The Mafia's Curvy Woman

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The Mafia's Curvy Woman Page 4

by Sam Crescent

“Are you touching yourself?” he asked.

  She hummed her response, and it only made him curse and thrust up into her mouth a little harder.

  “You drive me fucking crazy. Shit, I’m not going to last. If you don’t want to swallow my cum, you’re going to have to stop.”

  This was about his pleasure. Petal wanted to feel him spill into her mouth.

  When he came, he did so with a growl. His cock seemed to get bigger as he filled her mouth, spilling his cum inside her.

  She had no choice but to swallow as there seemed to be so much of it. She milked him for every single drop.

  Only when he was done did he collapse on the bed.

  She licked her lips.

  “Did you come?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  Petal gasped as he lifted her up, and his face suddenly pressed between her thighs. He licked at her pussy, bringing her to an orgasm and licking at her juices as she came hard. By the time he was finished, she was the one panting for breath.

  “I can’t believe I wasted all those years.”

  “What years?” she asked.

  “I should have taken you when you turned eighteen.” He crashed his lips down on hers, and to Petal, it was the most romantic thing he’d ever said to her.


  “You don’t have to stay in the apartment forever,” Marco said, leading Petal down to the indoor swimming pool.

  It had been over a month since he’d taken Petal for his own, and he realized she hadn’t gone anywhere or done anything. He’d offered to take her shopping, but she had no interest in buying clothes.

  Instead, he presented her with a bikini, one that showed off her curves. She’d been so nervous, and he had to pull her hands away from her body so he could get a good look at her. Even now as they stood in the elevator, she kept trying to hide behind him.

  He let go of her hand, holding her against his side with an arm around her waist.

  “You’re doing this on purpose,” she said, glaring at him.

  “You’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  “If you even for a second comment on your size, elevator or not, I will spank your ass.”

  “I’m used to people pointing, okay? I was bullied in school.”

  “The all-girls’ school?” he asked.

  “Yes, does that surprise you? I wasn’t thin or tiny, and they loved to point it out every single day how ugly I am.”

  Marco dropped the towels he was holding and pressed her up against the corner of the elevator. The pool would be free and clear because his men would have cleared the pool. This building was owned by him, so he got first pick of all the facilities. He wasn’t going to be sharing his woman and her body with anyone else. Her curves were for him and him alone.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he pressed his cock against her core.

  Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his mouth down to her ear, biting on her lobe until she groaned. “You feel that?” he asked.


  “All you ever need to think about is how I feel. I love your curves, and I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. If I ever see or meet these women who hurt you, know their days are numbered.”

  “You can’t go around killing people who have hurt me.”

  “I can’t?”


  “You’re mine, Pet. Every single part of you. Those tears are mine; you are mine. I’ll brand your entire body so you know you belong to me.” He kissed her again, hard. “Those women need to learn a lesson. You don’t hide. You stand tall and proud. I love your body. Me, no one else. You care about what I want. Understand?”

  “Yes, Mr. Bossy.”

  “You need someone bossy in your world.” The elevator doors opened. “It’s time for us to go for a swim.”

  He wrapped his arm around her, walking out to the pool.

  “No one is here,” she said.

  “Exactly. It’s just you and me. Unless you want company?”

  “You can organize people to come for a swim to make me feel happy?”

  “Yes. I’ll get my guards to jump in the pool. They won’t look at you.”

  “You’d really do that for me?” she asked.

  “You need to realize there is a hell of a lot I would do for you.” Marco knew it was only a matter of time before he was called away again. This was his business. The life of a Capo meant he didn’t have the luxury of calling into work sick, or taking a holiday. This was his life, one he relished every single day of the week.

  Hurting people, killing them in the name of the mafia, didn’t bother him. He was used to the kind of violence he lived. He’d trained all of his life, and he was one of most feared men in the city.

  Then there was Petal.

  He’d never had a weakness. Over the years he’d known men who were total lethal bastards but had one woman who completely tore them apart. Their woman was their weakness, and they were too foolish to keep that shit to themselves. When their women were taken, or hurt, they didn’t think through what they were supposed to do, so they made mistakes and got themselves killed or worse, just their women. He’d seen them fall apart not long after the death of their loved one.

  Petal had changed him.

  Without even realizing it, she’d gotten under his skin, and now, she was his weakness. Picking her up, he threw her into the pool. She let out a scream just before she hit the surface. He dived in, swimming toward her.

  She broke the surface, pushing her hair out of her face.

  “What the hell?”

  He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her, keeping her completely off balance. Picking her up, he gripped her ass.

  “You were saying something about hell?” He teased across the seam of her panties.

  “I … why did you throw me into the pool?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “Is it always going to be like this?” she asked, cupping his face.

  “Like what?”

  “This. With you?”

  “You tell me? What are you feeling?”

  “Like we’re the only two people left in the world.”

