Retribution of Sins (SMVS, #6): Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #6

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Retribution of Sins (SMVS, #6): Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #6 Page 9

by J. L. McCoy

  “Stanus Octavius,” Atticus barked acridly. “You will find him and you will bring him to me alive. Then, and only then, will I agree to forgo execution in exchange for a sentence of imprisonment.”

  The room went eerily silent as the attendees listened to our exchange on bated breath.

  “Done,” I agreed immediately. I wanted Stanus’s ass for what he’d done to Nikki and had already planned on finding him myself.

  “I wasn’t finished.” He tsked, cocking his brow at me. “If Stanus is not standing before me within two weeks’ time, I will kill your father. You will take Corvus along with you to help aid in the search. I’d send Mr. Mac Gabbhan, but I fear he would not return alive. He may be a Day Walker, but I do have some use for him. Can’t have you or your friends, The Faithfull, killing him.”

  “I don’t need Corvus’s help. I can find Stanus on my own.”

  “This isn’t a negotiation.”

  I took a deep breath and swallowed thickly. “My guard will want to come. He is An Dilis and will be a great asset to me. At least allow me that.”

  After a long, thoughtful silence, Atticus sighed and finally nodded. “If you feel it absolutely necessary. Just as long as they understand the rules, agree to help and not hinder your task, and they keep their hands off my son. No one else but him, under any circumstances, do you understand me?” he growled, flicking his wrist at me dismissively before he turned on his heel and waked back over to Lucian. Staring deeply into my father’s eyes, he addressed me again. “I want Stanus alive. Do you agree to my terms, Miss Morrison?”

  I felt like I was making a deal with the devil. Finding Stanus would be difficult; I hadn’t the first idea where to even begin looking for him. Glancing at the back of my father’s bloody form, I knew I had my answer. As much as I detested my sperm donor, and believe me, I did, I could not allow Atticus to kill him. “I do.”

  “Excellent.” Reaching into his inner tux pocket, he pulled out a pair of pliers and smiled wickedly down at Lucian.

  The noise in the room picked up as my father’s guards let go of his hands and moved their attention to his head. One supported his neck from behind as the other pried his mouth open. My father attempted a weak thrash, before the third guard put an end to it.

  I watched in horror as Atticus ripped Lucian’s left fang out, before he did the same with the right. My father cried openly, no doubt in immense pain, while his leader gleefully tucked his fangs into a silk pouch for safe keeping, like some kind of sick torture trophy.

  “Jesus,” I whispered in shock, covering my mouth with one hand. Fangs did not regenerate like some body parts, and my father would have to endure eternity without them. He’d never be able to bite anyone again.

  “I’d get going if I were you,” Atticus called out, his eyes still on my father. He was enjoying seeing my father suffer, and I couldn’t completely fault him for it. After all, he did agree to spare his life. “The clock is ticking, Day Walker.”

  Corvus was suddenly beside me again, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the stone bench. Among loud gossip and heated whispers, he quickly ushered me from the chamber and back through security. I was in a daze as I accepted my purse and dagger from the guards, before being escorted into the elevator for our assent.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his hand still gripping mine.

  All I could manage was a small head shake as I pulled my hand out of his. I was completely disgusted by what I’d just witnessed in their “courtroom,” and couldn’t bear to have one of the Dark touch me after that.

  Seemingly unfazed, he continued. “We have a few ideas to where Stanus might be hiding. We’ll find him and get you back in time to save your father, if you’re absolutely certain that’s what you want to do.”

  Turning tearstained eyes to his, I answered with conviction. “He’s my father.”

  “And you’re his daughter,” he answered, not missing a beat, “yet he didn’t treat you like one. Why waste your time fighting for his life? Some people don’t deserve to live, Skye.”

  I couldn’t answer him. He was absolutely right, but I didn’t want him to know that. My father sold me out, and it still crushed my soul. But no matter what he’d put me, my family, and my best friend through, I just couldn’t let them kill him.

  The elevator slowed then chimed, signaling its arrival. We stepped out into the parking garage and got into the awaiting limo.

