Sex, Mom, and God

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Sex, Mom, and God Page 28

by Frank Schaeffer


  Pregnancy, illegitimate

  Premarital sex

  Presbyterian Church of America

  Preservation of the saints, doctrine of

  Pride, Mary

  books by

  Princeton University

  Private life, vs. public life, of religious leaders

  Pro-choice advocates

  and abortion, misuse of

  See also Antiabortion movement


  “Pro-life” movement. See Antiabortion movement

  Public life, vs. private life, of religious leaders

  Public opinion, on abortion

  Public schools, rejection of



  of women

  Puritan correctness

  Puritan heritage

  Purity regulations

  Quiverfull Movement


  Ratzinger, Joseph (cardinal)

  Reagan, Ronald

  and antiabortion book

  and antiabortion movement

  Reconstructionism (aka Theonomism)

  impact of

  and Islamic law, similarities between

  mission of

  origins of

  and women

  worldview of

  Reconstructionist movement

  leaders of(see also Chilton, David; North, Gary; Rushdoony, Rousas)

  and patriarchy movement


  and Bible, old vs. new testaments

  and biblical law

  extremism of

  and humanity, lack of

  influence of

  “inside” theological/political code of

  and politics

  and Sermon on the Mount, version of

  Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod

  Regnery, Henry

  Regnery Gateway Publishers

  Rekers, George


  and human intervention

  vs. God

  Religious leaders

  children of

  and politics

  and sex scandals

  Religious Right

  agenda of

  and Republican Party

  Religious Right movement

  Republican Party

  and abortion, misuse of

  and antiabortion movement

  and corporate America

  and Israel

  and Religious Right

  “Respecter of persons,”


  Rich, Frank

  Ridge, Tom

  Robertson, Pat

  and Haitians, defaming of

  Robinson, Gene

  Rochester, MN

  Rockefeller, Mrs. David

  Rockefeller, Nelson A.

  Roe v. Wade

  criticism of

  politicization of

  reversal of

  and U.S. Supreme Court

  See also Abortion

  Roman Catholic Church

  and art

  and child sexual abuse

  and family planning

  and graven images

  and homosexuality

  and idols

  and natural law

  sexual dysfunction in

  Roman Catholics

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Roosevelt, Kermit

  Rove, Karl

  Rudolph, Eric

  Rushdoony, Rousas

  and biblical law

  and biblical law, imposition of

  and secularism

  Russell, Esther Rachel

  Rutherford Institute

  Salter, Mark


  Salvi, John

  Same-sex marriage. See also Gay marriage

  Sanford, Mark



  Schaeffer, Debby (sister)

  Schaeffer, Edith (mother)

  and “almost-affair,”

  ancestors of

  and artistic types

  as author

  compassion and decency of

  and continuity

  creative side of

  and creativity

  cult of

  and dancing career

  and daughter-in-law

  double life of

  energy/strength of

  extroverted sexuality of

  as grandmother

  and husband/wife relationship

  and indoctrination by missionary parents

  and Jews

  and miscarriage

  as missionary, in Switzerland (see also L’Abri Fellowship ministry)

  missionary parents of

  and monogamy

  and mother/son relationship

  in old age

  physical appearance of

  as “respecter of persons,”

  and scripture, interpretation of

  and scripture, selective application of

  and sex education

  spiritual superiority of

  and spousal abuse

  and Talks for Girls

  and “The Wife’s Method,”

  wisdom of

  as writer

  Schaeffer, Francis (father)

  and antiabortion movement

  as author

  burial of

  children’s fear of

  death of

  and documentary films

  and female temptation

  as hero to Religious Right

  illness of

  as missionary in Switzerland (see also L’Abri Fellowship ministry)

  and National Prayer Breakfast

  as pastor, of small churches

  and Republican Party

  as screaming preacher

  as seminary student

  as spiritual inferior

  spousal abuse by

  violent moods of

  “weaknesses” of

  and wife/husband relationship

  as writer

  as youth

  Schaeffer, Francis (son)

  Schaeffer, Frank

  and “almost-affair,”

  and antiabortion crusade

  as artist

  as author

  documentary films of

  dyslexia of

  early schooling of

  and family, advice on

  and father, fear of

  as father

  as filmmaker

  as grandfather

  homeschool experience of

  as literary agent

  and marriage, advice on

  and Mayo Clinic checkup

  and mother/son relationship

  outside influences on

  and polio/leg brace

  siblings of

  and Switzerland, early life in

  as teenager

  and unsolicited advice

  and wife/husband relationship

  and women, treatment of

  Schaeffer, Genie (wife)

  and gynecological problems

  and mother-in-law

  pregnancy of

  as Roman Catholic

  as San Francisco hippie

  Schaeffer, Jessica (daughter)

  and father/daughter relationship

  and grandmother

  Schaeffer, John (son)

