It's Not Over

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It's Not Over Page 19

by Grahame Claire

“I need to check on the omelet.” One of her commercial ovens became the most interesting thing she’d ever seen as she poked about inside of it for longer than necessary before taking out the skillet.

  I gave him a crooked grin and held out my hand for a discreet low five. “Want some milk?” I asked, getting back to serving up beverages.


  There were only two places set on the island, and once I poured everyone a generous glass, I got out another placemat. When Daniel, Muriella, and I ate here, which was most nights, we sat so we could all see each other. I set it up that way and quickly took the lone barstool so M would be forced to sit next to Stone. The glare I got for that was vicious.

  She served us omelets and bacon, and Stone said grace before the meal. They were perfect for each other.

  “The Heart Ball is Wednesday,” she said, lifting her gaze to mine. It was the event of the year. Always held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it was a fundraiser to help children with aortic complications. The ball pulled in tens of millions of dollars every year. Daniel was a big contributor because his mother had suffered from heart disease, though he did it anonymously. “I think the two of you should go together,” Muriella finished. “We need to make Daniel jealous. Give him a dose of his own medicine. Seeing you with another man…it would get to him.”

  “Is there something you know that you’re not telling?” I asked accusingly.

  “He’s not confiding in me, but I know him. There’s something not right about this whole situation. He loves you more than anything, and maybe if he thinks you’re moving on, he’ll come to his senses.” This was Daniel we were talking about. How many times had he reminded me he didn’t do jealous? “It upset you when he did it. I don’t think his reaction will be any different.”

  “I’ll do it on one condition,” Stone said. Muriella and I looked at him quizzically. His hot gaze focused solely on M. “You go out on three dates with me.”

  She sucked in a breath. “What? No. I-I can’t.” Her rejection was swift, but Stone recovered quickly.

  “Sorry I can’t help you out this time, Vivian.”

  Damn, he was good. Stone actually had me believing he meant that.

  Muriella looked at him, at me, then back at him. “You really won’t go if I say no?”

  “Afraid not, darlin’.”

  She swallowed hard when he pulled out the big gun—that sexy Texas drawl. No woman was immune to that. “I’ll do it,” she said softly, cheeks flaming. I resisted the urge to pump my fist in the air. Clearly she was uncomfortable, but nonetheless willing to go to great lengths to make sure Daniel and I were happy. Okay, so there were worse things in life than going on three dates with Stone Jacobs, but the point was not lost on me.

  Stone didn’t bother to hide his excitement, his smile brighter than the sun. “We’ll go on our first one tonight. We’ve already wasted enough time.” My heart jumped in hope for M at his words. She was affected, though she’d never admit it.

  “No date until you go through with your end of the bargain,” she said firmly, spine straight. That’s my girl.

  “Fair enough,” Stone said, some of the wind going out of his sails. “Thursday, then. I’ll pick you up for breakfast.”

  “Fine,” she said, exasperated. She gave me a you-owe-me look, and I grinned.

  “That’s a pretty damn smart idea you’ve concocted, Muriella,” Stone said, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “If I saw the woman I loved with another man, that would get my ass in gear. But neither of you can get mad at me when he throws a punch and I have to defend myself.”

  “I’ll take a big purse so I can carry boxing gloves with me,” I snickered.

  We all laughed. Secretly, I hoped Daniel would have some sort of visceral reaction to seeing me with Stone. But it wasn’t likely. Daniel didn’t do jealous.

  “I can’t believe I’m letting you two get me involved in this, but it’s for his own good. Daniel can be the most obstinate son of a bitch.”

  “Stone,” Muriella chided, and he looked at her, oblivious.

  “My apologies, Muriella.”

  She nodded, placated. “I’m used to it with that one.” Her eyes cut over to me like a mother to an errant child, and I stuck my tongue out at her. “I’ve got the tickets to the ball in my office. I’ll confirm your names,” she said.

