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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 12

by Jillian Neal

  As the moderators took their seats, Governor Haydenshire blew Mrs. Haydenshire a kiss and a wink, which made the crowd swoon. There were five moderators for the debate that could each ask one question and each man was given time for rebuttal. Then there would be a brief question and answer session with the audience.

  Governor Willow stepped forward and posed a question about what the men had done as Realm Governors that they felt would make them the best choice for Crown.

  Peterson began in a long drawn spiel about the things he’d done as a Governor. None of them were very substantial Rainer noted. Emily shifted beside him, and Rainer tried desperately not to think about her bare breasts, under the thin t-shirt, as she turned and the weight of them fell against his forearm. He cradled her back to his chest.

  He wanted to lift them where they were heaviest, to massage them, to feel them pebble and then swell for him. He wanted to watch her nipples pucker and grow darker as he built her desire. His breath quickened, but he forced his mind back to the debates as Governor Haydenshire began talking about working with Rainer’s father to write and ratify the Constitution and all that he’d done in the past thirty years as a Governor.

  Rainer felt guilt settle on him as he reminded himself that his father had spent his life fighting and ultimately dying for the process that he was watching take place. He scolded himself for the fact that he couldn’t reign in his libido long enough to watch Emily’s father debate his way to Crown Governor.

  Emily beamed and scooted closer into Rainer’s protective embrace as Governor Haydenshire elaborated on his friendship with Rainer’s father and how he would fight to uphold everything that Joseph had set forth in his time as Crown Governor.

  Emily’s tucking herself into him had Rainer’s mind reeling again. The way her luscious curves wound around him, the way her backside was pressed against his length, with his hands inches from her breasts as he held her to him. His heart raced.

  He attempted to draw a deep, steadying breath, but he inhaled the heady scent of her, mixed with the raspberry shampoo that was her favorite, and the citrus vanilla musky scent of her perfume. It was the one he supplied her with on a regular basis, as it was his favorite.

  A commercial began, and Rainer reasoned that he could fantasize during the commercials as long as he paid attention during the debates.

  Talk dirty to me. Her text from the day before seared through his mind. He shuddered slightly and let just a few of the phrases he knew she liked him to say form quickly on his tongue. He bit his lip and refused to say the lurid phrases to her during the debate in her parents’ home, on their couch, when they were supposed to be babysitting.

  He reminded himself of all of their responsibilities, but that only seemed to serve to make him want her all the more. He wanted to drown in her. The Realm seemed too much on this particular evening. He needed to fill her with all of him, to pump her full, and feel the sweet pulse of her sensual release all around him.

  She moved away from him. The motion shook him from his dizzying, lust-filled, fantasies.

  “I’m gonna go check on the boys. You wanna beer or something?” She quizzed as she stood and stretched. He watched the shirt she was wearing lift as she stretched her arms over her head. He stared unabashedly at the phoenix tattooed on her abdomen. The falcon’s wings were hidden under the very short knit shorts, but his phoenix was there. Rainer longed to hoist the shorts down and see all of his brand on her.

  When he remembered that she’d asked him a question, Rainer shook his head.

  “You go check on them. I’ll get some drinks. You want a glass of wine or something?” He stood as well and slid his hand over her backside. He was simply unable to keep his hands off her luscious curves. Emily shook her head at him.

  “Will you make me a cup of tea?”

  “Sure, baby.” Rainer moved to the kitchen and she headed up the stairs. They met back in the living room. Rainer was carrying a Dr. Pepper and Emily’s cup of tea. She beamed at him as she relieved him of the hot mug.

  “They’re out.” She sighed peacefully as she curled up on the corner of the couch.

  “Well, we did kind of wear them out outside.” He commented.

