Heaven Sent

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Heaven Sent Page 12

by Avelyn Paige

  “I told you, you fucking piece of shit, never to touch me again. You think because I am a woman I can’t stand up for myself? It’s fucking bastards like you that make women weak. You think you can throw your pretty face and dick around, and we’ll fall to our knees with our mouths open. Well, that’s not the kind of woman I am. You ever touch me again, I will put a bullet between your eyes.”

  The club stands in silence as the final word slips from my mouth. I know that threatening a club member will likely land me on the street or worse, dead and buried in an unmarked grave, but I’m not about to be raped for their continued protection. I smell him before I ever feel him move behind me. His eyes are unreadable as their graze locks onto mine. I can tell he’s seething, but I don’t give a flying fuck at this point. Leaning down, he extends his hand to Trax in an attempt to help him stand. Hero is officially on my shit list. This slimy bastard is helping up the man who would have raped me had I not struck first.

  Trax uprights himself and immediately turns his sights back on me, ignoring Hero at my side. “You think because this club is protecting you that you’ve got the right to strike a patched member? Baby girl, I need to teach you some manners.” Before anyone can react, he has me by the throat, choking the life out of me. “You’ll wish you were dead after I’m done with you.” His grip tightens as I squirm to break free. Hero moves to pull him away from me as a memory flashes before me of my dad showing me how to protect myself. Moving my hands from his, I maneuver my arms into a triangle shape and push against Trax’s arms. His hands break away from my neck as Hero decks him, causing him to fall to the ground.

  I quickly recover, moving toward him. “Never. Fucking. Touch. Me. Again,” I say, stomping my heel into his balls with every word. Hero pulls me off of him and shoves me away from him. This fight may be over, but I have one last thing I need to do. Shoving past Hero, I spit on the bastard writhing on the floor and walk out of the still silent room. Making my way down the hallway into my makeshift room, I smash the door behind me. I slide to the floor with heavy tears streaking down my face. My heart is racing as I hear heavy footsteps walking briskly down the hall.

  At that moment, I realize that whoever is outside my door is going to kick me out or kill me. It’s my moment of truth. I lock the door as quickly as I can and run for the bathroom. There’s a window that I might be just small enough to fit through to get the hell out of here before they break into the room and drag me out. The door to my bedroom begins to rattle as I pry the window open. It will be a tight squeeze, but I think I can make it through. I hop up onto the counter and start to push my head and arms through the space when I hear wood splintering. Fuck! He’s in here. What the hell is with the men in this club and breaking down doors? That must be part of their initiation ceremony. Panicking, I push farther into the window when two hands grab my waist, pulling me back in. I fall hard onto the sink as my elbow connects with the porcelain, causing me to fall to my knees on the dirty tile floor and see the black leather boots standing over me.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going? You’re not leaving this club after what you just pulled in the main room. We’re on lockdown. You damned well know you aren’t leaving here, especially now.” Hero hauls me to my feet and pushes me against the wall of the club. He stands far enough away that I can’t reach him with my knee. Lifting my eyes to face him, I can feel the rage returning.

  “Fuck you, Hero. You let a man like this into your club. How does it feel knowing he could have raped and killed me while you fucking watched? I’d have never agreed to stay here if I knew that my choices were to fuck the guys or be on the streets, because I’d have chosen the streets.” His face moves toward mine as he grips my chin roughly.

  “I’d have never let him touch you, let alone rape you. I told you that you needed to stay away from the main room when other chapters were around, but you didn’t fucking listen to me, Dani. Those men think that any woman without a property patch is fair game. He had every right to proposition you without a patch, but he should have never laid a finger on you after you said no.”

  “And yet he did. He touched me in plain sight of the entire club and no one stopped him.”

  “I wasn’t in the room, Dani. I had to deal with some shit in Church. Slider came to get me when he saw him bothering you to handle it. Had I heard or seen what he did to you, I would have taken care of it before you ever had to defend yourself.” His eyes soften momentarily before the cocky asshole side of him flares to life again. “You should have stayed in your room like I asked.”

