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Sexnip Page 6

by Celia Kyle

“Yeah, I forgive you, Monty. I’ll geld you if you try it again.” She turned toward him. Unsheathing her claws, she scratched them down the side of his face. “But I do forgive you.”

  Before she could second-guess herself, she brushed her lips against Monty’s and when she would have retreated, he didn’t let her. He flicked his tongue against the seam of her lips, stroking the sensitized flesh until she finally opened her mouth and granted him entrance.

  Their tongues warred for dominance, but he was quickly the victor. He stroked and caressed every inch of her mouth. No part of it went unexplored as he kissed her. He sucked on her tongue and the sensation slithered along her spine and straight to her pussy. It contracted in response, feeling achy and heavy.

  He circled her tongue with his own, initiating a sensuous dance that only their tongues participated in. Round and round, then he sucked her tongue into his mouth and she leaned forward. She wanted to be closer to him, to them. Her heart pounded deep within her chest, speeding up with each flick of his tongue, until he pulled away, panting against her lips. “Want you, Kat.”

  “Want you, too.” She swallowed and debated on whether she would reveal what she truly wanted. Deciding it was now or never, she asked for what she craved. “Want you both, eventually… But I want to watch you get fucked by Will.”

  Will, silent until now, weighed in with his desires as well. “How about I fuck his sweet ass while he loves you, Kat?”

  She couldn’t hold back the moan and shudder of desire that wracked her body if her life depended on it. She wanted them, and the images Will placed in her mind served to reiterate that fact.

  Kat nodded, attention focused on Will, and waited for instructions on how to accomplish this grand debauchery. She didn’t have to wait long.

  “Where’s the lube, kitten?” Will was in charge now. It had been Monty with his questions and dark gaze, but now it was Will with his commanding tone and fingers buried in Monty’s ass.

  Kat scrambled from her position at the edge of the bed and crawled to the other side to fetch the Arou-Lube. She wiggled her ass a little more than needed, sensing their stares. She was rewarded with an indrawn breath and low moan. Will, then Monty.

  Smiling, she turned around and handed Will the lube. Then, unlike her normally reserved behavior, she lay back on the bed, knees bent and spread. That got her both men’s attention.

  “Close your legs, kitten.” Frowning, she looked at Will, a question in her eyes. “Monty won’t get his cock anywhere near your pink pussy if you leave your legs open. He’ll dive in and won’t stop licking your cunt for anything, not even to fuck you.”

  The harsh words and his matter-of-fact tone only served to arouse her even more. Will, sweet, quiet Will, had never talked to her like that before… but she liked it.

  When she closed her legs obediently, she was rewarded with a murmured “good girl” from Will. She kept her knees together, aching and wondering what Will was doing to make Monty squirm and moan, but she didn’t dare move. She wanted this too much to ruin the building anticipation.


  Will was going to drive him utterly fucking mad. If he didn’t get a cock in him or into Kat, he’d die, Monty was sure of it. His lover had been playing with his ass and preparing him for God only knew how long and he felt like he was ready to burst. The pressure built in his lower back, snaking around his waist to hold tight to his balls. Burst! Any minute.

  The nips to the back of his neck when combined with the scent and sight of Kat’s pretty pink pussy weren’t helping either. Each second that ticked by was a strain to his control. His wolf, his snarling, yipping and growling wolf, wouldn’t be able to take much more. They wanted to fuck and be fucked. Now!

  Finally, after minutes ticked by, Will lifted Monty by his ass, tugging up on his asshole while his fingers were still embedded deep within. Monty rose and listened to his mate’s whispered orders. His wolf was content to listen and let the other man take the lead. Especially when its reward would be Kat’s tight cunt.

  Before long, Will’s fingers were replaced by the blunt tip of his cock. Relaxing and pushing out, Monty groaned when his lover’s erection pushed into his ass. Inch by inch Will fed his cock into Monty’s ass and he relished the first few seconds of their joining.

