All White Alphas: Four Adult BWWM Stories

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All White Alphas: Four Adult BWWM Stories Page 3

by Aaliyah Jackson

  “Well when is?” Rebecca demanded.

  “We can discuss it later,” he said in an attempt to appease her.

  Rebecca turned to glare and Monica was all too aware of the cool appraisal on her. She steeled herself for the comment she knew was about to come her way.

  “You should go back to America and find work there…,” Rebecca started then paused for a second before going on. “…instead of stealing the jobs of hard working local people.”

  Monica bristled at the comment, but bit her tongue to hold back the retort that threatened to come out. Her idea of making a good first impression was fast falling apart although she suspected she could never have managed that where Rebecca was concerned.

  “I’m sorry you see it that way,” she said as diplomatically as she could. “But you can be assured I will try…”

  “Whatever you say,” Rebecca interrupted condescendingly and deliberately turned her back. “Anyway, I have better things to do than waste my time talking to the likes of you,” she let out over her shoulder.

  Monica’s mouth opened wide at the insulting remark and she wanted to snap back. She held her tongue though as Rebecca stalked off without saying another word.

  “I apologize for my wife,” Prince Nathanial said with a sigh when they were alone in the room. “She has her own ideas about how our household should be run.”

  “And that seemingly doesn’t include me,” Monica replied.

  “She will come round to the idea,” the prince went on. “There have been a lot of changes in her life over the last few months and she just needs time to adjust to her new role as a princess.”

  Monica looked at him skeptically and wasn’t sure she believed what he was saying. She couldn’t imagine Rebecca coming around to her being there any time soon and wondered if her dream job was about to be over before it even started.

  “Come,” Prince Nathanial encouraged her when he got to his feet. “Have some tea.”

  Monica felt the touch of his hand on her lower back and couldn’t stop her pulse jumping. The prince led her over to a set of French doors that opened out onto a terrace. He moved to a table and she was surprised to see him pouring two cups of tea himself. She accepted one and sat down.

  “I was most impressed with your CV,” he started when he dropped in a seat. “I have high expectations that you will do exactly what I am looking for.”

  “Thank you sir,” Monica replied. “I hope I can provide the service you want. As I tried to tell your wife, you can rest assured I will put in every effort to give you what you need.”

  “Oh I’m sure you will,” he went on.

  Monica looked across at him and saw the smile on his handsome face. It set her pulse racing faster still and as the conversation went on she found herself becoming entranced by his charming nature. She couldn’t help wondering why he married a bitch like Rebecca, but decided to reserve her judgment about his wife until she knew more. In the end she would have to win the princess over if she was going to do her job successfully. She wasn’t exactly filled with confidence about the prospect of doing that, but tried to put the idea out of her mind to just enjoy the company of the prince as they drank the tea.

  “Will I meet the staff today?” she asked him.

  “We have plenty of time for that,” he replied. “I expect your journey was tiring and you should just take the rest of the evening to relax. I can introduce you to everyone else tomorrow morning and you can take it from there.”

  “OK,” Monica agreed and picked up her cup to finish her tea.

  “I’ll give you a quick tour now and show you where your room is,” Prince Nathanial told her.

  She wondered why he was doing the task himself, but wasn’t about to question him about it. They got up from the table and he led the way back inside then on around the building. Monica found herself engrossed in the stories he told of the historic rooms and his ancestors. She’d urged herself not to get star struck about meeting a real life prince, but found that she was by the time the brief tour finished. It ended at the room that would be hers.

  “If you come to my office at ten tomorrow morning, I’ll introduce you the staff and you can get started with your new duties,” Prince Nathanial told her.

  “I’ll do that sir,” she replied.

  “See you then,” he finished and walked off.

  Monica stepped in her room and looked around to see that it was just as luxurious as the rest of the property. She threw herself down on the bed and tried to relax. The start to her new job would have been perfect but for one fly in the ointment and she turned her mind to Rebecca. She wasn’t sure quite what to do when it came to the princess and turned the problem over in her mind. If the hostility was simply because she was an American expat there was little she could do to change that and she guessed she was just have to put in a real effort to show that she was the right person for the job. Whether that would make any difference she didn’t know. There was nothing she could do at that particular moment and she got up to have a shower.

  By the time she got out again the tiredness of a long day was catching up with her and she put on a nightdress and went to bed. Sleep came easily and her eyes didn’t open again until just after seven the following morning. She got up to get ready for what was going to be a big day for her. After showering and dressing, she made her way down to the kitchens to have some breakfast. The cook seemed friendly and she decided to see if she could glean any information about the couple she would be working for. The woman wasn’t very forthcoming though and in the end didn’t say much at all.

  When Monica finished eating, she looked at her watch to see that it was nearing eight. There were still a couple of hours to go before her meeting, so she decided to go back to her room. She saw Rebecca coming down the stairs as she started to climb and plastered a smile across her face.

