat. Still, this thing about massive change or a major war was a tad frightening. And the fact I perhaps was heralding it in? I so didn’t want to be blamed for something bad happening!

  “Who is the last one that had this long of a transition time? I would like to speak with him or her. Given the fact you are all immortal, they have to be still around somewhere.”

  No one would meet my eyes. Not one of them.

  “Hey! I am not feeling warm and fuzzy here, guys!”

  Inias was the one this time to answer. “That person is not still with us, Nica. We are not quite sure what had happened to them. They either have disappeared, or they were killed during the final battle, giving us the win. No one really knows. There are no signs of what happened to them.”

  Oh, El’noviria. We so needed to talk.

  Chapter 22

  The guys left me alone to get dressed after I had reassured them that I really was okay, but that I would still get checked out by their doctor once I had a shower. I mean, seriously. I wasn’t leaving this room without a shower because after finding out I had been out for a year? I so didn’t want to smell my arm pits.

  After they had left, I pushed the covers off and slid my legs over the side. Standing is something I have been doing for sixty-five… no, sixty-six years. It shouldn’t be hard, right?

  I almost hit the floor on my first attempt. My legs were as wobbly as a newborn foal’s. Perhaps I should have had one of them stay with me until I was sure I could stand okay. I thought about calling them, but my stubbornness kicked in.

  A year in a coma was not going to get the better of me. Besides, I felt great. More than great.

  I felt like an old woman who needed her walker, but it was no where in site. I shuffled my way to the bathroom using the furniture and walls to help me get there. Luckily, my legs began to remember how to move the more I used them.

  While the bathroom was large, the shower was an enclosed one. I didn’t have to climb into a tub, but just walk into the enclosure. There even was a bench to sit on, so I didn’t have to stand for the whole time. Someone had thought this through for Transitioners coming out of their sleep.

  I showered in silence, thinking back to what the guys had said. As I shampooed my hair, I decided it was time to talk with El. Hopefully, the sound of the water would hide our conversation, since it just seemed weird to only talk in my head. Talking out loud made more sense to me.


  You don’t have to speak out loud to me, Nica. El’s voice sounded amused.

  I rolled my eyes, almost getting the shampoo in them. I quickly rinsed off my face. “I know; it just feels easier for me.” I paused as I rinsed my hair and then started to condition it. “Tell me your side of things. Why am I talking to you telepathically, while not in the Void? How are you part of me now?”

  El sighed. I am not sure how you are going to take this, Nica.

  “Just tell me.” My voice rose in volume and I glanced around. I hoped if anyone was listening, they thought I was singing badly. “Seriously, I have already lost one year. I really don’t need to lose any more time because you are beating around the bush.”

  El was silent for a few moments. I was almost about to berate her when she hesitantly started talking. We are merged.

  “What?” I hissed, my hands pausing in my hair. “Did you say merged?”

  Yes, I did.

  El was quiet for a few more heart beats as I rinsed out the conditioner and started to wash my body.

  Huh. Things sure had changed there. I mean, I felt much more toned and muscular than I had before. I kept running my hands over my body, amazed at how it felt. My stomach had lost all extra fat around the middle and was showing some definition, while my legs looked long and strong, the muscles moving smoothly when I stepped around in the glass enclosure. I guess there were a few good things about becoming Tennin.

  And my skin! Wow, it was soft. The skin color as well had changed. It used to be a medium brown, but it now looked to be a light honey brown.

  I caught sight of my hair, that was lying wet against my shoulder. That too had changed. My curly hair had what appeared to be lavender highlights – faint, but still there. Interesting. I was curious to see what it would look like when dried.

  Then what El had said registered.

  “What does this merged thing mean, exactly?” I wasn’t really paying full attention, still more focused on how my body moved now.

  At your time of death and transition, I merged with your soul. We always were two sides of the same soul, with different personalities. We now are one. You are a part of me, like I am a part of you.

  Well, that stopped me. “You are not my soul mate, El.” That I was sure of.

  I think you are thinking that I am not a twin flame, which I am not. No. I am more of a soul companion. El paused. We are connected and very similar, working for the same goals. We are more like pieces of the same soul, that were separated and now are combined again.

  I thought about that. I had always felt an affinity for El, even though I was annoyed because I knew she was hiding things from me. Still, not that much connection. For some reason, I didn’t think her explanation explained things enough.

  I stepped out of the shower and wiped down my body, enjoying the feel of the soft towel against my skin. I wrapped it around me and then took another to pat the excess water from my curls. Standing up, I wrapped that one around my head and then cleared the mirror of steam. Leaning forward, I studied my face.

  “What the…!” My eyes were not brown anymore! They were more of a dark purple, almost looking black! And at times, there were sparkles that seemed to move through them. Really weird. I leaned closer. But I must admit, kind-of cool.