  Like coming home. Will’s awe-filled words whispered through his mind and Monty couldn’t withhold his body’s response. His cock pulsed and dripped pre-come while his ass clenched around Will’s cock. Being stretched and filled definitely felt like coming home. The two of them, joined together, felt right. Yessss.

  Why don’t you bring our kitten home, eh?

  Monty didn’t have to be told twice. Even with Will’s gentle stroking of his ass, he wouldn’t be deterred from Kat and her sweet pussy.

  “Open your legs, Kat.” Her gaze wandered to Will for a moment, but Monty brought her attention back to him, quickly. He snatched her ankles and tugged until her ass rested at the edge of the bed and her legs were open. Will moved with him, making sure that Monty’s ass remained filled with cock while he became acquainted with Kat’s kitten.

  “Ready to belong to us?” Monty leaned forward, brushing his lips over hers. “Ready for me to make you mine?”

  “Ours,” Will growled above him while thrusting roughly into his ass. The tip of his mate’s cock nudged his prostate and sent stars bursting behind his eyes. “You’ll be ours, Kat. Monty is going to fill your sweet cunt with his cock while I fill him and we’ll make you ours.”

  Monty felt her tremble beneath him, and by the look in her eyes he knew it wasn’t in fear. Holding his weight on one arm, he used his other hand to position the head of his cock at her entrance. He slid his dick through her abundant juices, gathering them and letting her heat coat his cock. “God, she’s going to melt me alive.”

  Will nipped his shoulder, biting hard, but not hard enough to break the skin, not yet. Monty jerked, nudging his cock into Kat’s pussy. Barely an inch in and she hugged him like a glove. The sensations bombarding his system were nearly overwhelming. The feeling of being filled while filling another lover left his knees week.

  “I’ve got you.” Will gripped his hips, holding him steady. Damn, he didn’t think he’d make it through their lovemaking. The pleasure was too much for him. “You’re fine, Mont. Now give our girl what she needs.”

  What she needs… He’d always give her what she needed. He’d protect and care for her forever. For now, he’d make love to her like no other.

  Monty lifted her legs around his waist. Then, gritting his teeth, he eased his cock into her heat. Gods! Scorching wet fire enveloped his cock as he eased into Kat’s pussy. Nothing, not even Will’s ass, compared to the feelings of being surrounded by their woman. She moaned and arched against him while her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Yeah, it was that good. He was glad she felt it too.

  They soon settled into a smooth, easy rhythm. Thrust. Retreat. In. Out. Over and over again. It seemed that both Kat and Will remained immobile as Monty rocked between them, alternating between filling his soon-to-be mate and being filled by his lover. Each time Will’s cock struck his gland, he cried out. Each time Monty’s cock stroked Kat’s G-spot, she moaned low and deep. Monty fought to keep his orgasm at bay as it fought to break free. Even his wolf howled for release. Soon…


  Soon… Monty moaned through Will’s mind. Will was holding on by a thread. He didn’t know if he could wait. This act was going beyond anything they’d ever done together. Sure, they’d had women together before, but then they both fucked the woman. They’d never made love to each other and the woman. Will hadn’t ever let his fantasies run this far. It was simply too good to be true.

  Monty’s ass clamped down around him and Will threw his head back on a harsh breath. Will was sure that Kat’s impending orgasm was feeding Monty’s which in turn fed his own. So in sync, he prayed they’d all come together. He wanted desperately for this to be their true mating ritual. Even without the pro
per words and actions, there was something so special and right about this time.

  Will began moving against Monty. He’d given his lover control over their group lovemaking, but now it was time to wrench control away. Leaning over Monty and Kat’s prone bodies, he became the catalyst to their sex as he moved in and out of Monty’s ass, shoving his cock into his lover with rough, jerky movements.

  His orgasm approached and with it, the need to bite and mark his mate—mates. He wouldn’t bite them both, but with Monty’s cooperation, their trio could become united and linked, forever.

