An Unexpected Dilemma Bride

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An Unexpected Dilemma Bride Page 26

by Elliee Atkinson

  “That’s true. Does she have any other friends that would be willing to stand up for her, maybe give her a place to stay for a while? Or she could learn something that will make her money to support the children on her own.”

  “That’s doggone difficult. And I’m sure if James found out she was learning a skill, he would know what she was doing and it would make her home life a living Hell.”

  Laura shook her head. “That poor, poor woman. I hope I am never in a position like that.”

  “You won’t be. I promise you that.”

  “How do you intend to keep that promise?” Laura asked, raising her eyebrows and giving him a pretty smile.

  “Well, if I don’t marry you someday, I will put any man that hurts you in the ground. If I do marry you someday, no man will ever hurt you. So it’s a winning situation for you.”

  “If we marry?” Laura pressed her lips together. “You have been thinking about marriage?”

  Daryl didn’t know how to respond. If he said yes, she might think he was crazy for moving too fast. However, if he said no, he would be lying.

  “I think about my future a lot,” he finally responded. “And lately, well, I’ve been thinking about it with you in it. I do hope that’s the case. I do hope you… like the idea.”

  “My dear Daryl, are you asking to court me?”

  “We’re both adults and you have no parents here for me to ask, so yes, I would like to court you with the intention of making you my bride someday. Would you? Is that something you would, uh, like to do?”

  Laura laughed. “I would love to. We have had such fun together. I don’t want that to end. I’d like to see where it might take us.”

  “Me, too. I’m so glad you agree with me.”

  “That’s one of the good things about you and me,” Laura said. “We agree with each other but not all the time. And I like that. I want a man with his own mind, beliefs and goals. I have my own. I want him to have them too.”

  “My thoughts exactly except…” he moved his finger back and forth pointing at them both. “You know, I’m looking for a woman with her own mind, beliefs and goals. Not a man.”

  “What a relief.”

  They both laughed.

  “I’m afraid that can’t be Esther,” Daryl looked across the common area to where Esther was leaning over the baby stroller. She was smiling. Daryl liked that. She needed to smile. She was such a deserving woman. He couldn’t help thinking it was too bad he wasn’t attracted to her like she was to him. If he was, he would take her as his and put James in the ground if need be.

  However, it wasn’t meant to be. He saw his future with Laura and that was where his focus would lie until she became his wife.

  “Do you think it would do any good for her if I tried to make friends with her? I can make a visit to her farm and talk with her for a while. Meet her children. Help her out with anything she needs done.”

  “I have no idea how receptive she would be to that,” Daryl responded. He absentmindedly took the last bit of pretzel from Laura’s outstretched hand and put it in his mouth. He chewed silently.

  Laura looked at his profile, almost unable to believe that he was responding so well to her advances. He was so handsome, so tall. She understood completely why Esther desired him for herself. Being married stood in her way and now… Laura smiled… it was she who would stand in the way.

  “Look, there’s Fred,” he lifted a hand to wave to their mutual friend.

  “Oh yes, I didn’t know you knew him.”

  “I was talking to him the other day and he said he knew you. It’s strange that we’ve had so many mutual friends over the years of being here, yet we never met through any of them.”

  Laura nodded. “It is strange. I suppose… I suppose God just wanted us to meet at the right time. I think I will talk to Esther. I’ll take along one of the other ladies who remember her. I’m sure someone does.”

  “Just make sure you see James in town before you do that. If you show up there while he’s there, you… you never know what might happen. It might cause friction between them and Esther doesn’t need that.”

  Laura nodded. “I understand, Daryl. I’m just thinking… well, maybe someone needs to do something, intervene somehow and get her out of that shell she lives in. It’s not good for her. She’s not happy.”

  “I know. I’ve thought the same thing many times. But you can see the result of my being willing to help her on occasion. She is attached to me. I love her dearly as a friend. But there can’t be anything more between us. I don’t feel it the way she does.”

  “I understand what you mean.” Laura was looking at Esther, who was wiping one of the babies with a soft cloth. “She looks like a good mother, though.”

  “There’s no doubt she loves those children. It’s her state of mind that I worry about. She would never put them in danger.”

  Laura sighed. “Unfortunately, she puts them in danger each day that she stays with that husband of hers. Let me see what I can cook up. You want to help me with it?”

  “How would I do that?”

  “You can report to me when you see him in town and I’ll make a spontaneous visit.”

  “You want to drop whatever you are doing just to go see her when he’s not there?”

  Laura looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “Of course. She needs help. You are known to help people in trouble. Now we can work together.”

  Daryl nodded. “I’ll do it.”




  It would be a few days before their plan could be put into motion. And, as it was, they didn’t really even use their plan. Laura walked down the sidewalk, heading to post a letter when she heard a young boy talking loudly. They were coming in her direction and she recognized Johnny’s voice as they got closer.

  She was nervous, which surprised her. She wanted to see how Esther was doing, but the woman would surely not reveal anything private while she was outside of her own home. It could be easily overheard. Laura knew Esther wouldn’t let that happen.

