Hunt Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series

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Hunt Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series Page 11

by Serenity Rayne

  When we reach the Alpha House, Jayce lays down so Aurora could get off his back easily. Our mate has one hell of a resting bitch face because I can’t read what the fuck she’s thinking or feeling at the moment.

  Our immediate family group is the only one that enters the house. We lock the doors behind us as we follow Aurora into the office. She grabs two pillows and lays Andre’s body on them. Her eyes raises up and lock on to each of us in turn, sending a chill right to our bones.

  “It goes without saying: I want vengeance.” She slowly unwraps Andre’s body to look upon his fallen form. Her fingers come up to close his golden eyes. “I need linen, sage, arrowroot and barberry. Sebastian, your mother should have these in her workshop. Please get it for me.” Her eyes are haunting, almost dead looking, without her normal inner light. She’s running on autopilot at this point; numb from the loss of a parental figure. Sebastian moves forward and kisses Aurora’s temple before leaving the room on his mission. Aurora watches Sebastian leave, then looks to the two of us. The gears are turning in her head, and I'm not sure we’re going to like where she’s going.

  “When your pack arrives, catch them up on everything.” We nod and remain quiet as she looks over Andre’s body. She takes notes of the entrance and exit wound, her canines visibly pressing into her bottom lip as she does so. I can't tell if she realizes that she’s doing it or if she’s just so lost in her thoughts. I watch her eyes flicker between human and her liquid mercury. She’s in conversation with someone.

  “Aurora? Is there anything we can do to assist you?” I’m concerned about her bottling up her feelings over this. I watch her emotions flicker over her face as well as a wave of scales and fur. She breathes in deeply, composing herself, before looking up to me.

  “Don’t leave me. I’m barely holding myself together.” Aurora looks between Jayce and I. I can clearly see how distraught she is. I will strike down anyone that brings this level of pain on her.

  “I know I speak for the both of us when I say that we won’t leave you. I will be your sword, and Jayce your shield. Stay with us tonight, and let us watch over you in your sleep.” I move behind Aurora and wrap my arms around her waistline, trying to lend her my strength. I kiss the back of her head as she continues her work. I can feel through the bond that she's struggling to remain strong for everyone.

  Sebastian returns with the ingredients Aurora asked for and sets them on the table before her. He looks at my positioning and then over at Jayce.

  “I’ve made arrangements for everyone at the airport. They should be here within the hour. Mom said the pyre is almost ready.” Sebastian looks concerned for Aurora, which is nice for a change. Aurora smiles at him and nods before returning to what she was doing. Sebastian takes a seat by the door, watching Aurora work on Andre’s remains.

  I watch closely over Aurora’s shoulder as she mixes the herbs and then starts tearing the linen. Everything is set for when the others arrive. I sat down in the office chair behind Aurora and pull her into my lap. She’s trying to remain strong for everyone. Aurora slowly turns her head to look at me. I do my best to smile and be the strength she needs.

  "Thanks, Dom." She sighs softly before stopping her work. "I think I'll take you up on your offer. It's probably not smart for me to be alone this upset. Ask Dimitri what happened the last time." Aurora raises both eyebrows and rolls her eyes. I remember Dimitri retelling the story. We definitely don't have time to clean up a mess like that.

  The crunching of rocks from tires in the driveway catches everyone's attention. Aurora looks at Sebastian, and he goes to retrieve Dimitri and Nico. Aurora slowly extracts herself from my lap and goes to stand in front of the desk. Eventually, the knob turns and Dimitri sticks his head in. His normally bright hazel eyes are bloodshot and his cheeks were stained with tears. Nico shoves past Dimitri and bands his arm tightly around Aurora. Her arms fly up and around his neck. Dimitri moves slowly toward the desk and stands there, staring at his fallen friend. He stays statue still for what seems like forever. Aurora comes up alongside him to wrap her arms around his waist. They stand there in silence before Aurora breaks away to start the binding process with the linens. Elena eventually enters and clings onto Nico, resting her head on his chest.

  She whispers softly, "How does she know how to do this? She's not old enough to have seen it done." Nico smirks and kisses the top of Elena's head.

