Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3) Page 15

by Jillian Neal

  “Rainer, please.” She panted as the powerful orgasm robbed her of breath and contorted her body deliciously.

  “You ready, sweetheart? You ready for me?”

  “Please,” she begged as he lay on top of her. He was careful to keep his weight on the mattress. He edged her legs back apart with his knee.

  “Spread your legs for me, baby. I’m gonna fill you full.” He promised. He felt her energy spike to its highest tilt from his order. He took advantage of its arc as he slipped inside of her. He felt her release again almost instantly. It was astounding. The feeling of her orgasm as soon as he entered her, the pulse and the pull, the quivering heat of her body surrounding him was heavenly.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it to me.” He soothed as she writhed in ecstasy. He began to pump hard. He never let her body calm completely. The need to fill her was far too great.

  “Yes,” hissed from her deliciously as her eyes closed in her pleasure. After forcing himself to concentrate, he pushed his shield cast out from his hand and covered their bodies. Her eyes flashed open as she reveled in his surrounding her.

  He grasped her wrists and held them over her head. He pinned her to the bed. He didn’t want her to feel anything but him inside of her and all around her.

  “What do you feel, baby?” He commanded as he kept his thrusts deep and unrelenting, and she took him all. Her lips swelled tightly around him.

  “I feel you.” She panted. “It’s amazing.”

  Everything in him pulled taut to his body. She pulsed rhythmically as she began to plead for release. He pounded harder, and she broke as he filled her a second later. He exploded inside of her and reveled in the mix of their releases all around him.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. She clung to him as her climax quaked through her. He held her tightly and groaned from the sweet pulse that enclosed him. He let his eyes close and concentrated on her body as she spasmed around him. Nothing would ever feel so absolutely astounding.

  As she calmed, he begrudgingly withdrew. He eased out of her and was certain she was tender, after all he’d done.

  “This is definitely the best birthday ever!” She declared after a few minutes. He’d been trying not to congratulate himself, but he chuckled.

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “So, uh, where’d you get the new moves, Mr. Lawson?” She teased. He moved so they were under the quilts and blankets on their bed. He nestled her beside him as he hemmed.

  “I may or may not have flipped through a few copies of your Cosmos in the bathroom.” He joked. She laughed hysterically as she clung to him.

  “I love you so much.” She made his entire world fall into perfect accord in that moment.

  He kissed the side of her head and whispered, “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thank you,” she sighed. “Thank you for everything, but mostly just thank you for you and for loving me.”

  “Em, I could never love anything more.”

  “And that’s just the most amazing thing ever.” A deep yawn overtook her. He chuckled and kissed her cheek.

  “Tired baby?”

  She giggled and scooted further down in the bed. She tucked herself tightly into his embrace.

  “I am suddenly exhausted.” She teased.

  “I can’t imagine why. Go to sleep sweetheart. We have to get packed tomorrow, and then Friday morning, bright and early, we’re flying to Paris.”

  “I can’t wait!” She squealed as her energy, that had begun to ebb, rose again instantly.

  Rainer decided not to bring up Paris again, until the next day. He closed his eyes and let soothing energy flow from his body into hers. She allowed him in and drew the calming force, until she stilled beside him. He brushed another kiss across her cheek before he fell asleep wrapped up in her.


  The next day, Logan and Rainer brought Henry and Keaton to the guesthouse so that everyone could pack for Paris while they kept up with the little guys. Emily played with the boys, while Rainer laid out the clothes he would need. He and Logan played with the twins, while she put everything into suitcases.

  The Haydenshires had given Adeline a ride to the hospital; she still was putting off Logan buying her a car. Mrs. Haydenshire had insisted that Adeline be her primary Medio, despite the fact that she was still in training. Brad and Medio Callavander, who had delivered all of the other children and was soon to retire, were assisting her.

  Mrs. Haydenshire was having a full battery of tests run, and Adeline was only working a half shift since they were flying out at six the next morning.

  Emily was feeding the boys lunch when the Haydenshires and Adeline returned. Rainer emerged from he and Emily’s room and lined their suitcases up in the hall. Mrs. Haydenshire grasped the Governor’s hand as she studied everyone in the guesthouse.