  “Good morning ma’am,” she said pleasantly as the met. “Are you on your way to breakfast?”

  “No,” Rebecca replied frostily. “Do you think I got a figure like this eating breakfast? That’s only for fat people. I do so hope you enjoyed eating yours.”

  The snide comment wasn’t lost on Monica. She knew she wasn’t fat, but the bitchy insult still annoyed her. Rebecca swept past without saying any more and left her standing on the stairs. She tried to put the comment out of her mind as she began to climb towards her room again, but she almost slammed the door when she got there.

  “Bitch,” she spat out then tried to calm herself.

  It appeared that working for the prince and his wife was going to be a challenge and she would need to be at her very best to win over Rebecca. She wasn’t even sure that she could, but was certainly going to try. The job was too good to give up without a fight and she set her mind to the upcoming meeting. Her hope was that it would only be with Prince Nathanial, but suspected his wife would be in attendance. When it reached fifteen minutes before ten, she walked down and found the butler. He led the way to the office and she sat at the chairs outside until a minute before ten.

  “Just keep calm,” she said under her breath and got up to knock on the door.

  It was opened by Prince Nathanial, who gave her a friendly greeting. She didn’t expect to get a second one when she walked inside, but looked around to see that Rebecca wasn’t there.

  “Your wife isn’t joining us sir?” Monica asked.

  “No,” Prince Nathanial replied. “She has a short tour of engagements arranged for the next three days, so left this morning.”

  Monica kept the smile off her face about Rebecca’s absence and guessed it would give her a few days to settle in and get the household running smoothly without the bitchy comments she’d endured since arriving. She expected Prince Nathanial to move to the desk for the discussions, but he remained on his feet.

  “Will the other household staff be coming to meet us now?” she asked when the silence stretched out for a few seconds.

  “All in good time,” he said. “I wanted s
ome time alone with you first.”

  “OK,” Monica replied and waited.

  The silence stretched out again, but it was Prince Nathanial that filled it this time.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman,” he said.

  The compliment came out of the blue and Monica wasn’t quite sure how to respond. It wasn’t how she expected what was a business meeting to commence and the shock registered in her mind. She looked at Prince Nathanial and saw the way he was staring at her. The quickening of her pulse came on unbidden and she tried to calm herself.

  “You have such a gorgeous skin color,” he went on and moved nearer.

  Monica caught a scent of his clean, fresh aftershave and when she realized how close he was took a step back. Prince Nathanial came after her and she kept moving away from him until her back was against the wall to trap her in place. She held her breath as he reached out and the caress of fingertips across her cheek was gentle.

  “You’re a married man sir,” Monica said in an attempt to make him back off.

  “I still have fantasies,” he replied and leaned forward.

  Monica was frozen in place as his mouth came close to her ear. She knew what was happening was wrong, but couldn’t bring herself to stop it. The prince had a charisma that was impossible to ignore and she closed her eyes as he spoke.

  “And my dreams are all about being with a black woman,” he whispered. “A pretty one just like you.”

  Monica opened her eyes when he moved his head back and saw the handsome smile on his face. It became obvious why she got the job, but at the precise moment she didn’t care. She was almost mesmerized in his presence and didn’t turn away when he leaned forward again. This time his lips met hers in a gentle kiss that quickly grew more passionate. She gasped as it ended and knew she should try and stop the situation escalating.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she let out.

  “I’m not forcing you,” Prince Nathanial told her and nodded his head towards the door. “You’re free to leave whenever you want.”

  Monica looked at the door then brought her gaze back to the prince. She knew she should walk out and let things calm down, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The soft laugh of Prince Nathanial sounded out when she didn’t move and he leaned forward to another kiss. He pressed his body against hers and she felt the unmistakable bulge of a growing erection against her midriff. It scared her and excited her at the same time that she was getting into something that was only going to end in trouble for her.

  “I want to see more,” Prince Nathanial said when the kiss ended.

  He moved to lock them in the office before grabbing her wrist and leading her across the room towards his desk. Monica tensed when he reached for the buttons of her blouse, but just watched as they were undone to reveal more of her smooth skin.

  “So pretty,” he said.

  He seemed entranced by the dark color as he stroked his fingertips across it. His touch eventually played along the top edge of her bra and he slowly edged the silky material lower until her breasts were exposed. Monica knew it was her last chance to end things before they got completely out of hand, but the rush of arousal sweeping through her body was so good and she couldn’t bring herself to move.

  She knew she was lost as soon as the kiss touched on her breast. Her nipple stiffened even before Prince Nathanial’s lips found it and she let out a groan when they did. He nuzzled his lips back and forth across the erect bud before taking it deep in his mouth. Monica shuddered and rocked her head back as the pleasure swelled. The touches on her body made her want more and she grabbed the prince’s head and held him on her. Not that she needed to and he eagerly moved back and forth to take his fill of her beautiful curves.