  "I taught her while I was flying back here. Her dragon side is quite strong for being a hybrid." He rests his head on top of Elena's and continues to watch Aurora work. Sebastian returns and remains in the doorway.

  "We are ready when you are, my love." Sebastian raises his hand and offers it for Aurora to take. Ever so carefully, Aurora picks up Andre's body and holds it tight to her chest. She cradles his body like a mother would a baby as she approaches Sebastian. Her head turns quickly, first locking on the table, then on me.

  "Dom, please grab the remaining herbs to bring with us." I nod in agreement, and her eyes land on Nico. "Father, I need your fire." Nico audibly swallows then nods to Aurora. Only when she felt everything was in place did she allow Sebastian to lead her out.

  We walk to what would normally be the training circle. The sand pit will contain the embers and stop them from spreading. The heat alone will possibly turn some of the sand to glass. The entire lycan and newly arrived dire pack gather to witness a ceremony that hasn't been performed in centuries.

  Elena runs up to where Aurora positioned herself at the top of the pyre. Carefully, Elena lays out the blood red cloth with the embroidered Marelup crest as well as the symbol for the golden eagles. Aurora reverently places Andre's wrapped body on the cloth. She folds three of the four corners to cover him, leaving only his wrapped head exposed. We watch her lay out the spices as well as crystals that Elena must have given her. Aurora draws in a deep breath and raises her hands above her. As she does so, we watch her arms shift and become covered in thick, white, armored dragon scales. Her black talons appear even more menacing by torch light. Everyone falls silent and kneels before her and the great pyre.

  "My people!" We hear and feel Aurora's words and power through the pack bond. "One of our own was murdered right here on our land." Her eyes scan the gathered wolves, searching for any sign of the betrayer. "He was sent on a mission for me that only he could complete. He died on his way back to me, to us." She keeps a close watch over everyone present.” Andre and Dimitri were tasked with my protection from the moment I drew my first breath upon this Earth. For over two hundred years, they were the closest things to parents that I've known." Aurora's voice gains the familiar growl of her beast. "A small piece of me died with him today." Her eyes move from Dimitri to Nico and gives him the signal to shift.

  Nico moves behind the pyre and shifts to his ice dragon, his head adorned with a crown of horns—denoting his age and lineage. His great head is raised above Aurora, waiting for her next signal.

  "I…" Aurora hesitates for a moment, overwhelmed with emotion as tears stream down her cheeks. It's then, I notice, that the scale on her chest glows faintly. Her right hand rests over it and she calms almost instantly, her mercury eyes returning to steel-grey. "Today, I lay to rest a man I am proud to call a father figure. I lay to rest a man that has put his life on the line time and time again for my mother and I. Today, I lay to rest my best friend." Aurora shifts her right hand back to human and slits her palm over Andre's body. She lays her bleeding hand upon him. "With my blood, I swear to seek out Andre's killer and rip his heart out of his chest. I will not rest until it's done." Aurora holds her bleeding hand up to the crowd. She turns her head to look at her father and nods.

  You can hear the clicks of the dragon’s ignitor firing up before the roar of flames fill the arena. Most watch in horror as Nico bathes not only the pyre in flames, but Aurora too. We see her stand there, watching over Andre as he burns. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Jayce on the phone. I can read his lips; he's reassuring whomever is on the other end th
at everything is ok. I return to watching the flames and the pyre burn brightly in the night.

  A miracle happens: from the flames, a smoke wisp shaped like an eagle takes flight straight up into the night sky. Gasps are heard around the fire. Apparently, that's what we were hoping and waiting for. Jayce switches his phone call to video just before Aurora walks out of what's left of the burning pyre. Neither a scratch on her, nor a hair out of place. Sebastian quickly offers Aurora his fleece button down, which she gladly accepts. Aurora smiles brightly at us and looks up into the night sky.

  "Did you see? I freed Andre's soul and sent him off to be with his ancestors." She’s beaming proudly at her accomplishment. I only heard stories of events like this when I was a child. I honestly didn’t think things like this were possible. Then again, a dragon-lycan hybrid shouldn’t be possible either.

