Buried Treasure (The Detroit Pirates Book 2)

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Buried Treasure (The Detroit Pirates Book 2) Page 9

by Jenny Redford

  Based on the fact that she was still standing in front of him in only some black lace fabric, he was pretty hopeful. He stepped closer to her, his body humming with the need to reach out and touch her bare skin again.

  "I am sorry I have to go," he said quietly.

  Her lips were so close again. Her sweet lips that were turning up in a teasing smile. Instead of leaning closer to him, she moved away and grabbed the travel mug on the table with the arm that wasn't keeping her breasts in place. How very disappointing, he thought.

  "Don't forget your coffee," she said.

  "Thank you," he replied, grabbing the mug before looking up to smile at her. "I really enjoyed spending the morning with you."

  She smiled. "Me too."


  He could see her smile falter a bit, and her eyes darted away from his.

  "We'll see," she said quietly. "Maybe."

  She turned and led him to the door, her ass looking amazing in that black underwear of hers. It was a delicious sight. But Andy wondered exactly how he was going to get out of there without exposing her to the neighbors. She grabbed the door handle and opened it, hiding herself behind the door so the only person who would know she was naked was him. It would have to be their little secret.

  Andy leaned over and gave her one more quick kiss.

  "Bye, Sydney."

  "Have a good time at work."

  She slowly closed the door behind him, and he had to take a deep breath to steady himself before walking towards the elevator. Sydney was definitely not like any woman he had ever slept with. He wondered if he could really call it a one-night stand considering they slept together in the morning and she let him leave with a cup of coffee. Then he realized he didn't care about the details since he was determined for that to be more than a one-time thing.

  Chapter 13

  "Sydney. Sydney. Sydney. Sydneyyyyy."

  "For the love, Ryan! Stop with the whining."

  Instead, the rookie gave her an exaggerated pout and slumped down on the bar stool at her kitchen counter, propping his chin up with his hand. Then he gave Sydney his best puppy dog look.

  "You're abandoning me," he said with extra sappy sadness.

  Sydney rolled her eyes at her annoying neighbor. "I'm not abandoning you," she said. "I just don't want to go to the arena."

  "You love going to the arena," he said. "You always ask me for game tickets."

  She sighed and looked down at her feet. He was right. She was always asking him for tickets. Occasionally, he would actually come through. Lucy and Sydney had some great times at some great games in amazing seats thanks to Ryan.

  But she knew exactly what would happen if she went to tonight's game. People had seen her face everywhere. They knew who she was now, and they wouldn't like her. The stares, the jeering. She couldn't handle the idea of going out and facing that in one of her favorite places. It wouldn't be her favorite place if she did that.

  "I loved going to the arena," she explained. "But I don't think I'll love it right now."

  "Sydney, you can't hide in your apartment forever," he said.

  "What are you talking about?" she asked incredulously. "I went to that bar with you the other night."

  Ryan stared at her. "That's the only time you've been out of this building."

  "Not true!"

  He gave her a skeptical look. "Really?"

  "I also went to my lawyer's office," she muttered.

  "That doesn't count," he said with a teasing smile. "Take off, eh."

  Sydney laughed, knowing she was pressing Ryan's buttons when he pulled out his "Canadian hoser" words for extra entertainment. She knew he was right, and the over-stereotyped Canadian shtick just emphasized how much he knew she was lying.

  "You are so frustrating sometimes," she told him.

  "So are you, Barton." He got up off the stool and walked over to Sydney in the kitchen. "I know you're the straight-laced one and I'm the goofball, but can I be serious for a second?"

  She gave him a worried look. He rarely said anything serious to her so this was definitely something new.

  "Go ahead," she said quietly.

  "Things have sucked lately, but you've been much stronger than I ever would've expected you to be. Going to the arena won't be hard for someone like you."

  "Thank you," she muttered. "But maybe later. I can't do it just yet."