  Chapter Ten

  After quickly phoning Hagan and giving him the CliffsNotes version of the trial, I asked him to drop everything and meet me at LaGuardia airport. Corvus was on the phone with the Dark’s air personnel and was ordering them to fuel up their jet.

  “Are you out of your damn mind?” Hagan asked exasperatedly. “We don’t help Dark, Morrison!”

  “I’ve got to,” I answered with a sigh. “I’ve made my choice. You don’t have to go with me if you don’t want.”

  “Like I’m going to let you go off traipsing the globe with the likes of Corvus fucking Frost all by yourself. Archer would kill me.” He was silent for a moment as a thought hit him. “Oh hell. Have you even told him yet?”

  “No, and I won’t until we’re in the air. He’ll just try to stop me, and I can’t have him interfering in this; one, for his safety, and two for Corvus’s. I don’t know why, but Archer detests Corvus, and I don’t need Archer tagging along and them being at each other’s throats while I’m trying to find Stanus. It’s just a really bad idea.”

  “You can say that again,” Hagan mumbled unhappily. “This whole damn thing is a bad idea.”

  “Are you coming or not?” I asked impatiently.

  “Ifreann na Fola. I’ll be there in twenty,” he replied, growling at me, before ending the call.

  Putting my phone back in my clutch, I turned my attention to Corvus who had just ended his own call. “Hagan is on his way.”

  “I heard. Trouble in paradise, kitten?”

  “Save it, Frost. I’m not in the mood,” I grumbled, crossing my arms under my chest.

  Chuckling, he held up his hands in defense and wisely remained silent for the rest of the drive.

  Thirty minutes later, the limo passed through LaGuardia security and pulled up to a large Gulfstream jet. I spotted Hagan as soon as my door opened. He was standing by the stairs, corded arms crossed over his massive chest, and he was sporting a seriously pissed-off grimace.

  “This should be fun.” Corvus chuckled as he exited the car.

  Approaching Hagan, I begged him with my eyes to play nice. I knew it was asking for a lot, but I was hopeful.

  “Whose blood is that?” Hagan demanded, grabbing my arm and looking me over for injuries.

  “My father’s,” I answered plainly, putting a calming hand on his chest. “I’m all right, Hagan, I just need to clean up. Did you bring our suitcases?”

  “No,” he answered with a frown, glancing up at Corvus as he joined us, “I was a little preoccupied.”

  “I will find you something suitable to change into once we board.”

  “The hell you will, Dark One,” Hagan growled, moving to stand between us. “You will stay far away from her.”

  “And how do you propose I do that, Day Walker, when we will be working together to find Stanus?” Corvus asked with an amused chuckle, seemingly unconcerned that Hagan hated him.

  “You will maintain a twenty-foot radius and not speak to her unless spoken to.”

  Corvus laughed aloud, Hagan snarled, and I sighed.

  “Enough.” I frowned, messaging my right temple. “I don’t have the energy or the patience to do this with you two tonight. Hagan, please just get on the plane and try to play nice. For me. Corvus, please find me something to wear. I need to shower and wash all this blood off me. All I can smell is my father.” And it was true, all I could smell was Lucian’s blood. It permeated every sense, offending me, disgusting me, and breaking my heart all at the same time.

  Hagan’s brow furrowed as he studied me. He saw t
he pain I was in and his demeanor immediately changed. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked, putting one hand on my shoulder as he gazed deeply into my eyes. “It’s not too late to back out and go back home to Austin.”

  “This is something I have to do, Hagan, and I appreciate you coming along for the ride. I needed you with me for this.”

  “Because I am An Dilis?” he questioned, his brow creasing further.

  “No,” I answered, shaking my head, “because you are my friend and one of the remaining few I feel truly comfortable and safe with. I trust you with everything in me. I have a feeling I’m going to need that where I’m going.”

  His expression lightened, and his facial features smoothed out. “I will always be here for you, Skye. Always.”

  “As touching as this is, we need to get going,” Corvus interrupted.

