The Rays and the Initiations

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The Rays and the Initiations Page 83

by Alice A Bailey


  goals, 298

  hardest period, 683-684

  symbol, 470

  work, 182, 298, 588


  all, objective, 444

  self-centered attitude, 439

  testing, 239-240

  who can be helped and trained, means, 668


  advancing, meeting, 112

  of masses, growing, effect on Masters, 119

  relation to intuitive faculty, 442-443


  body, 122, 161-162, 442-443, 481

  cosmic, plane, 166, 201, 202, 283, 357, 361, 377, 392, 398

  development in humanity, 187

  energy, wrong use, 549

  life, transformation, 442-443

  plane, non-existent, 202, 443, 578

  plane, transformation, 581

  plane, turmoil and chaos, causes, 401-402

  Astrology, new, teaching by Master D.K., 252-253


  civilisation, 555

  cycle, 560

  initiation, 345

  Race, intelligence, 560, 561

  Atlanteans, unfoldment, 185-188

  Atlantic Charter, 70


  consciousness, thread, 477-480

  old, symbol, 561


  blended, reality, 415

  synthesis, 407

  Atma-buddhi Manas, 445, 475, 645


  nature, expression of will aspect, 311

  plane, characteristics, 463

  plane, dynamic energy, inflow, 599


  fission, cause, 646-647

  permanent manasic, 50, 475

  Atomic energy–

  release, demonstration, 412, 655

  use for good of mankind, 647-648

  Atoms of elementals, 9

  Attraction of initiate, 736-737

  A.U.M., 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 200-202, 513

  Austria, characteristics, 625-626


  coming, 13, 15, 93-95, 257

  cosmic, elimination of cosmic evil from Earth, 736

  forerunner, the Christ, 94, 95

  Avatar of Synthesis, 655, 734-735

  Avataric stimulation, downpouring, effects, 15


  doctrine, 160

  great, door of entrance to our system, 423

  origin, 398

  under direction of Solar Logos, 734, 735


  life in initiatory process, 441-443

  of happenings in Council Chamber of Shamballa, 530


  Bailey, Alice A.–

  dictation to, 251

  finding by Master D.K., 643

  teaching, 255


  goodness, and wisdom, 59

  in manifestation, secret, 243

  of ritual of daily life of Sanat Kumara, 246-247

  Becoming, characteristics, 440


  description, 440

  Essential, at fifth initiation, 178

  grasped, 263

  nature of, 104

  plane of Master’s functioning, 438

  related to That Which Creates, 728

  Birth of Christ in humanity, results, 333

  Black Lodge–

  attitude, 236, 679, 681

  concentration in Germany, 189

  let loose, 554

  masters, group, 696

  members, Ray, 716

  nature and purpose, 727

  origin, 186

  potency, increase, 187, 188

  production of fear of death, 732

  reaction of ninth-degree initiate to, 737

  roots, 202

  safety and status, menacing factors, 189

  vs. Great White Lodge, 14

  work, 188, 189-190, 191-192, 717

  Black magician, initiation, 348-351

  Blavatsky, H. P., teaching, 255, 264

  Blindness, occult, 9, 196, 197-200, 703

  Bliss, concern, 119

  Blood stream, use by Sutratma, 451

  Blue Lodge, 416, 418

  Body created for Master’s use, 51, 101, 455, 705

  Bomb, atomic–

  caused by Shamballa energy, 646-647

  culmination of expression of power, 655


  apparatus, nature and use, 431-432

  channel to desired point of contact, need for, 437

  conditioning, 431-432

  consciousness, factor in initiation, 259

  consciousness involved in tests, 433

  consciousness, surface recognition of who and what, 707-708

  control by Sutratma, 451

  direct line to Triad, 695

  factor in integration, 562-563

  function, 591

  insensitive to monadic vibration, 287

  interpretations registered, 436

  recording agent, channel from Triad, 442

  registration, 485

  retention of registered facts, test, 433

  Brazil on Path of Probation, 625


  distinction from Sound, 54

  united, 148, 155, 161, 163

  Breathing process, nature of, 54

  Bridge. See Antahkarana.

