34 Lady Cynthia Asquith, The Duchess of York, Hutchinson, [1927], p. 45
35 Ibid., p. 33
36 Asquith, The Queen, Hutchinson, 1937, pp. 22–3
37 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
38 Asquith, The Queen, p. 24
39 Ibid., p. 25
40 Ibid., p. 49
41 Queen Elizabeth to Rachel Bowes Lyon, 19 July 1988, Bowes Lyon Papers, SPW
42 Laird, p. 40
43 Asquith, The Queen, p. 45
44 Ibid., pp. 45–6
45 Gordon Slade, pp. 31–2; notes on Glamis Castle by Elizabeth Leeming
46 Leeming notes
47 Gordon Slade, pp. 105–6
48 Ibid., p. 76
49 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
50 Thirteenth Earl of Strathmore, diary 2 October 1903, Glamis Archives
51 Lady May Bowes Lyon, diary, February 1904, private collection
52 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
53 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [20 November 1914], Poignand Papers
54 Leeming notes
55 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
56 Leeming notes
57 Laird, p. 37
58 Leeming notes
59 Laird, p. 36
60 Leeming notes
61 Laird, p. 36
62 Raymond Asquith to Katharine Horner, 25 September 1905 (copy), RA QEQM/PRIV/HIST, quoted in Raymond Asquith: Life and Letters, ed. John Joliffe, Collins, 1980, p. 134
63 Forbes, pp. 8–9
64 Christopher Dingwall, Glamis Castle: A History of the Designed Landscape, Strathmore Estates, 2000, pp. 40–1; the Countess of Strathmore, ‘Glamis, the Autumn Garden’, The Gardener’s Year Book, Philip Allen, 1928, p. 52
65 Mrs Scott to Lady Glamis, 10, 16 September 1903, Glamis Archives (CH)
66 Asquith, The Queen, p. 32
67 Ibid., p. 29
68 Ibid., pp. 36–7
69 Ibid., p. 41
70 Ibid., pp. 46–7
71 Ibid., pp. 47–8
72 Lord Strathmore to the Dowager Lady Strathmore, 14 February 1907, Glamis Archives
73 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lord Strathmore, 22 February 1907, Glamis Archives
74 Asquith, The Queen, p. 38
75 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lord Strathmore, 10 February 1909, Glamis Archives
76 Asquith, The Queen, p. 39
77 Elizabeth’s friend Lavinia Spencer wrote several letters to her sympathizing over her troubles with Dorothy: 14 August, 17 September, 27 December 1915, 7 January 1916, 16 October 1919, Glamis Archives
78 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, 1910, RA QEQM/PRIV/DIARY/1
79 Ibid.
80 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Mlle Lang, 20 [21] January 1910, Glamis Archives
81 Elizabeth Longford, The Royal House of Windsor, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974, pp. 51–2
82 King George V, diary, 6 May 1910, quoted in Kenneth Rose, King George V, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1983, p. 76
83 Lady Strathmore, diary, 7, 20 May 1910, Glamis Archives
84 Asquith, The Queen, p. 39
85 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to May Elphinstone, 16 July 1910, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
86 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to May Elphinstone, 19 July 1910, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
87 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to May Elphinstone, 5 August 1910, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
88 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 13 December 1910, Glamis Archives (CH)
89 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 29 December 1910, Glamis Archives (CH)
