The Mission of No Return

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The Mission of No Return Page 8

by Frank Cereo

  “It kind of tastes like chicken,” Jennifer says kiddingly.

  Everyone laughed at the joke as it took the edge off. You could see the discouraged look in everyone’s eyes for the loss of Commander Rescott. As evening faded into night, the eyes of Captain Laird could have burned a hole right through Huey. He knew something was wrong but he couldn’t pinpoint it yet. As for Huey, he knew he should have told the truth but he didn’t want to reveal to everyone that he stood there watching the T-rex feed. Basically he cost the life of Commander Rescott because he didn’t follow protocol. Tonight would be long night for Huey because deep down inside he would have to relive the death of Commander Rescott over and over in his head.

  Chapter 13 – The Encounter

  As the days went by the weeks turned into months. The scientists used their ingenuity to create different household items from things that were available during this era. They carved out bowls, plates and cups from wood. They even made simple utensils like spoons and forks from the bones of dinosaurs. They also divided a portion off in the back part of the cave and built a shower with running water. Each person had their own bed. The frames were made out of bamboo while the mattress were made from weaved vines stuffed with leaves. Each person had a blanket from the ship that was spread over the top of their bed. Soap was created from a lye deposit that was found just south of their camp site near the mountain range. The scientists even made a small laboratory for testing items and creating medicines. Food was in abundance outside in what was now called the danger zone. They built spears, hatchets, and bows and arrows for hunting. It was a steady diet of meat, eggs, fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Life was good but simple as they had no luxuries. No televisions, radios, stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators, just what was needed to survive in this wild era of dinosaurs.

  “Hey I have an idea, why don’t we go to the lime deposit we found last week and gather some to make concrete. I figure at the bottom of the cave we can run the water from the inside spring and build a small swimming pool. Boy it would relieve us from the heat.” Stephanie says.

  “You know that wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Michael answers.

  Stephanie and Josef start to dig a small hole at the bottom of the cave entrance. This would serve as the base of the small wading pool that looked to be ten by ten and two and a half feet deep. Huey, Michael, and Captain Laird packed their bags as they went in search for the lime deposit. Again just like any other day the heat index was through the roof and the humidity was unbearable. The three worked their way through the fissure that gave some relief to the heat. The temperature inside the narrow passageway stood constant at sixty degrees year round.

  “I could stay in here all year.” Michael says.

  “I agree.” Captain Laird answers back.

  The three exited the fissure into the dinosaur playground as the heat of the day was at its maximum. Instantly the three begin to perspire with a wave of heat. They stood close to the mountain range and inside the tree line for safety as they trekked north. They tested a few different deposits that were not lime but calcium deposits. At three miles out there was a vibration that could be felt as the ground shook. It felt like small earthquakes that had three seconds intervals in between each tremor.

  “What the hell is making that vibration?’ Michael asks.

  “It’s definitely not an earthquake.” Captain Laird responds.

  “Hold your ground and stay behind this tree. If it’s what I think it is we need to be as quiet as possible.” Huey replies.

  The vibrations start to get rougher and louder as both Captain Laird and Michael wrap their arms around the pine tree to prevent them from falling to the ground.

  “What is it?” Michael whispers to Huey.

  “Shh and stand still.” Huey whispers back to the other two with his right index finger against his lips.

  The trees begin to wave and crack as something is moving towards them. Whatever it is sounds larger than the Spinosaurus as trees begin to fall in the vicinity of the sounds. Then all of a sudden a herd of around fifty Styracosaurus emerged from the direction of the encroaching vibrations.

  The Styracosaurus is a close relative of Triceratops. Just like Triceratops, this dinosaur stood on four legs and eats plants close to the ground. This creature had six horn-like projections extending from its boney frill. Styracosaurus also had two small boney horns above its eyes and one larger snout horn. This small rhino like dinosaur is very capable of protecting itself from predators like T-rex.

  Just as the herd passed by in the opening in the wooded area between the plains and the mountains the attack was on. The largest of all know predator’s breaks through the trees as a Fearasaurus latches onto one Styracosaurus and breaks its back with one snap of its jaw. The creature drops the injured Styracosaurus to the ground and grabs another one before the herd can change direction. A total of three Styracosaurus’ are lying injured and in severe pain as today’s hunt was over. With blood pouring out of their backs and mid sections, the incapacitated dinosaurs squirm on the ground trying to escape the inevitable. With their front legs flapping like fish out of water the Styracosaurus’ panicked from their deaths that were fast approaching. One by one the large predator finishes off the injured Styracosaurus as it rips their bellies wide open while spilling their guts all over the red soaked grass. The snouty screams are loud as the double layer of serrated teeth rip through the flesh like a hot knife through butter. The large predator begins to consume the Styracosaurus carcasses with ease as it shreds the flesh from the bones. It rips a leg off as the bone could be heard cracking with a loud but sheer snapping sound. With its large front forearms, it eats the leg like a human eats a chicken wing. You can hear the teeth scratching the bone as it rips the flesh off.

  “Move backwards slowly and quietly and do not step on anything that will make any type of noise. This dinosaur has great vision, hearing and can smell prey like a turkey vulture. It eats anything and everything including its own species.” Huey says as all three backup carefully and slowly.

