Awakened By Time: Book Eight of The Thistle & Hive Series

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Awakened By Time: Book Eight of The Thistle & Hive Series Page 10

by Jennae Vale

  “I dinnae want ye fer me wife,” he growled. “I only agreed to marry ye to get me hands on the land that rightfully belongs to me.”

  Brenna didn’t say a word. What could she say? She was relieved he didn’t wish to wed her, but that only meant she’d remain a prisoner who’d either go mad or die here in this cold, barren chamber. She’d have to find a way to escape. Given time it was possible she could do it. She’d wait for her opportunity. It would come. It had to.

  It seemed Laird Munro was a mind reader. “Dinnae even think of attempting to escape. Me men are stationed throughout the castle and have been instructed to lock ye in the dungeon, should they see ye out of this chamber. I’m sure ye’d agree, ye dinnae wish fer that to happen.”

  He stood there for a moment staring at her. She wasn’t sure why, but then he turned and strode from the room, closing the door with a thud as he left.

  She slumped back against the wall, relief flooding her body. He’d be back. She knew he would, but for now she was still fine. He hadn’t hurt her.

  Zeke, Logan and Dougall sat atop their horses in the shadows of the Munro stronghold. They’d kept watch on the comings and goings through the gate, as well as the guards atop the battlements. They’d wait until total darkness befell the castle before making their move. The new moon would provide them cover as they crossed the open field between them and Munro. Once across they would attempt to gain entry into the castle, perhaps taking a captive who would help them find Brenna. Anything could happen, and they were prepared.

  “How’s yer head?” Dougall asked.

  “Fine.” Zeke said. He had to admit it was rather strange to be sitting here with the man who had taken Helene from him. Correction, the man he sent Helene back to. Stranger still, he now found himself legally tied to his sister, Brenna.

  “Do ye nae find it odd that the three of us are sitting here now?” Logan asked. “What do ye suppose Edna is up to this time?”

  “Whatever it is, I cannae believe she knew this would happen?” Dougall said. “Although why yer here, Zeke, is a mystery to me.”

  “As I’ve said before, I’m here for Sara.”

  “Have ye nae heard, ’tis me wife yer speaking of.” Logan shifted in his saddle and gazed at Zeke.

  “I’ve heard. I’m not happy she did this without telling me.”

  “If she had, would ye have let her come?” Logan asked.

  Zeke didn’t even have to think about that. “No. But as I’m sure you’ve found, Sara has a mind of her own and when she decides to do something there’s no stopping her.”

  Logan chuckled softly as the evening sky grew darker and darker still. Their eyes adjusted to the lack of light and they made their move. Dismounting, they left their horses where they stood and crept through the field towards the castle. Dougall motioned them away from the main entry gates and around towards the back wall of the castle. He pointed out a stone staircase that led up to an arched wooden door. They stopped and waited, crouched by the stairs. Not a sound was heard and no one was in sight.

  “Wait here. I’m going to go up and try the door.” Dougall left them, silently and swiftly moving up to the door. He tried the latch, but it was locked. Zeke moved past Logan and joined Dougall. “Let me take care of this. He pulled his dirk from it’s sheath and used it to jiggle the lock and pry the door open. Dougall appeared suitably impressed. Logan joined them and the three men made their way into a narrow passageway. A faint light shone down to their left, so they went to the right instead. Hugging the wall as they went and careful not to make a sound, the three men made their way from one end of the castle to the other.

  “Where do you think she is?” Zeke asked.

  “One of two places. Either in the dungeon or locked up in a chamber somewhere,” Dougall replied

  “Let’s hope it’s the chamber then.” Zeke moved ahead of Dougall and strained his eyes to see in the dark passageway.

  A light appeared up ahead and a figure of a man small in stature came into view, closing a door behind him as he did. Logan squeezed past them and came up behind him, quickly placing a hand over his mouth, clamping his other arm tightly around what turned out to be a young lad, who went almost completely limp in Logan’s arms. He dragged the lad back to Dougall and Zeke.

  “We willnae harm ye, lad. We need yer help. Do ye ken where the laird is keeping the lass who arrived here today?” Dougall asked.

