Dead & Alive (Book 2): Sacrifice

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Dead & Alive (Book 2): Sacrifice Page 9

by I. J. Smith

  Shaking his head in disbelief, “They don’t make them like they used to,” he joked.

  “THERE!” Alice shouted out, as she ran towards a large truck.

  Quickly following, he grabbed her arm, “Wait,” he told her sternly.

  She was in a hurry to open the doors, but Jack was more cautious. He looked around the truck, nothing stood out as a trap, “OK,” he uttered.

  Opening the lock, he pushed the door up, scuffling noises could be heard in the back. The back of the truck was pitch black; he knew there was people inside but understood how scared they must be. He turned to Alice, “Call out for your husband,” he told her.

  She moved towards the rear of the truck, “Zack, it’s me Alice,” she spoke out gently.

  From the darkness a male figure appeared, he was dirty, bruised and bloodied. He held his hand in front of his eye, the small amount of light shining through the door hurt his eyes. He stumbled forward looking for the female voice he recognized, “Alice, please god be you,” he spoke out.

  A tearful and emotional Alice, screamed out, “It’s me, I’m here,” as she cried.

  Zack rushed out of the truck and into her arms, he held her so tight she could barely breathe but she did not care. They stood holding each other as Jack coughed to get their attention, “We need to get you all out of here,” he told them.

  Zack looked strangely at Jack, “It’s OK, he is a friend,” she told him.

  Shouting back into the truck, “It’s OK come on,” Zack attracted the others.

  As they disembarked the truck, Jack was shocked and appalled at seeing there was over twenty people inside, men, women and children. He looked around the group looking for Frank, but there was no sign of him, he turned his attention back to Zack.

  “Hey, I’m looking for a man called Frank, dressed in similar clothes to me. Have you seen him?” he asked, concerned he was already dead.

  Jack showed is anger as he punched the truck, he looked around again, hoping to find another truck sitting amongst the rubbish those evil bastards had accumulated.

  “Wait!” Zack shouted to Jack, “They took a Zarina from here earlier and I overheard her being told she was needed for something important. If your guy is important to them, they wouldn’t put him in here with us,” he finished telling him.

  “So he could be here,” he quickly responded to himself.

  Looking around Jack spoke out, “OK, grab whatever you can use for weapons and get the hell out of here, Alice will show you the way.”

  “We’re not leaving you,” Alice replied.

  “Yeah, we can help you,” Zack added.

  “Look around, you need to get these people out of here,” Jack replied, indicating the other prisoners who all looked scared and beaten down.

  Alice approached Jack, “You saved me, you have helped them. Now you need help,” she told him.

  He took her hand in his, “You got to go, you have to get these people out. Wait for me outside and then we can all put this nightmare behind us,” he told her gently.

  “You can’t do this alone,” she responded with a little emotion in her voice.

  He smiled, “Come on, you’ve seen me, do you really think I am going to let this lot win,” he replied.

  Before she could say anything else he called to Zack, “Get them out,” he told him.

  Zack took her hand, he gave a smile of gratitude to Jack and he pulled her away. Jack watched as they all disappeared from sight. He stood quiet for a moment, closing his eyes taking deep breaths knowing things were about to get crazy. Opening his eyes, he muttered, “Let’s do this.”

  He walked around the truck, passing a large metal container. He suddenly stopped and looked back at the container; he took notice of a sign on the side indicating flammable liquid. Jack gave a half smile as he approached it; he tried to lift the container and was happy to find it was full. He carried it over to the truck, he crouched underneath to puncture the fuel tank, fuel spilled all over the ground. He opened the lid of the metal container and started pouring fuel all around the ground, as he was finished someone crept up on him.

  He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg; he fell to the ground in pain. Blood gushed from an open wound; a slice had been taken from his leg. He looked up to see a woman with a broken nose looking at him with a cheesy smile.

  “Bet that hurts like a bitch,” Alina smugly told him.

