Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3

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Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3 Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  After boning her twice in the morning it was time to hit the road, she wanted to head to the next town over but I nixed that shit, I knew what she was up to. She didn’t want anyone seeing us together, she had some stupid ass idea that she was sullying my reputation or some shit and no matter how much I told her different it didn’t make a lick of difference to her stubborn ass.

  “We have the same stores right here no dice, and stop looking like you’re going to the gallows, no one is going to say shit to you.”

  We did get some stares and a few mumbled asides but nothing for me to worry about, she tried walking ahead or behind me but each time I caught her at it I’d drag her back under my arm. She’d mumble something smart under her breath but each time she did I’d kiss her and make her blush. There was only one fly in our ointment and that came in the form of my ex cousin in law, the one I’d caught in my bed. I hadn’t seen his ass since that night and hoped never to see his ass again. The guy was a Billy Ray Cyrus wanna be who got stuck in the eighties, in other words a joke; I wonder if I should’ve been more insulted that she’d chosen that to screw around with but then again she’d fucked some other more upstanding citizens as well so maybe not. I wasn’t even going to acknowledge his ass until he eyed my woman up and down with a smirk on his face. I’d already seen her aversion to confrontations so I really didn’t want to start anything with him but I thought it prudent to have a word with him all the same.

  “What are you looking at asshole?”

  The fucker had the nerve to smirk at me what the fuck?

  “I’m checking out my next conquest.”

  You’ve got to be shitting me, okay granted I haven’t spent much time in my hometown since going away to college and then being on the racing circuit my whole adult life, so maybe people might be under the impression that I was a chump. Fuck that I had his ass laid out on the floor and was crouching down over him when the crowd started to gather. Babygirl was trying to pull me off of him but no dice; this shit was a long time coming. Funny how hours after catching him with my wife he’d ceased to matter but the fact that he’d said that shit about Cherry had me ready to commit murder.

  “Listen up asshole, the reason you were able to fuck your cousin is because you are both low life scum, not because you are a better man than me, not even close. She’s not Dana, neither does she need a dog to do the job for her, or should I say she doesn’t need a man who needs a dog to do the job for him. What’s the matter Dwayne, dick too short? It amazes me that you who have to resort to fucking your own cousin could even think that you could ever be man enough to best me. Go home to your dog and your bitch and if I ever see you again I’ll beat you to within an inch of your pathetic life.” I said all this out of hearing of the people who had gathered but I think Cherry might’ve heard if the expression on her face was anything to go by. I stood up from over him and took her elbow leading her away.

  “Sorry about that babe let’s go get you some shoes.”

  “I’m sorry.” She was near tears.

  “What are you sorry for babygirl?”

  “That they did that to you, you didn’t deserve that.” She said it with such conviction it hit me in the gut, I could only look at her before bending to kiss her forehead.

  “Leave it for now baby lets go shopping.”

  After that day I noticed a change in Cherry Ann, she was more clingy but without being annoying, she followed me to the garage more often instead of staying home and seemed genuinely interested in what I was doing, before long I found myself teaching her the ins and outs of the business. I did draw the line at letting her get behind the wheel though and when I caught her buttering up Clancy who she’d grown very close to I threatened his ass with mayhem, the old codger just laughed and walked away. The guys knew better than to fuck with her after the whole Don incident so she was a lot more relaxed because for the first time in her life she was being treated with respect.

  Our life together was settling into a nice little routine I got used to having her there and she seemed to blossom; she still didn’t go into town too much and I didn’t push it as long as she was happy I was fine with it. Her mom hadn’t made an appearance and I had given up asking her where she was, she didn’t seem too worried about it so why should I?

  Chapter 7

  It was two months after she moved in and four months after we’d started messing with each other that I woke up in the middle of the night to find her sitting in the living room in the dark crying. What the fuck?

