Armageddon's Son (HYBRID: The Ethereal War Book 1)

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Armageddon's Son (HYBRID: The Ethereal War Book 1) Page 18

by Greg Ballan

  "Well, at least you have some color back in your face."

  Shanda sipped from the hot beverage. "Thanks Carla." She kept looking over at her sleeping son.

  "Do you want to talk about what happened down there? You scared me and the rest of our staff half to death, not to mention our customers."

  Shanda pulled a blanket around her shoulders, shuddering. "Erik's in some kind of trouble. Remember a few years back when I was kidnapped?"

  "Shit, how could I forget, I cried at your 'funeral.' That was awful."

  "The link I share with Erik was blocked so he couldn't detect me, but he was able to break through it and hear me calling to him while I was in the Midwest and he was in Paris." Shanda looked toward her friend, her eyes wide with fear. "Something happened to him, Carla, something terrible and it sent shockwaves through our link so powerful that I felt some of his pain and fear." She took another sip of her tea. "I've been calling out to him and it's like I'm yelling in a canyon. All I hear is the echo of my own thoughts. I know he's alive. I can feel his life force but something is desperately wrong." Tears cascaded down her cheeks.

  Carla reached over, picking up Shanda's cell phone. She tossed it over to her friend. "Then call him. You said he was with his friend, Martin. Maybe Martin will pick up his phone."

  "That's breaking protocol, I have to wait until he contacts me."

  Carla rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, babe. This is your man, and if he's hurt, screw protocol. You need to know what's going on!"

  The two women stared at each other. "Call him, hun. If your gut says something's wrong, dial that number and find out."

  Shanda stared down at her phone. "You're right. I have to know."


  He floated in a sea of purple and green fog, but a force guided him. The essence was familiar. The mist cleared revealing a massive city floating effortlessly in a purple sky filled with amber clouds and a blue sun. He thought that odd. Sol was yellow and was bigger in the sky than this small burning blue orb.

  My home, Erik. How I remember it. It was so long ago.

  He turned to face a massive being of chrome, even bigger than when he made his transformation. There was a sense of familiarity and the burning blue eyes contained a soft intellect. He knew. Jakor? Where am I? How is this possible?

  The large Esper warrior smiled, pointing toward a nearby bench.

  Let us sit and talk, as your people say. We have much to discuss and I have much to tell you.

  Erik realized that he was in his warrior form. The two titans walked toward the large bench. Jakor studied his human cousin with great interest. I didn't think your hair would stay. He absently stroked his bald scalp, running a finger over the heavy ridgeline on the top of his skull. The mixture of our species had many interesting side effects.

  A massive winged reptile nearly twenty feet long swooped overhead and was soon joined by several others. Their songs were enchantingly beautiful. Erik looked up, captivated by the alien landscape. He felt a powerful hand rest against his shoulder.

  You are unconscious, Erik, healing from your wounds. I applaud you, hybrid, engaging a nosferatu is a feat only suitable for a trained Esper Warrior.

  Erik's eyes widened. You know what that creature was?

  Jakor nodded. Yes, I fought many of them before the forces of Light and Dark finally collided in one last great battle for our world. We had fought the Seelak for so long and after each battle, more and more beings of eternity took interest in the conflict. We had sided with the Lords of Light. The Seelak chose to ally themselves with the forces of Dark. Their expansionist desires of conquest and war seemed to draw the Dark while the Lords of the higher planes chose to ally themselves with my people. Jakor sighed, a look of sorrow passed across his dire, fierce features. I fear we were merely 'Ekoghtar' for them.

  I don't know that word, I'm sorry.

  Jakor smiled, an expression totally alien for his face. The human term would be 'Puppets'.

  Erik nodded. I understand. He looked around and pointed with his powerful forearm. What is all of this? You said I'm unconscious but we're here in this place.

