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Consumed Page 2

by Julia Crane

  Rourk put his arm around Keegan. “Richard, how is the camp? Have you still been working closely with Creed?”

  “Things are going as well as can be expected. Creed has turned out to be a great ally. We’re making progress, but as you know it’s often one step forward and two back. I don’t think we’ll be out of a job anytime soon.”

  Rourk nodded in agreement. “I’m looking forward to getting back to the Army of the Light. I have to admit I have been enjoying the training, and working with the humans. I can understand why it is tradition for elves to join the human army. It’s a great experience.”

  “We look forward to having you back. Did you sign up for four or six years?”

  “Just four. I figured Keegan would be done with college and ready to move back by then. If not, we’ll figure something out.”

  Keegan shivered, leaning into Rourk’s side. “I think I’ll be ready. Alaska is already freezing and it’s only September.”

  Thaddeus came down the stairs, his heavy footsteps pounding the hardwood. “Rourk, how long are you going to be here?”

  Keegan’s heart dropped. She hadn’t thought he would be leaving soon. They would be separated again. She clung tighter to his waist, peering up at him with her eyes wide.

  “I only have a couple of days off. I have to be back by Monday,” Rourk told Thaddeus, glancing down at Keegan apologetically.

  Keegan pouted, pulling away from his arms. “That’s so soon. I have to back to school on Monday, too. I can’t believe we just found each other again and we’re already going to be separated.”

  “You might as well get used to it, Keegan. Rourk is a warrior. He will often be gone,” Emerald said matter-of-factly, leaning on the kitchen counter.

  “It still doesn’t make me happy.” Keegan crossed her arms and kicked the floor, her lower lip jutting out even more.

  Thaddeus shook his head at Rourk. “I feel bad for you.”

  They all laughed before going their separate ways to wait on dinner. Her mother ended up making steak for fajitas.

  When dinner was ready, they gathered around the table and chatted. Keegan reached for her second tortilla, and said, “This is good mom. Have you been working on your cooking skills?”

  “Keegan, you should know better than to ask that. It’s a frozen mix I just had to throw it in the pan and let heat up. Just because elves can’t use modern technology in battle doesn’t mean we can’t use it in the kitchen. Speaking of cooking, I’m surprised you haven’t wasted away on your own. Have you been cooking or eating out every meal?”

  “A little of both. I’ve found I actually enjoy cooking but it just kinda sucks cooking for myself.”

  “You can cook for me next weekend.” Rourk grinned at her across the table.

  “Really? You will come see me next weekend?” Keegan’s face flushed with excitement.

  “I will come to see you every chance I get.”

  Richard pointed his fork and spoke through a mouthful of food. “Don’t forget to sign up for frequent flyer programs. You’ll have free tickets before you know it.”

  Emerald rolled her eyes at her husband. “He is obsessed with frequent flyer programs.”

  Thaddeus took a bite, then asked Rourk, “How’s Tommy?”

  Rourk grinned. “Tommy is doing great. It’s like he’s a new man.”

  “Who’s Tommy?” Keegan asked.

  “A friend I made during training. He’s also going to be stationed in Washington. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  “There is so much I don’t know about you. For some reason I never pictured you having friends. You sort of come across as a loner.” Keegan grabbed her glass and took a sip.

  Thaddeus laughed. “I think Tommy is Rourk’s first friend.”

  Keegan frowned, looking intently at her boyfriend. “Is that true?”

  “I guess he is. I never really thought about it.”

  After they finished dinner, Rourk asked, “Would you like to go for a walk?”

  She smiled. “Of course!”

  Grabbing her phone on the way out the door, she saw she had several texts from her friends asking what had happened after they left.

  She slid the phone in her pocket; she would fill them in later.

  Chapter 3

  Keegan grabbed a sweater before they left the house. She looked at Rourk while she slipped her arms into the green wool. “I get cold easily since I came back from the dead.”