90 Roberts, History of the World, p. 901
91 Exercise book, 1911, Bowes Lyon Papers, SPW
92 Ibid.
93 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
94 Ibid.
95 Asquith, The Queen, p. 42
96 Elizabeth Leeming: Notes on shooting with the Strathmores; Elizabeth Leeming interview with Ronnie Carr, 8 February 2006
97 Laird, p. 45
98 Asquith, The Queen, p. 44
99 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 15, 18, 19 August 1911, private collection
100 Ibid., 20, 21 August 1911
101 Hon. John Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 24 July [1911], Glamis Archives
102 Hon. John Bowes Lyon to Lady Delia Spencer, 14 October 1911, Glamis Archives
103 Mrs Scott to Lady Strathmore, 29 October 1911, Glamis Archives
104 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, 17–18 February 1912, RA QEQM/PRIV/DIARY/1
105 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 3, 4 March 1912, private collection
106 Ibid., 13–15 April 1912
107 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, 1912, RA QEQM/PRIV/DIARY/1
108 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 10 May 1912, Glamis Archives
109 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 12 May 1912, Glamis Archives
110 Laurel Gray to Queen Elizabeth, 1 December 1948, RA QEQMH/GEN/1948/Gray
111 Terry Wolsey, Elizabeth of Glamis, Canongate, 1990, p. 11
112 Joan Woollcombe, ‘A Royal Birthday’, The Lady, 31 July 1969; Vickers, p. 10
113 Lady May Bowes Lyon, diary, 22 December 1904, private collection
114 Asquith, The Queen, p. 56
115 Ibid., p. 54
116 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC; Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, 2, 3 June 1913, Glamis Archives
117 Author’s interview with Lady Penn
118 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
119 School reports, 30 Sloane Street, January-February 1912, March 1913, Glamis Archives, Box 270
120 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, April 1913, RA QEQM/PRIV/DIARY/2
121 Käthe Kübler, Meine Schulerin – die Königin von England, Hermann Eichblatt, Leipzig, 1937, pp. 7–8, 10 (translation)
122 Ibid., p. 10
123 Ibid., p. 12
124 Ibid., p. 13
125 Ibid., pp. 18–19
126 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to the Hon. David Bowes Lyon, 18 July [1913], Glamis Archives
127 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 19–20 July 1913, private collection
128 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, diary, 1913, RA QEQM/PRIV/DIARY/2
129 Kübler, pp. 25–7
130 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to the Hon. David Bowes Lyon, 30 November 1913, Bowes Lyon Papers (SPW)
131 Kübler, pp. 11–12
132 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 25 June 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
133 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 26 June 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
134 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [8 December 1914], Poignand Papers. The same story appeared in Lady Cynthia Asquith’s biography of the Duchess of York
135 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 25 June 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
136 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 12 June 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
137 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to the Hon. Michael Bowes Lyon, Glamis Archives (CH)
138 Kübler, p. 31
139 King George V, diary, RA GV/PRIV/GVD/1914: 3, 4 August
140 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RAQEQM/ADD/MISC
1 Quoted in Samuel Hynes, The Auden Generation, The Bodley Head, 1976, p. 18
2 John Terraine, The First World War, Leo Cooper, 1983, p. 8
3 Winston Churchill, The World Crisis 1911–1918, ed. Martin Gilbert, Free Press, London, 2005, p. 109
4 King George V, diary, 3 August 1914, RA GV/PRIV/GVD
5 Gilbert, The First World War, HarperCollins, 1995, p. 37
6 Ibid., pp. 37, 38
7 David Cann
adine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, Yale University Press, 1990, p. 72
8 Hon. Michael Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 8 August 1914, Glamis Archives
9 Hon. Fergus Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 9 September 1914, Glamis Archives
10 Asquith, The Queen, p. 59
11 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 11 December [1914], Poignand Papers
12 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [5/6 December 1914], Poignand Papers
13 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 21 November 1914, Poignand Papers
14 Asquith, The Queen, p. 59
15 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [20 November 1914], Poignand Papers
16 French dictations, August-September 1914, Glamis Archives, Box 270
17 Lady Strathmore to Beryl Poignand, 16 September 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
18 Lady Strathmore to Beryl Poignand, 9 October 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
19 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [20 November 1914], Poignand Papers
20 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 21 November [1914], Poignand Papers
21 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 22 November [1914], Poignand Papers
22 Ibid.
23 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 21 October 1917, Glamis Archives (CH)
24 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 22, [25] November, [5/6], 11 December [1914], 13 July [1915], Poignand Papers
25 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 22 November [1914], Poignand Papers
26 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [November 1914], [8], 9, 14/15 December 1914, Poignand Papers
27 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [8 December 1914], Poignand Papers
28 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 22 November [1914], Poignand Papers
29 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 14–15 December [1914], Poignand Papers
30 Asquith, The Queen, p. 61
31 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [5/6 December 1914], Poignand Papers
32 Asquith, The Queen, p. 61
33 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 11 December [1914], Poignand Papers
34 Asquith, The Queen, p. 62
35 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [5/6, 8 December 1914], Poignand Papers
36 Asquith, The Queen, p. 60
37 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [8 December 1914], Poignand Papers
38 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 14/15 December [1914], Poignand Papers
39 Lines by J. Chadwick Brooks, 1st Battalion The London Scottish, January 1915, autograph book, RA QEQM/PRIV/PERS
40 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 14/15 December [1914], Poignand Papers
41 Lady Rose Bowes Lyon to Lady Delia Peel, undated [December 1915], Glamis Archives
42 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 26 December 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
43 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 31 December 1914, private collection
44 Lady Strathmore to May Elphinstone, 3 January 1915, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
45 Lady Strathmore to May Elphinstone, 1 March 1915, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
46 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 17 January 1915, private collection; Beryl Poignand to her mother, 23 [February 1915], Poignand Papers
47 Lady Lavinia Spencer to the Hon. Cecil Spencer, 8 February 1915, Althorp Archives
48 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 31 March [1915], Poignand Papers
49 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [20 February 1915], Poignand Papers
50 Lady Strathmore to May Elphinstone, 24 February 1915, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
51 Lady Strathmore to May Elphinstone, 6 March 1915, RA QEQM/OUT/ELPHINSTONE
52 Elizabeth Leeming interview with Lady Mary Clayton
53 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 9 March [1915], Poignand Papers
54 Queen Elizabeth, conversations with Eric Anderson, 1994–5, RA QEQM/ADD/MISC
55 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 30 May, 2 June [1915], Poignand Papers
56 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 15 May [1915], Poignand Papers
57 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 12 [May 1915]; 31 March [1915], Poignand Papers
58 Beryl Poignand to her mother, 13 July [1915], Poignand Papers
59 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 9 August 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
60 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 26 August 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
61 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 16 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
62 Lady Lavinia Spencer to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, n.d. [12 August 1915], Glamis Archives, Box 270
63 Lady Lavinia Spencer to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 17 September 1915, Glamis Archives, Box 270
64 Lady Katharine Hamilton to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 6 September 1916, Glamis Archives
65 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 31 July 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
66 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 6 August 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
