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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 14

by Jillian Neal

  “Just have fun, and bring me home a baguette.” Will ordered. Emily nodded excitedly.

  “You got it!”

  Brooke began regaling Emily and Adeline with things to do and places to eat in Paris. When she began elaborating on the many fabulous lingerie shops and where they could be located, Governor Haydenshire tinged green. He turned to Logan with a wry grin.

  “Don’t suppose there’s any hoping that you and Rainer are sharing one hotel room while my baby girl and Adeline share the other?” He was teasing, but Rainer picked up on the slight note of hopefulness.

  Logan laughed at his father outright and slapped him on the back.

  “Only if something goes horribly, horribly wrong, Dad.” Everyone laughed.

  “Paris huh?” The Governor sighed as he glanced Rainer’s way.

  He tried not to laugh.

  “I did tell you this was my plan for her birthday, sir.” He reminded him gently.

  “And we’re certain the wedding dress is there?” He quizzed the room at large.

  “If I can’t find a dress in Paris, then I really am hopeless.” Emily piped up. Over the past several weeks, Rainer and Logan had taken she and Adeline, and often times the twins, to cities all over the Northeast to look at gowns, but nothing had turned her head.

  Rainer and Logan would find a nearby park or attraction to take the twins to while she and Adeline tried on gowns. Rainer and Logan were both very hopeful that Emily would find something in Paris, as they were growing weary of accompanying the girls on gown expeditions.

  Emily had designed the bridesmaid’s gowns with Fionna’s help, and Mrs. Haydenshire promised to get them made after the election. Nana and Emily had many conversations about the perfect fabric for the dresses.

  “You know purple, but not pinky purple, but not dark purple, sort of a deep purple-purple.” Emily had quoted to Rainer who’d nodded his complete lack of understanding.

  Emily and Adeline listened to Brooke tell them all about where to shop in Paris with Adeline eventually grabbing a small notepad from her purse and taking notes.

  “Ok, at this point I’m concerned.” Logan hushed as he and Rainer laughed.

  “Let her have a good time, son. She deserves it. If you need some money, I can help you out with that.” Governor Haydenshire had urged Logan quietly. Logan shook his head with a wry smile.

  “No, dad, I mean you’re letting us live here for free. I’ve got some money saved up, and she makes more than I do. She can shop as much as she wants.” Logan hushed as his father nodded his approval.

  “Jack told me what happened.” Governor Haydenshire whispered. Logan looked morose.

  “What happened?” Will and Rainer quizzed simultaneously. Logan shook his head and checked to make certain Adeline wasn’t paying attention to him.

  “She popped one of the drug tests a few weeks ago, and her mother’s agreed to rehab in hopes of staying out of jail. She’s been telling her counselor that she started using to be closer to Adeline.” Logan huffed indignantly.

  “What?” Rainer’s eyes goggled in shock.

  “It was from the pain medication. When her surgery was in the paper, her mother’s lawyer demanded a test that next day, while you were in Boston. We figured if her lawyer got wind of the surgery that they’d force another test. Jack said not to worry about it, but she freaked, of course.”

  “Logan, I’m so sorry.” Rainer hissed.

  “I would’ve told you, but she gets so upset.” Logan explained. He looked fearful that Rainer was irritated that he hadn’t told him sooner.

  “No, it’s fine.” Rainer insisted. “I mean I’d be upset too.”

  “Yeah, I’m hoping Paris will get her away from all of this for a while you know?” Logan stated hopefully. “Other than going to the beach with us, she’s never been on a vacation.”

  “Well, I think you could probably all use a little time off from the press and the election.” Governor Haydenshire stated firmly. He looked like he could use some time off as well.

  “I saw the polls this morning, sir.” Rainer complimented his future father in law.

  “Yeah, me too.” Will grinned. Governor Haydenshire chuckled and nodded.

  “Yes, well remember boys, a job can’t be called well done until it’s complete.” He advised. Will chuckled. He’d heard that expression most of his life, as had Logan and Rainer.

