Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits Page 40

by Michael Murphy

  “Well, I found and replaced slave and Master, but this first paragraph says I should give you all my money and we’re not even in the moving-in-together phase….”

  Tide chuckled. “Yeah. I told you we’d have to amend stuff. Just take that part out.”

  “Okay. The next part says that….” Oh. Oh, Lance didn’t like this. This whole thing seemed to be about making him seem worthless, not sexy.

  Tide leaned over his shoulder again when he didn’t continue. “Hmm… I don’t know, darling. I don’t think just switching out slave for sub is going to work for us.”

  “No? Because this isn’t… this doesn’t seem…. Us.”

  “Nope. In fact, this isn’t anyone I know. Look, we’re both smart guys. How about we ditch this and make our own?”

  “Yeah?” Lance grinned over, the stress starting to fade.

  “Yes.” Tide leaned forward and deleted the contract before pulling up a blank page. “This is ours. We don’t need anyone else’s words or suggestions.”

  “Okay.” Oh. Oh, so much better.

  “And how about we go with Tide and Lance instead of the Master and the sub? I mean, we know who we are.”

  “I like that. I mean, this is supposed to be a promise between us, right? Something we care about.” He knew he was Tide’s.

  “That’s it. Us putting into writing what we feel.”

  “So, what should we start with? I guess that we are coming at this from a sex place, from a love place.” Lance liked that thought. That they were making a promise.

  “Yeah. Let’s see…. This is a contract between Tide and Lance to outline their commitment to each other,” Tide suggested.

  “That’s way more sexy than anything.”

  “Yeah? You think so? Good.” Tide kissed the side of his face.

  “I do.” Lance typed the simple sentence. “This is where we should put the rules, because we can add to it.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s note your safeword first.”

  “Right.” He typed in “Aperture = safeword.” “Does that work?”

  “It does.” Tide rested his head on Lance’s shoulder. “Rule number one. Never go to bed angry at each other.”

  “I like that one.” It felt old-fashioned and still sort of lovely.

  “I do too. You can choose rule number two.”

  “Rule number two. If we’re unhappy, we sit down together and talk about it.” That was why Lance’s folks had broken up. They never talked.

  “Sounds good to me.” Tide’s fingers slid over his hip.

  “Rule three.” He shivered.

  “So should rule three be morning blow jobs or weekly fistings?” Tide asked.

  Lance felt his eyes go wide. “I…. Tide?”

  Tide chuckled. “I was teasing, darling.”

  “Oh. Because… whoa.”

  “Mind you, morning blow jobs sound like an excellent idea.”

  “I would suck you in the morning, Tide.” Lance didn’t think that sounded onerous at all.

  “Every single morning?” Tide’s voice had gone rough.

  “If you’d like that, yes.” He loved the idea of waking up in Tide’s arms, of loving on the heavy cock.

  “I would like it. I’d like it a lot.”

  His fingers were trembling as he typed “Rule three. Suck Master Tide off every morning.”

  “Mmm. God, I’m going to be so spoiled.” Tide’s dancing fingertips moved up to one of his nipples.

  He arched, inhaled, and pressed toward Tide’s touch.

  “What do you want every morning?” Tide asked, nose sliding along the shell of his ear.

  He had the feeling Tide wasn’t talking about coffee. “What do you think I should have?”

  “Oh no, I asked you first.”

  God, he didn’t know what to say, what he was supposed to do.

  “Think about it, darling.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I want to do this right.”

  “Of course you do. But that’s why I want it to be your choice. This is important.” Tide rubbed their cheeks together.

  “I… I think we should have breakfast together every morning. Like a date where we can talk and stuff.”

  “Oh, I like that.” Tide kissed him.

  He pressed up, opening easily. When Tide’s lips left his, he couldn’t help his smile.

  “I’d like you to call me Master. How do you feel about that?”