  I’d turned over and she wasn’t there so of course I’d woken up and searched for her, when she wasn’t in the bathroom or anywhere upstairs I’d panicked before running downstairs for the kitchen. Maybe she’d gotten hungry and went for a late night snack, but she wasn’t there. It was only as I was returning up the stairs to get my keys to go searching for her, my heart in my throat that I’d seen her cowering in the dark.

  “Baby what the fuck?”

  She wouldn’t even look at me at first and I started to worry, she was really crying and from the looks of it she’d bitten her lip hard enough to draw blood so she wouldn’t make any noise. Sitting down next to her I drew her into my lap and held her until she settled.

  “Drake I’m so sorry.”

  My heart started that sickening thump in my chest, you know the one, the one everyone gets when they know something bad is coming.

  “What are you sorry about baby?”

  She started to shake and cry harder this time not bothering to hide the sounds of distress.

  Without saying a word she lifted her hand and showed me the wand like thing she was holding, at first I had no idea what it was but then I saw the pink line and my heart started beating faster for a whole different reason.

  “Is that…are you?” I couldn’t remember words for shit, I think my vision went a little cloudy there for a minute and I had to calm down before I gave myself a stroke.

  “Baby, are you pregnant?” She nodded her head against me.

  “What you don’t want to have my kid?” If she said no I swear I was gonna lose my shit.

  “It’s not that, I didn’t plan it I swear it just happened, I didn’t know…”

  I tried to process what she was telling me, but it wasn’t making any sense, by now the news was sinking in, I was going to be a dad. Instead of the abject fear I expected I felt…relief, what the fuck? Not only that, I was happy, I wanted to laugh and shout and twirl her around and call mom and dad. What an ass.

  “What do you mean plan it baby what’re you talking about?” I’m a clueless fuck so sue me.

  “I don’t want you to think that I did it on purpose…I don’t want to be like my mother please…”

  “Be like your mom what…what the hell are you talking about babygirl how are you like your mother? You know whose the father of your baby.”

  “So does she.”

  “What? I thought…”

  “I can’t talk about it but please don’t throw me out, I’ll take care of the house, I’ll do everything you want just please don’t’ throw me and my baby away.”

  “What the fuck are you insane?” I had to push her away so I could look at her.

  “What the hell ever gave you that idea?” This girl was going to make me crazy I swear.

  “You never said that you wanted to have kids and I know you don’t want to get married ever again after the last time.”

  “What happened the last time has nothing to do with us babe, you’re not her thank heavens, now stop all this crying nonsense it can’t be good for my lil man.” I felt warm inside, fucking amazing, I’m going to be a dad. Dana had always had an excuse why we shouldn’t have kids, I was away too much and she didn’t want to raise them alone, we’ll wait until I was settled and no longer racing which was going to be never the bitch. I’m happy as fuck now that we never did I can’t imagine having to deal with her ass for any reason.

  “We have to get married before the baby gets here.” For some reason that
made her cry harder, women.

  “What is it now?” I held her closer running my hand up and down her back trying to soothe her.

  “You’re going to hate me, I’m forcing you into a marriage that you don’t want.”

  “Babe seriously how far along are you?”

  “I think it happened the first time why?” She sniffled as she studied me warily.

  “About four months then, I think your hormones are out of whack because you’re not making any sense.”

  “What do you mean, what if you meet someone and fall in love?” The waterworks started up again and I was looking at her like she’d lost her damn mind.

  “What do you mean meet someone and fall in love, what the fuck do you think we’ve been doing here?” Now it was her turn to look at me like I was crazy.

  “But you said, in the beginning you said…”

  “Who the fuck knows what I said? I don’t even know what I said I was in a bad place back then baby ignore that shit.”

  “But how can you love me? You’ve never said it.”

  “Of course I have babygirl, what time do I go to work in the morning?”

  She scrunched up her forehead as if thinking and wondering what the hell that had to do with anything.

  “Nine sometimes nine thirty.”