  “Yeah, well I’d say unless news breaks that half of us are illegitimate or something, then I’m currently standing in the kitchen of the next Crown Governor.” Will vowed. Rainer could tell that Governor Haydenshire was pleased, but he would never have admitted that. The poles had him up by 83 percent with five percent of the Realm still listed as undecided.

  While sporting his favorite footy pajamas with the large dump trucks on them, Henry circled around the many sets of legs in his line of sight. He dragged his blanket along the floor until he located Rainer and lifted his arms.

  Rainer grinned and scooped him up. Henry leaned his head to the side slightly so that he could tuck his face into Rainer’s neck as he began to suck his thumb.

  “I really can’t tell you how much I appreciate what excellent care you’ve taken of the boys.” Governor Haydenshire complimented Logan and Rainer. Emily gave Rainer an adoring grin as he began patting Henry’s back.

  “We’re glad to help, sir.” Rainer couldn’t help but think that babysitting wasn’t really doing much for the campaign, until he recalled the most horrific moments of his entire life when he’d watched Keaton plead for Emily in the hands of Roberto Vasquez.

  A little while later, Mrs. Haydenshire lifted Henry from Rainer’s grasp and took him to bed as he waved sleepily to the rest of his family. He gave a lethargic, “Happy Birfday, EE,” on his way up the stairs. Emily rushed to kiss the twins before they headed off to sleep. Henry wrinkled his nose and promptly wiped off her kiss which made everyone chuckle.

  After Emily and Adeline had taken thorough notes of all of the best shopping in Paris, Emily moved to sit in Rainer’s lap on the couch.

  “I can’t believe you are taking me to Paris!” He reveled in her energy swirling in elation all around her. Rainer hugged her tighter. He wanted to feel more of her, and he was thrilled he’d made her so happy.

  “Well, I really want to make you Mrs. Lawson, and it was my understanding that a dress would be needed for that to happen.” He teased and listened to her giggle sweetly. She paused and studied him momentarily. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. I don’t deserve you.” She whispered in his ear. After shaking his head, Rainer brushed a kiss across her cheek.

  “That’s not true, and I can’t wait to see you in Paris. I’m thrilled to get to take you.” She laid her head sweetly on his shoulder as talk of the election and the new baby spun around them.

  Mrs. Haydenshire had an appointment with a Medio specialist the next day, but she’d been told that she was still not really far enough along to be able to tell much.


  As everyone else was involved in the many varied conversations floating around the living room, Emily leaned her head up slightly to whisper in Rainer’s ear.

  “So, is Paris it, or do I get another birthday present?” She urged in a heated pant. He felt his trousers strain. Rainer gave her a cocky grin before he leaned back.

  “What did you have in mind, baby?”

  With a soft, sultry, sensuous smile, Emily leaned closer and let her hot breath caress over Rainer’s neck as she drawled.

  “If you take me home, I’ll show you.” After valiantly stifling a shuddering growl, Rainer locked his eyes on hers and watched as the storm he loved swirled desperately in their emerald depths.

  “You getting tired baby?” Rainer called and gave Emily the out she’d asked for. Emily faked a deep yawn and gave a slight nod.

  “Yeah, we played really hard today. We worked six Coulomb’s webs.” She
huffed in disdain.

  The signature Haydenshire smirk formed on Logan’s features as he teased: “Hey, Em, you know Coulomb was French. We could probably find a museum or something so you could pay homage, if you want.” Emily countered with her own signature eye roll. She shook her head.

  “No thanks.” She spat, but Rainer wasn’t interested in Coulomb or his law. He wanted to feel the energy pass between he and Emily. Calculating the distance of the drop off was woefully unnecessary as he planned to make certain there was no space between them. Emily stood up off of his lap and took Rainer’s hand. She pulled him off of the couch.

  “You aren’t leaving already?” Governor Haydenshire lamented. Emily gave him a sweet smile.

  “Yeah, Daddy. I’m tired, and I guess I need to start packing!” She trilled excitedly.

  “And there’s another gift Rainer wants to bestow on you. Right, Em?” Levi husked as he pretended to cough, and the Governor pretended he hadn’t heard the quip.

