All White Alphas: Four Adult BWWM Stories

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All White Alphas: Four Adult BWWM Stories Page 7

by Aaliyah Jackson

  “Mr. Wallace, it’s a pleasure to meet you. How may I help you?” Alexis asked, feeling like a high school girl talking to her first crush.

  “Please, call me Mark. I wanted to introduce myself. I hear you are partaking in the date auction?” he said, stepping closer to her.

  “Yes, I am. Do you plan on bidding on anyone? I hear there are some very beautiful women being auctioned off.” She replied, surprised at her unconscious flirting. Before he could answer her, the MC of the event stepped onto the stage. “Hello everybody! I hope you are all ready to raise some money today! May I ask that all of our lovely participants make their way backstage, so they can get ready for the auction! Thank you so much!” a peppy young man bellowed onto the stage. Alexis turned around to say good-bye to Mark, only to realize he had already left. She felt a pang of rejection in her heart for a brief moment, until she realized it didn’t matter.

  Alexis sat and watched from backstage as one woman after another went onstage to flaunt her assets, hoping to garner attention and money from every man out there. A corner of her mind wondered if Mark would be watching her. She couldn’t find him in the crowd from where she was standing, but he hadn’t made any bids on any women yet. That was strange, she thought. She would have expected him to make a bid on at least someone by now. It wasn’t like he was lacking the money for it.

  Finally, it was Alexis’ turn. She walked onstage, adding a little sass into her walk, hoping to draw everyone’s attention away from the bar and onto her. She blew a kiss as she walked to the MC, eliciting various catcalls around the room.

  “Hello, hello! Our final eligible date is with the gorgeous Alexis Morgan, a top-level divorce attorney at Richards & Gerber. Watch out fellas, you don’t want your wives getting her number!” the MC said, to roaring applause. Alexis smiled and laughed with the men in the room. Whatever got their attention, she thought to herself. “Let’s get Alexis here a date and make some money! Let’s start the bidding at $5,000, who wants in?” the MC called out to the crowd.

  “$500,000!” yelled someone else from across the room. Alexis recognized the voice as Mark Wallace, but that didn’t lessen her shock. Half a million dollars for one date? It was an excessive amount, even for charity.

  “Well well well, $500,000 for Miss Alexis Morgan to Mr. Mark Wallace! Do I hear $510,000?” the astonished MC asked the crowd. The stunned crowd looked from Mark to Alexis, clearly as shocked as the MC was.

  “Going once, going twice,” the MC counted down, looking around the room one final time. “Well, Miss Morgan, it looks like your going to have a very interesting night with Mr. Wallace. Let’s give a round of applause for all of our generous and very lucky donors, and wish them well on their dates tonight!” Applause filled the room, but Alexis barely heard any of it. She was going to spend the night with Mark Wallace, after he spent half a million dollars on her! It was a little hard to imagine that this was real life. She was ushered offstage by the MC, where she and the other girls gathered before they were sent to their dates. Every girl stared at Alexis as she walked by, clearly just as flabbergasted as everyone else was. She gathered her things from backstage and walked out into the ballroom, trying to prepare herself for Mark Wallace. She wondered what he could have planned for them. He wasn’t a man who struggled for the company of women, and she didn’t flatter herself to think that she was special somehow, despite the astronomical amount of money he spent to go on a date with her. She had no doubt that he wanted the night to end at his hotel. But what did she want? Before she could answer that question, she was out in the ballroom and Mark Wallace was walking towards her.

  “Hello again, Alexis,” Mark called to her, several feet away still. Damn, he was sexy though. He had a confident, seductive smile that made Alexis feel weak in the knees. “You were right, there were plenty of beautiful women here at the auction,” he continued as he stood in front of her.

  “Hello again. I hope you feel you spent your money wisely,” she remarked, trying to reel herself in.

  He looked her up and down with a look in his eyes that said he wanted to devour her. “I can always make more money. Besides,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist, “it was worth it for you.” Alexis felt herself radiate with heat, gushing at his compliment. Never mind he was a notorious lady’s man, and probably practiced that line on every girl he met.

