The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy (Billionaire Erotica Romance) (BDSM Erotic Romance)

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The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy (Billionaire Erotica Romance) (BDSM Erotic Romance) Page 2

by Quinn, Arabella

  I nodded my understanding. My heart thudded painfully in my chest. She listened at the door for a moment before cracking it open. All was silent. She motioned for me to follow. We silently crept down the hall. I saw the door to my escape about twenty feet in front of me, when I felt a hard tug on my shoulder from behind. I was spun around with force.

  Terror rendered me mute. I stood before a large man dressed like a horror show freak, in a form fitting latex like suit from head to toe. Only small eyeholes were visible. His deep voice growled, “What are you doing with her? And where is her costume?”

  I was rooted to the spot, shaking with fear. The tall woman spoke with authority. "I'm just getting her prepared. She's new."

  The crazy maniac chuckled as his rubber finger caressed my cheek and then poked through my closed lips into my mouth. "Ahh. I guess it's your lucky night. I hope you trained her well Madame. You better hurry and get her ready. In fact, I'll help you."

  He took my arm in a vise-like grip and began leading me down the hall, away from the door to escape. I walked next to him on wobbly legs, desperately trying to think of a way out of this situation; searching for anything that would help me. I had no doubt this situation was deadly serious. I vaguely registered sounds getting louder and louder all around me as we moved further into the house. Screams of agony and tortuous moans.

  Suddenly I was pushed into a side room. I stumbled because the man had finally let go of my sore arm. He had turned to the woman, Madame, “Get her ready.”

  I recovered my balance and glanced around the new room. I gasped at the sight before me. A naked man was bent over a table of some sort and his arms were lifted over his head and shackled high to the wall at his wrists. Another man in a full black latex suit was pounding into his ass from behind. The shackled man writhed and moaned in agony. As his moaning and panting got more frantic with every thrust, I realized he was moaning in pleasure. I closed my eyes as the awareness suddenly dawned on me. The party tonight was some kind of kinky sex club or S&M club. And I seemed to have stumbled right into the middle of it.

  Madame got busy right away. She ordered me to remove my shorts. I reluctantly took them off as the latex man watched. Then she fastened a thick leather collar around my neck. She made quick work of wrapping me in a sort of rope harness. The rope latched through a ring in the collar and wrapped around my torso several times, highlighting and squeezing my breasts. She must have noticed my trembling lips and shaking limbs for she gave me a pleading look to keep quiet. After the rope was in place, she fastened a long red cape around my shoulders. I welcomed the floor length cape because it kept the latex man's creepy eyes off my body.

  The latex man addressed Madame. "We better get her downstairs quick." He approached me silently. I could see no facial expressions, because he was completely hidden behind the latex covering, but I did imagine him silently leering at me. "Let's go."


  Derek looked around the large room. So far tonight was no different than any other 'events' that he had snuck into. He glanced around the room noting the debauchery all around him. He had identified his father right away, in spite of his black robe and strange birdlike mask. Naked females, wearing feathered masks, were draped around him, writhing against him and sucking his cock. Derek filled with a stone cold disgust.

  He continuously scanned the room looking for signs of Elise. Or any clue as to her whereabouts. No one was without a mask, but Derek thought he might recognize a few of the men. All upper crust aristocrats. He didn't recognize any of the women.

  Most of the people present were engaged in sexual activities. A few groups of men stood around talking and drinking. A man approached Derek and slapped his hand across his shoulder. Derek could smell the alcohol coming from his breath. "Are you saving yourself for tonight?"

  Derek needed to get information from this man. He was drunk, but he still needed to be careful. "Yes, something like that."

  The man chuckled heartily. "I've seen you around here before, but you're not wearing your armband tonight."

  He had noticed that tonight the men all seemed to be wearing different colored armbands. He had not seen that before and had wondered if he would get caught by this telling mistake.

  Cautiously he answered, "I seem to have forgotten it, tonight."