  British Commonwealth, relation to United States, 625, 631


  definition, 277

  due to synthesis, 121

  establishment, 134

  mystery in process of solving, 276-277

  Buddha, Lord–

  achievement, 204-205, 524

  and arhats, work, effect, 13

  and Christ, work, relation, 254

  annual appearance, 70

  emissary of Great Council, 130

  enunciation of platform of third initiation, 695

  group work, 240

  help today, 90, 92

  initiation, 385-386

  mistake, 396, 397

  passing with Christ to higher service, 83-84

  plans, 415

  prepared way for fourth initiation, 703

  work, 527

  Buddhas of Activity, 130, 180, 206, 257, 267-274, 405, 407, 587, 591


  active in hearts of initiates, 415

  expression, full, 6

  expression of purpose of Shamballa, 311

  from Sirius at heart of every atom, 415

  responsiveness of emotional body to, 362

  See also Intuition.


  awareness of Hierarchy, 481

  consciousness of Hierarchy members who remain, 166

  cosmic, plane, Path leading to, 399

  life, 45


  allied with cosmic astral plane, 712

  ashrams on, 119

  characteristics, 463

  functioning of fourth-degree initiate on, 699

  reception of love energy, 377

  relation to pure reason, 537

  principle in action, 27

  vehicle, main instrument of sentiency, 278

  Building Forces of planet and solar system, cooperation with, 729

  Burning grounds, 29-31, 33, 39, 47, 225



  for hierarchical workers, 300

  to reveal groups and nature of Christ consciousness, 301

  to see Christ as He is, 301

  Cancer, energy from, 268

  Capital and labour problem in U.S.A., 633

  Capricorn, energy from, 269

  Carotid gland–

  functions, 431-432

  of initiate, 257

  relation to brain, 431-432

  Catechism, esoteric, 302-303

  Causal body–

  destruction, 28, 132, 161, 162, 163, 216, 475

  esoteric “renunciation”, 220

  shattered, disappearance, 27

  vehicle of Monad, 216

  See also Lotus, solar; Soul body.

  Celibacy, enforced, 84

  Central Spiritual Sun. See Sun, Central Spiritual.

  Centres, subject dangerous, 336

  Chain of Hierarchy, 138

  Character, pure, basic essential, 8-11

  Chohan on monadic plane, 284


  accomplishment as World Saviour, 196

  act of evocation, 89

  activity, sphere, determination, 603

  aid and protection by Masters, 655

  and Avatar of Synthesis, 655

  and Buddha, work, relation established, 254

  and Jesus, joint rent in veil of maya, 192-193

  approach to, 441

  assistance to Buddha of Activity, 268-269

  authority delegated by Sanat Kumara, 368

  awareness on Way of Higher Evolution, 291

  coming, 578, 593, 604, 639

  communication of Word of Power, 175

  demonstration, 205

  destruction of barriers, 655-656

  disciples, 755

  enabled, by Aquarian energy, to take initiation, 232

  evolution, qualities, 180

  expression in Himself, 296

  expression of Sirian initiation, 415

  fitting Himself to be distributing Agent, 647

  forerunner of Avatar, 94, 95

  freedom, 92

  influence on three planes, 615-616

  initiations, 83, 385-387

  knowledge of secret of life, 730

  love of God, 88-89

  mission, dual, 548

  mission, keynote, 95

  not crucified, 314-315

  on Way of Higher Evolution, 524

  overshadowing initiates and disciples, 615

  overshadowing Jesus, 83, 86, 524, 697

  passing with Lord Buddha to higher service, 83-84

  physical appearance, 616-618, 705

  presence, recognition, 668

  presentation of fourth initiation, 695

  protection of initiate at third initiation, 176

  relation to Christian Church, 205

  renunciation, 315

  resurrection of human spirit out of tomb, 638

  resurrection, true, 730

  return, implementation, 614-620, 638

  return, inevitability, 602

  preparation for by Himself, 581

  seventh initiation, 83, 655, 697, 730

  sixth initiation, 524, 655

  spirit present today, 499-500

  task, 89, 91-93, 638, 659

  vacation of position as World Saviour, 398

  veil of temple rent, 702

  vision and expansion of consciousness, 289-290, 291

  within, birthing, 6

  work, 170, 240, 379, 521-522, 527-528


  attainment, 313-315, 521

  definition, 571

  pouring upon masses, 615-616

  Christian Church, perversions, 296

  Christianity in New World Religion, 296

  Churches, revitalisation, 332

  Churchianity, theological, 614


  modern, death blow, 134

  new, platform, 194, 255, 574

  Civilisations, destruction, 306-307

  Clear cold light–

  cry of invocation, 73-79

  of reason, 43, 60, 139

  personality correspondence, 42-43

  point of tension, 49

  point, seeing, 174-175

  revelations, 39-41

  standing in, 64

  test, 47

  Clearing house for all emotional reactions and glamours, 683


  none, only light, 171, 173-174

  restoration by Mysteries, 332

  Commonsense, source and action, 592

  Conclave of Masters every seven years, 393

  Conference of Hierarchy, centennial, 393-394


  harmony through, energy, 602-641

  nature of, 606

  termination, 607


  centering in head, attempt, 3-4

  connection of physical and astral body, energy used, 448

  continuity. See Continuity of consciousness.

  expansions, 6, 237, 469

  extension, 471

  focussed in Spiritual Triad, 261

  forms, destruction, 306-307

  group. See Group consciousness.