  “Well, you picked the wrong place to move. You must be freezing in Alaska.” Rourk laced his fingers through hers, leading her down the path.

  Keegan laughed. “Yeah, it wasn’t a very well thought-out plan. I just always wanted to go to Alaska. Their marine biology program is one of the best.” She ran her fingers over his hand and giggled. “That is the weirdest thing. I can feel the vibrations from your skin.”

  He stopped, pulling her near. His hands spanned across her back as he smiled down at her. “I’ve missed hearing your laugh. Hell, I’ve missed everything about you.”

  “Well, looks like you are stuck with me now.” Keegan wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest.

  “You have always been the only one for me, Keegan.” Rourk turned and lightly ran his thumb across her bottom lip before he leaned down to kiss her—softly at first and then with more urgency. He eventually pulled away, his grey eyes searching hers. “I can’t lose you again.”

  “Wow. You keep kissing me like that and you won’t have anything to worry about.” She nudged him with her hip. Taking hold of Rourk’s arm, she pulled him over to a group of large rocks, where she sat down and tugged at him to join her.

  “What happened with the shapeshifter?” Rourk leaned down and picked up a small stone, not looking her in the eyes.

  “He wouldn’t talk to me. I really hurt him, but he’s always known this was a possibility.” Keegan moved her shoe around on the grass, searching for words. “I told him it was over because I couldn’t resist the bond.”

  “Do you love him?” His eyes met hers and his face was expressionless.

  “What?” Keegan looked over at him, surprised by his question. She had asked herself the same thing over and over while she was with Donald.

  “I said, do you love him?” Rourk’s expression was calm but the edge in his voice gave her no doubt as to how he felt.

  Keegan put her hand on his knee and shook her head. “No, I didn’t love Donald. I could never bring myself to say the words. I’m not going to lie—I cared about him a lot, and I still do.”

  “Did you two—you know?” Rourk looked away, staring into the distance. His face was hard.

  “Huh? Did we what? Oh… Did we have sex?” She smiled, touching his face gently. “We didn’t have sex. Never even came close to it.”

  Rourk’s entire body relaxed and he let out a barely noticeable sigh.

  Keegan wanted to kick the ground. All the pain she had caused Rourk… Curious, she couldn’t help but ask. “Would it have mattered if I had been with him in that way?”

  “It would tear me apart, but it would not change how I feel about you. I’m glad you were not.” Rourk lowered his eyes, one of his hands coming to rest atop hers on his leg.

  Keegan gave him a shy smile, scooting closer. “I guess I have been saving myself for you.”

  “Keegan, I want you to be with me because it’s what you want. I don’t want you to feel obligated because of the bond.” He sounded worried, his statement coming faster than usual.

  It broke Keegan’s heart that she had hurt him for so long. Now the man she was meant to love—the man she loved—seemed to not think her feelings were real. What do I say to make this right?

  “We’re elves, Rourk. This is what we do. I’ve dreamed of meeting my chosen since I was a little girl. We got sidetracked, that’s all. I believe we are exactly where we are meant to be.” Keegan looked up at the sky and spread her arms wide. “Someone up there believes we are meant to be. Who am I t
o argue with fate? I’m not going anywhere. I want to learn everything about you, and spend as much time with you as I can.” Hoping she had said the right thing to prove her love, she rested her head back on his shoulder.

  “I’m so glad you said that, Keegan.” Rourk closed his eyes briefly, one arm slipping around her shoulders so he could hold her tight. “I have been worried you were angry the bond was back. I thought maybe you were wishing it could be changed.”

  Laughing, Keegan said, “If I were angry the ground would be frozen. I’m not angry. I was just caught by surprise.”

  He pushed her away so he could look at her, one hand brushing her hair back. “Thaddeus told me about the frozen issue. He also said that Donald was able to help you control it. What if I don’t have that same affect on you?”