  “His heart’s beating like a jack rabbit’s,” Logan noted. “Calm yerself. If ye cooperate with us, we’ll nae hurt ye. I’m going to move me hand, but dinnae call fer help. Do ye ken me meaning?”

  The lad nodded and Logan moved his hand.

  “Upstairs. In the turret,” he gasped, taking in a deep breath.

  “Show us the way.” Dougall said. “Remember, if ye dinnae draw attention to us, we’ll nae hurt ye.”

  “Aye, sir.” Logan kept a grip on the lad’s shirt, but allowed him to lead the way. He led them to a back stairway, where they waited before ascending. No sign of movement above them, so they continued on. Up and up they went until they were at the very top of the castle. Again, they stopped before continuing and it was a good thing they did. A man stood guard outside of the door.

  Dougall put a finger to his lips and motioned for them to stay put. He moved quickly, disarming and disabling the guard. Zeke moved into place and worked his magic on the door, flinging it open to find Brenna sitting on the floor against the wall. The room was bare. No bed. No chairs. Nothing. Her knees were pulled up in front of her with her arms resting atop them. Her head had been down, but as soon as the door opened, it popped up. Zeke was so relieved to see her that he was at her side immediately.

  “Brenna. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he asked.

  “Zeke! You’re alive. I thought you were dead when I saw you laying there.” She touched his face, as if to make sure he was real.

  “Come. Your brother and Logan are with me. Let’s get you out of here.”

  “I’ve got to get Vala,” she said. “I need me horse.”

  Zeke looked to Dougall. He wasn’t sure it was a good idea to go wandering around the castle grounds in search of Vala.

  “Take her out the way we came. Our young friend here will help me find Vala and I’ll join you in no time.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Logan offered.

  “Aye. I may need ye.”

  They all made their way back down the stairs the way they’d come. At the bottom, Zeke headed for the door they entered through and the lad led Dougall and Logan past the door and out of sight.

  Zeke held Brenna close. Together they crouched low and made their way across the field to the horses. Once there, they waited. A noise behind them, had them both spinning around.

  “There ye be, lass. I knew yer man would find a way to get ye back.”

  “Duff?” Zeke asked.

  “Aye. The laird received a ransom note. He sent me and some of the men to get our Brenna back. Now that I can see she’s with ye, we’ll take care of the other business he sent us on.”

  “What would that be?” Zeke asked.

  “Let’s just say, his lairdship will be minus some of his valued possessions come morning.”

  “Are ye to reive then?” Brenna asked.

  “Aye, lass. That is the plan. I’ll tell yer Da that yer safe. He’ll be pleased.”

  “I cannae believe he sent ye fer me,” she said.

  “Aye. He still loves ye lass.” Duff seemed to understand how Brenna was feeling. “I’ve been keeping an eye on the new mistress of the castle. Yer Da has been blinded by her, but I believe he sees her for who she truly is now.” Duff turned and rode away as silently as he had approached.

  Zeke pulled Brenna into his arms and held her close. All this time she thought she was unloved and unwanted. He was happy she now knew the truth.

  “I thought I’d never see ye again,” Brenna murmured into his chest. “I thought I would die here.”

  “I’d ne
ver let that happen.”

  “Zeke, I’m so sorry. I had nae right to be angry with ye.”

  “Shhh… It’s okay,” he assured her.

  “I’m cold.” Brenna was shivering uncontrollably.

  Zeke grabbed the plaid from his saddle bag and wrapped them both in it. “There. Is that better?”


  Out of the darkness, he spied Dougall and Logan leading Vala across the field.

  “They found yer horse.”

  She didn’t respond, instead burrowing deeper into his embrace. He kissed the top of her head, holding her tight and wondering just what all of this meant.

  Chapter 12

  There was no guarantee that Nevil Munro wouldn’t follow them, so they traveled quickly across the highlands, careful to keep their eyes and ears open for approaching riders.

  “Duff will see to it that they don’t follow us,” Dougall assured them.