  “Well, what did they say?” Emily begged. She’d been frantic all morning.

  “Well, a lot of things.” Mrs. Haydenshire seated herself on one of the couches, and Adeline plied her with a large glass of water. Everyone moved closer. Logan approached cautiously.

  “Mom what did they say about the poison and everything else?”

  “Well,” Mrs. Haydenshire’s face fell slightly. “They did the tests they were able to do and… what was the test you did that came back positive when it wasn’t supposed to?” Mrs. Haydenshire quizzed Adeline.

  “It’s a trisomy, Mrs. Haydenshire.” Adeline hushed. “But it was really too early to do one, and even after twenty weeks we get a lot of false positives.”

  “Well, what does that mean?” Logan pushed. Adeline took Logan’s hand.

  “She’s going to need to see a specialist, but it could mean that there may be a chromosomal anomaly. We don’t know if there is one yet, and we don’t know if the poison might’ve caused it or…” Adeline cringed slightly. “Or other factors.” She concluded. Mrs. Haydenshire chuckled at her embarrassment.

  “Sweetheart, it’s fine. You can say ‘it might be because of your mother’s age.’” Adeline looked like she wanted to melt into the floor.

  “Medio Callavander wants me to take it easy and not do quite so much campaigning over the next few weeks, but I keep telling all of you I will be fine and your little sister will be fine. I know it.” Governor Haydenshire stepped in.

  “No one is arguing that, Lillian, but you’re still going to stay off of your feet and rest and let me finish this campaign. Then I’ll be home to take care of both of you.” He promised. While giving her husband a wry smile, Mrs. Haydenshire nodded her agreement. The show the twins had been watching ended, and they both crawled up in their mother’s lap.

  “When you get back from Paris, I want as many of you kids at the house as can be there. I don’t want your mother to lift a finger. Do you understand me?” Governor Haydenshire ordered.

  “Of course,” everyone agreed. The Governor gazed at his wife, and Rainer glanced away. The guilt and terror he was trying so hard to hide was pinned on every line of his face and in every muscle of his weary body.

  “I’ve got to get to the Senate.” Governor Haydenshire lamented. Mrs. Haydenshire gave him a knowing smile.

  “I’ll be fine Stephen. You go on. There are a million things I want to do at the house. We haven’t been home in so long.” Mrs. Haydenshire sounded thrilled to get to work. Every head in the room shook side to side.

  “Uh, mom, you’re supposed to rest.” Logan insisted, but Emily seemed to have her mother’s number.

  “Ok, how about this. We’ll keep Keaton and Henry here, and you go home and rest. Maybe occasionally you can throw a load of laundry in.” She negotiated.

  Mrs. Haydenshire smiled at her daughter and agreed. Governor Haydenshire brushed a sweet kiss across his wife’s cheek as he headed back to Arlington to hear trials.

  “Do you have everything packed?” Mrs. Haydenshire glanced from Emily to Adeline.

  “I haven’t even started.” Adeline confessed, but she looked thrilled
to begin.

  “I’m about half done, but I can’t decide what to wear to dinner tomorrow night.” Emily stated thoughtfully.

  “Well, can I help?” Mrs. Haydenshire stood and headed towards Rainer and Emily’s room.

  “No,” Emily and Adeline drawled sweetly.

  “Ok, can I sit on one of your beds and watch you both pack. I haven’t been with my girls in so long, and I want to hear all about your plans for your trip.” Mrs. Haydenshire begged. The girls agreed.

  “Ok, Logan, you and Rainer go outside and play.” Mrs. Haydenshire ordered. She sounded just the way she had when they were ten and being a little too boisterous in the farmhouse kitchen. Rainer feigned offense.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re being thrown out.”

  “No kidding I mean a guy knows when he’s not wanted.” Logan drawled.

  “Good. You’re not and take your brothers with you.” Mrs. Haydenshire chuckled at Logan. With an eye roll, Logan scooped Keaton up.