  “We’re not. I want to keep you locked away in my tower like the princess you are, but I can’t. I’m going to have to take you out.”

  “You won’t.”

  “I will. I won’t have you get sick because I’m confining you.” He slid his finger under the material of her panties and started to stroke her pussy. “It doesn’t mean we can’t have a lot more fun though.”

  “Will you get rid of me?” she asked.

  Her hands around his neck tightened a little more.

  “Get rid of you?”

  “Yes. Is this forever? Will you get bored of me?”

  She wanted security.

  “I’ll never get bored of you. This is forever.”

  “I can live with that.”

  She pressed her lips against his, and he knew there wasn’t any other woman in the world who’d ever be able to compare to her.

  Chapter Six

  Marco kept to his word, and a couple of days later, he took her out for lunch. He hadn’t been called away, and Petal loved having his undivided attention. The restaurant was particularly nice, the kind that made her nervous as everyone looked like they wore million-dollar outfits just to sit and enjoy a coffee.

  “You look stunning,” he said, reaching over the table and taking her hand.

  In the short time they’d been out of his apartment, she’d noticed a difference in his demeanor. He didn’t touch her as much, and he always had a hand ready to grab his weapon. She missed his sweet touches and the charming flirtation he always had with her.

  “I don’t really fit into a place like this.” Her father had been a wealthy man, not overly so, but he’d taken care of all of them. This was out of her comfort zone though.

  “You don’t need to fit in. No one here needs a reason or an excuse as to why

you’re here. Own who you are, and they are beneath you.”

  “Do you do that? Make yourself believe they’re all beneath you?” she asked.

  “For the most part, they are. I own this place. I own most of the major establishments in this town. If I’m unhappy, I make sure the people who made it so, feel my anger.”

  “It must be hard though. You’ve got to learn to trust people close to you.”

  “I don’t trust anyone.”

  “No one?” she asked.

  “No. In my world, you trust the wrong person you’re dead.”

  “You don’t feel lonely?” She was finding it hard not to feel a little upset by his words. She trusted him. Her father didn’t even give her a choice in trusting Marco. She’d been passed off to him.

  “No, it’s not lonely. I’m alive.”

  “Excuse me.” She cut him off, and without waiting for permission, she left the table, heading toward the bathroom.

  No one else was there, and she went straight to the sink, gripping the edge. She closed her eyes, counting to ten. When that didn’t work, she counted again.

  “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” She shouldn’t be hurt because he didn’t trust her. Marco had made it plain he didn’t trust anyone.

  The door opened, and she looked up to find Marco inside the women’s bathroom.

  “You’re in the wrong room.”

  “I’m in the right room. You know, I’ve never had a woman just get up and leave.”

  She turned to give him her full attention. “I’m not trying to be difficult here.”

  “What did I say?” he asked.

  She opened her mouth, about to lie to him, but he held his hand up.

  “Think before you speak, Pet. Remember what I told you about lying.”

  She sighed. “Fine. You don’t trust anyone. I’ve never given you a single reason to doubt me.”

  “You’ve never given me a single reason to trust you.”

  “I’ve known who you are from the very beginning.”

  “You have?”

  “I’m not an idiot. I really wish you and my dad would stop treating me like I am. I know you’re part of—” She pressed her lips together, trying to find the right words. “A certain group of people. I could have betrayed you long ago. What about the other night when I helped you shower?” She felt the tears in her eyes, and she turned her back, not wanting him to see her tears as weakness, even if that was exactly what they were.

  She tensed up as he held her arms. His lips brushed across her neck.

  “I’ve never been able to trust anyone in my life, Pet. With you, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I want to be the kind of man you deserve.”

  She looked at the mirror, staring at him. “What kind of man do I deserve?”

  “One who can give you everything.”

  “You can’t?”

  “There will always be limits. You’ll never be able to go to work, or have a regular life. Walks in the park won’t come without consequences. There will always be people around us, watching us. Waiting for me to fail. You will always be at risk.”

  “Getting on a bus comes with risks. Walking down a street comes with risks. Even getting on a plane. There are risks all over the place. I could die without any of your enemies or friends raising a hand. It’s the world, Marco.”

  “I will protect you.”

  His arms wrapped around her.

  Resting her hand on top of his arms, she took a deep breath. This man. This crazy, intense, insane man, had a way of making her feel so torn on everything.

  She leaned back against him, and his lips danced across her skin.

  Love was a feeling she wasn’t used to.

  Marco was the man she’d been falling for. There’s no way she could love him already, was there?

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  Her stomach answered for her, letting out a growl.

  He laughed against her skin. “I’ll take that as a yes. It has never been my intention to hurt you, Pet. I’m used to not having anyone. You’re above everyone else. You’re the one person who could destroy me without doing anything.”

  “I would never rat.”

  “If you were to die, that would destroy me.”