  Lance pondered that. How did he feel? Part of him wanted to giggle, another part wanted to moan. It said “master” in the contract too, and he didn’t have a problem with that. Tide waited patiently as he thought about it. He liked that, that Tide didn’t expect him to agree without thought.

  Finally he just told Tide his thoughts. “Part of me thinks it might be silly. Part of me is a little embarrassed. Part of me is horny, shivery.”

  “I vote with go with the horny, shivery part and put it in the rules.”

  “Yeah? You think that’s the biggest part?” Lance asked.

  “I think it’s the part that’s going to say yes and call me Master.”

  Lance blushed because he didn’t know what else to do, and wrote it down. “What if I forget?”

  “I’ll remind you.”

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  Tide nodded.


  “Good. Put it down.”

  “I did. See?” Call Tide Master.

  “Mmm. I like that. One of my favorite rules, I believe.” Tide hugged him close.

  “What else? Are there… sexy ones?” Lance asked.

  “You don’t think having to suck me every morning is sexy?”

  “I do. Very much.” Lance thought it was more “getting to” than “having to” anyway.

  “Good. But yes, I think there should be a lot more sexy ones,” Tide agreed.

  “Maybe… maybe we could take the laptop and phone to bed?”

  “Yeah? Just in case the clinic calls and we’re horny and stuff?”

  “Uh-huh. We don’t want to miss the call.” Lance wanted to know the minute he could feel Tide inside him without a condom.

  “No, we definitely don’t.”

  He swallowed and then whispered low, “I want to feel you inside me.”

  “I want that too, darling.” Tide whispered his words as well, which made everything seem more intimate.

  “Come to bed?”

  Grinning, Tide took his hand and led him there, laptop and phone in hand. “Let’s get naked, baby.” Tide didn’t strip after the words, but looked at him expectantly.

  He put his computer down, put the phone by the bed, and then started getting undressed, his cock hard as nails. Reaching for him, Tide ran his hands along his chest. His nipples drew up, the rings shifting as they did.

  “You’re temptation personified.” Tide licked his own lips, watching him.

  This had been a damn good idea. Damn good.

  Tide blew across his nipples, then tugged him in against the broad chest. “Okay. Where were we?”

  “Uh… rule… four?”

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  “Asking you.”

  Tide looked at the laptop. “Yep, we’re on rule four.” Tide tilted his head and pursed his lips. “Hmm…. No masturbating without my permission.”

  “Ever?” He couldn’t imagine that. No matter how many times Tide had said it. Even though he’d been punished because of it. Despite that he still didn’t grok it.

  “Not ever. Your cock, your pleasure, that’s mine.”

  Tide’s words made him whimper.

  “So if you want to, you have to ask. If you do it without permission, there will be punishment. A spanking, just like I did last time.”

  But he’d come that time…. Some of this was complicated.

  “What’s wrong?” Tide asked.

  “I came with you spanking me. Is that a punishment?”

  Tide smiled. “Just because it’s a punishment doesn’t mean you can�
�t enjoy it.”

  “That’s normal? That’s okay?” He wanted to do this right.

  “It’s totally normal. Believe me, there are lots of subs who earn punishments on purpose.”

  “Yeah?” Lance hadn’t realized how worried he’d been until he wasn’t worried anymore.

  “Yes.” Tide smiled wide. “I admit, I enjoyed it too.”

  “I just… I was stressing it.”

  “You should bring that kind of thing to me. You don’t need to stress it on your own.” Tide handed him his laptop. “Add that, baby. Add it. You bring your worries to me.”

  Lance typed in rule number five.

  “Good job.”

  “Thank you.” He lifted his face for another kiss.

  Tide cupped his cheek and gave him his kiss, mouth lingering. Tide’s thumb stroked his jaw, the pressure sure, firm. Moaning, he opened up, letting Tide in. That earned him a low sound, Tide deepening the kiss.

  “I can’t wait to do everything with you,” Tide told him.

  “I can’t believe you picked me, with all the beautiful men you see.” And Tide had picked him.

