Rise of the Fallen

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Rise of the Fallen Page 22

by Chuck Black

  Herod’s soldiers had finished their evil. The infants under the age of two were all dead. Validus’s sword was fastened to his hand, and he could not let go of it. The cries of the weeping parents replaced the morning bird song with a hymn of utter sorrow. Validus fell to his knees and wept.

  He felt the hand of Persimus rest gently on his shoulder. Validus looked up at his friend with streaks of tears pouring out of his soul. There were no words to say, no victory cries to shout. Of all angels, Validus knew that Persimus felt it as powerfully as he did. Seeing the fruit of evil from afar was nothing like tasting its wretchedness up close, and there was nothing more wretched than the slaughter of innocent babes. Together these friends of ancient days mourned the loss of precious life.

  “Commander,” Validus heard one of his fellow warriors call out. Validus turned his eyes to see which commander was approaching, but the warrior was looking at him. “Commander, the Fallen are gone and the Christ-child is safe.”

  Safe. In the sorrow of the city’s grief, they had been victorious. He reminded himself that this child who escaped would one day save the world. Apollyon would keep trying, but the army of Elohim would never stop.

  Validus looked numbly at the warrior. He had never felt so heavy in all his life. “I’m not a commander.”

  Four others joined the first. “You commanded us, and we would follow you into battle wherever we go.” One of them reached out an arm.

  Validus grasped it and accepted the help to his feet. He looked at the war-torn faces of the men who had stood beside him to the end. They were great warriors.

  Persimus nodded. “You fought well. We shall never forget the sacrifice of those warriors and guardians who gave their all for the child … the King of all.”



  Present Day

  Validus charged the droxan, diving and twisting his body so that he flew just beneath the attacking monster. The beast struck viciously at him from above with powerful four-inch claws, but Validus’s long blade found its mark first, slicing deep into the creature’s underbelly as he passed below.

  The beast screamed as lightning and thunder filled the sky, accentuating the life-and-death battle with the darkness of the Fallen. The tail of the droxan swung downward, pounding into Validus from the side. The impact loosed his grip on his sword, and it skidded out of reach along the pavement. He hit the ground and rolled to a crouching position, his short blade at the ready, while drawing his FN Five-Seven handgun from a side holster. The beast was injured but certainly not down.

  Validus charged again, emptying the twenty-round magazine into its head and chest, but its effect seemed minimal. Just as he reached the creature, it lashed out with its grisly talons and struck him across the chest, tearing open his coat and skin with four deep gashes. Validus flew like a rag doll up against the brick wall of the church, then fell to the concrete in a heap.

  The pain was unbearable. He fought against the tightening grip of unconsciousness. The FN fell and dissolved away. He took a double-handed grip on his short blade and struggled to rise.

  There was no time for recovery—the beast lunged once more, its jaws of razor-sharp teeth wide and eager to devour Validus. With every bit of remaining strength in him, Validus leaped upward, spinning in midair to land on the back of the droxan. He sank his sword deep into its thick black hide. It cried out once more, then fell and dissolved to green nothingness.

  Validus tumbled to the ground through the dissolving vapor and landed on one knee. Once the other two Fallen saw the death of their beast, they retreated, but not before one of them sliced his sword through one of the tires of the van as it drove off. More Fallen joined the two retreating demon warriors to continue their assault on the students.

  Validus looked at the uninjured warrior, who was helping his fallen comrade sit against the church wall. “Follow the van, but keep your distance. I have help on the way.”

  The warrior saluted and bolted after the van.

  Validus’s injury was severe, but he couldn’t stop just yet. He remembered Carter and looked for him.

  Carter stood in the middle of the street, staring right at Validus.

  Validus stared back, stunned despite his suspicions. This man could actually see into the world of the Upper Realm.

  Carter looked at the departing van, then back at Validus. He knew what Carter was thinking, but there would be no way Validus could protect him if he went. He shook his head, but Carter would not have it. Sydney Carlyle was in danger, and he couldn’t stand by and do nothing.

