The Rays and the Initiations

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The Rays and the Initiations Page 89

by Alice A Bailey

  energy, 352

  indications, 663

  injunction to express, 315

  keynotes, 682-683

  preparatory to third initiation, 663, 687-688

  qualifications, 579

  realisation after, 315-316

  release from emotional control, 682

  requirements, 127, 678-679

  training for, use of Sirian energy, 415

  vision, 678

  Second-degree initiate–

  appellation, 116

  goal, 677-678

  Word of Power received, 175

  Secrecy, occult, shared in Ashram, 346

  Secret of transforming planet to sacred status, 260

  Self-consciousness, Cross of, 694

  Self-forgetfulness, 127

  Self-initiation, individual, 72-73

  Self-interest, transition from to universal state of consciousness, 297

  Selfishness, spiritual, 210, 343

  Selflessness, cultivation, 549

  Selves, no other, injunction to group, 171-173


  five, activation of mind, 592

  plus common-sense, 433-434

  seven, use, 543-544


  development, 166, 727

  each initiation, 736-737

  higher, cultivation, 549

  involved in visualisation, 442

  preparatory, production of true perception, 723

  symbolic, 442


  contact, development, 543-544

  cosmic astral plane by Masters, 398

  higher impression and inner inspiration, 276

  to increasingly high impression, developing, 363

  unfoldment, reflective process, 362

  Sentiency, development, use, mastery and negation, 283

  Sentiment, elimination from group, 209-210

  Separateness, termination, massed efforts, 580


  interrelations, 371-372

  See also Seven.


  activities, direction and causation, 537

  antahkarana, building, 497

  Earth, Path, 392, 660

  extra-planetary, 398

  life, expression of initiation, 547

  of group as indicated by Aquarius, 227-247

  of Master in conditioning and control of Ashram, 362

  of Plan, 34, 376, 380

  of third-degree initiate, plane, 692


  Ashrams of Masters, appearance, 188

  groups, greater, lesser, planetary, and supplementary, 148-167

  lotuses functioning, 188

  major energies, use by initiate, 185

  numerical value, 80

  planes, subplanes of cosmic physical, 166

  Spirits before Throne of God, 206

  supplementary centres of energy, 151-152, 154

  supplementary. See also Law of Supplementary Seven.