  “What time did I used to go to work the first week you were here?”

  I see the light was dawning but not fully.

  “Five.” Her voice got soft.

  “Babe I love cars more than anything in the world, the fact that I spend an extra four hours everyday with you instead of there with them should tell you something. The fact that I spend those four hours buried balls deep inside you should be even more telling.”

  “But that’s just sex right…isn’t it?”

  “Baby, no one fucks that long and that often for just sex, that’s me marking you, claiming you, you’re so green baby.”

  “Am not.”

  “As a sapling.”

  “So…you love me?” She’s driving me batty.

  “Yeah Cherry I love you.”

  “Well why didn’t you ever say anything do you know how scared I was? I thought I was going to lose you forever.”

  “Fuck babe, you pack a wallop.” I wasn’t expecting the punch to the gut.

  “Serves you right.”

  “Don’t get too tough lil mama, I can sill turn you over my knee without hurting our baby.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah big talk.” She put her head back down on my chest but I had other ideas, as I sat there the image of her swollen with my child inside her came to me and I was hornier than a ten horned toad. I rubbed my dick against her ass just in case she missed it.

  “You done crying?”

  “Yes.” She gave me my favorite smile and turned her lips up all puckered and ready for my kiss.


  Cherry pulled a fast one on my ass, instead of the little boy who was supposed to be my spitting image she gave me a mini her; that shit was not cool. She thought it was funny watching me sweat.

  “You’re laughing now but you’re the one who’s going to pay the price for this little coup of yours.” She was laying in bed while I walked back and forth with my little Mandy in my arms. She’d been asleep for ten minutes but daddy hated putting her down.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Well I’m going to needq all the help I can get running herd on this one, I figure three or four brothers ought to do the trick; you had your six week checkup today right?”

  She was giving me her crazy look again I guess she thought I was kidding but no such luck. I walked into the nursery next door and kissed my little angel before putting her down for the night and returning to her mother.

  My hot as fuck wife was waiting for me, she’d already assumed the position, ass in the air pussy exposed; damn it had been too long.

  I walked up behind her and went right to work my mouth was clamped onto her honeypot, my tongue digging in as I stroked my cock which had only had blow jobs for the last six weeks.

  “This is going to be quick babygirl.” I eased into her testing the waters, still tight and hot and sweet as fuck. Oh yeah.

  “I missed your cock Drake.”

  “Can I pound you or will it hurt?”

  “No pound my pussy hard.” That’s all the encouragement I needed before I was balls deep in the sweetest pussy in creation.

  “You know I’m going to breed you tonight right?”


  You can reach the author @

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  If you enjoyed this you may also like these other works by the author

  His One Sweet Thing Book 1 of The Pregnancy Affair http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F6C5O0I

  The Sweetest Revenge Book 2 of The Pregnancy Affair http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FAY6CC6

  And many more titles by Jordan Silver

  Excerpt From

  Taken By Jordan Silver

  Chapter 1

  If she doesn’t stop her shit I’m gonna fuck her, hard; that’s all there is to it there’s only so much a man can take after all. I know she knows what she’s doing too the little cock tease, lying there with her legs bent as she pretends to watch television while giving me crotch shots of her almost naked pussy. My cock was hard as fuck and looking around for a pussy to plow and if the hot little number who was even now tormenting me didn’t watch out she was going to end up nailed to the fucking hardwood floor with eleven inches of man meat shoved inside her almost certainly virgin twat.

  I watched her as she swung her legs up and down and side to side, every once in a while she’d peek up at me to see if she had my attention but each time my focus would be on the screen.

  “Nikki what are you doing?”