  “Come on Keat. The boys are being excommunicated. Trust me, you’ll get used to it.” Logan huffed as the girls giggled sweetly. Rainer followed suit with Henry who blew Emily and his mother a kiss and made the girls swoon.

  “You, my friend, are gonna be a heartbreaker.” Rainer teased Henry as he headed out to the backfields to play.

  It’s Time to Go

  Rainer whimpered as he slammed his hand across the alarm the next morning.

  “Get up! It’s time to go.” Emily sounded like she’d been up for a while. Rainer let one eye open and saw her sitting up beside him. She was biting her lip as an elated smile spread across her beautiful face. Rainer grabbed her hand and pulled her across him so she was straddled over him.

  “Hey there, baby. You excited or something?” Emily giggled.

  “Yes, and it’s already ten o’clock in the morning in Paris. Someone could be buying my dress right now!” Rainer laughed at her outright.

  “Well, we can’t have that.”

  “Exactly! So get up.” She commanded.

  “All right, all right.” Rainer eased up on his elbows and angled his head up for a kiss. Emily leaned her head down and granted him his unspoken request, before she crawled off of him and pulled him from the bed.

  “I’m going to go make sure Logan and Adeline are up.” She headed for the door.

  “Em, baby.” Rainer caught her hand and halted her progress. She spun back.


  “I’m thrilled you’re so excited, sweetheart, and even though I know you and Logan used to bathe together when you were babies, I’d really appreciate it if you were, you know, maybe wearing panties when you go to wake them up.” He tried hard not to chuckle.

  Emily looked mortified as she realized that she was about to go awaken her brother in nothing but one of Rainer’s t-shirts that barely covered her backside.

  “Ok, I’m losing my mind.” She pulled on a pair of underwear and a pair of knit shorts with ‘Angel’ scrawled across her backside. Rainer brushed a kiss across her cheek as she scooted from the room.

  “Get up. We’re going to Paris!” Rainer heard Emily announce loudly. He doubled over laughing as he listened to Logan groan.

  “Geez! It’s like every freaking Christmas morning, only then I got to sleep until six.”

  Adeline laughed as Emily giggled.

  “Get up!” Emily demanded again.

  “Em, get the hell out of my bedroom. I’m not wearing anything.” Logan ordered. Emily made a dramatic gagging noise.

  “Eww, you poor thing, Adeline. That’s disgusting.” She thoroughly infuriated her brother but made Adeline laugh hysterically.

  By five fifteen, they were headed into the Senate. Rainer and Logan were loaded down with luggage. Vindico chuckled as he met them at the jet fleet that belonged to the Senate.

  “Ok, remember that evidence is key, not only to the election but, to dismantling the Interfeci. Watch your backs. Wretchkinsides has men in Paris and all over Europe.” Rainer and Logan shared an ominous glance.

  “Good friend of mine will meet you at the west entrance of Charles de Galle on Sunday, just before you get on the plane, and I’ll meet you right here when you land.” Vindico concluded his orders to Logan. After nodding his understanding, Logan swallowed harshly. Vindico gave them all kind smiles.

  “Other than that, have fun. Enjoy the press not breathing down your necks for once.” As that sounded wonderful, Rainer thanked Vindico again for giving him the time off and helped Emily to the tarmac to board the jet that would be taking them to Paris.

  The Senate jets were a great deal faster than even the Gifted commercial jets. They required ten pilots and sixteen coolant officers to work the engines, guide the plane, and to keep the engines cool.

  A man dressed in a Senate pilot uniform that Rainer recognized, but couldn’t name, stopped by their seats and extended his hand.

  “I’m sure you don’t remember me, Rainer. I’m Pete Namphis. I used to fly you and your dad when you were little. I captained his flight crew. It’s a pleasure to fly with you again.”

  “Oh, uh, thank you.” Rainer racked his brain but had no recollection of his father’s pilot. He stood and shook Pete’s hand. He gestured to Emily who stood as well.

  “This is…” but Pete chuckled as he took Emily’s hand.

  “Emily Haydenshire, your fiancée, and Governor Haydenshire’s baby girl.”