  Keegan thought it was cute that he had focused on that part of the freezing. “I’ve gotten better at controlling my temper. I’ve been using my father’s breathing exercises and my mom gives me distant healings, which help keep me calmer.” She paused. “It’s too bad that issue didn’t go away when the bond came back. I guess that would be asking for too much.”

  “It could be a good tool to have.”

  “Always thinking like a soldier…” Keegan teased.

  “It’s what I am.”

  Keegan jumped up, putting both her hands on his shoulders. He was so gorgeous when he looked surprised. “I just realized something. You are going to be in Washington and that’s where Anna goes to school— in Seattle. Maybe I can transfer there next semester.” Excitement lit up her face and her cheeks flushed. “I’m going to have to start researching the schools.”

  “You would do that?”

  “Of course. Don’t tell my parents, but I really don’t care for Alaska. I mean it’s beautiful and all, but the malls close early, and I don’t have any real friends.”

  Rourk’s grin was wry. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Keegan plopped back down on the rock. “Ouch.” She rubbed the side of her leg. “I can’t believe we have to be separated soon. When will you move to Washington?”

  Rourk pulled her towards him. “It depends. Two to four months. Definitely by the beginning of the new year. I will come see you every weekend unless training prohibits it. Plus, I’ll have time off for the holidays.”

  That made her remember her Christmas present. “Speaking of holidays, I never told you thank you for the lens. I’ve been keeping a scrap book for you of photos I’ve taken.”

  “Really? I can’t wait to see it.”

  “Well, you will have to wait. It’s at my apartment in Alaska.”

  “How do you like having your own place?”

  “I hate it. It’s so quiet. I need to get a dog.” Keegan grinned. “I always pictured us having an English bulldog named Santa.”

  Rourk laughed loudly. “That’s pretty funny. I say next weekend we go in search of a bulldog.”

  Keegan threw her arms around him and squeezed him. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”

  Rourk stood up and pulled her with him. “It’s getting late. I should probably head home.”

  Keegan pouted. “I don’t want you to leave. Maybe you can stay the night.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

  “Well, then let’s just stay up all night out here.”

  “Are you sure? Your parents might get upset.”

  “Are you kidding me? They are so excited our bond is back, I don’t think they would care what we did. Plus, I’m eighteen now.” She smiled sweetly.

  “Ok, let me call my father and let him know I won’t be home tonight.” Rourk pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open, walking away as he made his call.

  Keegan watched him, thinking it was adorable he still had an old school phone. He probably didn’t even have a laptop. She would have to bring him into the technology world.

  Rourk strode back towards her. She loved his confident walk. “You were right. He was thrilled to hear the bond was back and happy to hear we are staying together tonight.”

  “I told ya. So, what do you want to do?” Keegan rocked back and forth on her heels.

  “I don’t care as long as I am with you. We can sit here all night, or go for a drive. What time is it anyway?”

  Keegan looked down at her phone. “It’s almost midnight. We could always go to an all-night diner and have some coffee.”

  “That sounds great. Should you run in and tell your parents?”

  “Nah, they are probably asleep. I’ll send my mom a text though, just in case.”

  They walked back down the path to the house and towards Rourk’s truck. When Keegan saw the tiger sitting in the middle of the driveway, her heart ached for Donald. Rourk must have felt her tense, because he turned and saw the shapeshifter, too.

  Rourk kept his eyes on the feline while he opened the door, and Keegan slid into the truck. The tiger walked closer and Keegan’s heart raced as she thought, Is he going to attack Rourk? She watched as the two of them stared at each other. Finally, the tiger turned and slowly stalked away.

  Once Rourk was in the truck, Keegan turned towards him. “I’m sorry I’ve made such a mess of things.”

  “I told you, it’s not your fault. Hopefully, the shapeshifter is smart enough to realize there is nothing he can do to change things. As much as I hate the thought of him being around you, I know what it feels like to lose you, and I feel somewhat bad for him.”

  Keegan sighed, letting her head fall back to the headrest. “Thank you for being so understanding. I’m sure this has all been hard for you.”