  He attempted to stand back up and ignore the pain, Alina rushed at him, kicking him directly in the face; Jack slumped down another cut opened up across the top of his eye. His vision blurred, then she kicked him again, this time against the large gash on his leg.

  “You know it’s a shame, we could have worked together. We could have been very close,” she told him with a frowning smile.

  She was shocked by Jack laughing aloud, “You and me, I would rather fuck a rat,” he told her, while still laughing out.

  Not amused, she kicked him against the face again, spitting blood on the ground, he uttered, “You really do not want to do that again.”

  She laughed, “Really and why is that?” she asked.

  Looking up, his face was starting to swell as blood dribbled down. He smiled before he spoke, “Don’t you want to know how I found you!” he asked her, while still smiling.

  “Oh is this a stall tactic, OK, I will play, how did you find us?” she asked sarcastically.

  He rolled to his side holding his leg, his hand soon drenched in blood. “Well, I actually found a little sniffing rat of yours, and he sang like a bird,” he laughed.

  Raising her eyebrows, “So you beat a confession from someone weak, I guess that makes you a real tough guy,” she replied, trying to hold back her anger.

  “Oh, he didn’t give you up easily; I had to take a few things from him first. Like his ear, and his eye. Then the music began, and blew his fucking brains against the wall,” he told her in a deep angry voice.

  She stood for a moment, she knew he was on about Toby, no one had seen him since the attack. Gripping her knife tightly she rushed at him, as she thrust the knife Jack grabbed the blade. He gripped it hard as blood began to pour from it, she looked in panic as he grabbed her arm, pulled her in and head butted her. With her nose bursting open, she screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

  Jack forced himself to his feet; he undid his belt and tied is around his leg above the gash, to slow the bleeding. He shook his cut hand, blood flew everywhere, as Alina got back to her feet, she faced him head on.

  “You want me, come and get me,” he told her.

  She ran at him, grabbing her by the neck, he began to choke her. She kicked at his leg, the pain built up and this only angered him. He gripped her neck tighter and pushed her back, he could not believe his strength, if she could talk, she would beg for mercy. He pushed her towards the burning oil drum, “You are one evil bitch, and I hope you burn in hell. But I can’t wait so I will get it moving,” he told her through gritted teeth.

  He swung her round, now holding her by the back of the neck; she panicked and screamed as she looked at the burning drum. Jack forced her head into the flames, she tried fighting back, but Jack did not budge, her arms also fell into the fire. The smell of burning flesh covered the area. Pulling her out he threw her to the ground, her face was like melted plastic, massive blisters formed, one of her eyes had basically melted, her arms were red and burnt down to the muscle. As she lay there screaming in pain, Jack showed no emotion, he kicked over the burning drum, lighting the fuel he scattered around the ground.

  The flames engulfed the area; they burnt high heading towards the truck. Alina dragged herself away, trying to get away; Jack watched her crawl away and just didn’t care. “That was for Josh you bitch,” he uttered, remembering the member of the team, she killed when he showed her kindness.

  Struggling to walk, blood soaked his trousers; he managed to reach the stairs as the truck exploded. The entire complex shook from the explosion. Jack started to walk up the long sta
irs, hoping to find his friend.



  The explosion rattled everyone; Frank still hung from the chains next to a naked Zarina, Kane and two large men walked into the parking level. Frank overheard them talking about how zombies were swarming into the car park complex. He also heard about someone had driven and crashed an ice cream truck into the lower level, attracting the zombies. A smile appeared on his face.

  “We need to get out of here,” Kane told the two men.

  Frank suddenly started screaming out in, “THE REAPER IS COMING, I TOLD YOU! THE REAPER IS COMING FOR YOU!” as he laughed aloud.

  Kane ran at him, punching him to shut him up, but he just continued screaming out, “THE REAPER IS COMING!”

  Kane smashed him across the face again, “Got anything to say now funny man,” he asked.

  Kane stared at Frank, “Well, anything to say?” he asked again

  Suddenly a voice spoke out behind him, “Yeah, the reaper is here!”