  Carter ran after the van, and Validus lowered his head. Where were Tren and the help that Captain Linari had promised?

  He tried to rise but couldn’t find the strength. He looked down the street and saw the van turning into the heart of the Dragon gang’s territory.

  The sky flashed lightning, threatening rain at any moment. If the Curing began, it would incapacitate Validus, but it would also hinder the work of the Fallen. Unfortunately it would do nothing to stop the gang.

  Validus fought to stand and made his way to the other warrior, who was in just as bad of shape as he was. He sank down beside him. “Hang on, warrior. Help is on the way.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head up against the building.

  Give us strength, my King. Your servants need help.

  He concentrated on controlling the pain and staying conscious. Moments later, Validus felt a sturdy hand on his shoulder.

  “Are we too late?” Tren asked.

  Validus opened his eyes to see Tren and two of Linari’s warriors standing ready with swords drawn. Although they were veterans of urban warfare, they would not be enough.

  “They’re in a blue van and headed for Dragon territory.” Validus winced in pain. “One warrior in chase … five Fallen attacking.”

  Four able warriors against five Fallen, and in the heart of Dragon territory there would be more.

  One of the warriors shook his head. “Impossible odds, sir. We know that section of city and we won’t stand a chance.”

  Validus reached up for Tren to help him stand. His body screamed in rebellion against the movement. Validus grimaced and stood upright. “Warrior, we don’t have a choice. Let’s move!”

  Tren steadied him as he tried to advance. “You can’t fight,” Tren admonished. “You can hardly walk. You’re going to have to sit this out.”

  Validus forced himself to stand to his full stature. He walked on his own to his sword, knelt down, and gripped the handle of the magnificent weapon, feeling the power of Elohim pulsing through it. When he stood back up, he looked at the two warriors and the guardian. His face was set like flint.

  “Follow me!”

  By the time they reached the students, the situation was bad. The van was against the curb with a flat tire, surrounded by two gang low riders. One was just pulling away, but the other remained with three gang members still terrorizing the students. Most of the students were being forced back into the van, but Sydney and another girl were being accosted by the gang leader.

  Carter was approaching the scene, and it looked like he would stop at nothing to save the girls. The warrior who had followed the van earlier joined with Validus and his assault team just as Carter made his move. It didn’t matter how gifted he was, the odds were severely against him.

  Validus attacked, hoping the five Fallen they faced didn’t have reinforcements coming soon. The street erupted in a clash of steel on steel. Within seconds Validus was able to injure one of the Fallen to put them at a slight advantage. The demon stumbled back and away, clutching his shoulder. He looked at Validus from behind the fight, eyes growing wide with darkened realization. Validus had been recognized … There was no hiding now.

  Validus faltered, struggling with the intense pain in his chest, as each of the other warriors engaged with one of the Fallen in the street. On the opposite side of the van, out of view, Carter was dealing with protecting the girls from the gang. Validus needed to get to
Carter, but just then one of the warriors took a cut across his shoulder and Validus filled in. The demon now coming against him was particularly vicious and skilled, and it took everything Validus had to not let his wounds incapacitate him.

  He countered a slice by the demon, then thrust, but the demon reacted and slammed a downward cut on his blade, pushing the tip into the asphalt of the street. Now Validus was low and out of position. One quick slice by the demon and he would be done.

  The sound of a gunshot exploded from the opposite side of the van. It was the shock that Validus needed.

  His opponent thrust, but Validus moved to the side, narrowly escaping the demon’s death plunge. The blade ripped through his coat but pierced no skin. Validus sliced across the demon’s extended arm with his short blade; then with all his might he blasted his blade up through the demon’s body, simultaneously jumping to land on the roof of the van.

  In a microsecond he analyzed and reacted to what he saw. The gang leader had fired his gun, Carter had dodged, but now a second bullet was coming his way at the same time that Carter shot at the gang member.