  Hagan’s eyes instantly hardened as he took his gaze from me and turned it to Corvus. “After you.” He scowled, motioning with his hands to the airstairs.

  “Such a gentleman.” Corvus chuckled, ascending.

  Once we were in the air and the plane had reached cruising altitude, Corvus went into one of the cabins and returned with a set of clothing for me. “This will have to do until we land.”

  Leaving him and Hagan with my thanks and a stern warning to behave, I found the lavatory and set about cleaning up. The shower was nice, but I couldn’t help but stare at the red-tinged water as it circled down the drain. It made me think of Lucian, and I wondered how he was holding up with his injuries; some were so severe I knew it would take months to heal as he was being denied the rejuvenating effects of a good meal. A small part of me was worried about his condition, but I had to remind myself that at least he was alive, though I was sure he was wishing he were dead right now, given the pain I knew he must have been in. My father probably hated me even more than he did before, if that were possible.

  I felt myself tear up at the memory of his cold, hate-filled words to me, and I silently chided myself for crying. I mean truly, what did this man and his opinion really mean to me? I’d only known him a short time. Yes, he was my father, but it wasn’t like he raised me. I needed to get a handle on my emotions and fast. I simply would not allow myself to shed another tear for that man.

  Frustrated with myself, I shut the shower off, dried off, and pulled out the outfit Corvus had secured for me.

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” I growled under my breath as I held up the black mini skirt and sequined bandeau top. It figured that Corvus would find the most inappropriate outfit on the entire plane for me to wear. I quickly threw it on and left the lavatory with a pissed-off grimace, fully intending to give him an earful.

  As I walked out, I heard nothing but silence and instantly got worried. I was expecting to hear arguing, or at the very least a volley of insults being lobbed back and forth between Hagan and Corvus, but there was nothing. God, I hope Hagan hasn’t killed him already, I mused inwardly as I hurried to the front.

  To my immense surprise, the two men were sitting on opposite sides of the plane, firmly ignoring each other. Everything was neat and tidy, so I knew they’d behaved themselves and not gotten into a fight, as I’d feared might’ve happened when I left. I sighed in relief, and their heads slowly swiveled around to stare at me.

  “My, my, kitten.” A lazy grin slid onto Corvus’s face. “You sure know the quickest route to a man’s heart.”

  My eyes narrowed, and my lips pursed tightly in a pissed-off pose as I crossed my arms over my chest. “I do. It’s just to the left of the sternum, between the fourth and fifth intercostal space.” Hagan bellowed with laughter as I continued. “You couldn’t have maybe found me something with just a little more fabric, Dark One? I mean really? I bet I’d have gotten more coverage with a paper napkin and an eye patch.”

  His eyes shined with mischief as he brought his steepled fingers to his full lips. “Well, doubtful, but we can most definitely have the stewardess arrange that for you. I’d love to see you try.”

  Hagan growled lowly in warning as he stood up, unbuttoned his black dress shirt, and held it out for me, his unamused, angry eyes staring Corvus down the entire time.

  “What?” he scoffed, feigning innocence as he chuckled. “Can’t blame a man for trying, can you? I may be dead, but I’m not blind.”

  “Thank you,” I said gratefully, turning my back to Hagan and slipping my arms into his proffered shirt.

  “Relax, kitten. The dress is temporary. There are lockers full of clothes at our first stop with an array of items to choose from. Unfortunately, it was either the dress or men’s clothing right now as we don’t usually cater to... someone of your caliber... when we travel.”

  “Speaking of. Where’re we going?” I asked anxiously, buttoning the shirt up and taking a seat next to Hagan. “Wait. On second thought, don’t tell me. I need to call Archer and let him know what’s going on. He’s going to want to know where we’re heading, and I don’t need him getting mixed up in all this bullshit. If I don’t know, I can’t lie to him.”

  “Bad idea, Morrison,” Hagan said, frowning over at me, as he crossed his arms tightly in displeasure.