  Emily’s head fell into her hands.

  “He just calls me that everywhere, apparently.” She sighed her embarrassment. Rainer and Pete both chuckled.

  “Your dad took you, Will, and Connor with him on a trip to Dallas, when you were a baby. You cried the entire flight.” Pete informed her with a wry grin.

  “Uh, I promise not to do that this time.” Emily vowed apologetically. Everyone laughed.

  “Now, I’m not taking the bride and groom on some sort of secret honeymoon am I?” Pete quizzed with a twinkle in his eye. He appeared proud of Rainer; though Rainer couldn’t fathom why. It made him uncomfortable. He shook his head.

  “Oh, no sir, just a quick trip this time, but I might take you up on that in a few month’s time.” Rainer hoped he wasn’t giving too much away. Pete smiled kindly.

  “Well, I’d be honored, son, and I know the press has been rough on you as of late, but I really believe Joseph would have been so proud of the man you’ve become, Rainer.” Pete vowed. With the same swell of remorse and fear that always washed over him whenever someone informed him that his father would be proud of him, Rainer thanked Pete heartily and sincerely hoped that he was correct.

  “Well, shall we go to Paris?” Pete drawled. Emily and Rainer nodded their excitement. “I know I took you and your dad there when you weren’t but seven or eight, Rainer, but have you ever been Miss Haydenshire?”

  “Oh, no sir, and please call me Emily.”

  Pete agreed and told them he hoped they had a wonderful time in the City of Light before he disappeared into the Captain’s cabin.

  “Do you remember coming with your dad?” Emily quizzed as they reseated themselves and listened to the engines roar to life. Rainer shook his head as he tried to recall Paris.

  “Not really,” he lamented. “I remember dad taking me, but I was mad that I couldn’t stay here and play with you and Logan, so I complained the whole time. We were only there for one night.” The now haunting memory riddled him with guilt. Emily reached and squeezed his hand. She supplied him with her heavenly calming rhythms.

  “This is the most amazing birthday present ever, Rainer. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”


  Two hours later, they were landing at Charles De Gaulle. Emily was buzzing in her glee.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m here! I can’t believe I’m actually here.” She was all but squealing on the descending airplane. Rainer chuckled. There had never been anything as adorable as she was in that moment. He was certain.

  Adeline seemed almost as excited as Emily, but
her nerves appeared to be setting in rapidly. Rainer and Logan watched the girls as their luggage was unloaded from the belly of the plane.

  They’d decided to try their best not to let Wretchkinsides, or the evidence that Logan would be bringing back to the states Sunday, intrude on the girls’ trip in any way. They would keep them safe hopefully without either of them feeling smothered.

  “I can’t believe I’m here.” Adeline stunned. “I mean, I’ve never even been out of Virginia or D.C.” She was simultaneously thrilled and terrified. Logan wrapped his arm around her protectively.

  “Well, welcome to Paris, baby.” He drawled. “I’ve never been here either, but I’ve heard it’s supposed to be sort of romantic.” He gave her a cocky wink.

  Adeline beamed up at him. She looked like she’d never been happier. They made their way down the ramp to the gate, and Rainer held his breath. After releasing it in a relieved hiss, he tried to recall the last time he’d exited an airplane without being met by the press.

  Rainer and Logan’s tickets had been purchased through Senate representatives, and Rainer had paid for Emily and Adeline’s. They’d also been listed as Senate Officials, in an effort to keep Wretchkinsides from knowing who was coming to France.

  They made their way through the airport. Rainer guided them to the Metro, and they made their way into the city.

  It was teaming with people, food, and the most stunning architecture any of them had ever seen.

  It was just after two, and shop owners were just reopening after lunch as Parisians bustled in and out of stores, restaurants, cafes, and museums.

  Emily drew deep breaths as she gazed lovingly at the surrounding city and the magic it held. She seemed to want to absorb the very essence of it all into her body. Rainer watched her with rapt adoration as he pointed to the metro station and purchased their tickets before boarding. They exited just outside of the Ritz.


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