  Validus jumped and twisted over the top of Carter just as the gang leader’s second bullet was midflight to his heart. He sliced his blade into the trajectory of the bullet. The timing of the intersection would have to be perfect. He concentrated and translated the tip of his blade for a fraction of a moment to deflect the bullet. He felt the impact and hoped it would be enough.

  He finished his flip over the top of Carter and landed on the sidewalk near a building. The maneuver worked, and Carter escaped with only a nick in his shoulder. Carter’s shot found its mark, as evidenced by the scream of the gang leader. The Dragon’s gun fell to the sidewalk, and he backed away toward his car, clutching his shoulder while shouting an endless string of obscenities.

  Carter grabbed Sydney and pulled her back toward the van as the Dragon stumbled into his car and screeched down the street.

  Validus could hear sirens in the distance. The other warriors continued their fight, but Validus was done. His presence now would only jeopardize their positions, as the other warriors would try to cover and rescue him at their own peril. Instead, Validus stumbled between two buildings toward an alley. He made it to the far side of the alley but could go no farther. He wondered when the Fallen would come and finish him.

  He leaned heavily against the brick wall, afraid to fall, too weak to stand. He didn’t have to wait long.

  Just down the alley, two Fallen approached. He didn’t even have the strength to lift his sword. Thunder cracked the sky, and he felt the first minuscule drops of rain.

  And then Carter appeared. Validus watched his eyes, seeing now how the young man could discern everything. Where he was, the wounds in his chest, the sword at his side, and even the lurking Fallen down the alley. Carter’s eyes could see across the veil that separated the two realms.

  Validus slowly sank to his knees. With the demons nearby, Carter was not out of danger, not to mention that the police were nearly on him.

  Carter reached for Validus’s shoulder, but his hand passed through his body.

  “You must go before they find you,” Validus told him.

  “I can’t hear you,” Carter said.

  Validus didn’t know if he had the strength, but it seemed the only way to communicate with Carter was to translate. He clenched his teeth and made the unbearable pain submit to his will one last time. Flames of blue licked at his face, torso, arms, and legs. The power of Ruach Elohim flowed through his body as he translated from Upper Realm angel to Middle Realm man. The air was heavier and the darkness darker, but the drops of rain were the same.

  “You must go before they find you.” Validus glared at Carter, then down the alley where he knew the Fallen were. They had to be getting close … ready to strike. Validus didn’t know if he wanted the rain or not. It would only take the Fallen a second to sweep in and finish him off once the Curing began.

  “You saved my life. I’ll help you fight them,” Carter said.

  Validus shook his head. “You are not protected. They will destroy you.” He winced again. “Weapon,” he whispered.

  Carter looked confused.


  Carter grabbed the .45 and held it out to him. Validus translated the Sig Sauer as a last measure of protection, then grabbed Carter by his shirt and pulled him close.

  “Now, go!” He grimaced and pushed him away.

  Large drops of rain splashed on the pavement around them, and Validus knew it was over. He forced the translation back to his world, then grasped his short sword in one hand and the .45 in the other. Drops of rain ran down his neck and into the deep wounds in his chest. He couldn’t stop it now. He tried to rise and fight but instead collapsed to the ground.

  Carter hesitated, apparently reluctant to abandon Validus, but the two Fallen had disappeared, driven off by the rain, and now the voices of the police were nearly upon them. He ran down the alley and into the wet darkness.

  Validus rolled onto his back to allow the full healing power of the holy water to sear his wounds. He had experienced the Curing many times before, but never to this degree. All he could think about was his hand pouring water into Persimus’s wounds thousands of years earlier at Babel.

  He screamed against it, and when he thought he could take it no more, Tren materialized through a wall beside him. He knelt down and grabbed Validus’s hand.

  “Hang on, Validus. Life is on the other side. Hang on!”

  The hours passed and Tren stayed by his side, enduring the pounding of the rain with his fallen comrade, being a guardian to a warrior.

  By morning, Tren was able to help Validus gain his feet and make it back to Reverend Branson’s church to finish healing.