67 Ibid.
68 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 9 August 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
69 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 9 August 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
70 Asquith, The Queen, p. 67
71 Information from Clare Elmquist, daughter of Lydie Lachaise
72 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 14 September 1915, Glamis Archives, Box 270/II
73 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 16 September 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
74 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore 19 September 1915, Glamis Archives, Box 270/II
75 Elizabeth Leeming interview with Lady Mary Clayton
76 Hon. Fergus Bowes Lyon to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 26 April 1911, Glamis Archives (CH)
77 Hon. Fergus Bowes Lyon to [Lady Strathmore], 16 February 1914, Glamis Archives (CH)
78 Hon. Fergus Bowes Lyon to [Lady Strathmore], n.d., Glamis Archives
79 Reported in letter from Beryl Poignand to her mother, 23 June [1915], Poignand Papers
80 Terraine, p. 91
81 Ibid., p. 92
82 A. J. P. Taylor, English History 1914–45, Oxford University Press, 1961, p. 46
83 Daily Mail (overseas edition), 23 October 1915, quoted in Lyn Macdonald, 1914–1918: Voices and Images of the Great War, Penguin, 1988
84 Lieutenant G. B. Gilroy to Lady Strathmore, 30 September 1915, Glamis Archives
85 Notes by Lady Strathmore of accounts of the death of Capt. The Hon. Fergus B. Lyon by Lance Corporal Andrew Ross, 10 November 1915, and Sergeant Lindsay, [10 December 1915]; Lieutenant G. B. Gilroy to Lady Strathmore, 30 September 1915; Cameron of Lochiel to Lady Strathmore, 10 October 1915, Glamis Archives
86 Lady Strathmore to Private William Vanbrick, 25 October 1916, Glamis Archives
87 Asquith, The Queen, p. 72
88 Leeming notes
89 Lady Lavinia Spencer to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 5, 17 October 1915, Glamis Archives; Beryl Poignand to her mother, [October 1915], Poignand Papers
90 Gilbert, First World War, pp. 224–5
91 Ibid., p. 200
92 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Mrs Poignand, 23 October 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
93 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 30 October 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
94 Gilbert, First World War, p. 203
95 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 1 November 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
96 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 23 December 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
97 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 26 December 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
98 Gilbert, First World War, p. 201
99 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 31 December 1915, Glamis Archives (CH)
100 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Mrs Poignand, 6 February 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
101 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 17 March 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
102 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 24, 25 March 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
103 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 25 March 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
104 Henry Ainley to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 19 March 1916, Glamis Archives, Box 270
105 Printed form signed by Margaret E. Goodman, Local Secretary, Oxford Local Examinations Board, 1916, RA QEQM/PRIV/PERS/Education
106 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 26 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
107 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 28 March 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
108 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 4 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
109 Beryl Poignand to her mother, n.d. [4–5 April 1916], Poignand Papers
110 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Lady Strathmore, 4 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
111 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 1 May 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
112 Elizabeth Leeming interview with Lady Mary Clayton
113 Frederick Dalrymple Hamilton, diary, 3 April 1916, private collection
114 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 27 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
115 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 26 April 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
116 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 11 May 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
117 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 21 May 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
118 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 4 June 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
119 Terraine, p. 106
120 Gilbert, First World War, p. 258
121 Ibid., p. 275
122 Terraine, pp. 116–17
123 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 21 July, 11 August 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
124 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 22 September 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
125 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 17 September 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
126 Ibid.
127 Ibid.
128 Asquith, The Queen, p. 78
129 Forbes, p. 84
130 Hon. Michael Bowes Lyon to Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, 24 September 1916, Glamis Archives
131 Lady Strathmore to Beryl Poignand, 22 September 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
132 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 1 October 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
133 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 22 September 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
134 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 10, 20 October 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
135 Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon to Beryl Poignand, 10, 25 October 1916, Glamis Archives (CH)
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