  Jayce comes over, back to talking on the phone. I can tell by the changes in his tone that there’s more than one person on the line. I tilt my head to the side, looking at my brother. Jayce holds up one finger, then ends the call.

  “The connection is stronger than we thought. Alaric called Alex directly when he felt Aurora’s distress. He was ready to fly here, which would have destroyed everything we’ve been working for.” Jayce’s eyes focus on Aurora and reach out to touch Alaric’s scale. He smiles sweetly to her before looking back at the rest of us. “I need to get everyone settled. If you need me, call please.” His eyes are glassy from unshed tears; he’s trying to be strong for Aurora. I know he’s going to find a private place to cry. I turn to look at Sebastian, and the fucker is back on his phone again. What the actual fuck could be so important that he never puts that fucking thing down?

  “Hey Sebastian! Got a minute?” He slowly looks up from his phone and nods. He continues to type on his phone for several moments before he finally walks over.

  “What’s up, Dom?” Sebastian says with that almost bored tone of his. If only Aurora didn't have that “no hitting the other mates” rule; I’d love to deck him with something hard. I have to admit, Sebastian has that swagger that makes him attractive. But his attitude? Shit, I can't wait for the dragon to get here and knock him down a peg.

  “Sebastian, I need your help organizing the clean up as well as the training for the dire’s that just arrived. Right now, I believe it’s best for Aurora to take it easy and heal from her loss.” The lycans are his people, and now we’re almost on equal footing with both of our species here together. Sebastian’s sky blue eyes change to the white blue of his wolf before he smirks at me.

  “Finally accepted your place in the family, I see. It’s about fucking time. I’ll organize my people, you handle yours. Training starts tomorrow. As for the mess, give me ten of your people and I”ll get ten of mine to return the training grounds back to normal.” His look is one of challenge and, to be honest, I can’t fucking take it anymore. My dire wolf rips free of my body, pissed off to all hell. I feel different; my vision is different. Most of my vision shows shades of colors that outline the beings before me, like a light is cast behind them. My night vision has evolved. I watch the blood pump through the bodies before me. I hear voices around me, and even Sebastian looks stunned.

  “Dude, your eyes are mercury like Aurora’s! Fuck!” That explains it. I see the fear in Sebastian’s eyes as I stare at him. I stalk forward, growling at him. As I get ready to lunge, I feel Aurora’s hand on my back. I immediately abandon my original plan to attack Sebastian. Carefully, I turn to look up at Aurora, her liquid mercury eyes looking back at me. The look of wonder on her face is worth all the aggravation that Sebastian caused. I would give anything to remain in this moment forever.

  “I see you have my vision, Dom. Use it wisely; it takes a bit to get used to.” Aurora leads me away from Sebastian and sits down on a nearby bench. I shift back to my human form and take a seat next to her. I turn my body so I’m facing her, gently taking her hands in mine. “Dom, my love, I know things are tense between you and Sebastian. I get it. It’s a constant measuring contest between you two. I know Sebastian can get on your nerves. Hell, he constantly gets on mine.” Aurora grips my hands tightly as she looks at me. I know deep down she’s in Hell, but right now, she’s more worried about me than herself. I look down to our joined hands, then back up to her. I can feel the moment my eyes go back to my human hazel; no more outlines and shining silhouettes.

  “Thanks, Aurora. I’m not concerned about Sebastian at the moment. I’m more worried about you. Sebastian can go to fucking Hell for all I care. I want to make sure you’re ok emotionally, mentally, and physically. Death of a loved one is never easy to deal with.” Slowly, I lean forward and gently kiss her lips. Aurora lets out a pleased sigh and smiles at me. Then, she cups my cheek and rests her forehead against mine. Through direct contact of the bond, I feel everything: her love for me, the pain she’s hiding, and the fear of losing one of us in the war.

  “Please be patient, Dom. All will work out in the end.” Aurora’s voice is a breathy whisper in my mind. Her words embrace me and strengthens my resolve. We’ll be okay. I know we will. I lightly place my hands over hers and remain still, enjoying the connection.