  Seventh initiation–

  Chohan transfigured, 284

  divorced from all considerations of form, 732

  group awareness, development, registration, 365

  inspiration, 535

  nature of, 688-689

  Ray energy, 656, 688-689

  through illumined revelation, 531-532

  true resurrection, 643

  two groups of Beings attending, 733

  Seventh Root Race, characteristics, 561

  Seventh-degree initiates, Shamballa functioning, 735


  relationship, effect of seventh Ray, 571-572, 574

  sublimation, 670-671


  accepted by, 56

  and humanity, mediating place between, 373

  approach to by group, 138

  Being, state, attainment, 362

  consciousness, 466

  contact with, 35, 120

  definition, 276

  demands for preparing groups for initiation, 112, 113

  direction of destruction, 308-309

  dynamic “pull”, 171

  effects on humanity, 646-647

  electric fire, evocation, 91-92

  energy, 120, 130, 230, 232, 240-247, 311, 411, 412, 580

  entrance point, 117, 163, 177

  evocation of spirit of man, 76

  force, 35, 37, 189, 471, 715

  form taking in future, 382

  functioning of seventh-degree initiates, 735

  Great Council, 18

  Great Lives in direct relation with humanity, 117-118

  Hierarchy, and Humanity, closer relation, 89

  impressions from, registration, 549

  in cosmic etheric substance, 382

  in direct relation with humanity, 28

  influences from cosmic mental plane, 357

  interplay with Hierarchy, 271

  invocation, 35, 76

  life, 132-147, 379

  magnetism, 376

  nature of, 204

  numerical value, 79-81

  origin of creative work, 275

  originating source of Son of Man, 730

  outpouring, 94

  plans, reorganisation forced, 412

  radiance behind world rebuilding, 144

  reaching prematurely, danger, 110

  reaction to cosmic mental plane, 392

  relationships, 226, 306, 481

  responsiveness to, 68

  task, future, 660

  teaching on by Master, D.K., 251

  three doors, 139-142

  three great energies focussed, 84-88

  Way into, 30

  Will impelling, 338

  Workers, way to Central Spiritual Sun, 399-400

  Sharing today, 612-613, 614

  Shri Krishna, earlier incarnation of Christ, 254

  Sign of the Cross, origin, 692


  cultivation by group, required for initiation, 214-215, 220

  nature of, 214

  occult, shared in Ashram, 346

  Sirian Lodge, true “Blue Lodge”, 415-416


  buddhi from at heart of every atom, 415

  emanating source of Manas, 426

  energy, 415

  Great White Lodge, 130, 330-331, 415-416, 737

  influence, aspect in principle of freedom, 416

  Lives, 418, 737

  no evil 351

  relation to Solar Logos, 413

  Source of Earth Life, 687

  star, organised activities, consummation, 202

  666, number of the Beast, 79-80

  Six, significance, 79

  Sixth initiation–

  Chohan transcends spiritual Triad, 284

  Choice, basis, 392, 394, 412

  Decision, 718-729

  disappearance of illusion, 600

  door, indication conveyed, 356

  group dedication to Path of Earth Service, 660

  higher correspondence to second, 719-720

  in Gethsemane, 290

  liberation into monadic awareness, 361

  of Christ, 548

  preparation for 392, 394-395, 411-412, 415, 652-653

  preparatory to seventh, 722

  related to second aspect, 535

  through illumined revelation, 531-532

  wider field of experience, 439

  Sixth Root Race, characteristics, 561, 597, 659

  Sixth-Degree initiates–

  aid to Buddhas of Activity, 587

  final decision regarding human affairs, 721

  freedom from karma, 725

  liberation from His past, 728

  no longer under jurisdiction of Hierarchy, 722

  work, 587

  Socialism, problem in Great Britain, 633

  “Society of Illumined and Organised Minds”, 130-131


  Entities dealing with problem of evil, 737

  fire. See Fire, solar.

rhythm, imposition upon lunar lords, 10-11


  previous, origin of black magicians, 350

  purpose, 728

  quality, revelation, 728

  third, 377, 660


  Aspect, description, 464

  of Mind, 216, 475

  work completed, 476


  anchorage in body, points, 451-452

  and its mechanism of expression, unity, 451

  and personality fused, 432-433

  and personality, united effort to produce bridge, 454-455

  animating energies, 445

  aspect within solar system, work with, 406

  assumption of dominant position, 674

  attractive power, steady impact on humanity, 187

  body. See Causal body.

  by-passed, 216

  consciousness, 561

  contact, increasing, effects, 443

  contribution to sumtotal of manifestation, 106

  control of ajna centre, results, 671

  crucifixion, 455

  destruction of forms, 309, 310

  emergence in glory, 56

  energies animating, 445

  energy, impressions on concrete mind, 592

  finding by initiate, 58

  focus of will in cycle of incarnations, 216

  full expression, 475-476

  group consciousness, 341

  hold upon instruments of expression, intensification, effects, 57

  human, imprisonment, 444

  human, mystery, revelation, 645

  imaginative quality, 443

  in incarnation, becoming, 504

  instruments in head, 431

  interpretation and understanding, response to, 26

  knowledge, superseding, 131

  language, ability to speak, 10

  light, 643

  means of bridging between Triad and personality, 475

  nature of, 111

  of all things, 17

  of initiate, 96, 690, 691

  on its own plane an initiate, 259

  overshadowing, absorption and use of magnetic power, 375

  perception, plane, 463

  personality agents, 598

  reincarnation, process, 101

  relates initiate, 96

  relation to Monad, production, 470

  relation to personality production, 470

  release from glamour and enchantment, 52

  spiritual pull towards Ashram, 375

  storage of imparted knowledge, 392

  synthesis of energy of Life, intuition and spiritual mind, 445

  true nature, revelation, 628

  union of three energies, 445

  will and purpose aspect, petals, 349

  Word, 57

  work within all forms, 183-184

  world of, entered, all forms used wisely, 128

  Soul-infused personality. See Personality, soul-infused.