  “You’re coming with us,” I insisted.

  “No. It’s best if the two of you go without me. But you’re going to have to make it convincing if you want Daniel to believe you’re with each other.”

  “Do you think it will work?” I asked, doubt suddenly filling me. If it doesn’t, will that mean it’s really over?

  “We have to try,” she said. “Let’s get going so we’re not late to mass.”

  The three of us stood, and Stone excused himself to the bathroom. As soon as he was out of earshot, I said, “Are you okay with this?”

  She looked away. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Her response was defensive. Whether she admitted it or not, she had feelings for Stone I didn’t want to step on. The one thing I would not do was hurt Muriella to get Daniel back. “I’m not doing it. We’ll figure out another way—”

  “Hush.” She put her index finger over my lips. “It’s not a real date. And it was my idea. I’d rather you be with him for the night than someone else.”

  “M…” Sometimes I just didn’t think. “Stone doesn’t want anyone else but you.”

  “Even if he did, I have no right to be upset.” But she would be. I could see it on that gorgeous face.

  “What about the dates you agreed to?”

  She pursed her lips. “I said I’d go.”

  Stone reappeared. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” we answered simultaneously.

  He arched a disbelieving brow but let it go as we left for church.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Eight Years Earlier

  Talking was supposed to eliminate the barriers between us, but instead it had erected a wall. Daniel had been silent through breakfast and didn’t speak on the short drive into Queenstown. Apparently sleeping on something to cool down wasn’t a trick in his arsenal. He was still pissed off. Underneath all that anger at his father was an overwhelming hurt I wanted to take away. I felt hurt by my parents too, but I knew that comparing our situations was like apples and oranges. His anger appeared to lead him to true hatred, whereas I wasn’t angry at all, just resigned to my parents’ indifference.

  We strolled through town, his arm stiff where I clutched it, and he seemed anywhere else but here with me. I tried to lighten the mood with girl talk.

  “Hey, Princess,” I said. I was window-shopping while he brooded. “We should get something to take back to Muriella.” He gave me a sidelong glance, but said nothing. “I’ll pay you back after I get my next paycheck.”

  This seemed to incense him further, but I ignored it and dragged him to the next window. There was a bracelet made of hammered silver and pāua shell in the display that was perfect for Muriella. “What do you think?” I pointed and got a whatever shrug in return. I shook his shoulders. “You can snap out of it for ten minutes to find a gift for Muriella.” I’d had enough. Stewing all day didn’t seem to be an effective coping technique for him. If anything, his mood had darkened. It was time to take the kid gloves off.

  “You know what? Forget about the bracelet. Muriella won’t mind if we come back without a gift for her. She’ll know we didn’t think of her at all.” I patted his cheek, giving him a condescending look.

  Except he didn’t bite. So I grabbed his hand and dragged him toward Steamer Wharf. He followed along, which I took as progress. Didn’t even hesitate when I pulled open the door to Minus 5 Ice Bar.

  He laid down his credit card, and in minutes, we were pulling on heavy blue coats with fur-lined hoods, Ugg boots, and winter gloves.

  “Come on,” I said with a grin when it was time to go inside.

  I was wowed on impact. The entire room was a palace made of ice. There were sculptures of people and animals dotted throughout the space. A swordfish. A windmill. Matching lions. A goat. Even a bench and chairs made from giant blocks of ice, with complex patterns carved into them.

  We only had fifteen minutes in the frigid bar, so I wandered around, keeping Daniel’s hand firmly in mine. He said nothing as I marveled at the intricate designs.

  “Look at this detail.” I pointed toward a swan. There were eyes and feathers and a perfectly shaped beak.

  Daniel stared at the smooth ice, but the silent treatment continued. Eventually, I wound over to the bar, accepting the Polar Blair cocktail the bartender passed.

  “Look! It’s an ice glass.” I held it up to Daniel in awe. No reaction. “Oh come on. This is impressive.”