  “Yeah, but I think they’ve been sleeping better because mom and dad have been here, the past few days.” She’d been worrying about the twins being without their parents so much lately. The chorus of the Senate anthem rang again as the debate returned to the screen. As he thought over Emily’s concerns over the twins and how amazing she was with them, Rainer pictured her pregnant with his baby. He tried to imagine her body swollen, round, and full with their child that he’d put inside of her. He allowed himself to envision it. His hands on her, his mouth on her, feeling what they’d made together as it grew inside of her. His mind created vivid imagery of their future, of watching her hold his baby, and helping her take care of their child. His mind spun wildly with willful lust and abandon.

  He reminded himself that it was largely chauvinistic and tried to quell the thoughts that he wanted to plant his seed, to claim her as his own, and to tie the two of them together with children they made together. Rainer shook himself and tried to focus on the television screen.

  The rebuttals from the first question were taking place. Peterson was scowling over Governor Haydenshire’s lengthy resume and quipped that he was shocked that he’d accomplished so much outside of his own bedroom. Governor Haydenshire responded by asking Peterson to inform the Realm how many times he’d recused himself from a trial, so that he could make his tee time.

  Emily sighed as she drew long sips of her tea and watched the debates turn ugly quickly. As the grown men on television took part in the ancient practice of back handed compliments and insulting another man with grace and panache, Rainer shook his head. His father used to say that the mark of a true politician was the knife you pulled from your back after you’d shaken his hand. It appeared that Peterson had the act down to an art form. After setting her empty teacup down on the table beside the couch, Emily laid her head in Rainer’s lap and let him cradle her. This did nothing to quell Rainer’s overly active libido.

  She shifted slightly and ran her fingers through her hair to brush it off of her face. Her long auburn tresses were now across him, and he tried not to groan. He knew what that felt like for her long, soft hair to caress over his length and his thighs as she took him in her mouth. The feeling was exquisite. His breath caught as he tensed slightly and pictured her staring up at him. Her eyes dark and hungry while she spun her tongue up his length and languished him in her mouth.

  He needed desperately to touch her. Rainer began to ease his fingers through her hair. He watched a contented smile form on her beautiful face. It felt like spun silk, and the scent it released as he brushed his hands through it drove him wild. He shifted slightly and tried not to let Emily know what was pulsing through his mind and through his groin.

  He chastised himself and tried to pay attention to what was happening on the television. Peterson had called Governor Haydenshire out for what he was calling ‘misappropriation of funds’ and ‘abuse of power’ because all of Iodex was being used to keep the Haydenshires safe.

  Emily gasped and sat up as her mouth fell open in outrage. Governor Haydenshire just huffed as he shook his head and then informed the assembled audience and the Realm at large what Vasquez had done and who’d released him from prison.

  As Mr. Buffet was the moderator who’d asked the question about financial reform in the Realm, Governor Haydenshire turned to Peterson and asked him to release the name of his largest campaign financier. With his eyes goggling, Peterson was stunned as the crowd waited with baited breath to hear the answer.

  “I… I don’t have to answer that!” Peterson spat viciously, but the doubt had been seeded and an audible hiss rose from the crowd. As the camera panned, Rainer noted Vindico seated in one of the VIP seats with a broad grin stretched across his face.

  Governor Vindico quieted the tittering crowd
and reminded Governor Haydenshire that it was up to the candidate, if he wanted to reveal his campaign contributors.

  Emily shook her head in disbelief.

  “Good grief.”

  Rainer wrapped his arm around her as she tucked herself deeply into his protective embrace. Things calmed as the Governors were asked about their opinions on upping law enforcement and how they felt enhanced security should be funded. As always, funding quickly turned to taxes. All Gifted people employed by the Senate or any Gifted facility paid a percentage of their income in taxes back to the Realm.

  Emily grew bored quickly with finance reform and pulled a bridal magazine off the coffee table. Rainer gave a valiant effort to listen to Governor Haydenshire’s plans to spend wisely as opposed to raising taxes. He knew he should care as his inheritance and he and Emily’s paychecks were taxed regularly, but thoughts of he and Emily between the sheets of their bed continued to pulse through his brain. He thought of taking her in her childhood bed, just one floor above where they were seated.