  “Yes. I want you for the rest of my days, Pet. Not just to satisfy my hunger.” He kissed her cheek. “That’s enough for today. It’s time we headed back outside. I want to feed you before you get too hungry.” He grabbed some tissues and dabbed under her eyes. “No more crying for me. Please. I can’t stand to see your tears.”


  Biting Petal’s ass, Marco heard her cry out. He spread the cheeks of her ass, staring at her glistening cunt and tight, puckered hole. He’d already come deep inside her pussy, and their combined releases were dripping out onto the bed.

  Sliding his fingers through her slit, he touched her clit, and she pushed back against him, losing all of her inhibitions.


  “You want my dick again?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Tell me what you want,” he asked.

  “Fuck me, Marco, please, fuck me.”

  He loved it when she talked dirty. It didn’t matter how many times he took Petal; each time was always better than the last.

  She didn’t hold back. Her passions matched his own, and especially as she didn’t feel any pain like their first time, anything he wanted she was more than willing to give.

  He slid his cock back inside her. Even though he’d fucked her twice already and she was full of his cum, it was still a tight fit. He gripped her hips, watching her pussy suck his cock inside.

  They were a perfect fit.

  Slamming to the hilt, he held himself deep, feeling her tighten around him, before easing out until only the tip remained inside. She whimpered his name, and he fucked her, pounding hard and deep, making her take all of it, before slowing down.

  She released a growl, and the sound was beautiful music as he teased her.

  Her puckered little asshole was calling to him, begging to be touched. He spat down on that tight hole and moved his fingers over her forbidden entrance.

  She tensed up, and he held himself still within her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ve read all of those dirty books. You know exactly what I’m doing and what I want to keep on doing to you.” He slid his fingers over her asshole, teasing her, getting her excited and comfortable at his touch.

  Finally, he pushed against that tight entrance, and the muscles kept him out. Nothing ever told him no, and certainly not muscles.

  Pressing forward, he sank the tip of his finger into her anus and heard her gasp. The sound was sweet music, but he wasn’t even done yet. He kept moving his finger in and out, making sure she took more of him until the entire finger was in her ass.

  He added a second finger, stretching her.

  “It’s too much!”

  “Is it? Touch your pussy. Let’s see if you have a problem then.”

  She started to rock back against the finger in her ass the instant she touched her clit. He worked his two fingers, stretching her, getting her ready for his dick.

  When he couldn’t take anymore, he slid his fingers from her ass and eased his cock out of her dripping pussy. He loved seeing her full of his cock, the white streams falling from her hole.

  Now, he wanted to flood her asshole.

  Petal made him very possessive, and he wanted to mark her, fill her with his scent, so every single man that came into contact with her would know he was the one who fucked her. Crazy how he felt, but that was what he wanted more than anything.

  She tensed up again as he placed the tip of his very large cock against her anus.

  “Keep playing with your pussy. Don’t stop. Relax.”

  He knew it was hard for her, but he took his time, pressing the tip of his cock into her ass and slowly pushing more inside her. She didn’t stop working her clit, an
d he slowly rocked within her, letting her get accustomed to the new feelings.

  Her ass was even tighter than her pussy.

  Marco held onto her hips, squeezing as she finally took all of him inside her. They fit perfectly together.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, leaning over her and brushing his lips against her neck.


  “Is it too painful? Do you want me to stop?” He didn’t want to, but if she couldn’t handle it anymore, he’d stop for her. He wanted her to enjoy this, not to hate it.

  “No, don’t stop. It’s weird but not too bad.”

  “You can handle it?”

  “I can handle whatever you want to give me.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said. He bit down on her neck, knowing how much she loved him doing that. He licked over her pulse to soothe out the bite of pain. “I want you to come for me. Come on my cock and then I’ll fuck this ass just the way you want me to.”

  She worked her clit, and he heard the wet sounds from her touches. He loved her needs and desires. They matched his own, and she never said no to anything. She wasn’t afraid to either. He didn’t want a submissive doll. Petal was more than he could have ever hoped her. He adored her fire and passion.

  Her body though—she was fucking stunning. He’d always had a thing for curvy women, but Petal, she was everything to him.

  “I’m going to come!”

  “Do it. On my cock.”

  She cried out, and he groaned, feeling her ass squeeze him tighter in time to the pulse of her orgasm.

  It was amazing, and even before she came down from her peak, he was thrusting inside her asshole.

  He continued to kiss her neck, driving her arousal higher as he fucked her anus.

  Petal started to push onto his dick, taking more of him inside her. He didn’t lose control as this was her first time and he intended to spend a lot of time working her ass, playing her, pleasing her, fucking her.

  Whenever he thought about the future, he always came back to her. Their time together.

  Marco knew he was in love with her and had been for a couple of years now but had never given himself the chance to truly show it. She was his world, and now he couldn’t think of having a day without her in it.

  She was more than a mistress, more than a fuck. She was everything.


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