All’s Fair in Blood and War (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 4)

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All’s Fair in Blood and War (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 4) Page 12

by Michael Anderle

  Todd squirmed on her hip, gurgling happily at the sight of his babysitter.

  Sabine melted instantly and bent to bring herself down to Todd's eye level. “Hello, handsome! How’s my favorite guy today?”

  Tabitha laughed. “He’s stealing all the ladies’ hearts.” She touched her nose to Todd’s. “Aren’t you!” She gestured with her free hand for Sabine to come in.

  Todd reached out and tangled his hands in Sabine’s hair as she passed Tabitha in the doorway.

  “Oh, no, baby,” Tabitha told him.

  Sabine laughed. “It’s fine.” She disentangled herself gently from his pudgy fingers and tied her hair back as she walked into the hall.

  Demon sauntered in after Sabine before Tabitha shut the door. Hello, Tabitha. I am anticipating training your young to be fierce in the hunt this evening.

  Tabitha raised an eyebrow as the sleek cat hopped onto the couch and made herself comfortable. “Um…okay. I think?” She looked at Sabine and shrugged.

  Sabine waved a hand. “I think she means she’s expecting to be used as a jungle gym for the next few hours.”

  Tabitha snickered. “Sounds like your expectations are just about right,” she told Demon, bending to let Todd down. “He’s gotten more mobile since we were last together for dinner.”

  As if to prove the point, Todd heaved himself onto his forearms and shuffled toward Demon’s tail, which she was dangling over the edge of the couch like a teaser toy.

  Demon purred low in her throat. If he was a kitten, I would maim a small creature for him to play with.

  Sabine frowned. “You remember we talked about why it’s not appropriate to do that for a human baby, right?”

  Demon’s tail twitched, drawing a delighted giggle from Todd. Of course. My tail is sufficient as a lure. She chuffed to the baby, losing interest in Tabitha and Sabine.

  Peter clattered down the stairs and walked straight over, kissing his son. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. I’m good to go.” He grinned at Sabine and Demon. “Hey, good to see you both. Thanks for sitting tonight.”

  Sabine nodded once, a small smile on the corner of her lips as she watched Todd. “Of course. It’s our pleasure to help family. Besides, you’re doing us a huge favor. You should see how well the pre-booking for the event is doing. Your date night is going to make this a very good month for the company.”

  Tabitha winked and nudged Peter with her elbow. “It’s going to be a good night all around.”

  “Not if we don’t get going,” Peter told her. “Come on, babe.”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Okay, already.”

  They finished saying their goodbyes to Todd and Peter slipped an arm around Tabitha’s waist to steer her toward the door.

  Tabitha twisted around. “You know where we are if you need us for anything, Sabine. Todd, Mommy and Daddy will be home soon.”

  They made their way down to the arena, skirting the public areas to get to the changing rooms.

  Tabitha snuggled under Peter’s arm as they walked, her arm around his waist. This might be one of your best date night ideas ever. I know I say this every date night, but this one has that extra-special…something.

  Peter snorted softly in her mind, feeling the difference in her stride the nearer they got. You’re listening in on the crowd.

  Tabitha’s strut became even more pronounced. Aren’t you? she retorted. They’re saying very nice things about me.

  I hear them. Peter’s voice dropped to a huskier tone. If you want to hear nice things…

  I’ll listen to all the nice things you have to say after you impress me tonight.

  Well, that inspires me to go the extra mile.

  Tabitha dropped her hand a little lower and squeezed. That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say.

  QT2 System, QBBS Helena

  Bethany Anne let the grin escape once the door closed behind her.

  The Bitches’ bitching was something she’d missed recently. It was good to be back together and on their way to kick some ass. It was also wonderful to have Alexis and Gabriel here with her.

  TOM interrupted her thoughts. You are in a better frame of mind than you have been of late. I would almost say you’re feeling cheerful.

  Bethany Anne's eyebrow twitched. I’ve got plenty to be cheerful about. We have a new member of the family to celebrate, and we’re mostly together for a change. Life doesn't stop because of tragedy.