  The man laughed again, slapping him on the back. "Ha, son, you think you can fool me? I know you don't want to wear the white band because that would mean you'd get last licks. But don't think they won't notice son. You're best to wear it and wait your turn. Someday you'll get seniority."

  Derek nodded his head. "Yes, you got me. I better put it on. Where are they again?"

  The man's eyes widened under his mask. He took another swig of his drink and cackled. "Son, this your first ritual night? You're in for a treat, I tell ya. All this other stuff-" He paused, gesturing his arm around the room, "this is all just warm up. The arm bands are over by the bar." His drink sloshed as he waved his arm in the general direction of the bar.

  Glancing at his father again, Derek couldn't keep the sneer from his face. He turned to the man again. "I see you're a green…" He needed as much information from this man as he could get.

  The man looked at his band. "Yeah, just got green."

  A naked masked woman shimmied over to them. Her hand reached beneath the drunken man's robe and reached for his cock. He brushed her hand aside, not interested. Next she tried to reach for Derek.

  The drunkard spoke, "Not now honey." The woman left. "Careful, she's taken. I'm going to claim one of them tonight. I've been waiting so long… and I'm finally a green. I won't take the first - I don't want to ruin anybody's fun, but the second - she's mine. I don't care what she's like. Costs a million, but she'll be worth every penny to me. Someday you can have one too."

  They stood together for a few minutes silently. Derek sighed with relief when the drunken man finally tottered away. He headed swiftly to the bar and noticed an etched box with ribbons streaming haphazardly out the side of it. He opened the lid and removed a white band. He secured it around his arm, copying the others he had seen. He checked to see if anyone was watching, and then removed a green band, just in case.

  He fixed himself a drink as he stood at the bar observing. Luckily the man had clued him into a few things. He had called tonight a 'ritual' night. He had a vague idea of what that might mean from what the man had said to him. Derek took a large swig of the drink, sure that he would need it to get through whatever awaited him.

  Another woman approached him. He motioned her away; he had tried to speak with the women at past events, but had learned that they never spoke. They would just scuttle away in fear if he tried to talk to them.

  The lights dimmed. The sexual depravity all around him seemed to break up and dwindle. Slowly the masked and robed men started to file through the doors. Derek hung back. His pulse quickened. It was time for the ritual.


  I walked on trembling legs, led by a leash pulled by the man in the latex suit. He led me down a flight of stairs, past a large empty room and left me in a small back room. Two other girls, dressed like me, were sitting on the floor staring into space. After I was sure the man was gone, I tried the door handle. It was locked.

  I turned to the girls on the floor. "What's going on here? Please you have to help me."

  They gave no indication that they even heard me. They looked dazed and confused. As the minutes ticked by, panic started rising in my chest. It seemed like hours before the door opened. The latex man leashed one of the girls on the floor and then led her out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  I searched the room looking for anything to help me - a weapon I could use, a way to escape. There was nothing.

  A few minutes later the door opened again. Madame entered, looking scared. "I only have a few seconds. If I'm discovered here, they will hurt us all. You're going to have to go through with it. I'm sorry. Just get through it somehow. Don't talk whatever you do. Usually I
give the girls something, but there's no time for you. If you make it through, I can get you out of here after. It's your only chance!"

  I sprang after her as she opened the door, but it was too late. She slipped through the door and was gone. The door was locked again. I sank to the floor in despair. What did I have to get through?

  After an eternity, the door was opened again. The latex man took the other girl out. Nausea clutched at my stomach. Fear and dread seemed to drain my body. I slumped on the floor, barely noticing the time passing by.

  I jumped, startled, when the door was opened again. This time the latex man clipped the leash to my collar. He led me into a large room and up a few wooden steps. I was on a raised circular platform, surrounded by a crowd of dark demons. I looked all around me. Flames flickered against the walls as shadowy serpents clawed closer to me.

  My knees buckled, but the latex man held me firmly in place. He whispered in my ear harshly, "Stand."