  Emily shot Levi a warning glare and then turned back to her father. Her sweet smile returned instantly. With a slight shudder, that the Governor hoped Emily hadn’t caught, he pulled her in for a hug.

  “All right, well, I’m going with your mother to the Medio tomorrow, and then I’m hearing trials. So, I don’t guess I’ll see you until you get back from your trip. Have a good time, and please, baby girl, be careful, and remember whose baby girl you are.” Governor Haydenshire urged. With another slight eye roll, Emily chuckled.

  “All right, Daddy. Thank you for everything.” She gave her father another hug.

  After bidding everyone good night, thanking them again for her gifts, and helping Rainer load them into the car, they finally climbed in the Mustang.

  “So… good birthday?” He quizzed as he drove home across the fields.

  “Uh, you’re taking me to Paris, so I’d say best birthday ever!”

  As he gave her a wry grin, Rainer rubbed her leg.

  “Where are we staying?” Emily sounded completely thrilled. As he realized that he hadn’t really given her much detail on her gift, Rainer smiled.

  “Well, we’re staying at the Ritz until Sunday night, and then we’re staying at this place that’s Will and Brooke’s favorite Sunday and Monday.” Emily was buzzing in her excitement.

  “The Ritz!” She gasped. “Rainer, how much did all of this cost you?” With an incredulous glare, Rainer scoffed.

  “Uh, you don’t get to ask that.” She appeared momentarily panicked and began biting her lip.

  “Please, please tell me you didn’t spend a fortune. I’ll feel terrible.”

  “You’re worth every penny and more.” He vowed.

  “Are you just making up for trying to sit on me when I was a baby?” Rainer laughed at the sheer number of times he’d heard that story.

  “Yes, I do still feel badly for that.” He mocked. She waggled her eyebrows and his sexy, mischievous grin formed on her lush lips.

  “Well, I like it when you lay on me now.” Rainer pulled the Mustang into the garage and waggled his eyebrows.

  “Do you?” He chided.

  “I do!”

  “Hmm, have to see what I can do about that, but there are several other things I want to do first.” He made a quick exit from his car door and rushed to open hers.

  “Like what?” She urged as he led her into the house.

  “Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll show you.” Emily followed Rainer inside. He threw his keys on the counter and spun her into him as he kissed her heatedly.

  “Happy Birthday, baby.” He husked. She broke away from the kiss a moment later. A slight, breathy moan escaped her lungs. Her eyes lit heatedly as she slid her hand down his zipper line. She massaged and grasped him as she traced her finger up his hardening length.

  He shuddered and slipped his hands to her breasts. He allowed himself one long moment to knead them in his hands. He wanted more. His body strained for hers. There was too much in his way. With a slight headshake, he unbuttoned her shirt.

  She continued to stroke him through his jeans. She lowered his zipper and granted herself better access. It drove him wild.

  “That what you want baby?” He panted as her shirt fell open, and he took in her breasts swollen and bound in a scalloped black lace bra that was cut so small the lace barely covered her nipples. He could see them peaking out from the tight, black lace and vying for his attention. She gave him a heavy nod as she worked her hand through the slit in his boxers, and he pulsed hot and heavy for her.

  “I want you inside of me.” She begged. Possessive need took chokehold of Rainer. An urgent desire to give her everything she needed, everything she wanted, and to feel the heavenly pulse of her sweet release all around him flooded through him.

  He closed his eyes and forced his brain back above his belt line.

  “I know what you want, sweetheart, and I’m gonna take care of everything you need, but it’s your birthday, Em. I want to make you feel things I’ve never made you feel before, so let’s slow it down, baby. Let me take care of you.” He urged in a fervent plea that had her panting in the ecstasy of his promises.

  “Did you set the cast, sweetheart?” She gave a heavy nod.

  With that, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed. He watched as her eyes danced and swirled with desire and need. He kicked the door shut with his boot and then laid her out on their bed. He had her jeans unsnapped and unzipped in a matter of moments. He began at the matching lace G-string. The thin scrap of black fabric that concealed her from him but not for long. He thought savagely as he edged her jeans down, and followed the heavy fabric with slow, tender kisses all the way down her inner thigh. He watched as her body quivered in anticipation.