  Soul-personality intention, expressions, 279

  Souls, two, human and free, 444


  appreciation, 83

  attractive, note, 464

  A.U.M., and O.M., 200-202

  basis of new esoteric science, 470

  creation by, 55, 147

  distinction from breath, 54

  from Central Spiritual Sun, hearing, 54


  acceptance as group, 57

  group, 220

  Ineffable Name, 55

  letter of name of planetary Logos, hearing, 263

  Soul, 51, 54

  spiritual hierarchies, 76

  spiritual reality lost, 54

  originating, 285

  physical, negative in effect, 513-514

  production by, 288-289

  reaching out after by disciple, 54

  related to vibration, 54

  self-initiated, hearing, 56

  soundless, hearing, 53

  synthetic, note, 464

  source of glamour and maya, 52

  the, definition, 53

  the, utterance, 201


  many, resolving into Word, 137

  of all beings, understanding, 10


  an eternal Entity, 437

  and substance, 105

  and Time, 54-55

  significance, 105-107

  Speech, control, 214


  and matter, 62, 85, 264, 605-606

  aspect, qualities, 180

  destroying power, 87

  freeing by steadily developing forms, 419

  on its own plane becoming dominant, 166

  “Spirit mounted on shoulders of matter”, 475-476

  Spirit of Peace, invocation, 76-77


  of divine nature, 472

  two points of living purpose, 280


  activity on physical plane, 34

  contact, establishing, 118, 226

  definition, 364-365

  energy, electrical interplay, results, 737

  sense, attentive, enabling impression and interpretation, 549

  sensory perception, 737

  Spirituality, definition, 204

  St. Paul–

  quotation, 73

  See also Saul of Tarsus.


  five-pointed, 90, 176

  of One Initiator, 175, 176

  six-pointed, 69, 270

  Status, one’s own, inquiry into, 669

  Subconscious realm, relegation of normal human experience to, 138-139

  Subhuman kingdoms, work with by initiate, 587


  aspect in man, emergence into manifestation, 6

  causes, emanation, 12


  concept of soul, 106

  control, final, by initiate, 469

  definition, 105-106

  form-making capacity, 174

  impact of monadic energy on, channel 280

  light responsive to Light of Soul, 77

  mental, nature of, 590

  mental, use to build bridge, 467, 475

  “unprincipled”, origin, 359

  Suffering and Pain, essential requirements, 243


  Central Spiritual–

  awareness of, 652

  initial contact with, 728

  relation of Master to, 395

  route to, 356, 653

  Seven Paths leading to, 356, 399-400

  significance and attractive potency, 391

  Sound from, hearing, 54

  statement having reference to, 516

  veiled by Spiritual Triad, 118

  Heart of–

  closer to, 727-728

  energies from Libra entering our system, 404

  initiate vantage point in, 652

  relation of Hierarchy to, 395

  revelation of quality of solar system, 728

  unique relation to of our Earth, 728

  Superconscious and consciousness, continuity between, 452


  anchored, 449-450

  and antahkarana, distinction between, 449

  blending with other two threads, 475

  bridge between Monad, soul, and personality, 458

  definition, 449

  energy, use, early, 186

  four aspects, 477

  functions, 449

  left after crucifixion, 455

  nature, comprehension, 7

  on Lemuria, 477, 479

  use by Spiritual Triad, 457

  used by Father or Will aspect, 464

  Symbol in aura of New Group of World Servers, 233

  Symbolic sensitivity, 442


  between ourselves and reality, 178

  for aspirant, disciple, and initiate, 470

  use in initiations, 531

  Syntheses in evolution, 58

; Synthesis–

  between Shamballa and Hierarchy, Will and Love, 290-291

  coherent holding planet in one whole, 646

  dictation of trend of evolutionary processes, 121

  great, emergence, 163

  group, work, 276

  loving in action, 300

  mass effect, 120

  need for, 112-113


  active intelligence, active love, and active will, 407

  chain of hierarchical Existences, unfoldment, 134

  energy of Life itself, attainment, 445

  lesser lights, 118

  love, will, and intelligence, initiate perfecting, 257

  Master, 438

  ordered activity, planetary life, 588

  relationships of Beings working on Earth, 13

  Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity, 394

  two energies of Atma-Buddhi, 407

  production, 11, 703, 716

  real, following establishment of concept of unity, 300

  revealed at fifth initiation, 645

  sense of, 115, 121, 123, 130

  spiritual, of united Ashrams, 441

  unfolding, 395

  unity, and fusion, distinction, 264-265

  value, 120

  Synthetic effort, synthetic understanding, and synthetic activity, 249

  System of identification, 141



  ahead, immediate, for disciples, 498


  all great World Saviours, 526

  Masters, 660, 661

  planetary Logos, 660

  Saviour or Mediator completed, 476

  to discover group for affiliation, 344

  Tasks of disciple and initiate, 303, 455-456


  energy, effect on New Group of World Servers, 232-233

  illumination and attainment of vision, 227-230, 232-233, 237


  by Master, in Ashram, 544-545

  on newer truths, 251-254

  planned by Hierarchy, given out by Master D.K., 255

  revelatory, to emerge after 1975, 255


  contact of disciple, instrument, 547

  influence of Christ, 615

  interplay of humanity, 597

  interplay, part of dual life of disciples, 548

  rapport, highest form on Earth, 392-393


  contacts between Master and disciple, 545-547


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