Ike Shot the Sheriff: Assignment Darklanding

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Ike Shot the Sheriff: Assignment Darklanding Page 8

by Scott Moon

  Dixie walked down the street, her skirt reaching her ankles in the back but only her knees in the front. It seemed as though she had three extra layers of frills around everything. Nothing about the recent events had added to her income, yet she seemed to come out of it better than everyone. None of her new wealth, however, had been spent on adding to her blouse’s ability to cover her chest. It still pulled in all the wrong places and pushed everything up.

  Shaunte didn't see Ruby Miranda but knew she was around. She wanted to make the girl a hostess or a bartender, but also wanted to avoid getting involved in Pierre or Dixie's business.

  Ike and all the crew on his ship were now in custody of SagCon security forces. Thaddeus hadn’t liked that, but he came around.

  She watched him flip the tire again, and then again, and third time in rapid succession. He stopped and bent over, holding his shoulder. Still, he seemed to be getting faster and stronger. Why he needed to strengthen himself was a mystery to Shaunte, since he had been more than able to handle everything Darklanding had thrown at him so far. As soon as she thought it, she regretted jinxing him. As she watched, she realized there was a lot more to his routine than met the eye. He had his demons, and was currently beating the crap out of them and pretending they were a tractor tire.

  With a lazy smile spread across her face, and a drink in one hand, she backed away from the window and returned to her desk. She tripped but caught herself easily. It had been a small step reluctantly made. Not long ago, she hadn't cared about the window, but now she could stand there for a long time looking out of it.

  She kicked off her shoes and walked barefoot to her desk. Paper composite documents and digital tablets formed a complex pattern on the wood-grained surface. She had spread them out like poker cards when the results of her recent acquisitions and sales came in. She understood Ike was not behind the attempted labor crisis. Maybe the people at SagCon would figure out who the culprits were, or maybe they would protect themselves since they probably were responsible. Either way, part of their plan had been to drive up the price of exotic materials coming from Darklanding.

  She hadn't been too stunned by the events to think clearly. The moment that Ike was in custody and she had calmed her workers down, she brokered several large sales. In secret, in a warehouse that not even Thad or Pierre knew about, she brokered another deal with a select group of trusted miners and general workers in Darklanding. Without authority from SagCon, she negotiated a new deal. The tricky part had been explaining that this was not a result of the strike or anything that Ike and his people had done, but because she had faith in the workers…even those who had strayed from what was right. She took a chance on their loyalty and offered them a bonus if profits exceeded a certain level.

  It could be a horrible precedent that she might regret. Or not.

  The Ungloks got their own deal. That was going to be the most interesting part of this brave new era. Maybe she should have consulted Sheriff Thaddeus Fry, or her father, or almost anyone, but she hadn't.

  This was all on her.

  The End of Episode 2.

  Episode 3 will be available on January 23rd, 2018

  Stay tuned, there’s more to come.

  Thank you for reading this story.  If you liked it, please leave a review.

  Social Media for Scott Moon

  Amazon – www.amazon.com/Scott-Moon/e/B0082VIWL8

  Facebook – www.facebook.com/scottmoonwriter

  My web page – www.scottmoonwriter.com/

  Scott’s Email – [email protected]

  Social Media for Craig Martelle

  Amazon – www.amazon.com/author/craigmartelle

  Facebook – www.facebook.com/authorcraigmartelle

  My web page – www.craigmartelle.com

  Craig’s Email – mailto:[email protected]?subject=Darklanding

  Other Books by Scott Moon

  Darklanding with Craig Martelle

  Episode 1: Assignment Darklanding

  Episode 2: Ike Shot the Sheriff

  Episode 3: Outlaws

  Episode 4: Grandfather

  Episode 5: An Unglok Murder

  Episode 6: SAGCON

  Episode 7: TBD

  Episode 8: TBD

  Episode 9: TBD

  Episode 10: TBD

  Episode 11 TBD

  Episode 12: TBD

  The Chronicles of Kin Roland

  Book 1 – Enemy of Man (also available on audiobook) Book 2 – Son of Orlan (also available on audiobook)

  Book 3 – Weapons of Earth (also available on audiobook)

  SMC Marauders

  Book 1 – Bayonet Dawn

  Book 2 – Burning Sun

  Grendel Uprising

  Episode 1: Proof of Death

  Episode 2: Blood Royal

  Episode 3: Heavy Weapons

  Son of a Dragonslayer

  Book 1 – Dragon Badge (also available on audiobook)

  Book 2 – Dragon Attack (also available on audiobook)

  Book 3 – Dragon Land

  Other Books by Craig Martelle

  The Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, a Kurtherian Gambit Series, co-written with Michael Anderle

  World’s Worst Day Ever (a short prequel of sorts)

  Book 1 – Nomad Found (also available on audiobook)

  Book 2 – Nomad Redeemed (also available on audiobook)

  Book 3 - Nomad Unleashed (also available on audiobook)

  Book 4 - Nomad Supreme (also available on audiobook)

  Book 5 – Nomad’s Fury (also available on audiobook)

  Book 6 – Nomad’s Justice (also available on audiobook)

  Book 7 – Nomad Avenged (also available on audiobook)

  Book 8 – Nomad Mortis (also available on audiobook)

  Book 9 – Nomad’s Force (also available on audiobook)

  Book 10 – Nomad’s Galaxy (also available on audiobook)

  Free Trader Series

  Book 1 – The Free Trader of Warren Deep

  Book 2 – The Free Trader of Planet Vii

  Book 3 – Adventures on RV Traveler

  Book 4 – Battle for the Amazon

  Book 5 – Free the North!