  Schaeffer, Priscilla (sister)

  Schaeffer, Susan (sister)

  Schaeffer V Productions

  Schools, Christian

  Schools, public, rejection of


  infallibility of

  by inspiration of God

  open interpretation of

  See also Bible

  The Second American Revolution (Frank Schaeffer)

  Second Coming

  Secular Humanists



  Semen, emission of

  Sermon on the Mount, Reconstructionist v
ersion of

  Seville, George (grandfather)

  Seville, Jessie (grandmother)


  in the Bible

  fear of

  and God

  and marriage

  and pornography


  Sex education

  Sex scandals


  Sexual awakening

  Sexual dysfunction

  Sexual extremism

  Sexual hypocrisy

  Sexual intercourse

  Sexual politics

  Sexual revolution

  Sexuality, and Bible-believing views, damage of

  Shame, Shanda, and Silence (documentary film)

  Sheen, Fulton (archbishop of New York)

  Six Day War


  Slepian, Barnett

  Smith, Joseph

  Solomon (king)

  Southern Poverty Law Center

  Spacing, of children. See also Family planning

  Spousal abuse

  Stack, Joseph

  Stark, Thom

  Stem cell research.

  See also Life issues

  Stevens, John Paul

  Strange Women.

  See also Women

  Submission, to male authority


  vs. family


  Suicide, assisted. See Assisted suicide

  Sunstein, Cass

  Suver, Katie

  Switzerland. See also L’Abri Fellowship ministry

  The Tale of Two Bad Mice (Potter)

  Talks for Girls

  Target America: The Influence of Communist Propaganda on U.S. Media (Tyson)

  Tea Party movement




  Theological Liberalism

  Theology of not knowing

  Theonomism. See Reconstructionism

  Theory, and practice

  Thomas Nelson Publishers

  Tiller, George

  A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality (Frank Schaeffer)


  Total depravity, doctrine of


  Traditional roles, for “other” women


  Tribe, Laurence

  “True Woman Conference,”

  “True Woman Manifesto,”

  Turnidge, Bruce

  Turnidge, Joshua

  Tyndale House

  Tyson, James L.

  Uganda, homosexuality in

  Unchosen: The Hidden Lives of Hasidic Rebels (Winston)


  of men

  of women (see also Menstruation)

  Unconditional election, doctrine of

  U.S. Congress

  and the Family

  and sex scandals

  U.S. government

  anger/hatred toward–

  and antiabortion movement

  delegitimizing of

  and the Family

  U.S. Supreme Court

  Viability, of the fetus


  Walt Disney Company

  The Way Home (Pride)

  Westminster Theological Seminary

  What Is A Family? (Edith Schaeffer)

  Whatever Happened to the Human Race? (documentary film)

  Whitehead, John

  “The Wife’s Method,”

  Winston, Hella

  Winthrop, John


  Witnessing aids



  in Afghanistan


  body of

  fear of

  and God

  and Islam

  Jewish Orthodox

  and male authority, submission to

  and Moses

  punishment of

  purity regulations for

  and Reconstructionism

  and Strange Women

  traditional roles for

  uncleanness of (see also Menstruation)

  as unofficial head of church

  Women’s rights

  Word Books

  Wright, Jeremiah


  1 By “affirms,” I mean the overall message of redemption rather than all the details, like the exact dimension of Noah’s Ark or the actual numbers of hours it took God to create the world, which the more diehard fundamentalists take literally, as did my parents in the early days of their ministry.

  2 Actually (as best as I remember), on that Diaphragm Vacation Susan was already away from home studying in England. But I’ve combined the memory of that year’s vacation with previous ones when we were all together. Everything is as I remember it, only spread over several summers: The big “Catholic family” was next to us one summer, and the diaphragm revelation happened another year when only Debby was with Mom, Dad, and me.

  3 “A Family at Cross-Purposes: Billy Graham’s Sons Argue over a Final Resting Place,” Washington Post, December 13, 2006.