  “So,” she said, unwilling to remove his arm from her waist, “where are we going on this date?”

  “How do you feel about heights?”

  As the two walked out of the St. Regis hotel, Mark’s hand had descended past her waist and currently cupped her ass cheek. He certainly made his intentions clear. Alexis still had not decided what her own intentions were. Her body had certainly made up its mind, fitting itself next to his, a feeling that was too good to tear away from. As his limo pulled up, Mark removed his hand, to her dismay, and opened the door for her. “After you, please,” he said, as he helped her into the car. She sat down and looked around the limo. There was a mini bar with every alcohol you could possibly ask for, and a bottle of champagne in ice with two glasses next to it. The slamming of the door brought her attention back to Mark. The closeness of the car was suddenly made very clear to Alexis as he took his seat next to her. His shoulders brushed up against hers, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “Champagne?” he asked, already moving to open the bottle. He held the bottle in his lap, and Alexis watched as the cork shot out, and champagne spilled onto the floor. He poured her a glass, and then poured himself a glass.

  “Thanks,” she said as she took the glass from his hand. “So, what were you saying about heights?” she asked, making space between the two of them, trying to prevent herself from acting out on her desire for Mark.

  As quickly as she had moved, Mark moved right back next to her. “Don’t be shy, I won’t bite. Not unless you ask me to,” he added with a wink. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise, I think you will enjoy it. Have you ever been on a helicopter?”

  “I have not yet had the pleasure. I love surprises,” she replied.

  “Good,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “I love giving surprises.”

  Mark smiled, and cupped his hand around the side of her face. He filled the space between them in one quick movement, pressing his lips against her with a fiery passion. His lips were smooth and demanding, forcing hers to react. She was frozen in time, unsure how to react, when suddenly it was over. He looked out the window, giving Alexis a moment to regain herself. She enjoyed that more than she was willing to admit, and regretted that he ended the moment as quickly as he did.

  “We’re here,” he said. “Do you trust me?” he asked, holding out his hand. She looked into his face, and placed her hand in his. “Yes, I do,” grasping his hand. “Good,” he said as he opened the door and helped her out. A jet back helicopter was waiting on the helipad, smaller than Alexis would have liked. It had just enough room for a pilot and two passengers behind him. “Looks pretty cozy,” she half-joked to Mark. He smiled and placed his arm around her waist, resting his hand snuggly on her ass. She decided to play along, wrapping her arm around his waist, placing her hand firmly over on his ass, and gave it a squeeze. He turned to face her, and wrapped his other arm around her, pushing up against her ass, forcing her into his body. “Spunky, aren’t you?” he asked, leaning into her neck, and whispering in her ear, “I like that.” He kissed her neck, and before she had time to reply, he took her hand and led her to the helicopter. He opened the door and helped her inside, her dress constricting her movement. She sat down, and Mark sat next to her. His leg rubbed against hers, sending another zap through her body. Why was she so drawn to him? She was never this affected by a man. But she loved the feeling. She decided she would take control of the situation, and see how this playboy enjoyed a dominant woman. He gave her a headset, and after placing them on her head, she placed her hand on his upper thigh, sneaking a peek at his reaction. He looked at her hand, and
back at her, smiling as he placed his headset on his head. He placed his hand on hers, and moved it over the very prominent bulge in his pants.

  “Don’t start anything you can’t handle,” he said, chuckling. He grasped her hand, and ordered the pilot to take off. It was a gorgeous night, the sun had just set, but the moon had not yet showed itself. The lights of the city shone like jewels in a crown, and Alexis was completely lost for words. It was a breathtaking sight, and she had forgotten all about Mark. She had never seen the city in this way, never noticed how small the island of Manhattan really was, despite all of the power held on it.

  “Do you enjoy the view?” he asked, startling her out of her reveries. “Yes, its absolutely gorgeous. I’ve never seen New York like this, I’m completely lost for words,” she laughed as she turned to him. “Good,” he said, placing his hand on her thigh. “It’s a once in a lifetime view up here. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of it.” He moved his hand further up her thigh, moving underneath her dress.