  Book 6 – Free Trader on the High Seas

  Book 7 – Southern Discontent (2017)

  Book 8 – The Great ‘Cat Rebellion (2017)

  Book 9 – Return to the Traveler (2017)

  Outpost of the Ancients – a Free Trader short story published in the Apocalyptic Space Collection, Volume 1

  Cygnus Space Opera – set in the Free Trader Universe

  Book 1 – Cygnus Rising

  Book 2 – Cygnus Expanding

  Book 3 – Cygnus Arrives

  Cygnus Omnibus – Books 1 to 3 under one cover and also as an audiobook

  Darklanding with Scott Moon

  See above

  End Times Alaska Series, a Winlock Press publication

  Book 1: Endure (also available on audiobook)

  Book 2: Run (also available on audiobook)

  Book 3: Return (also available on audiobook)

  Book 4: Fury (also available on audiobook)

  Rick Banik Thrillers

  People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire (also available on audiobook)

  The Heart Raged (2017)

  Paranoid in Paradise – a short story within the Close to Bones Anthology

  Short Stories (and where you can find them)

  Just One More Fight (published as a novella standalone)

  Wisdom’s Journey (published as a novella standalone)

  Fear Peace (published as a short story standalone)

  The Trenches of Centauri Prime (in Galactic Frontiers, edited by Charles Ekeke)

  The Outcast (Through the Never Anthology, nominated for consideration for a Nebula Award)

  Defense of the Deep Space Denali (in The Expanding Universe Vol 2)

  A Language Barrier (in The Expanding Universe Vol 3)

  The Misadventures of J
acob Wild McKilljoy (with Michael-Scott Earle) (Always FREE)

  Box Sets & Anthologies

  Trader, Cygnus, & People Raged – Martelle Starter Library

  Close to the Bones, a Thriller Anthology (edited by Martha Carr)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 1 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 2 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 3 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  Earth Prime Anthology, Volume 1 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Apocalyptic Space Short Story Collection (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Lunar Resorts Anthology, Volume 2 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Metamorphosis Alpha – Chronicles from the Warden Vol 1 (with James M. Ward, edited by Craig Martelle)

  Metamorphosis Alpha – Chronicles from the Warden Vol 2 (with James M. Ward, edited by Craig Martelle)

  Author Notes: Scott Moon

  This project began with a level of excitement equivalent to skydiving for the first time. Craig and I had been bouncing ideas back and forth on this project, taking the suggestions of some of his most trusted readers and expounding upon them. He completed the first episode of the series, Assignment Darklanding, and sent it over for me to read, then asked me a simple question. “Do you think you can write something like this?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said.

  Over the last two years, I have met a lot of writers on the Keystroke Medium show. Some of them plan extensively. Others write by the seat of their pants. What I've come to learn, is that the vast majority are somewhere on a continuum between the two writing styles. I get the impression that most enjoy starting a new project, and I'm no exception.

  I took the world building document Craig created, sketched out my initial story outline — kind of like a skyscraper skeleton in a city filled with fog — and went to work. Starting something shiny and new is always a blast. Ike Shot the Sheriff contained a spark of energy that carried me through the entire writing process.

  When I was done, I was like a proud father. I crafted something I was really excited about and was almost giddy as I edited and revised it in preparation for sending it on for Craig's input. And like most writers, self-doubt set in. Was it true to the characters? Did I stay within the parameters of the world building? Would Craig and his vast army of just-in-time readers hate every word of it?

  Let me step back a bit.

  Like a lot of sci-fi fans, Craig and I both mourned the end of Firefly after a single season. During our planning, we had talked about the story being something like firefly meets Bonanza. I grew up on Bonanza. Back then, in the glorious days of network television, it was one of the only shows on. And it was / is awesome good fun.

  At this point I had three things in mind: a Firefly type of space opera / adventure, a western like the Bonanza television series, and Craig’s story Assignment Darklanding. And here's where something interesting happened. One of my all-time favorite westerns is Tombstone, the good one with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer. The movie was heavy on my mind from early in the story.

  I'm not talking about plot. All of these stories have their own personality and mood. By the time I finished Darklanding 2: Ike shot the Sheriff, it definitely had its own feel. I absolutely love the story but was still nervous to share it. I sent Craig a message talking about the Tombstone mood of certain scenes and his response was something like, “Hell, yeah my man!” (I am paraphrasing a bit.)

  I've been writing for all of my adult life and most of my youth. When I talk about being nervous or discouraged, it should go without saying that I quickly get over it and press on. So, you might say I was just anxious about my first major contribution to this project. There comes a point when you have to just submit your best work. So, I did, and the results floored me.