  The Fearosaurus was a species of dinosaur that Huey discovered in Antarctica. The dinosaur was frozen and still intact when it was carved out of the ice. It was the largest of all super predators ever discovered with a double layer of serrated teeth. It stood between sixty-five to seventy feet from head to tail. Fearasaurus had a very large head like all super predators with a large brain to solve problems. This creature weighed an unprecedented ten tons. Nothing as large stood on Earth’s surface after the extinction of dinosaurs. Fearasaurus had large muscular hind legs with five clawed toes that were as sharp as razor blades. Its front forearms were larger and more proportioned to its body than that of T-rex. Fearasaurus had four claw-like fingers that were sharp as razors also, but one feature was a thumb that came to a point like a dagger. It could use that thumb to slice the throat of another larger predator or it could disembowel any creature with one swift move.

  “How much further do we have to backup until we can run?” Michael asks as they move up the mountain side.

  “I would say we have enough tree coverage now so move quickly back towards camp. Be careful on the mountain side not to slip and fall down the ravine.” Huey says.

  As the three men move quickly on the steep incline they move swiftly and carefully grabbing onto trees for safety. They moved in the direction towards camp with going unnoticed until they reach an opening in the tree line. They stop suddenly as Michael slides on the wet grass and into the opening. He slides an extra ten feet before he rolls over on his stomach and starts crawling on all fours back towards the safety of the tree line but not before he is noticed by a hungry T-rex at the bottom of the hill. Now the incline in this spot is only about thirty degrees and it’s accessible by the T-rex. The T-rex lets out a furious roar as it makes a beeline towards the three men.

  “Move back as fast as you can.” Huey yells at Captain Laird and Michael.

  All three men move as quickly as possible as Micha
el runs without noticing what direction he is moving in. Captain Laird and Huey are heel to heel as they try and reach a steeper incline. The T-rex moves swiftly as he notices the movement running through the trees. Huey and Captain Laird are moving in a straight line as Michael is moving in the same direction but going down the hill at the same time.

  “Where the hell is Michael?” Huey yells towards Captain Laird as they run in a full sprint.

  “Last I knew he was right behind me.” Captain Laird responds as he looks back at the T-rex that is closing in.

  Trees are being broken and uprooted by the hungry creature that is gaining ground rapidly. Huey breaks away from Captain Laird to climb the steeper incline. Huey knows the T-rex is limited to where he can go due to his small front arms.

  “Captain, climb the mountain. T-rex cannot balance on the steep incline.” Huey yells to Captain Laird.

  “Now you tell me.” Captain Laird replies as starts to climb the steep incline.

  Both men are using the trees to help propel them up the side of the steep cliff. Just like anyone that is running scared, their adrenaline kicks in and they make moves that under normal circumstances would require thought knowing that twenty feet up in the air may be a sufficient height. They climbed fast and furious. Captain Laird stopped to look at the T-rex that was only fifteen feet away and closing in fast.

  “Don’t look at him just climb and get out of harm’s way.” Huey yells.

  Just as Huey reached twenty feet, he pulled himself up another three feet for a safety margin. When he looked over at Captain Laird he was only fifteen feet or so up the incline. T-rex also noticed that he was still within reach as he moved towards Captain Laird.

  “Captain, pull yourself up now. You don’t have much time.” Huey yells in desperation.

  As the Captain reached for a small pine tree that hung out of the slate mountain side he could see the roots start to pull from the earth. Now T-rex was salivating for the meal he was about to receive when Huey grabbed Captain Laird’s hand and pulled him to safety. The T-rex bit into the loose earth as he got a mouth full of gravel. The T-rex spit out the rocks as he shook his head side to side to get all the loose earth out of its mouth. The T-rex turned and started to walk away the same way he entered. The thunderous vibration could be felt with every step he took until he disappeared into the thicket.

  “Man that was a close one.” Captain Laird says to Huey. “Thank you.”

  “No problem captain. Like I have told everyone this is not a playground that we can take lightly. These creatures are more lethal than anything you have ever come across in your life time. They are relentless in their quest for food. Here we are not at the top of the food chain but in the middle.” Huey replies.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Captain Laird answers.

  “I’m just letting you know this is not a place for joking around. You were almost an appetizer for one of the Earth’s most dangerous predators. Take that close call as a warning.” Huey answers back in disgust.

  “I wonder where Michael is and if he’s safe.” Captain Laird says.

  “I think he is still alive and if he is in a safe place, but only time will tell.” Huey responds.

  “Well let’s go look for him.” Captain Laird says.

  “I’m not leaving this spot for at least another fifteen to twenty minutes. T-rex is a territorial predator and this is his marked ground. He will remain in the area if he thinks you will make a mistake. Mark my word on that.” Huey preaches.

  Both men remained on the ridge for a little over thirty minutes. They looked around and listened very carefully for sounds coming out of the brush. With little or no activity they decided to descend slowly, one at a time so the other could stand look out. Captain Laird was the first to climb down as he started slowly with hesitation in his step. When the Captain reached the second tree a loud noise came from the trees. Captain Laird put it in second gear and started to climb back up the ridge to safety. With the trees branches moving in the same area where the T-rex exited, a laugh could be heard.