  Dizzying fantasies of her asking for it, telling him to take her, and to make her feel it, of her begging him to set her free and give her release swirled in his mind and took up residence in his groin. His stomach clenched. His mouth watered as his skin hungered for her.

  With a wry grin, Emily gave him a knowing glance. He’d gone too far this time, and she’d noticed his erotically charged energy.

  “Something you want, Mr. Lawson?” She drawled flirtatiously. Rainer held her gaze, but he didn’t reply as he let her watch the storm of need and desire fill his darkened, covetous eyes. She trembled as he brushed his hand across her thigh allowing the electricity to arc heatedly between their flesh. Her breath stuttered as she allowed his energy in.

  “Tell me, Rainer. Tell me what you want.” She panted. He gave her a greedy smile as he nodded.

  “I want to kiss you.” He informed her without ever dropping her gaze.

  “That all you want?” She wanted to hear more, but he wasn’t giving in. He was going to work her over slowly, until she was begging him to set her free.

  “For now.” Her body pulled taut as her eyes flashed with desire. With that, Rainer tenderly placed his hand on her jaw and guided her face to his. He paused centimeters from their lips touching, until he could feel her breath coming in heated pants. He let the passion ignite in the moments that pulsed between them. He reveled in their energy beginning to spin and swirl as it permeated the air around them.

  After a long drawn minute, he couldn’t wait any longer. With his need to taste her driving him, he devoured her mouth as a low rumbling groan escaped his lungs and filled her mouth. He cradled her face in his hand and guided her. He slipped his tongue between her lush lips. He moved it in heated cadence with hers. He pulled back, traced his tongue over her lips, while he sucked her bottom lip until he felt it swell as he dragged his teeth over it.

  She arched her back and leaned into him. She hoisted her breasts in his face and showed him precisely where she wanted his attention.

  “These need to be touched, baby?” Rainer let his index finger spin lightly around her nipples drawn pert and anxious. Deep, desperate desire to control her, to make her feel his love, and his need to pleasure her to all new heights, coursed through his veins.

  He figured momentarily that if he was going to have her in her parents’ house again then this was the ideal time, as he could see her father debating Peterson and the rest of her family seated in the audience. He knew they wouldn’t be interrupted and that he could draw this out until she didn’t want anything as much as she wanted him deep inside of her. Rebellion mixed into the heady cocktail of love and lust that permeated his body as he awaited her answer.

  Her energy was frantic. Her body fought with her mind. She wanted to let him have her and to let him instruct and direct her, but she was timid and nervous to give up control completely, no matter how many times they’d been together.

  “Tell me, baby. Tell me you want me to touch them. Tell me you want me to suck them. Tell me you want me to bite them.” He commanded, and she moaned loudly at his directives as her body began to win out over her mind.

  “Please!” She panted. “Rainer please…” Her energy spiraled wildly as her body trembled for his touch. He forced himself to move slowly. He edged her t-shirt off her and let her ample breasts fall into his hands as he began to massage and grope. He caught her nipples between his fingers and squeezed lightly as he handled her. He laid her back on the couch and huffed hot breath over her breasts as she arched her back deeply.

  “Suck me.” She demanded in a desperate plea that drove him wild.

  “That’s it.” He urged just as he pulled her left breast deep in his mouth and spun his tongue over her nipple. He sucked her hard as she writhed and bucked under his embrace. He slid his teeth over the tender, fevered flesh and let his saliva sooth the exquisite pain he left. He moved to give the other equal attention.

  Heated defiance set in her eyes as she grasped him, massaged him, and felt him throb for her. He wrapped his hand over hers and showed her exactly how to touch him. She went wild. Her eyes flashed heatedly as she kneaded him.

  “You see, baby.” He groaned from the heavenly sensation. “You see how hard you make me, when you tell me what you want?” He felt her energy peak on the verge of climax, but she pushed it away instantly. That wasn’t at all what Rainer wanted. He clenched his jaw as he shoved her shorts down and revealed thin, white, lace panties. He shuddered and growled as he grasped her waist and pulled her closer. He removed her shorts altogether and threw them in the floor as he traced his fingers over the lace between her legs.