  You have the full untapped potential of your entire human mind, Erik. Yet you let fear and a desire to fit into some mold extinguish many of your gifts. I have taken it upon myself to create a home in a small unused portion of your subconscious mind. Since I am composed of mental images and chemical synapses existing inside your brain, it was only a small matter to manipulate a small unused portion of your mind and create this image for me to inhabit. Rather than disturbing you, I can spend your life here, in a memory of what my civilization once was before the higher powers took an interest. You live your life in peace without, as you said, the voice in your head, and I live my life here in this recreation of what once was.

  Erik detected a hint of sorrow and regret in the giant warrior's thoughts. Jakor was not the simpleminded killing machine he'd imagined. I'm sorry, Jakor, if you took offense to my thoughts or any of my feelings. Humans aren't wired for two sets of consciousness. Truth be told, I'd welcome the opportunity to converse with you time to time. Erik studied the world existing in his subconscious. And I'd love the opportunity to explore this fantastic city and hear all the tales you have to tell. I have some memories of yours but would welcome the chance to learn about the other half of my lineage.

  Again the silver giant smiled, placing a friendly arm on his shoulder. I would greatly enjoy that. You are going to awaken soon, so I must tell you some things before your essence returns to reality. I know you don't want to fight in the war. I implore you to reconsider. The forces of Dark are gathering power, as they did on my world and the forces of Light will gather to fight them. There are rules governing these beings laid down by the All Powerful—He who rules All. If the war isn't fought by the rules, if one side breaks the compact of the All Powerful, both sides will spill into this world from the higher and lower plains and do battle. The power unleashed will destabilize and destroy this planet as it destroyed my home. Earth will be nothing but scattered dust and rock floating in the cosmic waste of space.

  The powerful Esper warrior flexed his massive arm. I fear that we have brought this battle to Earth. It is my belief that a minion of the Dark hid away on our worldship, hiding inside a Seelak. This evil grew slowly and spread its influence throughout the Seelak population. We brought evil to your world ten thousand years before the Son of the All Powerful came to be. We gave the forces of Dark a hundred-century head start. I have had much time to reflect about what occurred on this planet. I believe the Eternals of Light and Dark both agreed that we should be exterminated. I believe the higher powers suspected we infected this world and it needed to be cleansed.

  Why would the Dark forces want their Seelak destroyed, if they had the upper hand why not fight to keep the advantage?

  Jakor nodded in approval. You're thinking like a warrior. Good. Keep that part of you open. All of my instincts and abilities are yours, inherent in the chemical combinations within your brain. Access that information and use it. You will benefit from my experience and will be able to combat the soldiers of Dark without sustaining such damage. Keep your weapon close. It can combat the forces of Dark and it will allow you to battle all the manifestations of evil. You may discover that evil cannot always be seen or confronted by means in which we are accustomed. The Sentient Staff can sense evil and is compelled to counter it.

  Erik nodded. That explains why the staff came to me on its own volition when the wraith made its appearance and why the weapon was extremely aggressive.

  The staff has intelligence programmed into its bio matrix. It is aware of you, your lineage and its purpose. Trust the weapon. You regard it like a man does a canine companion. I understand the relationship as does the staff. It is good to see the weapon has bonded to you. It will serve you well as it served me over the centuries.

  Jakor opened his hand and a large berry materialized from the very air. A large creature dove toward him wit
h breathtaking speed. At the last possible moment the great beast stopped suddenly, landing feather-light on the ground barely two feet away. Jakor tossed the fruit and the flying creature swallowed it in one gulp. The creature leaned forward and the great Esper gently stroked its hide with firm movements. Erik heard the beast purr like a content kitten. To answer your question, evil does not always cooperate with evil. Not all the Dark forces are loyal to the Dark lord. From time to time, a creature of high enough demonic stature desires to rule and will begin the process of gathering its own forces and launching a campaign to overthrow the Castouts. As far as I know, the forces of Light, save for the original rebellion, have never strayed in loyalty.