  “Jesus Christ, Hero. Bubbles came to get me because she needed help at the bar. I didn’t realize that serving a few drinks would land me in threat of rape territory. Besides, Raze told her to get me to help.” Shock crosses his face at Raze’s name. His hand releases my chin as his body slowly releases the tension set into his bones.

  “Raze didn’t okay you leaving your room, Dani. I was with him all night in Church. He hasn’t left that room in hours. I think I need to have a discussion with Bubbles about disobeying orders.”

  “That’s all you fucking care about is that Bubbles lied to me? Jesus, Hero. Your priorities are seriously messed up if you’re more worried about a lying whore than an attempted rape, but I guess brothers first, right?” Pushing against his chest, he locks me in his grasp even tighter.

  “It would have never gotten that far, Dani. I told you once and I will tell you again, nothing will ever happen to you while you’re under our roof and protection. How badly did he hurt you?” I try to push away from him but his arm stays firmly against me, keeping me pinned to the bathroom wall. “I asked you a question, Dani. How badly did he hurt you?” Still attempting to shake away from him, I push harder.

  “Hero, just let me go. You don’t care that I’m hurt. I’m fucking done here. I’ll pack my shit and be out of your hair by the morning. You’re going to throw me out as soon as you settle the score tomorrow so I might as well take away some of the satisfaction that you’ve finally gotten rid of me.” With one final push, I break free from him.

  Charging as fast as I can past him, I reach the bathroom doorway before he pulls me against him while pushing my back against the door frame. His lips collide with mine before I can get away. The heat from his lips devouring mine sends fire running through my veins. My core feels as if it’s about to explode from his touch. His tongue forces my lips to part as his begins to caress mine. He continues to pull me closer to him as his tongue explores my mouth. My body hums louder with each passing second the kiss continues. He breaks away from me and stares into my eyes. My rage is replaced by confusion and unbridled passion. The man who has treated me the worst out of any of the men in this club just kissed me like he was never going to see me again. What the fuck just happened? I stare blankly at him, frozen in shock.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since the first moment you walked into my club and ripped the place apart like an F-5 tornado. My dick aches every single time you walk into the room. Your fight out there only made this problem fucking worse. You have no idea how sexy you are when you get pissed off. I think I might have the bluest pair of balls on the planet right now.” He would have to keep it in his pants to have blue balls and the entire club knows he hasn’t exactly been practicing abstinence the last few weeks with the ho-train making the walk of shame out of his room every morning. My face must register my sarcastic anger to his admission because he kisses me even harder. His hands press hard into my neck as he continues to kiss me. He only breaks away from my swelling lips when I wince in pain. “Shit, are you okay?” he says as his eyes gauges my reaction.

  “I think I’m fine. You were just squeezing me just a little too tightly. I think Trax bruised my throat. It’s tender.” The mention of Trax’s name sends the rage flying back into him. He releases me and stalks away from me toward the shattered door. He turns before he walks through the mess of wood on the floor.

  “He’ll pay for touching you, Dani. I’ll make dam
n sure of it.” He walks closer to the door and yells for Slider. A few seconds later, Slider’s head pops in the door frame, taking in the scene. He has a knowing smile on his face like he can tell that Hero just forcibly kissed me. Fucking men.

  “What’s up, Hero? You need something?” he asks while checking out the scene before him. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  I nod my head yes, but Hero cuts me short before I can answer. “I need you to move Dani’s shit into my room. Put a guard on the door. I don’t want Trax or any of the charter members fucking with her. You got it?”

  A teasing smile lights up Slider’s face. “Sure, Hero. I’ll watch her tonight. The pussy now is otherwise entertained tonight, and I’m not into sloppy seconds from another charter.” I laugh to myself thinking after the show I just witnessed, Blondie might have broken his dick if he’s not chasing after more than a blowjob.