  I nearly dropped my drink when he took a sip of the fruity red concoction. He wrinkled his nose and set the glass back down on the bar. More silence.

  I tasted my own, shivering at the chilly glass against my lips. Pretty good, but I could see where a whiskey palate might not like it.

  I meandered over to an unoccupied bench which was covered with an animal skin. As I sat, I held out the camera to Daniel. “Take my picture?”

  He took a few shots while I posed before sinking down next me. Even obliged when I asked another couple to take a photo of us. I snuggled next to him, and slung his arm around my shoulders when he wouldn’t do it voluntarily.

  I kissed his rigid cheek. “Thought you’d thaw out in this place since it’s warmer than you are.”

  “You wanted me, Vivian. Well, here I am,” he sneered.

  “No. It’s part of you. It’s not you .”

  “This is me. It’s time you saw that for yourself so you can get the hell out now.”

  “I’m not going to make it that easy for you.” I touched his cool face, eyes imploring his. He refused to budge an inch. “This is magical. We’re really not taking advantage.” I waggled my eyebrows, changing tactics. That didn’t work either.

  I burrowed against him and wrapped my arm around his stomach, willing him to soften, even if only a little bit. Lightly, I brushed my lips against his, which only seemed to incense him further.

  “You’ve made a good effort, but you’re not going to spoil my day,” I said against his ear. The ripple of a shiver betrayed his effort to appear completely emotionless. “Want to go check out the gondola after this?”

  Well that got a response, but not quite what I expected.

  “All this time we’ve spent together, you’ve been quick to point out your demands and expectations for this relationship , with which I have been compliant. Not once have you asked me what I want nor what I expect, so I think it’s time for me to lay some of it out for you.”

  Finally. Now we’re getting somewhere. He’d said ‘relationship’ like it was a foul word that disgusted him, but I still took this as progress. “If you want your desires to be known, you have to voice them,” I told him, disentangling from him and straightening. This bullshit game he was trying to play wasn’t going to work. For a week he’d talked to me, and now he was hiding behind a wall. I saw it for exactly what it was, and the expression on my face told him as much.

  “I’m sure the title you want is ‘girlfriend,’ and I’m willing to concede that. But I’m going to fuck other women whenever I so choose. I’m going to do it, and I’ll be honest with you about it.”

  I laughed hard. In his face. He was too smart to believe I’d actually go for that.

  “So you want to be like Hugh Hefner, and I’ll be Girlfriend Number One?” I asked.

  “You’ll be the only girlfriend. The others, I’ll just fuck. You don’t have to watch…unless you want to.”

  I unzipped my coat, this ridiculous conversation causing my temperature to rise. I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing again and nodded as if to say I understood. “First of all, I neither want nor need a label—oh, excuse me. I mean title . But if I were to have one, it would be ‘everything,’ not ‘girlfriend.’ I don’t play second fiddle. You can fuck all the women you want to, but when you come to tell me about it, I won’t be around to listen.”

  “Second fiddle?” It was his turn to laugh, but it was cruel. What the fuck is he up to? “How about third or fourth? Would that suit you better?”

  “I’m not just the fiddle. I’m the entire band.”

  “Vivian, you’re going to have to learn to compromise if you want to be in a successful relationship,” he chided.

  “I am perfectly willing to do that, but not at the risk of lowering my standards.”

  “Then I guess we’re at an impasse.”

  He thought he’d accomplished whatever goal he was striving for.

  A cute guy—well, as much as I could see past his fur-lined hood—meandered near us, and I snagged him by the wrist. “Hey, handsome,” I said, looking up at him with big come-hither eyes. He looked startled and then smiled. I rubbed the pulse point on his wrist with my thumb in a hypnotic rhythm. I felt gutsy in that moment, ready to go for broke. “My boyfriend likes to watch other men fuck me.” He looked in Daniel’s direction. I applied pressure to his wrist to regain his attention. “He wants to see it. Right here. Right now.” I looked up at him from under heavy lids, patting the seat beside me.

