Sky Breaking 301

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Sky Breaking 301 Page 6

by Viola Grace

  “You would do things like you did last night?”

  “Like wrestle wolves naked? Not usually, but I could and would pull a few more coherent thoughts out of the spectres, no matter how old.”

  The family nodded and paused when Anna came in with Anderson at her side. They both were glowing with happiness, and it wasn’t in Imara’s nature to ask why.

  Kitty, however, hissed, “Can they do that?”

  Imara grinned. “It takes a lot of effort on his part, but yeah, they can.”

  Andy chuckled. “It was how he died. They had a great sex life right until the last.”

  Anna smiled, focused, and in the moment. “And it is back.”

  Imara blushed at the hot look that the grandmother was giving the spectre, twenty years her junior.

  The worst thing was the reciprocation. He was seeing her as she was, and he obviously thought she was hot.

  The eternal bond of love had never taken physical form for her before. She wondered if she and Argus would still be looking at each other with that intensity when they were old enough to retire? She really hoped so.

  Chapter Nine

  “So, what are we going to do about the wolves?” Kitty asked it as if she was solely responsible for carrying out a hit. They were out on the ridge where the wolves had made their run the day before.

  “We are going to keep planting these stones. Once they are in place, Anderson can keep them out.”

  “Why is my mom calling the local arborists?”

  Imara knelt at the first site she had identified as a good point of support. “Because on their own, these stones act as a battery for your grandfather. With the trees living and carrying the signal, it is like Wi-Fi. He can appear and act within several hundred feet of one of those trees.”

  “So, in theory, he is the ultimate watchman.”

  “Yes. Spectres love being useful. The majority of degradation happens when they have nothing to do. They just let their energies float back into the aether or whatever you want to call it.”

  Bright Bell was nearby and waiting patiently with his reins on the ground. Imara smiled at the picture he made with Mr. E perching on the saddle. After the first ride, he wasn’t letting her out on her own again. She didn’t mind. He obviously had more experience with horses than she did.

  Humming to herself, Imara dug a hole a foot deep and as narrow as she could make it. When it was ready, she dropped in one of the rocks, covered it up, and sighted for the next target.

  “Okay. Off we go.”

  “Is that it? You don’t have to chant or cast a spell?”

  “No, proximity to me has charged them, and it will keep him running as long as you need him, or until the energy fades after I die.”

  “Oh. Wow.”

  Imara got back on her horse, and they started the slow amble to the next site. “Does the future you see stop being possible because you aren’t paying attention or you haven’t cast a spell?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Same difference. It is just what happens around me. It was freaky at first, but I am simply used to it now.”

  Kitty grinned, and she checked the map. “I have the next one.”

  “Be my guest.” Imara watched as Kitty urged her horse to a faster pace to get to the next site.

  It went fairly briskly after that. They hopscotched around the property until it buzzed with spectral energy. There were less than a dozen sites to go when Anderson appeared in front of them.

  “Kitigan, you and Imara are needed at the house. The XIA are here.”

  Imara looked to Kitty and shrugged. “I think we are on our way. We should be there in five minutes.”

  He nodded and winked at his granddaughter. “See you shortly.”

  Kitty looked at Imara wide-eyed. “What do you think they want?”

  “I am guessing they are reporting a shifter-on-shifter attack from last night. Or they are complaining about the spectre on your property. In the latter case, I filed the registration this morning after I brushed my teeth and before breakfast, and if it is the former... I am not a shapeshifter by nature.” To be sure, she sent a text to Argus asking for his advice. It was after noon, and he was an early riser for his evening shifts, so there was a chance he would get back to her.

  You will be fine. You have done nothing wrong.

  “I know, but I still like to have my facts straight as for what I am and am not allowed to do.”

  It is a habit that has served you well. I have your back if needed.

  Kitty was tense and curious. Imara had to guess she didn’t run into the XIA that frequently.

  They rode in silence, and the collection of vehicles in the yard was visible when they were still a few minutes out.

  “Oh, look. A parade.”

  “How can you make jokes? You could be in trouble.”

  “Could be, but I haven’t done anything that isn’t allowed by their own regulations. I checked.”

  Their horses ambled right into the collection of irate wolves and the black-garbed XIA representatives.

  The shifter officer took point. “Which of you is the shifter?”

  Imara leaned on the pommel of the saddle and raised her brows. “I am not a shifter, but I am a mage who passed the course with one form.”

  “I am putting you under arrest for assault of a minor.”

  She looked over at the smug teens, two of whom were wearing bandages on their necks. “I really don’t think so.”

  The man snarled. “Get off that horse.”

  “Sure, but I am still not under arrest. By shifter community standards, a non-shifter is within their rights to defend themselves with non-lethal force. They came into my territory and tried to mark it as their own, so I marked them. It isn’t anything that won’t heal and is definitely something that my shape does naturally.”

  The teens looked a little nervous.

  The agent backed off slightly. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I was offered the tiny house over there as my home while I was visiting, and as such, when howling and milling wolves circled it at night, putting on my beast and letting them know what I thought of them was within my rights.”