  “Hmm?” She turned innocent eyes to me from her place on the floor where she was reading a book while I watched the game, she was alternating between watching and reading as her legs waved up and down, giving me flashes of her naked shaved bald pussy. At eighteen I’m pretty sure she knew just what the hell she was doing, I just wasn’t sure if she understood the consequences, I’m a man not a boy and if I took her up on her offer she’d run screaming for bloody murder I’m also pretty sure my good pal and his wife would not appreciate me drilling their barley legal dau>

  “Don’t hmm me young lady what are you doing?”

  She blushed and looked away which told me she knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “Nothing.” Her voice was small and soft but I wasn’t buying it for a minute I knew all about her wild ways; her parents had been regaling me with their tales of woe for the past year. It seems the little beauty that I’d known since she was a babe in swaddling had come into her own in the last year or so and had gone buck wild. Her parents had sent her here to me in a last ditch effort to try to rein her ass in. My position as a major in the marines had given me the rep among my peers as a hard ass, it was true I didn’t fuck around but I knew fuck all about curbing little girls’ sexual appetites, I was just as likely to fuck the shit out of her as anything else but they didn’t seem to get it because they’d dropped her off here this morning and taken off for parts unknown with her younger siblings, proclaiming to need some peace and quiet. Now here she was trying her shit on me.

  “If you keep flashing your pussy at me I hope you’re ready for what you get.” Her mouth fell open and she gaped at me.

  “What? No one ever called you on your shit before? Well I’m not one of those high school boys you’re used to torturing, if you keep that shit up I will fuck you.”

  Good hopefully I’d put the fear of hell in her little horny ass and she would calm the fuck down. I’m not her father I don’t have to tiptoe around this shit and I don’t need to bite my tongue.

  I got up out of my recliner game forgotten as the woody she’d given me throbbed in my gym shorts. Heading out bac
k where I had an obstacle course set up I went to work on my pull-ups first. I was a cut one eighty five, six three with dark blonde hair cut short and navy colored eyes that looked almost black in certain lights.

  Women were always throwing pussy my way so I guess that means I was somewhat appealing and I certainly wasn’t hurting for female companionship, but the truth of the matter was that little girl I’d just left on my family room floor was hot as fuck; she was a gorgeous red headed minx with a rack to rival any porn star’s and an ass that looked ripe for fucking.

  Fuck, my cock wasn’t going down anytime soon unless I could get my mind off of pussy, her pussy to be exact.

  I heard the back door slam shut fifteen minutes later from where I was and lifted my head to see her sashay into the back yard headed for the pool. The fuck is she up to now?

  I almost swallowed my tongue when she dropped the see through robe thing she was wearing to reveal the two pieces of…fuck if I knew what to call it; there was a string up the crack of her ass and two pieces of lace over her nipples, her pussy lips actually plumped out around the material between her legs in front. There’s no way her mom had bought her that, I’d heard about the clothes thing too, apparently she was into returning the stuff her mom bought her and exchanging it for slut wear which she hid at her friend’s house. There were wild parties and drinking, at least that’s all her parents knew about so far; poor things, Stan and Pamela were scared shitless their little darling was gonna end up in a bad way. She was about to end up on the end of my cock if she kept this shit up.

  I watched from under hooded lids as she made a big production of spreading the towel she carried on the chair before sitting with legs spread, she was slick but not slick enough as I caught the sly look she sent my way.

  Oho, so you want to play do you little girl? Okay fine let’s see who wins this game of cat and mouse.

  I understood better than she what was going on here, her little pussy was hot and she needed cock but she was going about it all wrong, that little town they lived in was no place for a young girl with such a high libido to spread her wings and test out her newfound cravings. It was a sure fired way to gain a poor reputation especially if you kept searching for the right fit, the right cock to make you settle the fuck down. That’s all that was going on here, but parents didn’t necessarily think along those lines, they wanted her to stay their precious little angel forever. As an outsider looking in I saw the hot little bitch on the prowl for a good bone deep fucking. So far she was only suspected of being a terrible tease, but that could be wishful thinking on her parents’ part for all I know the little tart could’ve fucked her way through the local high school back home.


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