  Nothing to do with you being untethered from High Tortuga now that Alexis and Gabriel aren't so young anymore?

  Oh, it's got everything to do with that. She made the turn for the elevators down to the concourse, the determined click of her heels echoing in the empty corridor. I've been sitting still for way too fucking long. I'm not made to stay still when there’s work to be done. It's frustrating.

  I hadn't noticed.

  Bethany Anne narrowed her eyes as the elevator began its descent. It is not too late for me to reach in there and pull you out.

  Good luck walking afterward, he shot back. What happened to your good mood?

  Some contemptuous Kurtherian cockup ruined it by running his mouth.

  TOM had been with Bethany Anne long enough to know the difference between real threats and friendly banter. Not everyone could tell. Seriously, you're feeling good about the plan?

  Bethany Anne waved a hand. I fully expect the plan to go to shit, but we're ready for that. It kind of feels like we're getting the band back together.

  TOM was silent for a moment, then he cracked up. Trust you to turn a war into a family outing, BA.

  Bethany Anne pressed her lips together in amusement. I suppose you could look at it that way.

  All that’s missing is the picnic basket.

  Bethany Anne chose not to mention that she’d had something made up and sent over to the children. She rubbed her temple absentmindedly as she walked.

  You okay?

  She noticed the hand and shook her head. Yeah, just had a headache for a moment.

  Want me to check it out?

  I’m fine. It’s gone now.

  She strode into the dimly-lit command center and made her way down the stairs and through the rows of occupied consoles to the front, where Admiral Thomas was deep in concentration at his station. “You needed me up here?”

  Admiral Thomas turned from his console with worry stamped across his features. “Yes, but not for the reason I originally asked you to come up here. I’ve just heard from Kael-ven. It’s ADAM and Loralei; they’re in trouble.”

  Bethany Anne’s eyes flashed red. “What kind of trouble?”

  His lips met in a tight line. “We’re not sure. He reported a distress signal he found to Kael-ven and went to assist. When Kael-ven got there and followed ADAM’s marker, all he found was a ravaged Federation outpost. No sign of ADAM or Loralei.”


  There was no reply. “Fuckdammit, I knew that ship was a bad idea! I told him to be careful.”


  Bethany Anne searched but found no trace of his presence within her. TOM, tell me you’re there, at least.

  I’m here, he replied, but I’m as mystified as you are.

  A shiver went down Bethany Anne’s spine. She felt as though she’d just reached to pick something up and discovered she had no hands. Michael, have you heard from ADAM?

  No, my love, Michael replied. I’m in the Vid-doc with the children. Should I have?

  Bethany Anne sighed. No. I’m just clutching at straws because he’s out there in his ship somewhere, in trouble, and I can’t reach him. He was between two Ooken planets when he dropped off.

  You want to send a search party or do you want to be the search party?

  Bethany Anne snorted softly. What do you think? How soon can you and the children be ready?

  Give us two hours.


  Michael made a noncommittal noise. Don’t forget we have K’aia in the Vid-doc for enhancement today.

  Shit. I did for
get. How long until she’s done?

  Two hours, he replied. I can have her transferred straight to the ship.

  Michael’s tactic of tricking her into a debate worked well enough to clear the red mist from her fractious mind.

  Even so, Bethany Anne could only think of ADAM. Have Eve transfer K’aia’s Vid-doc to the Izanami. The rest of you have one hour and thirty minutes until we leave, not a second more.

  Bethany Anne dropped the link and returned her attention to the room, “I can’t get hold of him. Neither can TOM.”

  Admiral Thomas’ eyes widened in shock. “Not even…” he waved a finger at Bethany Anne's head.

  Bethany Anne closed her eyes, shaking her bowed head. “Nothing.” She lifted her chin and flashed blazing red eyes around the room before she disappeared.

  Admiral Thomas sighed. “I hope she doesn’t just tear off alone,” he muttered to himself.

  Bethany Anne's voice was suddenly in his mind.

  Send me the exact location ADAM and Loralei vanished from, and have CEREBRO make an announcement.