  A gasp filtered into Will’s mind followed by Monty’s hopeful words. Can we?

  A linking between a lupine and Felidae hasn’t ever been recorded, but nowhere does it say it can’t happen. We’ll try, Monty. The worst that can happen is she gets pissed at you for biting her and she sinks her claws into your ass.

  Monty clenched said ass in response. His mate was such a pain-slut sometimes. Remembering Monty’s love of nails, Will let his own form at the tips of his fingers and he dug them into Monty’s ass cheeks. His lover hissed in response.

  Close, Mont.

  Me too. So close. So hot. So tight.

  Being connected to Monty meant that Will could also experience the joys of fucking Kat while he still had his cock buried in his lover’s ass.

  Soon Will didn’t have time to think about Kat or Monty achieving orgasm. His was upon him. The feelings and waves of pleasure rippled just beneath his skin as if a thousand hands stroked him from head to toe, urging him to come. Those feelings rushed down his spine and centered in his lower back before filtering around his waist to grip his balls. Feeling as if they would burst if not released, he finally quit holding back.

  With a roar, he closed the distance between his mouth and Monty’s shoulder, clamping down on his mate’s flesh while pumping his ass full of his seed. Over and again his cock pulsed with release while he sucked at his mate’s shoulder, taking in that bit of his lover’s essence.

  It was an exchange. Distantly, he heard Monty and Kat scream and yell with their own release, but Will couldn’t be sure that they’d come together. He hoped and prayed that they had. It would have made their first joining that much more special. But Will was a realist. Something as magical as coming together without knowing each other intimately for quite some time was rare.

  With a few last pumps of his cock into Monty’s tight ass, he sighed and released his hold on his mate’s neck, lapping at the tiny puncture wounds he’d left. His mark. He withdrew his cock from Monty’s ass with a moan and crawled up beside Kat, pulling her away from Monty and into his arms. He needed to hold the tiny woman who had brought the two of them joy in such a short amount of time. When Monty cuddled up behind her, Will smiled at his mate and closed his eyes. He’d just nap for a little while. Fucking two people at once took a lot out of an old guy.

  A very feminine snort of denial entered Will’s mind and just as quickly as it sounded, it was gone. Had they really… had Kat… nah, couldn’t be.

  Chapter Nine

  Kat stood at the ocean’s edge, inhaling the sweet scents of salt and sand as she pondered her problem. Well, problems really. Two problems: Monty and Will. More precisely, a relationship with the two men. The bite to her shoulder and the constant ability to peek into their minds proved what they’d done. They’d mated with her. She would have liked to have been asked first.

  Even after an entire week of being loved day and night by the two men, sometimes together and sometimes separate, she still wondered if she was just a passing phase.

  It was possible, right? Two gay guys just decide one day that they need a little pussy to make life interesting? That was the only reason Kat could surmise that the two hunks would want anything to do with fat, frumpy Katerina Antonia Pawslowski. Between her extra curves and constant nagging about cleaning everything, Kat didn’t for one second think she was anyone’s prize.

  If I had knees, young lady, you’d be over them getting a spanking right this minute!

  With a giggle, Kat called out to her friend. “Nia!”

  I mean it, missy.

  Kat imagined the ghost, would-be corporeal being, stomping her foot in anger. Too bad the sun shined so bright today, she would have dearly loved to actually see her friend.

  “I know, Nia, I know. I just don’t see what they see in me. I mean, look at me…” Kat twirled in the sand, disregarding the water splashing onto her legs. “I’m fat and frumpy and, let’s be honest here, I’m no one’s prize.”

  You’re a prize to those two men who love you.

  Kat sighed. If only it were true.

  How do you know it’s not?

  “How do you know it is, Nia?” There, stump the stupid ghost.

  You think your mind is the only one I can peek into? Why don’t you give it a shot if you don’t believe me? I know you’ve been pretending that you couldn’t, but this is me here, missy. I know you can venture into their minds. So, why don’t you?