  Kane turned fast to see a man covered in blood and holding a machete. Like in slow motion, Kane watched as Jack swung the machete into the back of a man’s head, killing him instantly.

  The second man swung round, Jack punched the man in the neck. As he choked and gasped for air, he watched as Jack smashed the machete into his skull. With both men dead, he stood facing Kane.

  With all the commotion going on around them, nothing seemed to bother either man. Kane laughed aloud while looking at Jack, “So you’re The Reaper I have heard so much about,” he sternly said while focusing his eyes on him.

  Jack was puzzled by the comment, but simply said nothing. He locked eyes with Kane and this frustrated Kane more. Showing no fear, showing no emotion Jack stared at him.

  “Let them go and you can walk away, this is a one-time offer,” Jack told him with a straight face.

  Not believing what he heard, Kane laughed out again as he pulled a gun from his belt and pointed directly at Jack. Noticing a smirk on his face, Kane grew angrier and walked towards Jack all the time pointing his gun at him.

  “You are crazy,” Kane commented.

  “It’s a crazy world,” he replied.

  Sneering at him Kane responded, “You don’t fear death, and that’s a shame because I wanted to see you beg for life.”

  Jack smiled as he shook his head. An angry Kane shouted, “What is so fucking funny?” he asked.

  Locking eyes with him again, Jack replied, “You, you’re weak. You fear death; you fear the one guarantee we have in life. I don’t fear the inevitable.”

  Kane marched towards Jack, and held his gun against his chest.

  “You’re an amateur who has watched too many movies,” Jack told him in a calm voice.

  A confused Kane responded, “What!”

  Before another word was said, in a flash Jack grabbed Kane’s wrist and with his other hand knocked the gun to the floor. Before he could react, Jack punched him in the throat, as Kane fell gasping for air, Jack kneed him in the side of the head. Kane hit the ground hard.

  “Smooth,” Frank spoke out.

  Jack approached him with a limp; Frank noticed the trail of blood he was leaving behind him. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Jack told him. Pulling the chains, he managed to detach Frank from them; Frank paused and looked at Jack. “Looks like we both have had a bad day,” he joked.

  Jack looked at Franks beaten and bloodied face, he glanced at his hand and noticed two fingers missing. A feeling of guilt hit him, “Sorry I couldn’t get here quicker,” he told him. Frank without warning hugged his friend, “Thank you,” he whispered in his ear. A reluctant Jack took a moment before hugging his friend back.

  As they stood there a female voice spoke out, “Can someone let me loose.” Turning to Zarina, Frank quickly moved to release her. She quickly rushed for her clothes, covering her naked body.

  “Where are the others?” Frank asked, standing in front of him.

  “The furniture store, the place we first took cover,” he replied.

  Frank looked shocked, “They didn’t come with you,” he realized.

  “They don’t even know I am here, I was not going to risk more of their lives for one person,” he quickly replied.

  Remaining silent, he understood why Jack came alone. He looked with a smile of gratitude; suddenly he felt a hard pain on the back of his head. Frank hit the ground, Zarina screamed as she watched Kane rush at Jack. Before he could react, Kane was directly in front of him, he felt a sharp pain in the side of his stomach. Kane looked into Jack’s eyes, with pleasure. Looking down Jack saw the knife in his side, he felt dizzy and sick, he frowned as he looked into Kane’s eyes.

  “Just die you fuck,” Kane told him.

  Jack eyesight dulled for a moment and then he surprised Kane when he began laughing.

  Moving his head closer he whispered to Kane, “I enjoyed killing that fucking evil bitch Alina slowly,” with the biggest smile on his face.

  Kane was about to respond when Jack lunged at him, he bit down on Kane’s nose, as he screamed Jack ripped the nose from his face. As Kane fell back screaming, blood gushed from his face, Jack spat out a huge amount of flesh and blood. Stumbling backwards, Frank grabbed him and dragged him to the chained Zombie, “Dinner time!” he shouted as he threw Kane at the dead. The zombie took little time tearing into the flesh of Kane.

