Propositioned by the Billionaire Moose

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Propositioned by the Billionaire Moose Page 7

by Eve Langlais

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re a moose.”

  “And? You’re a cat.”

  “But really, a moose?” She burst out laughing and kept laughing the more disgruntled he looked.

  “I don’t understand your entertainment. We are fine and noble creatures.”

  She chortled. “Let me guess, it’s all about the size of the rack.”

  “According to my several times removed cousin Boris, yes, but he’s the oddball in the family.”

  “You mean there’s more of you? So, do you get together like a flock of meese? Do you like whip out your antlers and compare sizes?”

  “Don’t mess with the rack,” he growled.

  “Or what? You’ll waggle them at me?” She couldn’t help but tease, and he didn’t appreciate it.

  He dove at her.

  Chapter 13

  The laughter was bad enough. The mockery too, but then she did the unthinkable. She held up her fingers to her crown and waggled them.

  Mocking him.

  Bryce charged Melanie, lifted her off her feet, and held her high, glaring at her. She didn’t look scared at all. She squealed and continued to laugh, deeply and joyfully.

  After her somberness of before, he couldn’t stand to be the reason why it stopped—even if he was the butt of her joke.

  But he did know of one way to silence her that would make him happy.

  He kissed her, and it turned out it wasn’t a fluke or his imagination. The touch of their lips truly was an explosion for his senses. Every nerve ending in his body awakened.


  Desire flowed like a molten river through his veins.

  He deepened the kiss, parting her lips with his tongue, tasting the bitter sweetness of the iced tea, feeling her soften in his arms and return his embrace.

  As he held her aloft, she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close, their bodies pressing tight. Clothes impeded skin-to-skin contact. He growled as he rubbed his hands over the fabric of her shirt, tucked into her jeans.

  She wiggled until he set her down. For a moment, he thought she might have changed her mind. Yet, she held his gaze as she tugged her shirt free, peeling it off, leaving her clad in her bra and jeans. Her hands went to the button on her pants next. Pop. The loop opened, the zipper slid down, his mouth went dry.

  A coy smile pulled her lips as she shrugged them off, her cotton panties—a pale pink and full hipped—the sexist thing he’d ever seen.

  “Come here.” He crooked a finger, eager to touch her, feel her.

  A shake of her head and a giggle meant a contagious mirth. She teased and, before his eyes changed, but before she did, she chortled, “You’ll have to catch me first.”

  While he’d changed many a time, and in the presence of others, he found himself fascinated anew by the process. Skin replaced by fur. A body that reshaped as if momentarily elastic. The whole physical makeup flipped into something new, leaving only familiar eyes.

  A wink.

  Then off she dashed, her powerful hind legs propelling her away from him.


  He quickly stripped and morphed into his shape, bellowing a cry of exultation as he felt his powerful rack spring from hiding, the mechanics of it a magic no amount of science and medicine could explain.

  It just was.

  Off he bounded, his four-legged, long stride taking him along the same trail as her. He had no need to stop and smell. Her scent was imprinted on him, almost visible to follow.

  She led him on a merry chase. Weaving through tall trees. Dashing through a meadow, the tip of her furry butt winking out of sight as she fled into the woods.

  Splash. Furry paws hit water as she thought to lose him in a thin stream, but his height meant he saw the faint imprint of a paw in mud where she exited the water.

  He leapt over the creek and hit the other side, charging through the woods, knowing this land better than her. He herded her, weaving left and right, forcing her into a direction.

  Ahead was a stony outcrop. Too steep even for a nimble cat to climb.

  Only when he had her cornered did he change shapes, stalking toward her, body tense with anticipation. She changed as well, fur smoothing into skin, nice skin. Shapely flesh, the kind he wanted to touch and kiss all over.

  He could see the rapid beat of her pulse, the flushed heat in her cheeks. He grabbed her in his arms, the hot contact of their flesh a sensual override on his system.

  The temptation of her lips meant he dipped his head to kiss her, deeply and passionately. His hands roamed her frame, learning her curves, marking them with his touch, wanting to imprint himself on her. To have her bear his scent.

  He took her mouth. Claimed it. Ran his tongue along the seam as his hands roamed the skin of her back.

  Lusciously lean, yet curved in the right places. Her waist an indent that flared over hips. Her ass a taut pleasure to grab. The hardness of his erection pressed against her lower belly. Straining and ready.

  He wanted her desperately, and the scent of her arousal, the sweetest of perfumes, showed she wanted him too…so why did she pull away?

  Why did she chew that lower lip instead of nibbling on him?

  Why did it sound like she just said they needed to slow down because…

  He might have given his head a little shake. “What did you just say?”

  “I said I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter 14

  How to stay a virgin. Tell a guy kissing you like you’re the sexiest thing alive you’ve never been intimate with a man before. Admit to a guy, naked and hard for you, that you’ve still got a cherry.

  A cherry that probably wouldn’t be popped by the guy backing away, panic brimming in his eyes.

  “You’re joking, right?” he said with a note of consternation.

  She shrugged. “Nope.”

  “But how? That’s impossible. I mean look at you.” He gestured to her body.