  He threw her jeans to the floor and paused to allow himself a moment to take in everything he was about to thoroughly enjoy. His eyes traced down her ample cleavage still spilling out of the demi-bra. Her breasts were obscured slightly by the black button down shirt that was hanging off of her. He continued his visual tour all the way down her abdomen clenched in breathless anticipation.

  Her lips were swollen, fevered, and concealed behind the tiny scrap of black lace. He wanted to see them and feel them. He wanted to taste them. A deep, longing thirst coursed through Rainer’s veins as he traced his index fingers just under the edges of lace, until he let his fingers meet where she opened for him.

  She writhed and arched her back. She begged him in heated desire. He forced himself to withdraw his hands. He hoisted his shirt and trousers off in seconds flat and lay beside her.

  Rainer grasped the slight cups of her bra. He pulled them down and drowned her nipples in his mouth. He laved them with his tongue and eased the taut, puckered mounds with the heat of his lips. She cried out for more and hoisted her hips in the air to show him what she wanted.

  He wanted more. He wanted her warm, throbbing, fevered flesh in his mouth. He wanted to feel her pebble against his tongue. He reached back and freed her breasts from their enclosure and tossed it off the bed.

  He began sucking fervently; she moaned and called his name. She arched her back and drove them deeper in his mouth. He felt her energy swirl rapidly around him, but he still wasn’t satisfied. He needed to possess her.

  His hands traced down her stomach and his fingers glided lightly over the tattoo of his crest. He slid his hand under the scrap of lace and began to let his fingers play and explore the soft tender curls between her legs. She let them fall further apart in a physical request for him to answer her needs.

  She was dripping wet, fevered, and swollen ripe and tender for his touch. He shuddered as he stroked her gently. A heated, needy plea rose from her mouth as she grabbed his hand and attempted to push him inside of her. The desire drove him wild. He gave in, obliged her, and fulfilled her needs. He slipped his fingers inside. He explored and searched the wet, heavenly heat deep inside of her.

  As he reveled in his knowledge of her, he watched her contort and wri
the as he bent his fingers. He knew right where to go. His heart raced as he stroked her. He traced the perfect spot, and she began to grind her body against his hand as he added to the friction and the force slowly.

  A moment later, he had her. She screamed out his name and grasped the pillow beside her. She needed to cling to something as he made her world spin deliciously. Her muscles cinched tightly around his hand and pulled him deeper as he eased his strokes and let her orgasm wash through her before he began to build her again.

  He watched her body pulse, and desperate desire to enter her, to feel her pulse around him, flooded through him. Not yet. He commanded himself. There was still so much he wanted her to have before she gave him the release his body craved.

  “Tell me you want more, baby.” He commanded. His voice was deep and reverent in his need.

  “I need more.” Her fervent begging set him on fire as he stood off of the bed, grasped her right thigh, and lifted it. He started with her knee and kissed and nibbled his way towards those sweet, swollen lips that were dripping wet for him. He watched her spread her legs further showing him what she wanted licked.

  He continued his slow, fevered climb up her inner thigh as she panted. Her hips lifted in the air. She needed him to tame her. He caught her backside in his hands as it rose in the air and used his thumbs to pull her apart gently.

  She went wild, moaned loudly and her fists grasped the bedding underneath her as he blew cold air into the fevered, dripping space. He let his tongue spin once in her opening as “More” fell from her lips. He wasn’t giving in, not yet. He traced her again, and then moved to suck one of her lips. He kept his finger moving just inside of her.

  After letting all of the times he’d had the extraordinary pleasure of having her like this fill his mind and then his soul, he tested the theory he’d come up with recently. He timed it perfectly. He kept his tongue moving just outside of where she wanted him. He lapped at her and moved closer to her clit with each pass. He waited until her breaths were frantic and her moans were searing from her chest, then he spun his tongue over her clit and began to suck as he slipped his fingers deep inside of her. She broke immediately. She flooded his mouth with her sweet nectar. It was the most exquisite thing he would ever taste.


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