  Frank turned his attention to Jack; he looked as Jack pulled the blade from his stomach, dropping it to the floor, quickly followed by Jack landing on his knees. The blood poured out, he already felt drained, he knew this was it for him.

  Rushing to his side, Frank grabbed an old shirt that lay on the ground and pushed into the wound, “Come one, you're not dying here,” Frank told him.

  “Get out of here, please,” Jack, told him with emotion.

  “No, no, I’m not leaving you,” he replied as he tried to lift Jack up.

  Frank was very weak after the torture he endured; he looked to a now clothed Zarina and shouted, “HELP US!” She remained frozen to the spot, “HE FUCKING CAME FOR US, NOW HELP ME!” he screamed again with his voice trembling in fear. Zarina ran and placed Jack’s arm around her shoulder, Frank took the other arm and together they helped him towards the stairs.

  On the level below, the car park was burning, flames surrounded Alina as she was still trying to crawl away. As she dragged herself, the flesh on her hands began to pull apart, her face was ravished in blisters, she could only see out of the one eye. The flames surrounded her, as a car came bursting through them, a tattooed woman jumped out of the car, “BOSS,” she screamed. Alina attempted to look up, she reached out to the woman, who without hesitation ran to her. Trying to be careful, she lifted up Alina, who screamed out in pain, and carried her to the back of the car. Once inside the car drove off at speed.

  Coming down the stairs Zarina and Frank struggled with Jack, who was now practically dead weight. Knowing he was slowing them down, he pushed them away. Jack fell to the floor, he propped himself up against the wall. Frank tried grabbing his arm again, but Jack pushed him away again.

  “Move, that’s an order!” Frank screamed at him.

  He looked at Frank in the eyes, he gave a happy look to him, “You never could control me,” he laughed.

  “Jack, we can get you out of here,” Frank replied.

  “Then what, are you going to rush me to the hospital,” he joked.

  Frank lowered his face, “Please Jack, come on. We need you,” he told him gently.

  Shaking his head, he responded, “No, they need you more. This journey is just beginning, I cleared the road, but now you have to travel down it without me,” he replied through a struggling voice.

  Zarina stood watching at the emotion on Franks face. Jack looked up to her, “You have to get her out of here, there are others outside waiting for you to take them to safety. Look for Alice, she will help,” Jack struggled to say.

  “Don’t give up! Please?” Frank ask
ed of him.

  Struggling Jack removed his backpack and gave it to Frank, “You have to protect them now; you have to make sure they survive. Frank, you have more in you than you know. I am proud to call you my friend,” he spoke in pain.

  Frank took the backpack, “I will wait with you,” he told him.

  Jack smiled, pulling his sidearm out, “I don’t plan on bleeding to death or being a fucking buffet or a walking corpse. Now go,” he spoke.

  Frank hesitated to move. Jack held the gun towards Frank, “I’m not sure how many bullets I have, so don’t make me waste it,” he told him.

  Frank placed his hand around Jack’s head and placed his head against his, “I’m going to miss you,” he whispered in his ear. Frank stood up, and walked towards Zarina, “Come on,” he told her. He took one last glance back at Jack, who smiled at him and gave a salute. Frank, held back the tears and walked away, leaving Jack behind.

  Sitting there alone, Jack spoke to himself, “I should have joined the Navy,” he gave a little laugh. The groaning of the dead started to become louder, they were getting closer. “I’m sorry Elle, I hope you know I am in love with you,” he sighed. He held the gun to his head, “Well, let’s do this dance in hell,” he spoke his final words. He pressured trigger.


  A gunshot sounded out, Frank stopped and looked back at the doorway to the stairs. Emotion took over and he could not hold it back. A tear rolled from his eye, Zarina carefully took his hand, “He was a hero,” she told him.

  “No, he was a man doing the right thing,” he replied.

  She gripped his hand and together they rushed towards the outside, avoiding the zombies around them as they ran through.



  Frank and Zarina ran from the building into the night sky, they were shocked to see several people fighting against the zombies. Blood covered the streets, bodies of the dead piled up, a man noticed them.


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