  Erik gently reached out and touched the massive creature. It looked at him and nodded slightly and continued to purr contently. Are you saying that some other dark force besides Lucifer and his minions are behind the death of Martin's son and the theft?

  Jakor smiled, gesturing toward his self-made empire. I can only guess. My exposure to the world is limited to your stored perceptions, but from what you have observed, I would make such a presumption. Darkness has nothing to gain from violating the terms of the war on this world. They were winning playing by the rules, breaking them would serve no purpose and lead to more unwanted interference from the higher powers of Light.

  Erik stood, he looked up at the alien sky and back over at the amazing city. I never wanted this. I never asked for these powers and abilities. I never asked to get dragged into any of this. I have a wife and a son now, I live a quiet existence and I'm reasonably happy.

  No one ever asks for such things. Destiny and fate seek out champions. We are free to ignore the calls to battle but beings like us, warriors, feel the call to arms, the need to serve a higher purpose in the scheme of all things. I believe you had said earlier that you missed action and stimulation. In your heart and mind I can tell you hunger for it as I did. You are a warrior of Light, hybrid, willed into creation for a special purpose by the Creator of All. Now I have a revelation that you will no doubt find painful and disturbing. But know I speak the truth.

  Erik turned as Jakor stood, standing even taller than himself. That sounds ominous.

  Jakor nodded. Your child is also a product of the forces of Light, willed into creation not by the joining of you and your bride, but allowed to occur contrary to the plans for this world. Your child should not exist.

  How can you know this?

  Because you're no longer genetically compatible with your species, Erik. You are unique in the universe, not designed to procreate, designed to serve a single function and not destined to continue. Your son is a genetic impossibility. Only by Eternal interference could there be offspring from your coupling.

  Erik shook his head in denial, emotional pain cascaded throughout his body. He sat back down, cradling his head with his powerful chrome hands. My son, my little boy. You're saying he's not mine?

  On the contrary. He is most assuredly yours. He is of you and your mate, I am saying that the genetic combination cannot occur naturally. Your son should not exist but he does. Therefore it is only reasonable to conclude that another force aided conception. You need to ask yourself why.

  Erik looked up, his burning eyes filled with sorrow. We've been trying to have another child, and we can't… for such a long time we've tried. What you're saying explains a lot. Erik's voice broke. We can't have any more children, because of me, because of what I am.

  I am sorry. I sense the pain this causes you. I confess I don't understand it. I was not naturally created, but a product of science and genetics. It pains me that the part of you that comes from my species has caused this lessening of your humanity. I don't think Sennet had considered the ramifications of his great experiment. Our desire was to thwart the potential threat caused by the Seelak. We did not look beyond that objective. Jakor made a gesture with his hand and the giant creature took flight. You are a warrior, Erik Knight, Hybrid. Your genetics and the fact that you were selected among billions of humans indicate your martial tendencies. You've trained in human forms of combat, fought as a warrior in human wars and military actions. This is what you are. You've been bred and chosen for a great purpose, to participate in the battle to preserve this planet, a continuation of the purpose you were selected for by the genetic virus we created. Your son was created for a purpose, Erik. I don't know what that purpose is, but the forces of Light never act without reason. You may not be able to create more children, but you have a son, a gift from the eternals, cherish him and nurture him. He has been given life, and all will be made known to you in time.

  Erik felt something pulling him away. Some force lifted him away from Jakor and the Esper paradise.

  You are waking. Please remember what I have told you. I will be watching here, from inside your mind.


  Vatican Hospital

  "Erik, Erik can you hear me?"

  The familiar voice drew Erik's essence like a beacon. His eyes fluttered and he slowly became aware of his surroundings. He looked up to see Martin and Bishop O'Malley leaning over his bed.

  "Thank God." Bishop O'Malley made the sign of the cross. "You had us worried for a while."

  Erik struggled to sit up. His waist was wrapped in bandages and his flesh had the scent of fragranced oils. The room had the heavy smell of incense reminding him of the smoke and candles used in church ceremonies.