  He leaned up against the counter next to her and folded his arms across his chest. "Sydney, you have to see people at some point."

  "I already see people."

  Ryan shook his head. "Listen, it's been awesome having you around with the surgery and everything, but come on. You've been hanging out with a gimp, his mom and his trainer. Hell, I'm impressed you took a shower today if that says anything about what's been going on with you lately."

  Sydney gave him a weak smile. "Duly noted."

  "You're still not coming with me tonight, are you?"


  Ryan pushed himself off the counter. "Fine. Just more nachos for me and mom in the team suite then."

  He walked over and gave Sydney an unexpected bear hug. She was surprised by his move, but more than willing to lean into it. Sure, he was young and immature. But he was also strong with a tight grip and hard muscles. No woman would mind getting a bear hug from a man like that. Perhaps that's what Sydney needed from him. Just like Sydney needed Andy's warm touch on her this morning. Maybe it wasn't want she expected, but damn was she thankful for it. Of course, Andy's touch was much different — and much less chaste — than Ryan's.

  Ryan let go of Sydney and smiled down at her. "I'm leaving at five o'clock. Text me if you change your mind."

  "I will," she replied.

  "And text me even after that," he said as he started walking towards her front door. "I can meet you at the arena last minute."

  "I don't think that's going to happen."

  Ryan gave her a genuinely friendly smile. "I'm going to get you out of here at some point."

  "At some point," she said quietly. "Keep pushing me to get out though, OK?"

  "I will," he said. "Besides, I missed the end of Birds so you have to come over and finish it with me."

  "I can do that."

  Ryan finally headed out, leaving Sydney alone in her apartment again. Even though she told Ryan she wouldn't go, there was still something trying to push her. If she went with Ryan, they would head to the locker room after the game to see his friends and maybe even Andy. He asked her if she was going tonight. He seemed to genuinely want to see her. So why not just go to the game?

  But as much as she wanted to see Andy, it wasn't enough for her to go out in public and deal with a large crowd. She just couldn't stand the idea of having to put on a brave face in front of that many people for that long. She figured Andy would understand her explanation. She really didn't need to give him an explanation anyway. They had slept together, sure, and they were good together — really good. But that wasn't enough when it came to 18,000 people in an arena who may recognize her.

  Besides, she already got out of her clothes for him once today. She even took a shower after the workout he gave her in the bedroom. She could only do so much in one day for that man. Of course, that man had completely changed the way she looked at him, especially the way he went from being nice Andy to in-charge Andy. She liked it — a lot. There was no denying that. But a clean pair of jeans and a shower were all he was going to make her change about herself today.

  Sydney headed into her bedroom and collapsed on her bed, burying her head in the pillow Andy had laid on earlier that morning. It still smelled like him. A little sweaty, a lot of manliness, and some sort of clean-scented nondescript men's shampoo. It was nice and soothing and so Andy. If that man had that kind of effect on her when he wasn't here, she needed to find a way to get him in her bed so she could get more sleep. Worrying about her job would be the last thing on her to-do list with Andy in her bed. Hell, if he were here now, he would be the
first thing for her to do.

  Sydney woke up from that spot on her bed two hours later after accidentally falling asleep. Ryan was definitely long gone by now. That was a good thing for now. She appreciated what Ryan was trying to do for her, but he needed to be back in that building with his guys. It may have helped to have her there next to him if he got frustrated watching his guys on the ice while he was stuck in the hospitality suite, but he was with his mom. He would be fine.

  Sydney would be fine too. Lucy had mentioned that she didn't have any plans so Sydney called her and told her to bring dinner over. Her friend was more than happy to oblige.

  "I come with food and drink!" Lucy proclaimed an hour later with her arms raised in triumph when Sydney answered the door.

  "What kind of food?"

  Lucy's arms fell to her side. "Cheese fries and chili dogs from Coney Island. Cheap wine from the cheap wine store."