  Rourk glanced over at her, and then back to the road as he put the car into gear and aimed for the road. “You have no idea. I’m just glad it’s behind us and we can move forward.”

  Keegan slid over in the middle so she could be closer to him. She placed her hand on his thigh and laid her head against him. “Did it feel this natural when we met the first time?”

  “Yes.” His lips brushed her hair. “It felt as if we had known each other our whole lives in an instant. The memories of the time we spent together were the only things that kept me going.”

  “You will have to tell me all about our time together. I have the photographs, I just don’t have the story behind them.” Keegan wanted to remember more than anything, but no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible. It made her want to cry that she had lost those memories of him.

  “Another day,” Rourk answered quietly. “Today, I want to enjoy the present and not worry about the past.”

  “Ok. Why don’t you tell me about your training?” Keegan sat up so she could watch him in the dim cabin. Every so often a car would pass and the headlights would illuminate his face.

  “There’s not much to tell. It’s not that much different from the elfin military training. It gets frustrating sometimes because I know better ways to do things, but I can’t let on. I’m in the weapons training. It’s pretty amazing how advanced some of the weapons are.”

  Keegan laughed. “I was just thinking when I saw you with your old school flip phone that you weren’t very technology inclined. Do you even have a laptop?”

  “Should I?

  “Ah yeah, how else am I going to talk to you when we are separated? Put that on our list of things to do when you come visit. Actually, we’ll do that tomorrow. So you can have it for Monday. Do you have your own room?”

  “Yeah, we have our own rooms now. They are pretty small but they work. It’s nice to have the privacy.”

  “I probably can’t come visit you, can I?”

  Rourk thought about it for a minute. “I think it’s best if you wait until I get to Fort Lewis, in Washington. I don’t like the idea of you coming into the barracks. I should be able to get my own place there. I’ll probably have Tommy as a roommate. ”

  Keegan shrugged. “Ok, as long as you come visit me.”

  “Every chance I get. You will probably get sick o
f me.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.”

  Rourk pulled into the diner and parked. They strolled inside, their arms wrapped around each other.

  After they were settled with menus and drinks, Keegan stared at Rourk across the table. “How did this happen so quickly? I went from not knowing anything about you to feeling like we have been together forever.”

  “I think we can thank your brother.” Rourk’s half-smile made her heart skip a beat.

  “Yeah, I was probably a little too harsh with him.” Keegan looked down at her ring and back up at Rourk with a look of pure adoration. “A magical ring.”

  They stayed up for hours talking and driving before ending up in the woods, where they watched the sun rise. Rourk dropped her off as the sun had finally crested over the horizon and the birds were singing their morning songs.

  Keegan stood in the front door, watching his truck pull away and felt a deep sadness wash over her. She felt like chasing after the truck and jumping in.

  Chapter 4

  When Keegan walked through the door, she found her mother at the kitchen table reading a book.

  Her mom laid the book face down and looked up. “I take it you had a good night?” she said, then took a sip of tea.

  Keegan sat down across from her mom and rested her chin in her hands with a sigh. “It was wonderful. Do you always feel like this around Dad?”

  Her mother smiled. “Of course. It’s the way it works.”

  “Do you guys feel electricity when you touch?” Keegan slumped back in the chair, a wistful smile on her face.

  “Yes. Not that your father doesn’t drive me crazy at times, but overall I feel happiest when he is around.”

  “So the electricity thing doesn’t go away with time?” Keegan raised an eyebrow.

  “No, but you do get used to it though. Once it becomes normal, you don’t notice it till you’re separated and he returns.”

  Keegan stood up and rubbed her stomach, grimacing. “I’m going to grab something to eat. My stomach feels a little funny.”

  Walking over to the bread box, Keegan opened it and pulled out the loaf. She dropped a couple of slices into the toaster. When it was ready, Keegan buttered it and topped it with some cinnamon.


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