  He finally straightened up and their lips met again. As their bodies came together she was all too aware of how erect he was and it excited her to know that she could bring out the desire of a prince. It was her turn to loosen buttons when the kiss ended and she leaned forward to nuzzle her lips against solid muscles as she pulled the sides of his shirt apart.

  Monica was down on her knees by the time she finished undoing the buttons. She flicked out her tongue and teased the tip along the naked skin just above the waistband of Prince Nathanial’s pants. When she moved back she saw the obvious outline of his erection and grabbed at it through the material. She heard his groan and looked up as she stroked his cock.

  “Get it out,” he encouraged her in an almost breathless voice.

  Monica didn’t need a second invitation and immediately began to loosen his pants. His urgency for her touch came through as he grabbed at his belt to unbuckle it and between them they yanked his pants down his legs. He stepped out of them and took hold of his underwear to pull it down too. His erection sprang proudly to attention and he wrapped his fingers around the base and held it out towards her.

  Monica glanced up to see she was being watched before bringing her attention to his stiff shaft and leaning forward. The prince groaned again when she kissed the tip and nuzzled her lips on slick skin. It brought her his taste and she flicked out her tongue and licked to get more. Prince Nathanial threw his hips forward as the desperation to feel a soft, wet mouth wrapped around him took hold.

  It knocked Monica’s head back, but she parted her lips to let his cock slide between and lifted her hand to grab hold. Her excitement came out in a blowjob that quickly grew frantic, but the sound of the phone ringing shocked her to a stop. She glanced up and expected Prince Nathanial to ignore the call considering the compromising situation they were in. He seemed unconcerned by the intrusion and reached for the phone to pick it up.

  “Oh hello dear,” he said. “Is everything going OK?”

  The rush of guilt struck Monica when she realized he was talking to his wife and she tried to move back. A tight grip on her hair stopped her and she almost gasped when she was held in place. Prince Nathanial looked down at her when he took the phone from his ear and held it against his chest.

  “Don’t stop,” he said quietly.

  Monica tried to resist at first, but the grip on her hair was insistent and she was made to take cock back in her mouth again. It was obvious that the prince got turned on by the risk and as the conversation between him and his wife went on, she began to give head again. It was the kinkiest thing she’d ever done in her life and her body responded to it. Her panties were already moist, but got wetter still as she worked her lips along the hardness. She was careful not to take too much in her mouth for fear of gagging and she kept her actions slow. When she glanced up, she caught Prince Nathanial’s gaze and saw him smile at her. He really was getting turned on by the situation and the rush of blood was making his erection twitch in her mouth.

  “Everything is fine here,” he went on and tried to keep his voice sounding calm. “I had my meeting with Monica and am just relaxing now.”

  Relaxed was the last thing Monica would have said he was and his erection quivered as she worked her mouth up and down it. She was getting as turned on as he was and slid her hand down to cup his balls. He put his hand over the mouthpiece and let out a quiet groan as she squeezed and massaged them.

  “No, I’m fine dear,” he said when he uncovered the mouthpiece. “I just needed to cough.”

  Monica almost let out a muffled laugh at the fact he nearly got caught. There was a slight guilt to what she was doing, but the grip on her hair remained tight and she knew she couldn’t have backed off even if she wanted to. She continued to bob her head until she heard Prince Nathanial say goodbye to his wife and hang up the phone. The grip on her hair loosened to let her move back and her breath spilled out heavily as she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth. She leaned her head into the hand that caressed her cheek and there was a second or two of quiet before she was dragged to her feet.

  The breath was knocked from her as she was virtually thrown face down across the desk and she wriggled around as hands slid under the hem of her skirt and hitched it higher up
her thighs. Prince Nathanial’s touch reached her panties and there was an urgency about his actions as he grabbed at the silky material to yank it lower straight away. Monica pressed her face against the wooden surface and closed her eyes as her ass was groped. The rough touch made her gasp and she squirmed as every inch of her booty curves were explored. A hot kiss played on her skin before the prince licked a wet trail down her naked ass and worked a touch between her thighs.

  He grabbed hold of her legs to force them wider apart and Monica groaned as his tongue teased her slick skin. His lust for black cunt exploded to life and he pushed his head forward to get inside. He rasped his tongue on glistening pink and worked his fingers to pussy lips. It allowed him to spread them wide as he tried to lick deeper still. She shuddered as the tingle of heat burned between her thighs and the lapping, wriggling sensation of a tongue roughly licking her out built her desire. She knew what was coming next when her lover moved back and groaned as the tip of his erect cock pressed on her wet pussy entrance.


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