  My eyes swept the crowd in fear. Men in long black robes chanted each with a menacing mask covering their faces. Some masks were smooth metallic molds; others were more detailed animal-like visages. My body trembled as I saw several cocks poking out of the robes and several men stroking themselves.

  My head started to spin in a dizzying fear. I thought I might pass out. What was happening? A bright light turned on, spotlighting me on the platform. The latex man unclipped my leash and then pulled my long robe from me. The blinding light blocked the sight of the macabre men from me, but I could hear their groans and whispers as I was disrobed. I stood naked, except for the mask, collar and the ropes bound around me.

  A man in a garish owl mask stepped onto the platform next to me. His hand stroked my breast as the latex man held me tight.

  The man spoke and my insides froze. It was Jackson! "Gentlemen. This is our third and last offering of the night. I propose we use her well. Starting with me."

  A cheer went up from the crowd as Jackson turned toward me. He grabbed at my breast and inserted his finger roughly into my vagina. I struggled against the latex man holding me tight, but he was too powerful.

  Jackson jammed his finger into me. "Ah, we've got one that likes it rough." I noticed the crowd slowly starting to circle closer and closer to me. The din of their shouts started to fade out, as the rumbling in my ears grew louder. Black spots began to swim before my eyes. I was about to pass out.


  Derek had stood at the back of the crowd watching in sickening horror. A girl was led into the room, onto a platform, and stripped of her robe. In what looked like a feeding frenzy of sharks, the masked men swarmed around her. They used and abused her as she lay almost lifeless, as her keeper in the black rubber suit watched over.

  The men were like savages. The girl had opened her legs for them and opened her mouth at the poking and prodding. The girl did not struggle, but she definitely seemed altered. Derek turned his head. He didn't want to watch. He didn't want to see his father climbing the platform at the head of the pack. His insides twisted with revulsion.

  It seemed to go on forever. But finally the men were sated. The rubber-suited man placed the cape back around the girl and walked her away. Anticipation seemed to grow within the crowd of men. About fifteen minutes passed before another woman was led out.

  After being stripped like the first, the men started to circle. Suddenly a man jumped up onto the platform. It was the drunken man with the green armband. He raised his arm, "I claim this offering as my own." The men in the crowd started to show their displeasure by loud mumblings and curses.

  Derek watched as his father stepped up to the platform. "Very well. You must spill your seed before us all to mark her as your own."

  The drunken man threw off his cape, revealing his straining cock. He approached the slight woman and ordered her to suck it. Cheers rose in the crowd. Turning away again, Derek grew distraught. Watching this horrific ritual was not going to help him find Elise. He needed to find out where these girls were coming from. Were they taken by force? Drugged? Who were they? And how did Elise fit in to it all? He moved unnoticed about the room toward the door where the girls were led from. It was locked. He would wait until the next girl was led out and then slip inside.

  The crowd started getting restless as the drunken man sloppily tried to get off on the dazed girl. It seemed to take forever, but finally the crowd indicated a half-hearted approval. Derek caught the tail end of the man releasing his load on the woman's face. He turned away in disgust, biding his time until the next girl was brought in. With one last glance at the platform, he saw the drunken man leading the girl away by leash.

  About fifteen minutes later, the door opened. The rubber-suited man led a woman out and quickly closed the door behind him. Derek could not slip in. Before the night was through, he would get behind that door.

  Derek glanced at the next girl being brought onto the platform. Immediately, he noticed that this one looked different. She was trembling. She wasn't as dazed or subdued looking. She was frightened out of her mind. Frantically, he searched for a way to help her. If he jumped the platform to snatch her away, he knew the frenzied crowd would turn on him savagely. He had noticed in his reconnaissance that at least three men carried guns on them. Sweat began to trickle down his back. He had to do something to stop them.