  A compliment, and yet, his admiration of her body didn’t bring back the kisses.

  “It’s not because I wanted to stay a virgin.” Especially in her teens when her hormones raged. “But I was worried that someone would find out about my secret.” Especially since she wasn’t sure if she could control herself in the heat of the moment. What if she changed? It was one thing to leave nail marks in a man’s back, but claw marks? That might be a little harder to explain.

  “But…but…” He seemed completely thrown by the news.

  “I guess it makes a difference to you.”

  “Yes. No. I mean, I don’t fucking know. It was one thing if we got together and had some fun, but you’re a virgin.” Baldly stated.

  “You don’t have to say it like that. It’s not a disease.” He couldn’t catch it. Yet, the reassurance didn’t bring him back. He kept his distance.

  “We should get going.” He turned around and presented a very fine ass. An ass walking away.

  Rather unexpected. So much for being honest. However, she kind of felt obligated given he’d notice at once point when he breached her hymen and there was blood everywhere.

  A few paces away, he turned around and sighed loudly. “We should probably change back, or it will be a painful walk.”

  That was all that was said during their trot back to their picnic blanket. Then again, what could they say as their animals?


  “Meow. Hiss.”

  Yeah, not exactly conducive for working things out.

  As he trotted back, she eyed his broad back and wondered what he’d do if she jumped on top and held on for a ride. At least then she’d get some kind of action.

  Back at their picnic stop, they dressed in silence.

  Tears brimmed in her eyes. Rejection stung.

  So, it was with a bit of shock that she yelped when he grabbed her and pulled her close to mutter, “I can see what you’re thinking.”


  “You think I don’t want you.”

  “Can you blame me? I just got dropped like a hot potato.”

  “I’ll admit, you took me by surprise. But what’s happening between us isn’t over. Not by a long shot.”

  Funny how that sounded like a threat—and yet heat curled in her belly.

  Chapter 15

  Melanie didn’t say much as he drove her home. He was tongue-tied, too.

  A virgin. They were kind of like unicorns. Known of but never seen. At least by him.

  He didn’t know what to do with a virgin.

  Especially one that wouldn’t look him in the eye and jumped out of his car and ran to her apartment building. He almost chased after, but his phone dinged.

  Kendrick messaged him. Your grandfather wishes to speak with you.

  Seeing her tail end vanish inside, things unresolved between them, Bryce was tempted to blow him off.

  Melanie needed him. And he didn’t mean for sex.

  She didn’t know what being a shifter was. How the hell did that happen? Their kind was careful about the babies they made, especially with humans. Someone had to teach her.

  I should teach her. Teach her about her heritage. Teach her how to stay safe. Teach her the ways of the flesh.

  Because she was untouched.



  Shit. As he stared blankly, he had a revelation. He wanted to make their relationship into a real one. Forget faking it. Forget grandfather even.

  She is the one. His mate. His woman. He was sure of it.

  And he’d blown her off because she’d never had sex.

  Bang. Bang. Bang. His forehead hit the steering wheel repeatedly as his stupidity slapped him.

  She’d been ready to offer herself to him. Chosen him! And he’d rejected her.


  I have to fix this.

  Buzz. His phone stirred angrily. He stared at the building. Perhaps it was best he gave her a little bit of time. While he tried to figure out a way to apologize, he might as well go see what the old man wanted.

  The entire way home, he tried to think of ways to apologize.

  Jewelry? He could see her throwing it at him.

  Chocolate? Was it cats or dogs who were allergic?

  I could just be a man about this and kiss her until she forgives me. A scenario that he wholeheartedly approved of. He almost turned around to try it, but he’d already arrived home. Best take care of his grandfather first.

  Entering the bedroom, he found his grandfather in bed, sitting upright, blanket tucked around him, his face an unhealthy shade of red.

  “About time you showed up, boy.”

  “I was busy.”

  “Get unbusy. We have a situation,” grandfather bellowed.

  “One that’s worth you having a heart attack over?” Bryce asked, not liking his grandfather’s agitation.

  “Someone is trying to take over the company,” the old man blurted out.

  “What?” Bryce frowned. “Take over how?”

  “Buying up all our stock, that’s how.”

  “Who is?”

  “Those bloody knock-off piss vendors, that’s who.” For the uninformed, that was anyone not selling pure maple syrup made from a tree. Savages.

  “But you own most of the shares.” Grandfather had forty-five percent. Bryce had gotten ten percent on his twenty-first birthday.

  “Most isn’t a majority.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve got enough to keep it from happening.”

  “Unless they get to you.” Grandfather glared at him.

  The paranoia was strong today. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’d sell them.”

  “You might not sell them, but you could vote against me. Vote with them.” Spat with disgust.

  Bryce sighed. “No. I wouldn’t. Where the hell would you get a stupid idea like that?”

  “No one.” Said rather quickly.

  Bryce’s gaze narrowed. “No one? Or a certain moocher?”

  “He’s not asked me for anything.”

  “But he’s been in your ear nattering, apparently. Why the fuck would you listen to him? He’s not even related to us.”