  “Kids, I hate to break up this love fest, but we need to plan to train and then to depart.” Like all parents, Nico has the absolute worst timing. Aurora rolls her eyes at her father before she pulls away from me. She stands abruptly and salutes Nico then walks off in a modified march. I shrug my shoulders at Nico before I stand.

  “I’ll go grab some pants and make sure everyone is settled in properly for tomorrow's training push.” I also decide to salute Nico, which inflates the Dragon King’s ego even further. Thankfully, he doesn’t realize we’re being wise asses and that it wasn't done out of respect, but sarcasm.

  The next morning, I wake up alone in Dom’s room. He and Jayce must have woken up early to get everyone started on their tasks. Silently, I return to my room and pull on a pair of leggings and a “Bad Wolves” tee shirt from my closet. My guitar amp is by the door, offering me solace from the pain I’m in. Yeah, I need to play something straight from the heart this morning. Pete is standing in the meeting hall dusting my throne.

  “Hey Pete!” He jumps at the sudden noise. After realizing it’s me, he smiles and approaches me.

  “Morning, my queen. What can I do for you today?” Pete is ever so eager to please me. It helps that he’s an omega, and their drive to please their alpha is all consuming at times.

  “I need you to grab your bass and grab our dummer. I need to play this morning.” My eyes well up with tears that threaten to break. Pete looks panicked then runs off to do my bidding. I walk around the main hall to open all the windows and set up my amp by my throne. I start to tune my guitar, preparing to play a song that embodies my feelings right now. Footsteps fill the hall and I look up to see Pete and the usual crew ready to play together. To achieve the perfect acoustics, we turn our amps to face the halls. The guys look to me expectantly as I move to take my spot in the middle of the room.

  “Cemetery Gates from Pantera. Pete, be prepared to take over vocals if I falter during the song.” Pete gives me a nod before I start the opening riff of the song. I climb onto my throne and keep the tone going. When it comes to the lyrics, they flow from me, dripping with the pain that I'm feeling. My voice is almost raw with emotion. I swallow hard as I go into the riffs between lyrics, pouring my heart and soul into nailing this song and making it perfect. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch the guys move around as they play along. My guys and several others file into the hall as I sing. My eyes are closed as I tilt my head to the ceiling, tears escaping out of the corner of my eyes. I hear Dimitri enter and sniffle. My eyes open and I slide off my throne then begin to walk toward him. My eyes shift to that of my beast and I feel scales ripple up my arms then recede. When I pronounce the word “gates” before the big solo, the word is growled out with the voice of my beast—its fierceness coming through strongly. At the end of the song, I practically h
owl out the word “gates.” My guitar cries, holding the final tone until I finally release it. I feel a little better after playing that song. It happened to be one of Andre’s favorites.

  Next, I decided to do another favorite of his. I choose to play “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine. I have to say, it’s hard to play this song as well as the great Tom Morello does, but I give it my all. I end up jumping around the room and jamming out as Pete tries to scream the lyrics like they should be. The song changes the feel of the room from the gloom that my first song invoked to a bouncing, playful tone. It doesn’t last as long as I'd like it to. Unfortunately, now I have adulting to do. Damn responsibilities.

  “Thanks everyone for coming and watching us perform! You know me by now; I needed to vent through my music.” I walk over and hug Dimitri tightly. His partner for the last who knows how many hundreds of years died yesterday. I know the pain of his loss has to be hitting him harder than it’s hitting me. We remain in each others arms, silently crying.

  “Papa Bear.” I nuzzle his cheek like I did as a pup. I can't help but look at him through tear filled eyes. He’s trying to be strong for me and hide his pain, but I see right through that big grumpy bear. I kiss his cheek and attempt to smile at him. “We have a murderer to hunt, Papa Bear. We will hang whomever it is by his entrails and beat him like a pinata.” I get half a laugh out of Dimitri.

  “Pup, you make me very proud of you. For once, I will not temper your rage. Release the Beast and let it shred anything in its wake. We will dance on the bones of our enemies!” Dimitri’s Russian accent is very thick when he speaks. He’s not hiding who he is anymore.


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