  Suddenly the robe was pulled from her trembling body. Shock kicked him in the gut like a lead boot. He would know that body anywhere. It was Julia! Sickening fear coursed through his veins. His own father stepped up to the platform with her. Derek started advancing, deadly panic drowning out his father's words. He saw Julia struggle as his father grabbed at her breasts and then reached between her legs.

  "Don't touch her!" his strangled cry was not heard above the cheers of the crowd.

  He finally made it to the platform and pushed Jackson away. Jackson turned sharply toward him. "What is the meaning of this?"

  Derek fingered the now green band around his arm. He repeated the words he had heard spoken earlier. "I claim this offering as my own."

  He could see by Jackson's body language that he was very angry. But Jackson stepped aside. "Very well. Let's see if you can do better than our last brother. You must spill your seed to mark her as your own."


  When Jackson was pulled from me the dizziness started to dissipate. I'm not sure how long I was fading out of consciousness, but I didn't become really alert again until I heard Derek's voice. My eyes flew to the masked man now standing on the raised platform with me. Unless I was having a fear-induced hallucination, Derek was right besides me.

  Jackson was speaking again, but all my focus was on Derek. The crowd of scary masks receded into the background. Derek, in a brown feathered mask, turned to me. He took my face in his hands and spoke quietly to me. "Julia, it's me, Derek. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you trust me?"

  I nodded my head slightly, not able to talk. I heard the crowd roaring behind us, but I tuned them out. Derek spoke again, "We're in a dangerous situation. We have to play this out. Do you think you can do that?"

  The crowd of men had been about to rape me. But somehow Derek was here to protect me. I was lost in a sea of confusion, but Derek was my lifeline. I knew I could trust him. I nodded again.

  Derek rubbed my lip with his thumb. "Julia, these men expect us to have sex. This is some kind of ritual to them. We have to go through with it. But I want to make love to you. I will treat you like a princess. Can you forget about all these monsters around us, and make love to me?"

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I wanted his arms around me, protecting me. I spoke softly, "Yes."

  Derek took off his cape, revealing his nude body. His body was sculpted like a Roman statue. He was gorgeous standing before me, shining in the harsh light. He took me in his arms and gently lay me down on the platform. I momentarily noticed the latex man standing nearby, but I quickly focused on De rek.

  His lips collided with mine and we kissed with urgency. His hand
s swept over my curves, bringing my body to life. His mouth clung to mine as if he were clinging to life itself.

  Despite the earlier terror and despite the crowd of ghastly men surrounding us, my body responded to his masterful touch. He touched between my legs sweetly, finding a slippery moist center to welcome him. He sighed into my mouth, groaning, "Oh, Julia."

  His hand gently parted my legs and then he swiftly took me. He plunged his cock into my very center. The sweetness and gentleness of his lovemaking contrasted sharply with our previous ravenous sessions. He continued kissing me as he fondled my breasts and stroked my clit, all the while penetrating my every emotional defense.

  Strong emotions swirled and mixed in my head threatening to overtake me as I felt my climax approaching. I clutched at his back as the powerful orgasm finally captured me, washing me in its intensity.

  His mouth muffled my cries. My inner muscles were still clenching all around his pounding shaft, when I felt him stiffen. He pulled away from me, spilling himself all over my stomach.

  The sound of the crowd slowly came back to my ears. A few men seemed to approach the platform, but Derek lifted his arm and they retreated. The latex man handed the red cape to me and Derek fastened it around my neck. He scooped up his own cape and then lifted me up in his arms and then retreated from the room.

  No one stopped us as Derek carried me up a flight of stairs and then down a long dark corridor. He looked down at me curled up in his arms, "Don't worry Julia, I'm going to get you out of here."

  I said nothing. Closing my eyes, I rested against his chest. Less than a minute later, he opened a door and I felt fresh outside air on my skin.

  Derek kissed the top of my head. "Can you walk?"

  I wasn't sure, but I replied, "I think so."

  Derek put me down and then put his own cape on. "My car is parked about a half a mile from here on a service road through those woods. Do you think you can make it that far?"


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