  “Probably,” I agreed, looking up at him, “but I don’t have a choice. I don’t want Archer mixed up in all this. My father, Stanus... they are my problems, not his.”

  Ignoring Hagan’s pursed lips and unapproving gaze, I grabbed my clutch purse and pulled out my cell phone to take care of what I’d been putting off—calling my mate.

  Archer answered on the second ring. “Skye.” That one word saying so much. I could instantly tell that he had been worried about me and had been anxiously awaiting my call.

  “Hey there, hot stuff,” I purred into the phone, putting more enthusiasm into my voice than what I’d actually felt.

  The music was loud on his end, and I could tell he was at work, roaming around down on The Mausoleums main floor. “I was expecting a call from you hours ago.”

  “Things were a little...” I paused as I struggled to find the right word, “hectic.”


  “Well... you know how I said I’d be home as soon as Lucian’s hearing was over?”

  “Yes...,” he drawled out, waiting.

  “About that.” I took a deep breath as I looked out the plane’s window, noting the three-quarter full moon shining amongst the twinkling stars. “I kind of... did something.”

  “Ifreann na Fola,” he grumbled, and I could just imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose like he so often did when I exasperated him. “What did you do now, Skye? Did you kill someone?” He paused, and I was about to answer him, when he spoke again, this time his tone was more hushed. “Oh shit, was it Atticus? If it was, we’ll deal with it, just get out of there.”

  “No,” I scoffed. “I didn’t kill Atticus.” Corvus’s head snapped to the side as he glared angrily over at me. I grimaced at my faux pas and mouthed a quick silent apology before turning my attention back to Archer. “I didn’t kill anyone. I actually saved someone.”

  “Oh?” he asked, his interest fully piqued.

  “But, it probably wasn’t the smartest move on my part. I’m just saying it now so you don’t have to remind me later.”

  “Oh hell.” Archer sighed. The music in the background was growing softer, and I knew he was making his way up to his office. “This already doesn’t sound good. What happened at your father’s hearing?”

  “Atticus sentenced my father to the final death, and I told him I wouldn’t let that happen... right in the middle of the sentencing. Long story short, I kind of, sort of, told him I’d do anything he wanted in exchange for sparing my father’s life.” I immediately squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. This could only go one of two ways, and I was pretty certain I knew which way it’d go—badly.

  Archer was quiet a long moment before he finally spoke, but when he did, it was in the barest whisper. He was pissed, and I knew I was walking a thin line with him
. “What did you do, Skye?”

  Taking a deep breath, I delivered the news like I was ripping off a Band-Aid. “I agreed to hunt down Stanus Octavius and deliver him to Atticus within the next two weeks.”

  “You did what?” he exploded, followed closely by the sound of his office door slamming.

  “Well, I was going to do it on my own eventually, Archer. That bastard needs to pay for what he put Nikki through. Going after Stanus now, at Atticus’s behest, gives me the opportunity to save Lucian as well.”

  “After what your father did to you, I’m surprised you still care at all about his well-being.”

  “He’s my father, Archer. That may not mean anything to him, but it means something to me.”

  “Where are you now? I’ll call and have my plane readied within the hour.”

  Sighing, I got up from my seat beside Hagan and walked toward the back of the plane. I didn’t want our impending argument to be the evening’s entertainment for Corvus.

  “Archer, you can’t go with me, I’m sorry.”

  “The hell I can’t!” Archer practically exploded. “I’ll be damned if my woman is out somewhere without me, putting her life in danger just so she can do a Dark One’s dirty work for them. If you’re hunting down Stanus, I’m going to be by your side, Skye. I told you after the fight with the Dark that we are family and we do things together as a family. If you’re going after that deranged fuck, I’m damn sure going to have your back while you do it.”

  “No,” I growled, putting my proverbial foot down. “You can be killed, I cannot. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing you to get mixed up in this mess again. If something happened to you, Archer, I’d die. I’d never forgive myself. You are my entire world, babe, and I’m leaving you in Austin where you’re safe. You may not like my decision, but you will respect it and not push me on this.”


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