  Sydney ushered her in. "What kind of wine goes with chili dogs?"

  She shrugged. "I figured it's red meat so I got some merlot. Seems like a good match, right?"

  "I think calling chili dogs 'red meat' is being generous, but I'll get the corkscrew."

  Lucy started laying out the dinner on the coffee table while Sydney headed to the kitchen, bringing back the corkscrew and fancy wine glasses.

  "Is there a reason we're watching hockey tonight?" Lucy asked as she started to dig into the fries. "I thought Ryan wasn't back in the line-up yet."

  Sydney gave her a surprised look. "How do you know what's going on with Ryan?"

  "Proximity makes it necessary."

  And so it went for a half hour watching the Pirates play the team from Cleveland, a major conference rival. The camera cut to Ryan in the suite looking antsy. Just as Sydney had predicted, he would be itching to get out on the ice tonight. But also just as predicted, Amelia was sitting in the row of seats behind him to be his moral support while also trying to keep her distance.

  As the announcers talked about Ryan's appendix — or lack thereof — during a break in play, the camera turned back to the bench and focused on Andy Mitchell, who, according to the announcers, was tracking the rookie's progress.

  "Oh, hey. That's Andy," Lucy mumbled with fries in her mouth. "Have you seen him lately?"

  Sydney froze, cheese fry hanging in midair, as she turned to look at Lucy.

  "Sort of."

  Her friend's eyes narrowed and she dramatically swallowed her fries. "What does 'sort of' mean?"

  "I've definitely seen him."

  "That makes it sound like you've seen him with his clothes off or something," Lucy replied suspiciously.

  Sydney slowly put her food down and turned to look straight at her friend. She took a deep breath, figuring it was like taking off a band-aid — better to get it all done at once.

  "Andy and I slept together this morning."

  Lucy just looked at her with her mouth hanging open in shock. "This morning?" she asked incredulously.

  "Well, I've been hanging out at Ryan's place a lot lately, and Andy is usually there, and you know."

  "How come I haven't heard anything about this thing with Andy until now?" Lucy asked.

  "I'm not trying to hide it," Sydney said. "I didn't kiss him until last night and the sex thing just happened and you've been busy with work all week."

  "Yeah, trying to help my friend whose boss is a crook."

  "I'm sorry," Sydney said. "I should've mentioned that I was hanging out with him, but this is all kind of weird and fast and I didn't expect any of it."

  Lucy leaned back against the couch cushions, still trying to digest it all.

  "Is this the first time you slept with someone since that Brandon guy? Because that guy was the worst!" she exclaimed. "Please tell me Andy was at least better than that."

  Sydney couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face. Brandon was some awful guy she found on one of those dating apps. They lasted two months. The dates were boring, the sex was more of the same. He was definitely nothing like Andy.

  "It is the first time since then," Sydney said. "And I can assure you it was much better than that."

  Lucy smiled. "Alright then, Barton. Start talking and leave no detail out."

  Chapter 14

  Andy got off the elevator on Ryan's floor and took a deep breath before walking down the hallway. Amelia had invited him over for one final dinner before she left town, and he couldn't turn her down. Plus, he wanted to see Sydney.

  He was hoping she would be at the game the other night, but Ryan only brought his mom. At least that's what Andy assumed. The trainers' room was always busy with players needing to be patched up or tended to after a hard-fought game. It was possible she was there and left before he was done, but he figured she would've at least ducked in and said hi, especially after that morning together.

  He stopped and closed his eyes for a second, remembering her soft skin laid out underneath him, the way she moaned his name. What he would give to have her like that again. He had to force himself to keep moving if he didn't want the thought of it to render him useless right in that hallway. Luckily, a noise down the hall broke him out of his thoughts, and he opened his eyes to see Sydney turn and look at him. She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.

  "Hi," she said quietly.

  "Hey," he said, falling in line next to her as the two of them began to walk together to Ryan's apartment. "So I uh, I didn't see you at the game."