  Slider walks into the room and plops himself on my bed, waiting orders on what to move from me. “Get off her fucking bed,” Hero growls at him. He starts to leave the room without even asking me if moving into his room is okay. I’m not about to just up and move on his command.

  “I’m not moving into your fucking room, Hero. Just get me a new door. I’m sure the club has a shed full of them at the rate you go through them lately, or is that just reserved for me?” I bark at him. His eyes flash with intense anger. “You’d rather stay in a room without a door where any of these bastards can sneak into your bed or watch you dress than stay in my room where you’ll be safe. You’re fucking kidding me, right?” I hadn’t thought about that. There’s no way the door can be replaced in the middle of the night.

  Sharing a room with him will only make my attraction and need for his touches grow. I can’t let him break down these walls and discover the truth about why I left Cleveland. As much as my body wants his, I have to resist him. “I’ll stay with one of the girls. I won’t hole up in your room like a club whore. I’m better than that.” Ignoring Slider, he seizes me by the arm. “You aren’t a club whore to me, Dani. Get that out of your fucking head right now. Your ass better be in my room by the time I get back, or I’ll drag you in there myself. Get to packing, Dani. I have to take care of yet another one of the problems you’ve caused the club.” He doesn’t even give me a chance to argue back before he lets me go and walks out the door.

  I punch the door frame. “Fucking bastard,” I mutter to myself, forgetting that Slider is perched on my bed. Slider chuckles to himself as I realize what I just said out loud.

  “He might be a bastard, sweetheart, but he’s your problem now.” Shoving Slider off of the bed onto the floor, he returns to his feet and helps me pack what little clothes and toiletries I have into laundry baskets and starts to haul them into Hero’s room down the hall. His room is so much bigger than my tiny one. He has king-sized bed with a black comforter and sheets against the wall. A couch, dresser, and TV line the other wall. I think to myself about how typical his man cave is. All it is missing is posters of naked women littering the plain walls and piles of sticky porn magazines. Oh hell, why not throw in a hard tube sock and old pizza boxes to finish off the stereotype. I take the liberty of claiming an empty drawer in his dresser and deposit my clothes into it. He probably won’t like that but tough shit, it happened. He forced me into this arrangement so it’s only fair that I get what I want out of this.

  Slider walks in with the last load of my things and deposits them on Hero’s bed. “Sweetheart, I can see how much he’s pissed you off with the new digs. I understand why he did it, but all I can say is that you need to make him pay for this order. I love to watch him squirm so hit him where it hurts.” Slider laughs as he walks out of the door, closing it behind him.

  Hero may think he knows the type of girl that I am, but he has no idea about the real me. I know I am in the worst possible place to keep my secrets, especially with his assumption of my suspicion and guilt, but I need to stay strong and keep my composure. I hope he enjoys sleeping on the couch because he’s just lost the privilege of the bed. I like to spread out, and I’ll make for damn sure that I’m taking up as much room as I can when he gets back. Flipping on the TV and hiding the remote in the hamper so he can’t change it back, I turn to a chick flick movie and plop down on the bed. From the looks of the pile of laundry overflowing onto the floor, I doubt he even knows how to do his own laundry. With the girls busy, it will take days before he finds the remote. I hope he likes lifetime movies because that’s all he’ll be able to watch while I’m in here. I might as well enjoy myself because Hero and the club will bury me alive when and if the truth ever comes out, just like the men they’ll be killing tomorrow.