  She knew she should stop him, but she was drawn to him, and couldn’t deny her own desire. He turned his body to fully face hers as he kissed her, claiming her lips as his. He forced her lips to open, tangling his tongue in hers. As they flew over the Statue of Liberty, his hand ran down her back, and circled around to her breasts. She broke the kiss with a gasp when his strong, firm hand squeezed her breast, his lips traveling down her throat, kissing her as he went. She pulled him closer into her as his mouth reached her breasts, sucking at her nipple through the fabric. She felt his teeth bite into her breast and she moaned aloud, yanking on his hair in pleasure. Desperate to make him feel the same desire, she reached her hand between their bodies and began to slowly rub his dick through his pants, instantly getting the reaction she wanted. He looked up from her breast and smiled at her, and suddenly pulled her onto his lap.

  “That’s better,” he said, rocking her back and forth on his cock. He reached between their bodies and between her legs, finding her clit and rubbing it between his fingers. “No panties?” he chuckled, as her continued his ministrations with her increasingly wet pussy. “Good, that will make this much easier.”

  She moaned as he stuck a finger into her wet pussy, taking another bite into her breast. God, it felt so good as he steadily thrust his finger in and out of her, bringing her closer to orgasm. She began to rock back and forth on his finger, grabbing her own breast and pinching her nipple. “God, Mark, that feels so good. Keep going, please…” she begged, as he placed another finger inside. “Your so fucking tight, cum for me, Alexis, now,” he demanded, enjoying the sight. With one hand still inside her, thrusting faster and faster, he took his other hand and pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her bra. He reached under the bra and grabbed her breast, squeezing it tightly as she moaned louder. He pinched her nipple, and she detonated around his fingers, yelling in ecstasy. He smiled, continuing his thrusts as her orgasm began to wan. He pulled her head down for another passionate kiss as he finally pulled his fingers out of her. He broke the kiss, and licked his fingers. “Fuck, that tastes good,” he said, pulling her against his raging erection.

  “God, Mark, that was amazing,” she said, pulsing her body against his cock, not wanting this moment to end. “When can I get a taste?” she asked seductively, reaching between them and taking a firm grasp on his cock.

  He kissed her again as he put his headset back on. “Pilot?” he asked into the microphone. Shit, did the pilot watch all of that? She was so lost in her own ecstasy she didn’t remember there was someone else present. Mark seemed to read her mind, and tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry about Max” he said. “He doesn’t watch.” She reached down and grabbed her own headset and replied, “Well that makes me feel better.” They both laughed as Mark told the pilot to take them to his hotel and Alexis fixed her dress. She had never let herself go with anyone as she had with Mark. The helicopter turned around and made its way to the hotel, and at the behest of the pilot, returned to their seats and buckled up. It seemed like an eternity before they had reached the helipad of the hotel. Her entire body was humming with desire, still reeling from the orgasm he gave her. She couldn’t fool herself anymore, she wanted this just as much as he did.

  As the helicopter was finishing it’s landing, they took off their headsets and Mark stepped out of the helicopter and helped her out. The thrill of the helicopter ride had Alexis anxious for what was to come next. Clouds covered the moon, yet the bright lights of the city shone all around her. Mark was next to her in seconds, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her up his body. Alexis wrapped her legs around his torso, the bulge of his erection pressing into the heat of her pulsing mound. He easily walked with her across the landing pad to the private penthouse pool, each step pressing his cock into her increasingly wet pussy, building her up into another frenzy. Much too quickly he set her down, and motioned for her to take a seat at a table by the pool. “I love your enthusiasm,” he said, taking the seat across from her. “But, before we continue with what I very much desire to complete, I need something from you.”

  “What do you want?” Alexis asked. He stood up and walked to the edge of the pool, and looked up at the sky. He took off clothes one by one, until he was wearing nothing but his boxers. “This might be shocking for you,” he said, walking towards her. “But I am not all that I seem. You see, I’m not completely human.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” she demanded. His eyes turned dark with anger for a moment, then returned to their normal sky-blue.