  Nonetheless, she was pleased to see Esther, Johnny, and Bethany. Johnny recognized her, his face lighting up. “Hello, Miss Laura!” he interrupted himself in the middle of a sentence to wave and call to her. Laura noticed Esther didn’t look pleased to see her, but she brushed it off. If she was in Esther’s position, she wouldn’t be happy to see her either. She knew Esther saw her as competition, even though Daryl could and would never be hers.

  Laura couldn’t be certain Daryl would be hers, but she was certain he would never belong to Esther in any real capacity.

  Laura reached up and pulled down her parasol, stepping to the side of the walkway to let them pass. “Hello, Johnny!” To her surprise, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a hug. She laughed. “Oh my!”

  Not wanting her brother to be the only one to get hugs, Bethany pressed herself against Laura’s other side, her small arms not quite reaching all the way around Laura’s waist. She laughed some more and hugged the children to her for a moment. She looked up at Esther, sad to see the woman was less than pleased by her children’s response to Laura.

  “You have such delightful children, Esther.”

  “Yes, I do,” Esther responded, reaching out to take each one by the shoulder. “Come now, children, don’t bother Miss Laura. I’m sure she’s very busy.”

  “I’m not actually,” Laura responded in a gentle voice. “I have been thinking about you, as a matter of fact.”

  Esther looked at her through suspicious eyes. “You have? Why?”

  “I haven’t seen you join the ladies for any of our groups lately. I’d like to invite you to return. I’m sure we can use your input on social events and books and plays for the children. There’s also the sewing circle and the washing area.”

  Esther shook her head. “I don’t have time for that. I have children to feed and take care of.”

  Laura put out one han
d, hoping to calm Esther’s nerves. “There are other women who have children, even as small as your twins.” Laura looked around but didn’t see the twins. She hesitated to ask where they were. She didn’t think she’d ever seen Esther with them. “They have a lot of fun playing together. And many of our get-togethers are during the school hours, if your children attend.”

  “They do. I send them to school. You go to school, don’t you, Johnny?”

  Johnny nodded, looking up at Laura instead of his mother. “Yeah, I like going to the schoolhouse. Bethany comes sometimes, but she always falls asleep in class and that bugs our teacher.”

  Laura giggled, tousling Johnny’s hair. “That’s sweet. I hope she doesn’t get in trouble.”

  “Nah, they think she’s cute, too.”

  “You just be quiet, Johnny!” Bethany said, sticking her tongue out at her brother. He stuck his back at her.

  “Stop it, children!” Esther barked at them, making Laura jump a bit. “You are embarrassing me!”

  Laura shook her head, holding one hand out again, her palm flat toward Esther. “No, no, it’s all right. That’s the way children banter. Why, the children at our sewing circle and the ones that run around the washing area are always bantering. They laugh a lot, too. I reckon that’s why we don’t mind as much. Please, would you like to come to the sewing circle tomorrow? Or you can help with the washing area on Friday. The men come out there, you know.”

  “That’s why you’re there,” Esther replied. “So you can wash their clothes. Of course they’re there.”

  “Yes, I know. If you came at the right time, you might be able to wash Daryl’s clothes.”

  Esther narrowed her eyes again. “What makes you think I want to do that?”

  “But, Momma, you said you wanted to do…”

  “Hush, Johnny!” Esther gripped his shoulder hard, making him wince.

  Laura frowned. “I just thought since he has done so much for your family, you might like to return the favor, nothing more. I know you are fond of Daryl and want to help him out whenever you can. This is a way for you to do that, don’t you think? And it might be good for you to get out of the house and see some of the other women your age. We’d like to be your friend again.” Laura looked directly at Esther, who stared back at her.

  “You were never my friend,” Esther said in a soft voice. She didn’t sound angry or bitter. She sounded sad.

  Laura felt a slice of guilt cut through her. Her voice was gentle when she responded. “I didn’t know you, Esther. I’d like to change that. I think we could be good friends.”

  Esther looked like she was considering it. She looked away from Laura for a moment before saying, “I suppose I could be at the washing area on Friday. What time is a good time to be there?”

  “We meet at eleven. The men start coming by about 11:30 with their clothes and items that need to be washed.”

  “I… I suppose I can be there.”

  “Would you like to have a quick lunch?” Laura smiled at the children. “I know we just baked some fresh cookies and pastries at my house. My sister Lily just loves to bake. Would you like to come by?”

  “Right now?” Johnny looked up at his mother with pleading eyes. “Can we, Momma? Please? I want some cookies and pastries. Do you have juice? Or lemonade?”

  Laura smiled. “I’m sure we have some of both and maybe some tea, too!”

  “Oh, Momma, please?” Bethany joined her brother in begging their mother. Esther looked annoyed at first but Laura could see her love for her children cover her face as it relaxed. She nodded.

  “All right. We need to go to the grocer’s first. Then we will have time for pastries and cookies.”

  “Yay!” Bethany hopped up and down, clapping her hands together. “Thank you, Momma!”