  Did she dare? She’d been able to read their minds from the moment Monty pierced her flesh with his teeth, but Nia was right. She’d been pretending she didn’t have a clue what they were thinking for the last week and had done her best to lock them out of her head. She didn’t want to hear that their mating had been a mistake, didn’t want to hear that they regretted joining with her.

  Even after the bit of research she did to discover that what they’d gone through was called linking in the lupine world, and was the greatest of commitments made by the males, Kat was hesitant to believe it.

  Embrace, Kat. How many times do I have to tell you? I really should go possess a tattoo artist and have it permanently tattooed to your forehead.

  Kat laughed out loud at the thought of Nia possessing some big burly tattoo artist, but did take her friend’s threat seriously. Nia would do it without a second thought.

  Damn right, I would. Get on with it now. I’ll wait.

  “How about a bit of privacy, Nia?”

  The ghost grumbled a little, but finally relented.

  When Kat finally sensed that she was alone, she sat on the sandy beach and closed her eyes. She relaxed under the sun’s rays and let the sound of the waves lull her into relaxation. Her breathing slowed, as did her heart rate. Finally, completely at ease, she opened her mind to Monty and Will, her men.

  What will we do, Wills?

  What we’ve been doing. Love her until she comes around. She’s refusing to accept the linking for some reason. All we can do is show her how much we care…

  It hurts not to share this with her.

  Her poor Monty. Even with his gruff exterior and domineering ways, Kat had quickly seen that it was Monty who needed the most coddling while it was Will who seemed to be fueled by directing and demanding everything in bed. Kat hadn’t realized that holding herself back from these two could hurt them. All along, she’d been worrying about protecting herself.

  Taking a deep breath, Kat took the plunge and opened herself to heartache. She only prayed the men wouldn’t break her heart. Will? Monty? Come to me, please?

  Surprise, elation and love filtered through their link before the men cut her off. Well, that sucked.

  Now you know how it feels, Nia taunted.

  “Go away, Nia. With any luck, they’re on their way here. I’d rather not have an audience for whatever happens.” Kat prayed the ghost listened this time.

  Barks and yips reached Kat’s ears before the wolves did. But before she could do anything but scoot back away from the bushes, two of the largest wolves she’d ever seen bounded onto the sand next to her. Her cat screamed and clawed at Kat to flee, but she knew without a doubt that it was her men before her.

  Will? Monty? Kat tried. She hoped they’d let her back in. Now that she knew what it felt like to be connected, she didn’t want to ever relinquish that gift again.

  Before her eyes the two wolves shifted and changed back into her gorgeous men. One dark and one fair, they looked at her
with lust burning in their eyes as they sank to the sand beside her.



  They both reached for her, stroking her exposed skin and pressing kisses along her neck. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t…”

  “You didn’t believe that we would love you or care for you…” Monty whispered against her neck between bites.

  “Didn’t believe that what we feel is real. You’ll get a spanking, just as soon as we hear the words, Kat.” Will laved the mark Monty had left on her shoulder a week ago and she shivered in response. Whenever one of them touched the mark, her pussy grew wet and swollen with desire.

  She swallowed hard. What she felt for these two couldn’t be denied any longer. She’d trusted them enough to listen in on their conversation and open her mind to them; she could trust them with a few words. “I love you. Love you both with all my heart.”

  Both men were on her then, pushing her back against the sand while they tugged at her clothes. While they had probably shed everything before shifting, she was still fully dressed. They didn’t think… “Wait! I will not have sex in the sand. I may have gotten over a lot of my obsessions with being clean, but getting sand in my ass is not a line I’m willing to cross.”

  Both men snorted and laughed, but didn’t argue with her. Instead, they carried her like a queen into the apartment, and there they stripped her of her clothes. Just as Monty slid his cock into her pussy and Will entered her ass, a soft feminine voice floated through Kat’s mind.

  I told you to embrace, little Katerina. Live your life well…

  The End

  About the Author

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fallback, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her at:

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