  I don’t know what came over me to order her to move into my room. Maybe it was the fact I watched her nearly castrate one of my unruly brothers in the middle of the clubhouse bar or the kiss. Who the fuck am I kidding? It was both. I can’t believe I kissed her. The feel of her lips against mine made me nearly cream in my jeans. I’ve dreamt so many nights about how soft her skin would be under my fingers and the taste of her lips, but now I know. She’s sweetly addicting, but Dani is also an enigma to me. She pisses me off and turns me on all at once. On the outside, she looks sweetly innocent, but when provoked she turns into a maniacal hellcat. Her fighting moves make me wonder if she had professional training growing up. Rhonda Rousey would be proud to have her as a protégé. I also make a mental note to myself to guard my loins if I ever piss her off. Thinking back to her fight, my dick aches even more for her. She’s even sexier when she’s mad, which brings me back to my foolhardy decision. She’s in my room and in my fucking bed while I’m out here on the main floor mopping up Trax’s blood and holding back from murdering him myself. I’ll deal with him after we settle our business with Twisted Tribe, but my self-inflicted problem remains.

  Ratchet’s session with our amigo in the shed was actually productive. Fernando squealed like a stuck pig. Well, in his case, he mumbled, but same fucking difference. Thinking about how he came to be in possession sends my memory back to finding Dani covered in blood. I’m proud of Dani for fighting back against him, but he’d have given us more information if she hadn’t broken his jaw. Fernando gave us enough intel to formulate a plan against them as long as the information is valid. I wouldn’t put it past the slimy bastard to lie to us, but it’s all we have to go on. We’ll have to watch our backs, but within twelve hours our problems should be solved. The best information he delivered to us was that he knew who Dani was and that Enrico picked her up as collateral for the roommate just as she said. I am hoping tomorrow will clear the mystery about her up so I can get a taste of her pussy finally. I decided after nearly losing her to him yesterday that as soon as we know either way about her traitor status, I’m going to fuck her. It might be the last fuck before we kill her, but I’m going to take it either way. My body craves her touch and I won’t end her life before I get my taste. Maybe that makes me a fucked up bastard, but so be it. I can live with that brand.

  Returning the mop and bucket to the kitchen, I slide back into my normal seat by Raze, kicking my feet up on the beer bottle covered coffee table.

  “I hear you have a new roommate,” he questions.

  “Yeah, figured it would be easier to keep an eye on her if she was locked in my room. Well, that and I kicked her door in to have a little chat with her about our brother’s obliterated balls. I caught the bitch trying to squeeze out the bathroom window.”

  Raze shakes his head. “Must have been desperate to leave if she was going to risk a two story fall into a pile of cacti,” he quips in return. “You know Trax will want her after she crushed his balls in front of the club.”

  “Yeah, that’s not surprising, but he crossed the line. We both know he’ll try to save face by spouting some bullshit about her not having a property patch, but I’ll take care of him. How badly did she hurt him? Will he need reconstructive surgery on his balls?” The thought of that rat bastard losing his family jewels brings a smile to
my face. He may be my brother, but he’s the lowest kind of human being on the planet. I bet if given the opportunity, he’d fuck a club whore on his mother’s grave. “I guess she did him a favor if he does, he’ll finally be able to get a bigger pair.” A thought crosses my mind that will likely piss Raze off, but I can’t help myself. “You could always let Maj take care of it. She is technically in charge of the girl.”

  “Doc’s checking him out now. He’s holed up in one of the rooms downstairs. He passed out from the pain as his guys were dragging his ass down the stairs. And you know full well that Maj would only cause more problems if we give her the power to punish Trax. I already had to send her back to our civilian house because she wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone. I need to relax with what’s coming tomorrow, but all she wants to do is bitch and moan about how we’re being reckless and try to tell me how we should attack the bastards. She can’t leave shit be until after we settle business. It’s like she climaxes on pissing me off now.”

  The truth behind his words really surprises me. Maj used to be this calm, cool, and collected old lady when she first married Raze, but lately she’s been far too interested in club business. She was the most respected woman in our club, but over the years her appeal has dwindled. I hope that Raze flips the kill switch on Maj’s curiosity soon before she lands herself in even more trouble. We can’t have the club president’s old lady stirring shit up and poking her nose too far into our business. If he doesn’t rein her in, someone else will, and he won’t like it.


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