  The agent turned to Andy. “Did you give her the house?”

  “For the extent of her stay and anytime she wishes to use it. That is her home and her property whenever she is here.”

  The agent got a little frustrated. His teammate came forward and pushed him back with a gentle shove. “Apologies, miss, but we have to look into this.”

  She inclined her head to the fey. “I am guessing that their complaint was that I either used magic or attacked them unprovoked?”

  “And that you attacked them while they were in human form.”

  She snorted. “I can prove that one right now.” She lifted the edge of her t-shirt where a criss-cross hatch mark of wolf claw residue was raised in red on her skin. “Last time I checked, toes didn’t grow that close together on a human form.”

  All of the males in the area with the exception of Andy and Anderson were staring at her pale skin marked with red welts.

  “And, miss, if I may, what is your beast?”

  She grinned. “Gryphon vulture.”

  The wolf officer paled and whirled on what appeared to be his relatives. He began speaking rapidly, growling and cursing them out for being cowardly little pups who didn’t deserve to be sneaking around on their own territory.

  The parents of the youngsters were shocked. One mother spluttered, “But what about the sexual assault?”

  Imara paused, stunned. “The what?”

  The woman stiffened her spine and glared at her. “The sexual assault. Henry said you were all over him and he had to fight you off.”

  Imara grunted. “Right. Of course. Did he also mention that in shifted form I am a fucking bird? He was coming in for attack, so I had to shift to defend myself. If you would like to examine the residue outside the tiny house, the claw and footprints tell the tale.
I mean, unless you have a way to change shape with your clothing on, and you can fight off an attacker without touching them. It was his claws that made the marks on my abdomen. I don’t think I left any on him.”

  The mother blinked. “Can I see the site?”

  Imara looked at the elf and cocked her head. “Care to come with?”

  “I believe it would be wise. Jerry doesn’t seem quite himself today.”

  Imara nodded and walked toward the tiny house with her micro-entourage and Mr. E at her side.

  “You seem very well possessed for a woman your age.”

  “Um, thanks, I guess. I have had a lot of practice.” Her phone pinged.

  What are the names of the agents?

  “Can I ask the names of your team?”

  “I am Noro, there is also Agent Wells and Agent Atrico.”

  “Cool, just a moment.” She keyed in the names and sent them.

  She was walking them through the events from the roof to the ground when Argus pinged back. Stay away from Noro. He’s a perv.

  Funny, he doesn’t look pervy.

  He has a girl in every town, sometimes two.


  Hell no. I can wait.

  “Who are you texting? You have an amazing expression on your face.” Agent Noro was right beside her, his silky hair sliding over his shoulder and the scent of wild flowers riding along with it.

  “My boyfriend. He’s concerned and a bit frustrated that he can’t smooth this over.”

  “Ah, a pity.” Noro gave her a long, slow look via his rich purple eyes.

  “Not really. I usually do pretty well on my own.” She smiled. “Now, what is your verdict on the situation?”

  “Well, I can taste the blood and magic of the shifters here, as well as the marks of your claws. What I can also sense is a spectre in the area, and there isn’t a registration on file.”

  She blinked. “There isn’t? Huh. Check again.”

  He raised one pale brow and checked his database. The new entry was marked in hot purple. Imara could see it over his shoulder.

  “Master Mirrin. My apologies for not giving you your title.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “He was my qualifier. It is difficult to find a stored situation that hasn’t been installed.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I was an apprentice authorized to make spectres last night, and with my fifth installation behind me, I am now a Master.”

  “Ah. Congratulations. Would you like to celebrate?”

  She grinned. “No.”

  He blinked and leaned back. “No?”

  “Correct. I have chosen my mate, and you are not him. I choose not to dabble.”

  “That is... unusual.”

  She shrugged. “That is my personal choice. Respect it.”

  Noro looked more intrigued than perturbed. “I certainly do, but should our paths cross again, I will definitely be checking to make sure that you have not engaged in your prerogative of changing your mind.”

  The mother was looking at the traces of the scuffle, and she was getting angry. With a brisk nod to Imara, she headed back to the group.

  Imara watched her stance and winced. “From previous observation, that pose means that someone is going to get it.”

  The hand that slapped the young, un-injured man across the face was wielded with righteous indignation. The man stumbled and went down on one knee while his mother grabbed him by the back of his neck and shook him with a lot more power than a human mother would have mustered.

  The adult males let her rave on about how her son had not only risked his own life but the lives of mages and seers who had been nothing but polite neighbours.

  She hissed at him, and the young male grovelled, begging for forgiveness from Andy.

  “I am sorry that I brought my pack to your door. Please forgive me.” He had his head bowed, but the rest of him was standing tall.

  “You did not assault me or insult me. You owe your words to my guest.” Andy extended his hand toward Imara.

  The resentment in the young man’s gaze should have scalded, but Imara looked at him with what she hoped was an impassive expression.