  I’m taking command of the fleet.


  QT2 System, QBBS Helena, Shipyard

  Giselle waited nervously on the gantry for her mother’s ship to arrive. She was still unsure whether she and Helena would survive this extended stay.

  At least the station no longer resembled a construction site. There were still a few places being worked on, like the shopping court on the concourse, but otherwise the hectic pace of the last few months was winding down to something resembling ordinary station life.

  If Giselle didn't count the fact that her station was filled almost to bursting by the gathering Navy.

  Her husband may have been mystified by how she had suddenly gained the ability to be completely serene. Giselle knew it was because she was the ringmaster responsible for the logistical nightmare of keeping almost a quarter million people of differing species, occupations, and environmental needs fed, housed, and gainfully employed.

  Refitting a whole level at the bottom of the station to accommodate the vacuum-dwelling Matrial, who Bart had dubbed “telepathic space narwhals,” hadn't even been the biggest challenge during the building.

  CEREBRO informed Giselle of the Shanks’ Express arrival. She gripped the railing out of sheer habit as the doors opened to admit the ship.

  The Shanks’ Express nosed through the translucent barrier and came to a gentle stop by the gantry.

  Giselle walked over to where the ramp touched down at the end of the metal walkway and waited for the hatch to open. She dismissed the young Torcellan male who exited first and helped her mother down from the ship without a thought. “Mother, how was your journey?”

  Helena continued to hang onto the flight steward’s arm as she moved unsteadily down the ramp. “It was awful, Bunny. Didn’t sleep a wink the whole way, and I didn’t enjoy the onboard chef at all.”

  “You’re here now.” Giselle smiled at the steward, about to ask his name so she could make sure she showed her appreciation for his conscientious treatment of her mother in his paycheck.

  “Oh,” Helena cut in, “how rude of me. Let me introduce my husband. Giselle, meet Yuane.”

  Giselle felt her carefully constructed composure slip for a second. She grasped her serenity before it crumbled entirely. “Of course you got married again. Without telling me. Again.”

  Helena waved her judgment away. “A woman's needs don't disappear with the advent of motherhood, my dear.” She rolled her eyes at the expression Giselle failed to suppress. “Now, where are Yuane and I staying?” She flounced off down the walkway, pausing at the exit to look back at Giselle and a nonplussed Yuane. “Well, come on! We haven’t got all day, and I want to see my grandchildren.”

  Yuane trotted after her mother like a good little trophy husband.

  Giselle took a deep breath and hurried to catch Helena before she caused a catastrophe. She got ahead of her mother in the corridor, but only because Helena didn’t know which direction to take.

  Helena stood at the interactive station map, where one of the many facets of CEREBRO was running her through the most-visited parts of the station. “Just how big is this place?” she asked Giselle incredulously.

  CEREBRO had the answer. “The QBBS Helena is large enough to contain over four hundred thousand occupants, although the actual number is lower than that since we have provided environments for a number of species that require something other than the standard oxygen-nitrogen-based atmosphere to survive.”

  “I think it looks like a hand holding an axe,” Yuane offered.

  Helena ignored her husband, turning to Giselle with her hands clasped to her chest. “Did you really name the station after me?”

  Giselle nodded and smiled. “Of course. I wanted it to feel like home.”

  They were interrupted by a shipwide announcement from one of CEREBRO’s more calming and authoritative voices. “Calling all hands of the fleet. This is not a drill. Report to the shipyard. I repeat. All hands of the fleet. Report to the shipyard. This is not a drill.”

  Giselle’s head snapped toward the speaker. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Giselle!” Helena exclaimed. “Is there any need for that kind of language?”

  Giselle winced at her slip. This place was rubbing off on her. “That was the call to war we’ve been waiting for. I won’t get a chance to say goodbye to Bart before he leaves.”

  Helena flapped her hands at her daughter. “Then why are you still here? Go say goodbye to your husband.”

  Giselle was torn. “I can't just leave you and um…”

  “Yuane, dear.” Her mother supplied.