  “Aye, but we shouldnae let our guard down. Munro willnae be happy that we’ve taken Brenna back right from under his nose,” Logan said.

  Brenna had been unusually quiet as they rode. Zeke was concerned about her. “Are you alright, Brenna?” he asked.

  “Aye.” She turned her head to look at him. “What of ye? How is yer head?”

  “I won’t lie. It’s still pounding, but at least it’s stopped bleeding.”

  “When we get to Breaghacraig, their healer will see to it,” Brenna said.

  Dougall must have overheard their conversation. “We’ve a doctor visiting the castle. Dr. Ferguson. He’s from yer time.”

  Zeke noted the moment that Dougall realized what he’d just said and quickly tried to divert Brenna’s attention. “I’m fine. Really. No need for anyone to take a look at it.”

  “What do ye mean when ye say yer time?” Brenna asked, obviously not to be distracted.

  “Did I say that?” Dougall asked, doing a very good job of looking confused.

  “Aye. Ye did.” Brenna cocked an eyebrow at her brother.

  “’Twas not what I meant.” He shifted uneasily in his saddle.

  “What did ye mean?”

  Zeke held back his laughter. Brenna was not going to let this go.

  “I meant to say he’s from the same place as Zeke.”

  Brenna seemed satisfied with that answer, but Zeke knew it would only be a matter of time before they had to tell her everything. Once they did, he was sure she’d distance herself from him.

  Despite their concern about Nevil Munro, they made it back to Breaghacraig without incident. Dougall and Logan reported in at the castle while Zeke and Brenna made sure the horses were given food and a stall in the stable.

  They then waited in the courtyard for Dougall and Logan to return.

  “You finally made it,” Zeke said to her. He was still in awe of these amazing castles he was seeing. This one might be the grandest of them all. It was, by far, much larger than Castle Treun with more outbuildings lining the walls of the courtyard. The people of Breaghacraig went about their business, not giving the couple standing in the center of the yard more than a cursory glance.

  “I’m happy to be here,” Brenna said, her face lighting up into a glorious smile.

  Zeke was happy for her. He wasn’t sure how much better life would be here, but at least she would have Dougall and Helene to care for her. The thought that he would be seeing Helene soon struck him like a bolt of lightning and it must have showed.

  “Is all well with ye, Zeke?” Brenna reached out and took his hand in hers.

  He gently squeezed her hand to let her know he was alright. “I’m fine. Please, don’t worry about me.”

  Her eyes searched his. What was she looking for?

  “Without ye I wouldnae be here today. I’d be married to that awful man.” He could see her shudder at the thought.

  “I’m happy I could be of service.” And he was. He wanted her to be happy and to know the love she hadn’t felt at Castle Treun.

  “So, ye’ll be on yer way then? Back to San Francisco.”

  He saw the sadness in her eyes and he was surprised to find he felt sad as well. “Not right away.” He wanted to reassure her, but why. They both knew all along that their handfasting was only for show.

  “Will ye come and see me at Dougall’s home?”

  “I don’t know.” He wasn’t sure he was ready to see Helene again. “I’m sure I’ll see you here around the castle.”

  “Brenna! Zeke!” Dougall called to them as they returned. “Brenna yer coming home with me and Zeke yer going with Logan.” He presented his arm for Brenna to take and they walked away. Brenna peeked back over her shoulder and Zeke waved to her. There was an ache in the area around his heart as he watched her walk away. The sensation he was feeling was very much like the one he’d felt when he let Helene go, but he had loved Helene. He certainly didn’t love Brenna, but he couldn’t deny the fact that he’d miss her when he was gone.

  “Are ye ready to see yer sister?” Logan asked, drawing his attention back to him.

  “Let’s go!” Zeke said.

  They left the castle grounds and headed down a well-traveled dirt road that led them to a small cottage. As they approached, Zeke was surprised to see Sara dressed in medieval garb and tending a garden, of all things.

  “Sara!” he yelled.

  Her head popped up and she peered down the road towards them.

  “Zeke!” She dropped her trowel and ran to him with her skirts lifted.

  “Careful, love,” Logan said, watching her careening their way.