  “Are you kidding? You’re absolutely lovely.” Tide cupped his face with both hands, looking into his eyes. “I want you.”

  “I’m glad.” Lance was grateful, even.

  “Rule number six, no putting yourself down.”


  “Write it down, boy.” Tide tapped the cursor on the screen. “Go on.”

  “I…. Or what?”

  “What’s the punishment for putting yourself down?”


  “That’s a good question. It needs to be something that fits the crime….”

  Lance couldn’t even begin to imagine.

  “I think we’ll have to stand in front of the mirror and you’ll watch as I bring you to orgasm.”

  “Wh-what?” His cock jerked, the idea odd and wondrous, all at once.

  “You didn’t hear me? Or you didn’t understand? Or are you simply shocked?”

  “Just… shocked. Excited, a little.” He couldn’t believe that he’d just admitted that to Tide.

  “Then it’s definitely the correct punishment. Write it down.”


  “Yes, Sir, maybe?” Tide suggested.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good boy.” Tide looked pleased. “What else do we need…?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. I want to try so many things.”

  “How about we write down the things that you don’t want to try, or rather that you won’t try. And we’ll leave everything else on the table.”

  Lance nodded because that sounded logical, right? “I like that. We don’t want real hurting, damage.”

  “That’s right. Nothing that damages you. Or me.” Tide winked.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you.” He wouldn’t, even if he could.

  “I know. I won’t hurt you either.”

  “I know.” He believed that with his whole soul.

  Tide’s kiss was slow and easy.

  Then Tide listed off a bunch of no-nos. “No scat or golden showers. No snuff play. No humiliation.”

  Lance wrote them all down.

  “Any other nos, darling?”

  “If… if you want to sleep with someone else, you have to say.”

  “No.” Tide shook his head. “There is no sleeping with someone else. We are exclusive. If you want to sleep with someone else, you terminate the contract.” Tide was practically growling.

  Lance liked the way that growl made him feel. “Okay. That totally works for me. I didn’t want to be all ‘you have to do it my way.’” That suited him all the way to the bone, though.

  “Why not?”

  “Well, because that seemed mean, but if we’re going to say that you want what I want….”

  “I’m feeling very possessive of you, darling.” Tide held him tight again.

  “That turns me on. Like a lot. Creepy?”

  Tide shook his head. “Not if it turns you on.”

  “Yeah, because you know what people say and I worry.”

  “What do people say?” Tide asked.

  “That it’s abusive, to let someone be jealous, possessive.”

  “I’m not jealous—I know you’re not interested in other guys. And being possessive is only abusive if I start keeping you from other people. Friends, family, and shit.”

  Lance chuckled softly. Tide introduced him to everyone, wanted to meet everyone. Tide was proud of him. Tide liked him.

  “Then I’m safe.”

  “Absolutely. Now I think we need an ending paragraph that says either of us can renegotiate and/or terminate the contract.”

  “Oh, it makes me sad to think of that.”

  “Me too. I want this to be forever. But I don’t want you feeling like you have to honor the contract no matter what. That would be creepy.”

  “I know. I understand. This is about being together because we want to.” And Lance loved that.

  “Yes. The contract is to have something tangible, something that turns you on.”

  Lance especially liked the tangible part. “Something that when we’re feeling sad, we can look at.”

  “If you’re ever feeling sad, I hope you’ll come to me and we’ll do something about it.” Tide hugged him close once again. “I don’t plan to let you be sad.”

  “Oh good.”

  Tide’s soft laughter was cut off by the sound of Lance’s cell phone.

  He gave Tide a look. “Oh God.”

  “Better answer that, boy. It’s our results.”

  Unless, of course, it was a friend calling. A client. A salesman.

  “Yeah. Yeah.” He grabbed the phone with nerveless fingers, answered it, and listened to the nurse.

  “Lance Packet, I have your results. I’ll just need your test password to give them to you.”