  “I’m not human. My family are werewolves, and I’m the pack leader. I know this is difficult to understand, so let me show you. We don’t have much time.” He stepped back away from her, and at that moment the clouds obscuring the moon moved, drenching the pool deck in moonlight. Suddenly, Mark arched his back with a loud crack, howling like a wolf. Brown fur sprouted up everywhere on his body, and claws grew in moments from his hands and feet. He fell to the ground, and his nose elongated into a snout, with razor sharp teeth protruding from his lips. He got up from the ground, and looked at her. “This,” he growled, pointing at himself, “is who I really am. I am a werewolf alpha. But my pack is getting restless, they want me to have an heir to secure my leadership. But I have not been successful. That is where you come in, Alexis. You are going to have my heir. You can’t deny that we have a connection. Let’s make something out of that.”

  Alexis didn’t know what to think. Mark Wallace was a werewolf? What was going on? She had to have gone crazy. And now she wants her to be his baby momma?

  “Don’t worry about your job. I know Willa, I will ensure that you make partner and that your job is secure. I can take care of you. But I need you, tonight. Will you do this?” he asked, one final time. “I’m not a patient man, or one who is used to being told no.”

  Alexis couldn’t comprehend what was going on. But she couldn’t deny her attraction to him, man or beast. She longed for his body, as she could see his longed for hers. Before she could think about it, she said, “Yes. I’ll do it.”

  “Good. Now, get on your knees,” he demanded. She obeyed, and he took off his boxers, releasing his beast of a cock. It certainly wasn’t disappointing. “Open your mouth,” he ordered, palming his length. She was grateful it wasn’t covered in fur like the rest of him. She opened her mouth, and he put the tip into her mouth. “Now, suck it.” She looked into his face and saw a leader, raw and untamed. She had to admit, it turned her on. As she sucked his tip into her mouth, she grabbed his length into her hands and began a steady rhythm of sucking and stroking. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and matched her thrusts, forcing his cock deeper down her throat. With one hand stroking his length, she cupped his balls with her other hand, and squeezed. He moaned, and pulled her hair tighter as he increased his pace. She choked with his length, she didn’t know if she would be able to take more of it.

  “Get up, and lean against the table.” She walked over to the table and did as she was told. “No
w, touch yourself.” She reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy, turning her head around to look at Mark. She moaned and stuck a finger in her pussy, thrusting in and out. “Now taste yourself.” She obeyed, sticking her fingers in her mouth, looking back at Mark for approval. He stroked his cock, licking his lips. She used her other hand to grab her nipple, moaning. He walked up behind her and pressed his hand beneath her, rubbing her wet pussy. “Good, nice and wet for me. Now face forward.” She did as she was told, and she suddenly felt him thrust his cock into her pussy, giving her no time to get used to his girth. “Oh, fuck…” she started as he pounded into her opening. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head up. “You like that?” he asked as he continued relentlessly. “Yes,” she was able to say between thrusts. “Yes what?” he demanded. “Yes, sir,” she said, pulling his hand to her mouth and sucking a finger.

  Without warning he flipped her around and sat her on the table. He placed her legs over his shoulders and shoved his cock back into her, pounding into her pussy with unrelenting force. She ran her fingers through the fur on his chest, taking in his length. She found his nipples and pinched them, surprised at her daring. He growled at her, nipping at her breasts in retaliation. She felt a sharp pain, and looked down to see a trail of blood leading down her abdomen. He bent down and licked it, sucking on her nipple with surprising delicacy. Without warning he shoved his entire length into her pussy, and she moaned in pain and ecstasy. Wolf Mark placed his hand between their bodies and rubbed her clit, driving her to the edge of orgasm yet again. “Cum with me, Alexis. I’m ready, cum with me,” he said in a low growl with an eagerness and tenderness she had not yet seen from him. He pinched her clit and she exploded around his cock, and she felt his seed shoot into her, warm and hot. He howled into the night, shouting his triumph.


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