  Esther looked up at Laura. “Will you still be here in about half an hour?”

  “I will walk with you, if you like. We can start getting to know each other now.”

  Esther nodded. “If you’d like. Didn’t you say you had to go to post a letter?”

  Laura looked down at her gloved hand, clutching two envelopes. “Oh my, I almost forgot. I will meet you outside the grocer’s or I’ll come in and join you. Is that all right?”

  “Yes, that’s fine,” Esther responded, leaning down to take each of her children in hand. “Come on, children, let’s go.”

  “See you in a little while, Miss Laura!” Johnny said over his shoulder as his mother led him away. He lifted his free hand and waved to her. She waved back.

  “See you soon, Johnny,” she responded.

  She watched as Esther hurried them down the walkway, turning away when they crossed the street and continued down to the grocer.

  The post office was just a few doors down and her business there wouldn’t take long. She nodded as she passed some neighbors she recognized, smiling at them.

  She pushed open the door to enter the post office and stopped just on the other side, staring into the smiling eyes of Daryl Parker.




  Oh, hello there,” Laura smiled up at Daryl. He thought how pretty she looked when her eyes crinkled like that. He stepped back so that they wouldn’t run into each other.

  “Hello, Miss Laura. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you. I reckon I should move a little slower, shouldn’t I?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being in a hurry, Daryl,” Laura responded. “Are you here to pick up mail?”

  “Yeah, I stopped in to check, but I don’t have anything.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  Daryl shrugged. “I’m not expecting anything, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Do you know if Mr. Fisher is in town? His wife and children are.”

  “Esther and the children? They’re in town? How do you know?”

  “I just finished talking to them. I invited them to my house for cookies and lemonade. I’d invite you, too, but you would be too much of a distraction, I’m afraid.”

  Daryl grinned. “For you or for Esther?”

  Laura chuckled. “For me, Esther and Bethany.”

  Daryl had to laugh. “Bethany is about seven years old.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Laura shook her head. “You’re just a good looking man, aren’t you?”

  “I’m thinking that might be a bit of an exaggeration.”

  Laura moved so that she was standing in front of the counter. There was no one on the other side, so she tapped a small bell and waited for the attendant to come to the window. She turned to look back at him. “It’s not. You’re just modest. And that’s another thing the ladies love about you.”

  “You say ladies,” Daryl responded, taking a few steps to stand next to her and lean back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “And that plural word kind of makes me feel bad. I don’t want ladies interested in me. I want just one woman.”

  She could tell by the way he was looking at her that he had every intention of making her that woman. “Well, I’m glad to hear that,” she said softly as the attendant came through a cloth door from another room.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you there. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

  Laura smiled at the little old man. His glasses were propped up on his bald forehead and he squinted at her. “Miss Laura? That you? Oh, dear, I’ve lost my glasses. Where are they?” He proceeded to look through squinted eyes all around the counter and below it.

  “Mr. Greer? Mister… Mr. Greer?” Laura tried to get his attention, bobbing her head up and down and bending over, holding out one finger. He finally looked at her and she tapped her head. He reached up and felt his glasses propped there and immediately colored a deep shade of red.

  “Oh dear, oh dear.”

  Laura tried not to laugh. She didn’t want him to feel humiliated, not any more than he already was, anyway. “It’s quite al
l right, Mr. Greer, I just wanted to post these letters.”

  She set the two letters down on the counter and pushed them toward him. He took them and, putting his glasses on, still squinted as if he couldn’t see the writing. “Well, all righty, we’ll get these sent out with the next shipment.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Greer.” She turned away and then spun back around to him. “Oh, does my family have anything I need to pick up from here?”

  Mr. Greer turned and shuffled to a long row of boxes behind him. He touched several of them before deciding there was nothing for Laura and Lily. He turned back and shook his head. “No mail for you ladies, I’m afraid.”

  “No, it’s quite all right. Thank you. You have a good evening now.”

  “Why thank you, miss. You, too.” He turned his eyes to Daryl, acknowledging his presence for the first time. “And you, as well, Daryl, even though I’ve already sent you on your way. Not surprised you’re still here with this pretty thing to become distracted by.”

  “Oh, Mr. Greer,” Laura put one gloved hand over her mouth. “You do flatter me.”

  Mr. Greer smiled, showing a mouth of uneven but fairly white teeth. His long, thin face didn’t look as malnourished as it did when he wasn’t smiling. “Well deserved, my dear.”

  “Take care now.” Laura turned away and walked to the door, Daryl directly behind her. He reached around her and held the door as she went through it. They stood just outside the door, stepping away from the entrance so that others could go in without being blocked.

  “So you got Esther to come to your house? With the kids?”

  “Yes, all but the little twins. I would think those babies would be the ones with her all the time instead of the older children, who can tend to themselves if they need to. Who watches the babies for her? Surely she doesn’t leave them home with that husband of hers?”

  “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen James in town. So I reckon she might have left them with him. It doesn’t seem like she would do that. I would hope she would be smarter than that.”


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