  “Lens cover.”

  “That’s a great password, man,” she told him.


  “You are negative. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. Both of us, right?”

  “I do have a note that I have Tide Germaine’s results here as well. I’ll need to speak to him to give him his results, though.”

  “Sure. Here.” He handed over the phone. “She wants to talk to you.”

  “Hello, this is Tide…. Yes, it’s bratwurst. Okay, thanks for letting me know.” Tide hung up and handed back the phone.


  Tide looked so serious, but then Lance noticed the corner of his mouth twitching. He pounced his lover, knowing where all the ticklish spots were. Hooting, Tide bucked beneath him and tried tickling him back.

  “You better tell me you’re okay!” Lance demanded.

  “Okay, okay. I’m clean.”

  “That’s better.” He dared to pinch Tide’s unpierced nipple. “Butthead.”

  Tide arched, pressing against him. “What about you?”

  “My test was negative too.”

  Grinning, Tide brought their mouths together, kissing him hard. Suddenly he was rolled under his lover, Tide rocking down against him.

  “I’m going to make love to you without a condom. And when I’ve come, I’m going to plug it inside you.”

  He nodded, so excited. He leaned up to steal a kiss. Tide fed him one after another, body rolling against him. He pinched his own nipple, playing with the ring.

  “You’re touching what’s mine.”

  Oh. He didn’t stop, testing, playing. Growling, Tide grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from his chest. His breath huffed out of him, his cock throbbing.

  “I should tie your wrists over your head.”

  Oh fuck. So hot. Lance shook his head, though, loving the fight.

  Tide nodded. “Yes. Yes, I think I should.”

  “I’m so revved up.” Maybe he shouldn’t have said, but… it was true.

  “I know.” Tide ground their hips together. “It’s sexy as

  “I didn’t know if I was supposed to play or what,” he admitted.

  “Just go with your heart, Lance. It won’t lead you wrong.”

  “I feel like I’m going to shake apart with excitement.”

  “That’s not a bad thing.” Tide grabbed his other hand and pulled it up with the first.

  “No?” He kissed Tide’s upper arm.

  “Nope. There’s no bad here.” Tide kissed his collarbone, then dragged his tongue along it.

  “We have a contract, an agreement.” The thought of it made him breathless.

  “We do. And we’re clean and exclusive.”

  “And in love,” Lance dared to say.

  “Yeah. Yeah, darling. Fucking in love.”

  Tide’s mouth closed over his, the kiss stealing breath. Tide stole his breath, stole his brain, made him soar.

  “I’m going to get the ropes.” Tide bit at his lower lip, then got up.

  His entire body arched, trying to follow.

  “No, you stay there. I’ll be back in a second.”

  “Okay,” Lance said.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He took a deep breath. “Yes, Sir.”

  “God, I do love how that sounds, boy.”

  He felt his cheeks heat, but better than that, his balls drew up.

  Tide was back moments later, rope dangling from his fingers. Lance’s heart rate sped, his toes curling. God. Tide dragged his gaze dragged over him as he came to the bed. Lance dropped his hands and slid them over his body, stroking.

  Tide growled. “You’re touching what’s mine again, boy.”

  “I’m being good.” Lance’s skin was too tight.

  “No, you’re not. But that’s okay, because I’m going to tie you to the bed.”

  Slowly Tide raised Lance’s hand, the soft rope wrapping around his wrist. It was heavy but not rough, perfect.

  “It feels so good,” Lance admitted.

  “I want it to. This is the perfect punishment for the crime, but it’s not meant to be harsh or to hurt.”

  “It feels like being loved.”

  Tide cupped his cheek. “Such a smart boy.”

  Lance was. He figured things out, eventually.

  Tide wrapped his other wrist as well, then looped the whole thing around the headboard. Lance took a deep, deep breath, the simple act of inhaling settling his soul.

  Tide put a hand in the middle of his chest. “Good boy.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”


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