  “I can't just leave you and Yuane here alone. You just got here. What sort of daughter does that to her mother?”

  Yuane turned at the sound of his name. “Huh?”

  Helena shooed her again. “Go! We can find our way with the help of the EI.”

  Giselle waved over her shoulder as she sprinted toward the exit. “Thank you, Mother!”

  Immersive Recreation and Training Scenario: Meteor Madness

  Bethany Anne dropped the link, and Michael touched his comm button to speak to the Alexis, Gabriel, and K’aia. “Bring it in, children. It’s time to leave.”

  The scenario dissolved, leaving the four of them standing in the equipment room. They had the privacy settings on, so there was nobody else around.

  “But I thought I couldn’t leave until Eve was done putting the nano-things into my body?” K’aia asked.

  Michael nodded. “That is still the case. You are being taken in the Vid-doc to the ship we will be traveling on.”

  “What about us?” Alexis looked at Michael with concern. “Can we stay in here with K'aia?”

  “K'aia will join us once we're aboard the Izanami,” Michael told her. “There will be time for play. We had Vid-docs installed aboard the ship for your training.”

  Gabriel turned to K’aia. “Will you be okay on your own?”

  K’aia chuckled at the concern her young human companions showed. “I’ll be fine. I saw a Library in the scenario list, I’ve wanted to know what goes on in those places for a while now.” She made hand gestures until she got the one that brought up the menu, and her avatar winked out.

  Michael nodded, satisfied that the young Yollin was being truthful. “Eve, begin the rejuvenation cycle, please.”

  Eve was in the process of preparing K’aia’s Pod for transport when Michael’s Vid-doc opened.

  She looked up from her task when Michael emerged. “You have one hour and fifteen minutes until Bethany Anne leaves, and you will need every minute of it.” She pointed out into the corridor. “There is a roamer waiting in the charging alcove outside to take you over to the shipyard.”

  “Thank you, Eve.” He helped Alexis and Gabriel get their docs open and the three of them left the Vid-doc room in search of the roamer.

  The corridor leading out of the training and rec level was beyond busy. The w
hole level was emptying out in obedience of CEREBRO’s looped announcement from Bethany Anne.

  Gabriel made a left outside the Vid-doc room. “The roamers are over here, Dad.”

  Michael paused by their roamer when they reached it, his hand on the door. “The ride will give us the opportunity to discuss a few things.”

  Alexis and Gabriel exchanged a glance.

  “What things?” Alexis asked.

  Michael opened the door and climbed into the roamer. “We can start with your duties aboard the ship.”

  The twins slumped into the roamer seats with identical expressions of consternation. “Chores?” they chorused.

  Michael gave a shrug, sitting back with his hands laced behind his head as the roamer reversed out of the charging alcove. “You can choose to see it that way if you want to.”

  His eyes flashed, the old Michael still there. “I suggest you apply the concept of duty instead.”

  QT2 System, QBBS Helena, Concourse

  The concourse was loud with a hundred thousand mingled voices.

  The station employees, nonmilitary personnel, the families of Bethany Anne's brave troops. The young and the old gathered beyond the enormous curtain in the center of the concourse to wait for word from their Queen.

  Bethany Anne stood behind the curtain, staring at the names carved into the rock and counting down until the moments the roamer she was tracking arrived with Michael, Alexis, and Gabriel.

  She looked to her left, registering a twitch of the curtain in her peripheral vision. “Tell me my fleet is ready, Admiral.”

  Admiral Thomas nodded. “Your fleet is ready, my Queen.”

  Bethany Anne placed a hand on the smooth stone of the monolith. “It fucking kills me that there will be more names on this memorial before this is over.”

  “Names of heroes who sacrificed themselves to enable others to live without fear,” Michael stepped through the curtain as he spoke. I believe you owe a forfeit for that f-bomb.

  Bethany Anne laughed in Michael's mind. I’m not paying a forfeit for that, you sneaky mother—

  We can hear you, Mom. Gabriel snickered as he pushed through the heavy drapes.


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