  "What happened?"

  "You collapsed after your battle. You scared the dickens out of all of us. Our holy friends here carried you to the hospital and performed several healing services while you were out. Your skin regenerated shortly after we brought you here but we couldn't wake you up." Denton looked at Erik's pants and belt draped over a nearby chair. "Your little chrome friend over there's been buzzing and purring every few hours and believe it or not, you were making some vocalizations back to it in your sleep."

  "How long was I out?"

  Martin glanced at his watch. "Almost twenty hours." Denton slid a cell phone toward his friend, "Your wife's been calling. Somehow she knew you were critically wounded. It appears both her and EJ experienced the shock from your battle. She sounded terrified, Erik. I wish I could have given her some positive news. It was hard to say 'there's no change' over and over again."

  Erik nodded. "Our link." Erik tapped the side of his head, "She knows I'm okay now. She'll sense it. But I need to call her anyway." He picked up his phone and the two men prepared to leave, allowing him some privacy. "Martin, before you go, what about Father Bashir? Did you get any answers from him? He has to be involved. Our opponents wouldn't have come after us like that if our priest friend didn't have some incriminating key to this whole mess."

  Denton shook his head. "The Archbishop has men interrogating him in that white room. Bashir is more afraid of whatever was behind the attack on us than anyone or anything here." Denton cringed as he recalled the terrifying demonic presence. "I can't say as I blame him. That thing terrified me. I've tried to grab a few hours' rest but I keep seeing that thing and hearing that hideous voice inside my head. I may never sleep well again."

  "We need to find a way to make him just as afraid of us, Counselor. We need answers, not more questions, and we don't have time to waste bantering with a reluctant captive." Erik took a deep breath and tossed the covers off his body with one flip of his arm. He rubbed a finger over his bare chest and shoulders. "I'm oiled up like a greased pig at a barbecue."

  Denton looked down the hall, closed the door to his room, and stepped back toward his friend. "Erik, they were really concerned about you. They performed some very intense spiritual rites over your body while you were unconscious. How do you feel? Really? You took one hell of a beating."

  Erik smiled. "I'm fine. Truth be told I was a little concerned myself. I hit that creature with enough force to stun a gorilla and it barely fazed the damn thing. It fed off me like some satanic leech, sucking my strength and energy every time it cut me. I was getting progressivel
y weaker while it was getting stronger from my own energy. It took all of my remaining reserves to kill that thing. If you can kill a demon or wraith, or whatever kind of hell spawn ghoul it was. I'd never have believed such a thing existed." Erik shuddered as he recalled the sensation of having his vitality leeched. "It's an experience I'd rather not repeat." The detective forced his mind away from the demonic entity. "I'm going to call Shanda and EJ, grab a shower, and then I'm going to have myself a little chat with our turncoat priest. We've been stumbling around this whole case unwilling to accept what the facts are telling us. It's time we made our adversary a bit uncomfortable and turned the tables on our opponents. Father Bashir is the key and I intend to use that key to unlock this mystery. If they're looking for a fight, Counselor, I just may be inclined to give them one. "

  Denton's eyebrow raised. "I'm confused. You were adamantly against getting involved before. Why the sudden change of heart? Do you really think this is our fight? I have to confess, even with your talents, I think we're a bit overmatched when it comes to taking on Heaven and Hell."

  Erik cracked his knuckles. The sound echoed off the sterile hospital walls. "I didn't pick this fight, Martin, but a friend of mine reminded me that sometimes the fight picks you. You heard that thing. It knew all about me. It knew of my wife and my son and it threatened their lives. Sometimes you have to throw down, Counselor." Erik's muscles rippled and tensed and his aqua blue eyes burned with fury. "This is one of those times. I have a special friend in my head and he's made me privy to several combat techniques which will be most effective against our dark friends. They got the jump on us and they drew first blood. I intend to even the score."


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