  Zeke couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her barreling towards him. Just as she reached them, she tripped and fell into his arms. He crushed her to him.

  “Oh my gosh! I’ve missed you so much,” she said.

  “I’ve missed you, too.” Zeke said, placing her at arm’s length to get a better look at her. He had to admit she looked amazing. It was a great relief to see her in the flesh. He should have known she was fine. If she hadn’t been, Edna would never have sent him on to Castle Treun. Still, he felt like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

  Sara began to cry and Zeke pulled her close again, one arm around her back and the other cradling her head close to his chest. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.”

  “I’m so sorry I lied to you,” she said. “I didn’t want to, but I knew you’d probably talk me out of coming here.”

  “I would have and now that I’m here, I’m going to talk you into coming home with me.”

  Sara and Logan exchanged looks. Zeke got the impression a whole conversation happened in that look. He looked between them and saw two people united. It was strange to see Sara like this, as part of a couple. She had dated other guys, of course, but there was something very different about the way she looked at Logan and he knew that things would never be the same again. Sara nodded at Logan and then looked back at Zeke. “I’m so happy here. Why don’t you stay? It would be so great to have my big brother here with me. You’d love it. You’d be witnessing history first hand.”

  The thought appealed to him. He had enjoyed sparring with the warriors at Castle Treun. If he stayed, he could be with Brenna. That thought eased the ache that had been in his heart since she walked away, but he just couldn’t picture himself living the rest of his life here. “I can’t. I have the studio to run and I love what I do, you know that.”

  “Arenae ye planning to take Brenna back with ye?” Logan asked.

  An uncomfortable feeling came over Zeke. He couldn’t possibly stay here with Brenna, but bringing her back to San Francisco was out of the question.

  “Brenna? Whose she?” Sara’s excitement at seeing Zeke had yet to wear off. “Come in and tell me all about her.” She took Zeke by the arm and led him to her front door. He glanced over his shoulder to see Logan seeming quite amused. “Logan, are you coming?”

  “Aye, love. I’m right here.”

  They entered the main living space of the tiny cottage and Zeke had
to say he was quite impressed with how functional it was. A cozy little hearth was blazing away, warming the interior perfectly. There was a table with chairs for dining and an area that served as a kitchen with storage for their things and a rope was strung across the room where herbs were hung to dry.

  “What do you think?” Sara asked.

  “It looks like you,” Zeke smiled. “And before you ask, that’s a good thing.”

  “I knew you’d love it,” she gushed. “I’ve even got a room for you, big brother.” She dragged him through a doorway and into a small bedroom that would be more than adequate for his needs.

  “I’m sure I’ll be very comfortable here.” He glanced around at the small bed and hoped he’d fit. There was a chest for his things, which he placed beside it. He didn’t have much, so it was perfect.

  “Are you hungry? Can I get you some tea?” Sara asked.

  “Not right now. Let me look at you.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed into the face of a woman who was overflowing with joy. She really was happy here. Getting her to leave may be harder than he’d imagined.

  “Brenna, let me tell Helene about Zeke,” Dougall said.

  “Why?” Brenna asked, stopping to wait for Dougall’s reply.

  He turned to look at her. “Brenna, there are some things that ye dinnae ken and I’m nae sure how to tell ye.”

  “What things?” She now stood hands on hips impatiently waiting. “Say what ye need to say.”

  “Och! Yer nae going to believe this, but ye’ll come to find ’tis true. Did ye nae think there was something different about Zeke?”

  “Aye. He speaks differently for one thing. He’s the laird of some place I’ve never heard of before. Is that what ye mean?”

  “Laird?” Dougall sounded confused.

  “Aye. He told Da that he was the Laird of San Francisco. Da was most impressed.”

  “Interesting. I imagine he was.” Dougall took a deep breath and let it out. “Brenna, do ye believe in time travel?”

  “Nae. ’Tis a crazy thought.”

  “’Tis what I once thought, but ’tis true. I’ve done it, Brenna. I’ve time traveled and so has Helene. When ye helped her to leave Castle Treun, she wandered through the countryside for some time before a witch sent her to the future.”


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