  4 Ibid.

  5 Dave Andrusko while reviewing Articles of Faith: A Frontline History of the Abortion Wars by Cynthia Gorney (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997) and Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion War by James Risen and Judy Thomas (New York: Basic Books, 1997) in First Things 78 (November 1998): 32–36.

  6 Endorsements of Dad and his books as quoted on,–1.

  7 Left Behind is a series of sixteen best-selling novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins dealing with Christian End Times prophecies, the eschatological viewpoint of the “end of the world,” and the Return of Christ to kill and/or judge all “unbelievers.”

  8 The Book of Mormon says “Lamanites,” dark-skinned indigenous Americans, fought light-skinned “Nephites.” Archaeologists and geneticists do not endorse the existence of Lamanites.

  9 John Hagee, The One Jerusalem Blog, January 25, 2007,

  10 See Majmu’a Rasa’il Ibn Abidin, 1/84–85,

  11 Joel Brinkley, “Afghanistan’s Dirty Little Secret,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 29, 2010,–08–29/opinion/22949948_1_karzai-family-afghan-men-president-hamid-karzai.

  12 I tell this story in Faith of Our Sons: A Father’s Wartime Diary (New York: Carroll and Graf, 2004), and I draw on my experiences in my novel Baby Jack (New York: Carroll and Graf, 2006).

  13 Sonali Kolhatkar, “Should We Worry Whether Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality?” Alternet, September 11,2010,

  14 Gail Dines, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality (Boston: Beacon Press, June 2010).

  15 “Boys Who See Porn More Likely to Harass Girls,” Sunday Times, January 24, 2010, According to this article, “Boys exposed to porn are more likely to indulge in casual sex and less likely to form successful relationships when they grow older, according to research carried out in a dozen countries,” and “the average age at which they first saw porn has dropped from 15 to 11 in less than a decade. The average amount of time they watch porn on the internet is 90 minutes a week.”

  16 Benjamin Edelman, “Markets Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 23, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 209–220.

  17 Frances A. Schaeffer, The Mark of the Christian (Chicago: InterVarsity Press, 1976).

  18 David A. Patten, “Franklin Graham: Obama ‘Giving Islam a Pass,’ Warns of Persecution,”, May 3, 2010,

  19 Natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze morality. Some Church Fathers in the Wes
t incorporated natural law theory into Christian theology. Recently, conservative Roman Catholic intellectuals have used natural law to support their theological Far Right ideas. Here is a good definition by Elizabeth Anscombe, one of the leading Roman Catholic intellectuals of the twentieth century: “Any type of wrong action is ‘against the natural law’: stealing is, framing someone is, oppressing people is. ‘Natural law’ is simply a way of speaking about the whole of morality, used by Catholic thinkers because they believe the general precepts of morality are laws promulgated by God our Creator in the enlightened human understanding when it is thinking in general terms about what are good and what are bad actions. That is to say, the discoveries of reflection and reasoning when we think straight about these things are God’s legislation to us (whether we realize this or not).” G. E. M. Anscombe, “Contraception and Chastity” (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1975).

  20 Vincent Bugliosi, Divinity of Doubt: The God Question (New York: Vanguard Press, 2011), 47.

  21 Thom Stark, The Human Faces of God: What Scripture Reveals When It Gets God Wrong (and Why Inerrancy Tries to Hide It) (Eugene, OR: WIPF and Stock, 2010), 168.

  22 Ibid.

  23 Ibid., 207.

  24 Eddie Izzard, “Dress to Kill” San Francisco, Script-Dialogue Transcript,

  25 Calvinism (also called the Reformed tradition, the Reformed faith, or Reformed theology) is a theological system. This branch of Christianity is named for French reformer John Calvin. According to Calvin, God is able to save every person upon whom He has mercy and His efforts are not frustrated by the unrighteousness or the inability of humans. The system is based on Five Points: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints. The doctrine of total depravity says that, as a consequence of the fall of humanity into sin, every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin. The doctrine of unconditional election maintains that God chose from eternity those whom He will bring to Himself. The doctrine of limited atonement asserts that Jesus’ substitutionary atonement was definite and certain in its design and accomplishment. This implies that only the sins of the elect were atoned for by Jesus’ death. The doctrine of irresistible grace says that the saving grace of God is effectually applied to those whom He has determined to save (that is, the elect) and, in God’s timing, overcomes their resistance to obeying the call of the gospel. The doctrine of perseverance (or preservation) of the saints asserts that since God is sovereign, His will cannot be frustrated by humans or anything else.


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