  higher, changes, results, 17

  human, awakening today, 17

  initiate, 25-26, 119

  left behind, 82

  none on etheric levels, 178

  normal, of initiate, 167


  disciple in rapport with Hierarchy, 543

  embodied and disembodied lives, shift, 16

  Hierarchy, 127-128

  Master and disciple, bringing together, 542-543

  Shamballa, nature of, grasp, 363

  whole, work with by Masters on third Path, 405-406

  Sensitivity, Awareness, Planetary Rapport, Universal Consciousness, 434

  seven states, 462-463

  stabilised in Spiritual Triad, 139

  thread, 453-455, 458, 464, 469, 474-478

  three states, expression, 466

  transcended, 282, 283

  types concerned with three Crosses, 693-694

  unfoldment, 55

  within form, response to expanding range of contacts, 449

  Contact with–

  Master, direct, 29

  Real Man, 7, 11

  Shamballa and Lord of World, first time, 175


  basis, 449

  of consciousness, 433, 452

  Control of vehicles at fourth initiation, 698


  astral plane. See Astral, cosmic.

  consciousness, 663, 694

  impacts, responsiveness to, work with, 406

  level, higher, functioning on, benefits, 363-364

  mental plane. See Mental cosmic.

  Cosmic Fire, Treatise on–

  date, 409

  purpose, 423


  at Shamballa, 13, 18, 70, 84, 132, 145-146, 714

  Chamber, definition, 256

  Chamber, Lives constituting, 141-142, 206, 363, 405

  Great, 177, 207, 248


  definition, 729

  nature of, understanding, 726


  activity involving all Ashrams, 295-296

  activity, seventh Ray period, 572

  art of very high order, interlude, 244

  imagination. See Imagination, creative.

  process in man and Logos, 482-483

  thread, 453, 455, 458, 464, 469, 474-476, 478-479

  undertaking of Ashram, initiate’s part, 294

  work, three energies active, 672


  production, 575

  upon higher planes after first initiation, 669-670


  conscious, on physical plane, becoming, 450

  divine, in relation to hierarchical Plan, 338

  Crises of decision, 608, 639


  point, of Germany, 624

  point, of Russia, 624

  points, from points of tension, 724, 725

  points, relation to developments, 589, 623, 638

  production, 589


  Cardinal, 481, 693, 701

  cup of sorrow nearly finished, 234

  Fixed, 479, 481, 482, 693

  Mutable, 481, 482, 693

  of Sanat Kumara, revelation to initiate, 540

  of service, creation, 540

  symbol of Aryan unfoldment, 561


  episode, rending of veil of maya, 193

nbsp; erroneous concept, 692

  initiation, 692-703

  life of, 217

  of soul, 455

  on three Crosses, 693-694

  work symbolic, 217

  Culture, new, 574


  of the Plan, 69, 76, 495

  of the Will, work, 69, 70, 76


  D.K., Master –

  aid to Master K.H., 169

  Ashram, work, 586

  My Work, V-VI

  preservation of body in which He took initiation, 705

  purpose, 34-35, 249

  statement about writing of books, 250-251

  teaching, preparatory, intermediate, and revelatory, 255

  work with disciples, 15, 108-109

  Dark night of the soul, 39, 40, 42

  Darkness, pure, definition, 174


  aspect of divine purpose, potencies, use, 226-227

  definitions, 100, 105, 163

  distorted teaching, 318

  effect on centres, 165

  fear of, causes, 731, 732

  nature of, 103

  process, 164-165, 309

  symbolic nature, 700

  true nature, discovery, 105

  types, 731, 732


  development, 47

  necessity for, 27, 29


  initiation, 361, 609, 653-656

  making, nine choices instead of seven, 412

  Dedication, resulting in glamour, 683

  Demand and response lost in one great Sound, 82-88

  Demands, three, made by initiate, 59, 60-61, 63-66


  death by attrition, 210-211

  individual, in group, destruction, 211

  none in Master, 101

  origin and nature, 186

  transformation, 442-443

  weakening, 261

  Desire-love, interpretation by initiate, 469

  Destroy, injunction to initiates, 286-287, 305-317

  Destroyer aspect–

  demonstration today (1948), 473

  effects on mental and physical planes, 647


  by dynamic Will, 222-225

  due to effort of Spiritual Will, 306-317

  energy, purificatory, 84-85

  force, utilisation, necessity, 210-212


  emphasis on by Lord Buddha, 703

  of soul from body, 100

  suffering with, 702

  value, 73, 718


  energies, liberation from, 181


  aura, breaking loose from, 181

  connection with Fifth and Sixth Path, 422

  expression of Will Aspect of Shamballa, 181

  qualities, 180

  work of initiate with, 587


  origin, 180

  relation to Buddhas of Activity, 180

  relation to planetary Logos, 179

  task, 181

  work, 178-180, 184

  Devotion, factor leading to dissipation of glamour, 682-683


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