  Craig is one of the hardest working writers I know, so I expected him to get back with me quickly. He loved the story a lot, hopefully as much as I did. What amazed me, were his beta readers. By the end of the day, four people had read the story and sent their thoughtful comments through Craig. All of them were useful for the final revision. There were a few blind spots that I was able to fix in the storyline due to their reading efforts. I think the final version of Ike shot the Sheriff is much better due to the generous help of Craig's crew.

  Strange as it sounds, I don't have the words to thank you enough for reading Darklanding 2: Ike Shot the Sheriff. So, I'll just say thanks. What I do have the words for, is begging. Can you please leave a review? It would mean the world to me. A five-star review with some nice comments wouldn't break my heart, but I do learn from all feedback and look forward to your thoughts.

  What is next for the residents of Darklanding?

  Well it wouldn't be much of a Western without some type of train heist. And this is a space opera. So how does one rob a bullet train on a frontier world with a pretty loose relationship between law and order?

  Darklanding 3: Outlaw, pushes the envelope a bit farther and introduces a couple of new characters that I think are completely fascinating. But, you have to wait for the author notes to get the full story on that little slice of story writing.

  Best wishes,

  Scott Moon

  P. S. - I'm dying to tell you about Darklanding 4, but can't explain the title until you've read episodes one through three. Sorry to be such a tease, but the stories made me do it.

  Author Notes: Craig Martelle

  Written on 12/24/17

  Look at you (if you’re reading this, I’m looking at you), and I’m thanking you for still reading!

  I’m in my hotel room in Adelaide, South Australia. We arrived about eight hours ago, got our rental car, did the death defying drive on the other side of the road, and then turned over the care to the valet because I had no energy to try and find a parking spot. My wife is still asleep, god bless her. She travels a fair bit for her job as a university professor and when we go on vacation, we stay at Hiltons, too, so she has the coveted Diamond status. There are some incredible perks, besides the being away from home and spending a lot of money with Hilton parts. At least we have free breakfast for the next week.

  I have a booming headache. Come on Alleve! It takes thirty hours to get from Fairbanks, Alaska to Adelaide. Thirty. Long. Hours. But my son is getting married and his better half is from here, so of course, the wedding is here. It’s going to be a grand affair. The new couple (they’ve been together for five years) have done some meticulous planning. And the weather is even cooperating. We left on December 21st, the shortest day of the year in sub-arctic – less than four hours of daylight, arriving on nearly the longest day of the year down under. We went from 20F to 90F.

  And I keep turning on the wipers instead of the turn signal. I was in no shape to drive yesterday, but there was very little traffic. Don’t like the way I drive? Stay off the sidewalk!

  I love the direction Darklanding is going. I’d like to say that Scott and I had a detailed outline for all twelve episodes, but then I’d be lying. We had a number of ideas and put those into a spreadsheet. We put the characters in there, too, because when all is said and done, the characters and the individual stories matter the most. We want you to see them develop as much as we wanted to bring them to life. Each story is self-contained. That was our goal because we want episodes, where you can feel the issue of the day was resolved. But you want to see what mischief this crazy cast will get into next.

  Episodes. Stories. And consistent delivery. Every 18 days. We are seeing that our message has resonated as the 18-day theme is popping up in the reviews, on Facebook comments, and elsewhere. We only have to deliver, but that’s easy. These stories are a lot of fun to write.

  I will be the primary author on Episodes 1, 6, and 9. Scott will be the primary on the others. We don’t want either of us to burn out, and we both want to play with the characters. Episode 6 will take place completely off planet. It’s one of those episodes that you could put anywhere. It’s called SAGCON, so you have
an idea what you’re going to learn about.

  It was my pleasure to meet Scott Moon at the Smarter Artists Summit. When you meet someone in person and just like them? The sky is the limit. Richard Fox was leading the way in the meet and greet category. That was way cool. Richard is a lot of fun, too, but he already has a full plate with authoring and co-authoring. I approached Scott about the world of Darklanding and he loved the premise. Since Scott works as a lawman in his day job, it was a perfect fit. I can relate to the retired military moving into a new line of work, but only Scott could bring that give that new line depth.

  Together, we’ve created Darklanding. And will continue to write these episodes and bring them to you.

  In any case, time to take a shower and get ready to meet my six-month old granddaughter for the first time. She is such a happy baby. I was blessed with my son – he wasn’t a cryer and slept through the night starting at seven weeks. Sounds like she’s the same way. I am happy for him and his partner.

  Peace, fellow humans. Coming to you live from tomorrow, because Australia lives in the future…


  We’d like to thank the following beta readers who make sure that this story goes to you as error free as humanly possible. They also keep us on track with the stories. What a great group of people we have helping us to tell better stories.

  Micky Cocker

  Kelly O’Donnell

  James Caplan

  Diane Velasquez

  Dorene Johnson

  Scott and I would both like to thank our families for putting up with us as we share the stories in our heads. We type slowly and it takes time to capture the words. Thank you for taking care of us while we’re doing our thing.


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