  You have the eyes of a Power.

  I continued to study my eyes, turning my face to catch them in different lights. “A Power?”

  Yes. It would be said that we are the bearers of conscience, the warrior angels. We opposed evil spirits and oversee the distribution of power among mankind.

  “Seriously?” I stepped away from the mirror. “Well, that will suck for Achilah.” I mumbled.

  Indeed. El’s voice definitely sounded amused.

  I thought for a moment and then brightened. “So, do I have wings?”

  You do.

  And with that, El pulled my wings out from my shoulder blades. They were magnificent — a base color of white with multi-colored feathers interspersed, almost looking like the Void itself if it had been on a white background.

  You cannot show your real wings yet, Nica. They cannot know that you are more than they are at this time.

  What was so different from the Tennin wings? I looked closer. I couldn’t tell. Then again, I didn’t care right now. Still, if the Tennin could tell, I would then
do what she said.

  I stretched out my wings, watching how the light played across the feathers. The feathers intensified and reflected the light. Light was my friend. I thought my wings were gorgeous.

  They were also heavy. And I was not used to having wings. I felt them drooping, the tips touching the floor.

  You have been asleep for a long time, Nica. You will need to build your strength. But for now, you should put them away.

  “How do I do that?” My voice was faint.


  I thought of them folding into my back. And like that, they disappeared.

  “Wow. Just wow.”

  I stumbled out of the bathroom and fell onto the bed, barely staying in a sitting position. I was hungry, but I didn’t think I could walk very far. Playing with my wings was tiring. In fact, all I wanted to do right now was go back to sleep.

  “How can I hide my wings from the Tennin if they are different from theirs?” I closed my eyes, just for the moment.

  I will provide an illusion that they will see instead of your real wings.

  El’s voice was fainter.

  “What is so different about mine?”

  We will talk about them later, Nica. For now, you need to get up, get dressed and go eat. Or else your trainers will be back in here to check on you.

  I grumbled, but sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

  Chapter 23

  My tiredness drew me down towards sleep, but I fought it. I needed food. Energy. I also needed to get some idea of what had happened while I was sleeping before I could sleep again. Particularly with Marcus and Kaitie.

  As I prepared to go find some food, a force of nature hit me so hard I was barely able to stay standing, knocking me into a nearby wall. Something was wrapped around my knees. Looking down, I saw T’Koran had his face hidden between my legs, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I slid down the wall to be more at his height and he jumped into my arms.

  Nica! TK wrapped his arms around my neck. I didn’t realize how much I had missed him until that moment. I felt guilty that I hadn’t thought much about him, but his bond was a comforting presence in the back of my mind, so I knew he was okay, at least physically.

  “TK! How are you buddy?” I didn’t want to squeeze him too tight but knew I needed to show him a little love. His head snuggled into my collarbone, and I could smell his musty fur, not pleasant, but not unpleasant either. Underneath the musty smell was a hint of peppermint, which intrigued me, until he pulled his arms tighter around my throat.

  “Hey, TK!” I squeaked, trying to pull my head back. “Not so tight.” I laughed as his arms released a little, his head coming up.

  I wasn’t sure you were going to wake up, Nica. I looked into his silvery cat-like eyes, the slit pupils seeming weird yet familiar, so much a part of him.

  “Yeah, I have been hearing that a lot.” I grumbled, smiling. “I didn’t think it would take so long to transition, but I really had no control over it. Geez, a year, TK. That is unbelievable.”

  One of his little hands came up and patted my cheek, gently. It’s because you are special, Nica. You are the Warrior. His eyes look so serious.

  “Well, I don’t know anything about that warrior bit, but you are special too, you know.”

  I kissed his brow and something inside of me thought ‘Mine’. El perked up, a little confused, as was I. I mean, he was my friend and had helped me the most, but I didn’t recognize this feeling of joy of having him with me here now. It felt almost like a piece of me had clicked into place. Weird.

  I yawned, my mouth almost hurting from how wide it stretched. “Hey, buddy, I need food and a nap. Want to come with me?”

  Yep, not going to think about anything like things clicking into place in my soul right now. Particularly about a daemon who only hit mid-thigh on me. Besides, the feeling wasn’t one of lust or desire; it was more like he was mine to protect and watch over. Family, but more than that.

  I frowned. It was hard to understand. I would just have to think of it later after getting more sleep.

  TK scrambled off me and I stood up slowly, shaking my hair back. It had almost dried, the curls bouncing into large twists. I stopped and pulled a handful of strands forward. What the hey? My dark curls had little bits of a slightly lighter purple showing up in the strands, light enough that if one looked closely, they could see the difference from the dark brown strands. It almost looked like I had put a dark lavender highlight dye in my hair, like some of the younger people I used to work with did.

  “El? What is this?”