  He turned his head and didn’t step toward her, but she let out a sharp yip that made the assembled werewolves jump. He stared at her and walked to her, kneeling in front of her.

  “I am sorry for infringing on your territory. It was wrong, it was stupid, and I am deeply sorry for any injury I caused or that my pack caused you.”

  “Sorry that you saw me naked?”

  He looked up and flashed a quick grin. “No, but if there is anything I can do to make up for the injuries, I would be happy to oblige.”

  She cocked her head. “Are you serious?”

  He nodded. “I am. We overstepped our territory, and it will not happen again.”

  Imara looked to May. “Are the trees on the way?”

  May caught on quickly. “They will be here within the hour.”

  Imara then turned to Noro, “The charges of assault and trespassing will be dropped if they work it off. We have trees to plant, and the more hands to the task the better.”

  The father cleared his throat. “We were not charging for the assault.”

  Agent Noro nodded. “She has it right. There is nothing to charge her with. She was perfectly within her rights to act as she did and well within her rights to kill the pack.”

  The adults paled. Henry’s mother stepped forward, “Thank you, miss, for not doing more than you did. They are young, they are stupid, and they are learning. You will have them until your task is complete, and anytime you need extra labour around the farm, call on them. They will work for nothing more than meals, but they do eat a lot.”

  May nodded. “We will manage the meals, even after Imara and Kit return to school.”

  Imara reached down and took Henry’s hand. She pulled him to his feet, and the tension was broken. The pack members introduced themselves to the Deegles, and everyone was neighbourly.

  “So, Agent Noro, I am free to go?”

  The elf glided over to her and inclined his head. “You are. Thank you for your cooperation. My partner will apologize to you at a later time; he has ego and pack standing to contend with.”

  “A brutal combination.”

  “Are you sure you will not join me for a meal, perhaps coffee?”

  “No. I am good. Thanks though.” She winked and scooped up Mr. E.

  “This boyfriend of yours is a lucky man to have you so focused on him.”

  “Yeah, he’s nearly as lucky as I am.” She nodded to the assembled and headed for Bright Bell. There were stones to bury, and if the trees were on the way, the sooner she got the anchors set, the sooner Anderson would have his lands to roam again.

  With unlimited labour on a guilt trip, there was no time left to lose.

  Chapter Ten

  Kitty was still gasping and giggling about the morning’s events. “I can’t believe it. You faced down an entire wolf pack.”

  “Exams are worse. This was just a standard neighbour dispute. The new guys were trying to see how far they could push. If not for your invitation, your family would have dealt with it, I am sure.”

  “Not as quickly and someone might have gotten hurt.”

  Imara smiled and patted the soil over the last stone. With the barrier in place, she powered it up. It was enough to last Anderson a few years of free wandering and a light top up could be done remotely.

  “No one was hurt. I am a little scuffed up, and Mr. E has confiscated my favourite nightgown, so a few losses on my side, but nothing I can’t survive.”

  Kitty got on her horse and waited with Bright Bell. When Imara was back in the saddle, they headed back to the farm with their hands covered in soil and sweat on their backs.

  “So, was Agent Noro really flirting with you?”

  Imara chuckled. “The fey don’t flirt. For a nearly ageless species, they are shockingly direct. If they want you, they le
t you know.”

  “You said no?”

  “I did. He isn’t my type, and the lithe body type isn’t my preference. I like a guy who looks like he can rescue you from danger and you get that feeling in the first glance.” She smiled softly.

  “Your face is doing that thing again. I can hardly wait to meet your guy.”

  Imara laughed. “Fine. I will ask him to go out for dinner or lunch with us on his day off.”

  They were back at the farmstead in a few minutes, and Kitty asked one more question, “So, is he really an XIA agent?”

  “Yeah. We met in class.”

  “That is so cool. Back in a few minutes. These guys have gotten quite a workout today.”

  Imara headed to the hosepipe outside the barn, and she scrubbed her hands before pressing the wet skin to the back of her neck.

  “You were working on something.” The older male from the pack was next to her, and she left the stand and the barrel that caught the over pours.

  “I was. Just wrapping up one project before the trees get here.”

  “They just arrived. The ladies are arranging lunch, and when the boys have earned it, they will eat.”

  “Great. With cooperation, we should be done in two hours. It’s a good thing that your guys can dig.”

  He paused and blinked. “You mean the wolves?”

  “Yup. They transgressed, so they need to make themselves useful. At each tree, we need a hole and then the tree planted and filled in.”

  “Do you know how many trees were ordered?”

  Imara smiled, “Enough for our purposes. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Don’t worry; the soil is soft. I have already dug the initial holes, and the trees go in to the left or right. If I can do it with my pathetic human hands, you wolves should be able to manage it.”

  His skin darkened with embarrassment. “Ah, right.”

  She laughed and walked over to the driveway where the process of unloading was happening.

  The quantity of trees was staggering, but then, the same quantity of rocks took a lot less space.

  Andy asked her, “Can you explain what we are doing with these?”


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