  “You’re so wet baby. Now show me where you need me to touch you. Show me where you’re wet.” He dragged one finger tenderly along her slit and watched her lips clench in anticipation.

  She decided to follow his commands on her terms, in true Emily Haydenshire format. She spun off the couch and stood before him in nothing but white, lace, boy short panties. He sat up but was unable to take his eyes off the show before him.

  “Show me.” He ordered again. With a body quaking shiver, she began to slide the panties down her legs, until she kicked them off. Rainer immediately grasped her backside. He pulled her to him, leaned and dragged his tongue over her lips swollen full and ripe from her desire to be entered and her desire for him to release her.

  He fell to his knees in front of her, between her legs, and kissed and licked up her inner thigh. He massaged her backside as he dipped his tongue between her lips. A loud, longing, moan evulsed from her as her head fell back in the ecstasy of what he was doing.

  “I want you to come in my mouth, baby. I want to drink you. I want to feel how wet you get for me.” He commanded fiercely, and he had her. She quaked and gave in to the sensation and let his words drive her over the edge as the liquid form of her energy flooded his mouth. He spun his tongue between her folds until the taste of her filled him.

  He stood immediately to hold and steady her in her convulsions as she clung to him. A moment later, she was pushing him back on the couch in a seated position. She pulled off his belt, and he helped her shed his shorts and boxers. She fell to her knees in front of him, and he moaned loudly. She kept her eyes locked on his. She drew patterns with her tongue up his straining length. She cupped his sack in her hands as she kissed and licked him.

  “Put it in your mouth. I want to watch you suck me.” He ordered as another evulsive moan quaked through her body. She moved over him and drew him deep within her as she drowned him in her mouth. She sucked him hard. His head fell back as his body thrust upwards of its own accord. Her moans reverberated through him. She was exquisite.

  He tenderly caressed her face. He needed her to stop. Visions of exploding in her mouth did nothing to halt the imminent climax. She pulled away, and he laid back on her parents sofa. He took her hand and continued to guide and instruct her.

  “I want you to ride me, baby. I want to watch you.”
He guided her legs until she was straddled over him. He wrapped his hands around her slender waist and guided her down.

  She moaned her ardent approval as he bucked underneath her and drove himself in deep. She began to grind her body over him. He felt their energy spike as it joined in fevered waves all around them.

  Rainer couldn’t look away from her breasts. He watched them bounce and sway as she moved. The sight threatened to end him instantly. Her eyes flashed suddenly. He felt her swell around him. She drowned his length in her heated flesh and the liquid silk that flowed around him.

  She slid her hands to her own breasts as a loud, echoing, growl bellowed from deep within him. He grasped her waist again and flipped her underneath him. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He drove her hard, pounded into her, and pumped her full of him. He plunged her depths, until she arched her back. Her temperature rose rapidly, and she screamed out his name as he set her free.

  With one last ragged thrust, he filled her with all of him. He flooded her with everything he was as she writhed and convulsed in his arms. He held her tightly as they regained the ability to breath normally. As he eased out of her, he worried he might’ve gone too far. He kissed her tenderly.

  “You ok?” He hushed.

  “Rainer, that was completely amazing. I mean wow!” She continued to make Rainer feel like a king; though, he tried hard not to smirk.

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I just hope your dad doesn’t ask too many questions about the debate.” He teased. Emily giggled and nodded her agreement. They redressed quickly and cuddled on the couch until her parents and brothers arrived home. Rainer noticed that her cheeks were still flushed pink from her passion, and he hoped her parents wouldn’t put two and two together.

  Logan and Connor fell into the kitchen laughing.

  “I cannot believe that guy asked that!” Logan stunned. Rainer and Emily shared a concerned glance. “Did you see that? I mean I figured Peterson would have plants in the audience but wow!” Logan shook his head laughing heartily.


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