  “We don’t know that. I’m still waiting for the lab report.”

  “Which is taking a hell of a long time.”

  “They had issues.”

  “How convenient,” was Bryce’s sarcastic drawl.

  “Worry less about Rory and more about yourself. How are things with that girl? Kendrick says you went on a picnic. That’s not how you impress a lady.”

  “Melanie loved the picnic.” It was the cold shoulder afterwards she took exception too. If only he could rewind time and not freeze like a moose in headlights.

  “Sources say she stormed off when you dropped her off.”

  “Spying on me?” He kind of expected it, but to have it baldly stated…

  “More like kindly kept informed by passersby.”

  Bryce raked a hand through his hair as he paced. “Unbelievable. We had a bit of a tiff. My fault and I intend to fix it.”

  “Better hope you can. Tick tock, boy.”

  He whirled and glared at his grandfather. “Don’t start again. You can’t just expect me to wed and bed her in two minutes flat.”

  “Not my fault you chose a stranger. Here’s to hoping you can seal the deal in time.”

  “How about giving a damn about whether or not she’s the right woman for me?”

  “Any woman with birthing hips will do.”

  “You’re fucking unbelievable.” Bryce stormed out, annoyed at the pressure, annoyed at himself for screwing up, and even more annoyed that someone had caught him looking annoyed.

  Moooo-oooo. He could have bellowed.

  “Looking a touch agitated, there, cousin.” Out in the hall, Rory smirked, and Bryce clenched his fist by his side lest he wipe it clean from his face.

  “And you’re looking smug,” Bryce spat. “Is that because you think you’ve fooled everyone into thinking your story is true?”

  “The old man believes it. You heard him. I am the spitting image of his sister.”

  “Doesn’t mean shit. I think you planned this, you and Chanice.” It made sense. She couldn’t get Bryce, but still wanted to get her hands on the fortune. This was her version of payback.

  “I’m hurt.” Rory clapped a hand over his chest. “It’s one thing to accuse me, but to accuse my darling fiancée? I’m crushed.”

  “Did your fiancée happen to mention we used to date?” At the tightening of the muscle in Rory’s jaw, Bryce knew this was news to him. “I also dumped her. She’s been trying ever since to get back in this house and in my bed. Guess she had to settle for a pale imitation instead.”

  “Why you fucking—” Rory bristled and invaded his space. Toe to toe, glaring.

  “What? Come on. Bring it.” He crooked his fingers and beckoned.

  A throat cleared. “Excuse me, sirs, but given the fragile state of Master Theodore, could you take your altercation elsewhere?” Kendrick interrupted with a cool and calm voice, but Bryce knew from experience not to irritate the man.

  Rory didn’t. “Get your ass back into the kitchen and stay out of this,” Rory snarled, and made the mistake of watching Bryce.

  Kendrick clocked him and then stared at the unconscious heap on the floor. “Appalling manners. What should I do with him?”

  Put him out with the trash? Grandfather probably wouldn’t like it. “Put him to bed. We should get the results of the DNA anytime now. Which means he’ll soon be gone.”

  And so was Bryce a few minutes later after a phone call from Maizie’s nurse.

  Chapter 16

  She’s dead.

  Disbelief and numbness kept Melanie staring at the bed long after they’d taken her mother’s body away. Despite knowing it would happen, her mother being gravely sick, it still shocked her to walk in the door and find the nurse working on her non-responsive mother.

  But the nurse couldn’t revive her, and neither could
the paramedics who arrived minutes later. The disease had finally killed Maizie, silenced that shrill voice forever, and Melanie didn’t feel the relief she expected.

  Didn’t feel much of anything at all.

  No, wait. Untrue. There was a twinge of guilt that, while she’d been out cavorting with Bryce, her mother had died, alone.

  Being here wouldn’t have changed a thing. Except she could have sung a song. "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" came to mind.

  The wicked witch was dead leaving her…free.

  For the first time in her life, Melanie was alone, and beholden to no one.



  Ripe with possibility.


  I can do whatever I like. Go wherever I want.

  Melanie could even try and find the father that was stolen from her by a selfish mother.

  Now, if only I knew his name.

  “Melanie? Where are you?”

  It didn’t surprise her Bryce had come. After all, the nurse probably called him the moment she left.

  He found her sitting in the chair by her mother’s empty bed.

  “Melanie, I’m so sorry.”

  “Why?” she asked, cocking her head. “You never met her, which was probably a lucky thing for you. She wasn’t a nice woman. She was mean, as a matter of fact. The world is better off without her.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Actually, I do. You have no idea just how horrible she was to me growing up. And even as an adult. Not one kind word ever left her lips. Ever. Now she’s gone. No more, ‘Melanie, you lazy cow, fetch me this.’ No more calling me a whore because I looked in a man’s direction.”

  “I’m sure she loved you—”

  She shook her head as she finally vocalized the thing she’d thought for so long. “No. No, she didn’t. A mother who loves her child doesn’t constantly hurt her. Maizie was never a mother to me. And now that she’s gone, I’m free. Free to do whatever I like and go wherever I please.”


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