  Her eyes closed briefly and looked down at her feet. "Yeah, I just couldn't make it."

  Andy nodded in understanding. She was hiding herself away from the world rather than having to face it. She didn't have to say she was too busy to get to the game or something like that. She wasn't, and he knew that. But he knew she was preoccupied with things that had nothing to do with him. He wasn't about to call her out for her answer.

  When they got to Ryan's door, Amelia welcomed them in with open arms.

  "I'm so glad you're both here!" she said as she pulled them into the apartment. "Andy, you'll be happy to know that I made Ryan get some exercise before you got here."

  Ryan scowled from his spot on the couch. "She made me clean."

  "He even vacuumed! Great workout for his abs, eh?"

  Andy smiled, knowing full well that Amelia was more into teasing her son than getting his trainer to approve of her exercise regimen.

  "That was a great idea, Amelia," he replied in an exaggerated tone. "I'll make sure he keeps that up when you're gone."

  "Don't encourage her!"

  "Why don't you two get yourselves something to drink," Amelia told them.

  She wandered back into the living room, and Andy gave Sydney an awkward smile before heading into Ryan's kitchen with Sydney behind him.

  "Looks like your choices are Vernor's and water," Andy said as he stared into the fridge.


  Andy smiled and handed her a can of pop.

  "I want one too!"

  Ryan's yelling from the living room made Andy roll his eyes, but he grabbed another can anyway. The four of them then sat down around the kitchen table getting their fill of Amelia's home cooking. Tonight was some sort of casserole with meat and potatoes and it was heavenly. It was obvious that they had been fed well while Amelia in town. Ryan wasn't going to be the only one who missed her home-cooked meals.

  "It makes me feel better that Ryan has the two of you watching out for him."

  Amelia made sure to put an emphasis on "the two of you" as she glanced between Andy and Sydney. It's like she thought one look from her would make them start dating and get married and have babies while managing her son next door. But Andy took his cue from Sydney and kept his mouth shut. Besides, there wasn't anything to tell. Andy couldn't really explain what was going on between them, or what to label it, or if there even was a label for it. Better to just not think about that.

  "Don't worry," Andy said. "We'll take good care of him."

  "Yeah, I
'm going to need someone to start packing for me again," Ryan said.

  "What does that mean?" Sydney asked.

  "Andy cleared me to go on the road with the team this week."

  "Yep," Andy said. "Our patient has made a great recovery so it's time to get him back out there."

  Andy turned to see Sydney's reaction to the news. He was expecting her to be happy, but that wasn't really the case. She had a smile on her face, sure, but there was something else going on.

  "That's great, Ryan," Sydney said. "You worked really hard to get back. You deserve this."

  Sydney tucked back into the food in front of her while Amelia started rambling about the suitcases she was going to have to pack for both her and her son. She seemed so excited about him traveling again, even if he wouldn't necessarily be playing just yet. She had been the perfect support for Ryan when he needed it to get back to his normal hockey routine.

  But Andy wasn't really paying attention to Amelia. He wasn't thinking about whether Ryan had enough clean shirts for the road trip or where he put his travel toothbrush. There was something not right about Sydney. She didn't react the way he would expect a person to react to news that their friend had recovered from a major surgery and was going to get back to work. There was something else going on, but Andy wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

  Sydney wasn't having fun. Ever since she found out Ryan was headed back out on the road, she had tried to rally herself and be happy for him, because she really was glad he was better after his surgery. But she just couldn't do it. She finally gave them some excuse about how the last few days had been really busy (aside from her morning with Andy, that was a lie) and quickly went back to her apartment.

  As soon as she closed the door behind her, she could finally breathe again. Ryan's apartment had felt like it was closing in on her after she found out he was going back on the road. She hoped the quiet of her place would help her clear her head because really, why was she so upset about Ryan leaving?


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