  “What the hell, Michael is that you?” Captain Laird says towards the trees.

  “I got you.” Michael says as he continues to laugh.

  “You’re an ass.” Captain Laird adds as he starts back down the incline.

  “Both of you get your asses up here immediately.” Huey starts yelling erratically.

  The trees could be seen moving and the vibrations of something large moving towards them. Captain Laird turns and starts to climb back up just as Michael sprints towards the steep incline. The captain reaches safety as Michael climbs with aggressiveness. Again the adrenaline kicks in as he feels the drive for survival. The incline is steep and every step counts. The movements are fast but progress is slow as he uses all his strength to pull himself up.

  “Move Michael, you have to climb faster.” Huey yells as the T-rex emerges from the thicket.

  The T-rex goes directly toward Michael as he struggles to climb to safety. He reaches the same area where Captain Laird was pulled to safety when the T-rex reaches him. Captain Laird and Huey reach down to grab Michael’s hands. With panic setting in Michael starts to scream as his arm swings erratically. Both Huey and Captain Laird reach for the waving arm but cannot grasp on because Michael is panicking uncontrollably until Captain Laird grabs onto the waving left hand.

  “I can’t pull you up without your help. Push up with your legs.” Captain Laird yells to Michael.

  As the captain pulls Michael up Huey grabs on to the other arm that Michael is waving uncontrollably into the air. As they pull him up Michael is facing the T-rex face to face. Michael gets a good whiff of the T-rex’s breath. It smells like raw flesh and blood. Michael is so close that he can see the flesh that remains in its teeth. T-rex lets out a vicious roar as it lunges at Michael. Michael lets out a loud and high pitched yell as both men pull with all their might. As they stretched to pull Michael they feel some resistance on the other end. Both men pull themselves up to grasp Michael by the waist. To their surprise the T-rex has Michael’s right leg in his mouth. Michael yells at the top of his lungs from the pain that is going through his body. Both men try to pull Michael to safety as the T-rex pulls Michael backwards towards him.

  “God help me, please pull me back. Ahh shit it hurts.” Michael yells.

  The T-rex lets go to get a better grip on its meal as Huey and Captain Laird pull Michael back, but not quick enough. The T-rex is quick to grab Michael in the abdomen area. His teeth sink quickly into the soft tissue. Michael yells in severe pain just before blood backs up and pours from his mouth. The T-rex pulls back with all its strength snapping Michaels back bone and disconnecting the lower half of his body. The T-rex crushes and swallows the portion of Michael that is in its mouth. The two legs fall to the ground. The blood and intestine fall from the body. Michaels yells, whimpers, and then goes silent as his pupils dilate. Huey and Captain Laird let go of the dead corpse as the T-rex grabs the rest of its meal by the chest. With one quick move with its head up into the air, Michael’s arms and head crumple into the T-rex’s mouth. With a couple chews from the large jaw you could hear the bones being crushed in the large dinosaur’s mouth. With one swift swallow Michael was gone. The T-rex left nothing as it retrieved the two severed legs and consumed them also. As the T-rex finished its meal it looked right at Huey and Captain Laird with vengeance. It turned and walked back into the forest. The two remained on the ridge until evening. They said little or nothing to each other. They used the cover of night to return back home.

  The mission that started with nine people was now down to six. One lost on Jupiter and two lost on Earth during the Cretaceous Period of Earth’s past.

  Chapter 14 – The Earthquake

  The month’s passed quickly as the six survivors made their life style simple but successful. The days remained hot and humid but the pool they created relieved them of the heat. Food was in abundance as the garden they planted grew and thrived with
the hot moist weather. Huey and Stephanie started a physical relationship as the other four remained neutral.

  “Hey since we have been here three months it would be January 2264. Am I right or wrong?” Amanda asks.

  “Time as we know it is gone. There are no seasons here. The climate remains the same. The only thing you would need to keep time for is our ages. At this point I really don’t give a damn what my age is.” Huey responds.

  As Huey finishes his response to Amanda, a slight tremor could be felt as the Earth shook underneath them. The tremors began to intensify so much that everyone took cover inside the cave. They all took cover under their beds while Josef took cover under the newly constructed dining table. During this time period the seismic and volcanic events were much more intense than we know it during our modern time frame.

  The tremors turned into an all intense earthquake as everything began to shake. Rocks began to fall from the cave’s ceiling and walls. The rocks crashed into the beds and furniture doing some damage as they broke and battered everything. The earthquake was so intense that the furniture was moving across the cave floor. The peak outside that protected them from the dinosaurs crumbled to the ground opening the door for predators. The earthquake lasted for about thirty-seven minutes. As the earthquake ceased, the six survivors gather their bearings. They all made sure no one was seriously injured. The worse was a bump on the head for Josef and a small cut on Jennifer’s leg that needed five stitches.

  “Take a look at this,” Stephanie says to others as they gather at the cave opening.

  “There goes our safe haven.” Captain Laird says as they saw the broken down peak.


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