  Interesting. Well, that was not an answer. More like a deflection.

  “Why did my hair change color?” I moved to a mirror to look more closely at it. There were definitely different shades of purple hiding between my natural dark brown one. If I looked close enough, a pinkish color also seemed to appear, albeit those were few.

  My answer came from a surprising corner.

  You are still transitioning, Nica. TK turned and walked to the door, not quite looking at me.

  “What?” I turned and stared at him.

  There was a loud sigh in my head.

  You are still transitioning. We are not yet truly integrated, nor have you come completely into your power yet. For you, this state is just a mid-way point. I am afraid this is my fault. Your hair has taken on an aspect of my physical state.

  “Your physical state? Because you are a being of the Void, El?”

  I could feel her nod, which was weird because I couldn’t see her, being as she was in my head.

  I realized I had talked out loud and I glanced down at TK. He was just staring back at me, waiting patiently by the door. It didn’t seem he was surprised I was carrying on a conversation with myself. I wondered if his bond gave him access to El in my head.

  TK snorted.

  I guess it probably did, since according to her, she was me…a part of me…a part of my soul…. Ugh!

  This was getting to be way too much for now. I could feel a headache forming. I needed caffeine, food and sleep, preferably in that order.

  “What does this have to do with my hair?” I walked to the door, opening it so that TK and I could move into the hallway.

  Nothing and everything.

  El then disappeared in my mind. Obviously, that was the last she was going to say about it. I grumbled in frustration.


  It wasn’t hard to find the kitchen. I just had to follow my nose. Something rich and beefy was cooking and the smell made my stomach grumble.

  The house was large, and I had to walk basically to the other side of it, but it appeared to be a ranch, so I didn’t have to traverse levels. I passed many closed doors, which I assumed were either bedrooms, bathrooms, or offices, being as this was a Tennin property. At one point, I crossed a large comfortable living room, complete with a large television and a fireplace, but by then I was so hungry and the smell of food so enticing, that I barely noticed anything when I almost ran through it.

  I slowed down as I walked into the large kitchen. The room was roomy and bright, with miles of granite counter space to use for cooking, as well as a huge butcher block table made of oak sitting over to the side, in front of floor to ceiling windows. There was an island separating the cooking area from the eating one, with at least six stools tucked up underneath it. The walls were painted a warm yellow and I felt comfortable in the room immediately.

  Ridwan was standing at the stove, stirring something that smelled delicious. He looked up and smiled at me.


  My stomach chose that time to growl even louder. He laughed.

  “Guess that is a yes. Sit down.”

  I sat at the table and he brought me a large bowl of rich, hot stew. I could see the chunks of beef in a thick gravy, with carrots, peas, onions and potatoes swimming in between.

  “Careful, Nica. It is hot.” He grabbed two ice cold water bottles from the refrigerator and came over to join me at th
e table.

  I blew on my first spoonful and tasted it cautiously. My eyes rolled back in my head. It was so good! Ridwan pushed a plate of rustic bread towards me, after grabbing a piece, dipping it into the broth in the bowl in front of him. That was a quicker way to get way to get the food into my stomach, so I instantly followed his lead, taking a large bite of the bread and chewing it slowly.

  “I am stealing you to be my cook, Ridwan,” I groaned, dipping the bread again.

  Inias came into the room from a door that went outside.

  “Slowly, Nica. You haven’t eaten solid food in a year. While your stomach doesn’t atrophy like it would if you were in a true coma, it still isn’t used to food. Give it some time to adjust.”

  That was not typical Inias. I could hear the amusement in his voice. I glanced at him. He seemed…relaxed. Inias? Seriously? I wondered what had happened during this past year to cause this change.

  As I stared at him, Enoch entered from the same direction I had, followed by Malak. My eyes instinctively left Inias to study the Kri. He had looked awful when I had first woken up. Now, there was some color back in his face and his eyes looked calm, even if he was much thinner than he should have been. While Enoch and Inias just sat at the table, nursing drinks, he made his way to the pot and dished up a bowl of the stew for himself. Bringing that and a beer to the table, he started eating.

  I grunted in relief, still spooning food into my own mouth at a rapid pace. Suddenly, the spoon was empty, and I looked down at my bowl in surprise. I had already finished it all.

  Ridwan chuckled and filled my bowl for me, while I sipped my water. Once he placed it back in front of me, I pointed my spoon at Enoch, a fierce look on my face.


  The other three men glanced at each other, while Enoch sighed noisily.

  “You died, Nica. Achilah gave you a fatal stab wound and then left. T’Koran…” Enoch stared down as if he could see the daemon who sat on my feet. “T’Koran had called to us to help you, but Inias and Ridwan had to push you into Transition because there was no saving you. Once you were in transition, we brought you here, where you have been for the last year.”


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