  That evening, Tren stepped into the sanctuary with another angel.

  “I see you’re taking it easy and letting everyone else do your work like always,” an enthusiastic voice teased.

  Validus sat up on one elbow, ignoring the lingering pain. “Ral!”

  His old friend hurried to his side to keep him from trying to get up. He clasped hands with him. “Word was out that you were in need of some help, so I figured I could put up with you just as well as any other warrior.”

  Validus smiled. It was so good to see a friend who remembered him as he was—a lowly last-century warrior. “I thought you were stationed in Russia. How did you end up here?”

  “Well, after five hundred years of being with people who never smile, I thought it was time for a change. I put in for a transfer.” He slapped Tren on the back. “You would do well there,” he teased, but Tren didn’t smile.

  “As soon as I arrived, Commander Malak put me immediately in your hands.”

  Validus winced as a flash of pain ripped through his chest. The Curing for this wound was lasting longer than he’d ever experienced before. The days ahead would be just as intense as the last few months, if not more so.

  This mission with Drew Carter seemed to be ramping up. No longer did Validus question his calling to the task. The protection of this man was quickly becoming the most dangerous and challenging mission of his life.

  “Ral, this is no walk in the park. I was slow to realize it, and I want you to know up-front that you will be facing serious opposition from the Fallen, especially now.”

  Validus glanced at Tren and saw his subtle nod. The guardian had done well and was as faithful a friend as Validus had ever had.

  “That’s fairly obvious,” Tren said dryly.

  “After last night, Niturni’s going to know that we are trying to protect Carter. And what we try to protect, they try to destroy.” Validus was coming to a realization. “Something tells me that they may know more about Carter than we do. If that’s true and they know we are guarding him, they won’t hold back.”

  Ral smiled with eyes that gleamed with determination. “You can’t scare me off, Validus. I’m ready to serve.”

  Any warrior who had survived for
four thousand years was no fool. In spite of Ral’s apparent carefree demeanor, Validus knew he was anything but.

  He nodded. “It’s good to have you on board. Is Malak going to send anyone else?”

  “He made no mention of it.”

  Validus tried to control his frustration. He looked at Tren and saw the same. “I don’t think he fully understands what we’re dealing with here. Once we establish operations again, I’ll pay him another visit.”

  Ral was a great addition to the team. Once he discovered Drew Carter’s unique abilities and mysterious calling, his enthusiasm for the mission was unrestrained. In fact, Validus’s only concern was that the more Ral observed Carter, the more drawn to the young man he became.

  One evening when Tren was away checking on Sydney Carlyle, Carter rescued a couple of teenage girls from the Dragon gang. At one point Ral faced three of the Fallen in an attempt to give Carter cover for his escape. Validus arrived to help just before Ral went down.

  “You can’t take risks like that,” Validus rebuked Ral as he helped him back to the abandoned church. His leg was bleeding badly. Validus helped him to a pew.

  Ral looked up at Validus. “Wouldn’t you have?”

  Validus didn’t reply. He knew he would have, but it was different when it was one of his own men. He set to bandaging the wound to stop the blood until the Curing was complete. Ral grimaced as Validus tightened the dressing.

  “Have you figured it out yet? Why him and why you?” Ral asked.

  Validus finished, took a deep breath, then sat down heavily on the pew next to Ral. He had not fully recovered from the attack of the droxan, and the exertion to save Ral had taken its toll. “No.”

  “It’s hard to imagine that he doesn’t see the truth. If he can see us, why not just translate and tell him?”

  Validus nodded. “It would be simple, wouldn’t it? However, for him to believe the truth, he would have to accept Ben Elohim as his Savior. You and I both know that the message of the gospel has been given to men to share, not to angels.” Validus was momentarily taken with the silent serenity of the abandoned church. “No. The Lord has not given me permission to say such things.” Validus returned from his contemplations about the boundaries of an angel. He pointed a finger at Ral. “Just be more careful.”


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