  He looked unsure, like he couldn’t believe his luck. “Right now?” he croaked in disbelief, but there was eagerness in his voice.

  “Right. Now.” I confirmed, scooting closer to Daniel to make room.

  I saw the moment he made his decision. He took a step toward the bench.

  “If your ass hits that seat, you won’t live to regret it,” Daniel growled.

  The boy jumped back, yanking free from my grasp, and scurried off like a rabbit who had just escaped a coyote. I turned to look at Daniel, my smile triumphant. I win.

  He stood and threw a wad of money on the table. “Let’s go.”

  Feeling like a popsicle, I rubbed both of my arms as we exited back out to the street in our summer clothes. Daniel grabbed my hand in a death grip and led me to the SUV. He was sexy as hell when he was mad about being outfoxed. What in God’s name had he been thinking anyway? Fuck whoever he wants, my ass.

  Instead of going back to the condo, he pulled into the parking lot of the gondola ride. He paid for our tickets, and we were on a car by ourselves in no time, the crowd nonexistent this evening. He sat across from me, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he flexed his hands. I was grinning from ear to ear, and he looked like he wanted to kill someone.

  “You’ve made your point,” he grated, and I knew it took a lot for him to admit that. If I’d been in his shoes, I doubted I would have.

  “I’m glad to know you’ve found your voice again. I was getting worried since you didn’t speak all day.” Now probably wasn’t the best time to be provoking him, but I couldn’t help myself. I reached in my purse for the camera. “Smile,” I instructed, snapping a picture of him. I thought he was going to lunge across the space between us and snatch the camera from me, but instead he gripped his thighs.

  I faced the view of the town and the lake below as we rose above it. I crooked my finger at him and slid over a little to make room for him on my side. I was surprised when he actually moved.

  The sun sank lower in the sky, making the scene picture perfect. I took his hand in mine and leaned my head against his shoulder. “What were you trying to accomplish? And don’t lie to me. You knew that wasn’t going to fly. You were already fucking whoever you wanted before you met me, so there was no reason to change anything if that’s all you wanted.”

  He let out a long breath. “You’re getting too close. Making me discuss things I don’t talk about with anyone. Things I don’t want to even think about anymore.”

  I lifted my head. “D, they’re on your mind whether I bring them up or not.”

  “I know.” He blinked at me, a vulnerability in his eyes that made my heart melt. �
��I hope I didn’t spoil your day.”

  “How could that possibly happen when I’m in New Zealand with you?” I smiled, and he gave me a tentative one in return, looking almost awestruck.

  “I’m an idiot for even asking this, but I’m a glutton for punishment,” he prefaced. “You’re not going to hold this over my head? Rub my face in it?”

  I stroked his cheek. “No. I knew you were up to something, so I had to make a point.”

  “Do not ever call another man handsome in my presence,” he warned.

  The possessiveness made me tingle all over. “Were you jealous?” I taunted. He made it so hard not to smile sometimes.

  “You already know I don’t do jealous,” he scoffed, denying it to the end.

  “I think you do.” I leaned in, my lips almost touching his ear. “Don’t worry. I know it’s only for me.”

  “Don’t put me in that position again.” God, when all that intensity was focused on me, it was hard to breathe.

  “I’m more than happy to oblige as long as you don’t force my hand again.” With that the air was cleared. “Guess this means we’re past our impasse.” This earned me his first real smile of the day. “Although I’m kinda coming around to seeing things your way. I get you and whoever else I want? That’s not such a bad deal.”

  His eyes turned ominous as I struggled to keep an innocent look on my face. Teasing him was just too easy.

  “No one else, Vivian. Only me.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “If that’s the way it’s got to be—”

  “It is.”

  I grinned at him, and he scowled because I’d gotten my way again. “See? No one had to compromise. I know I’m the only one you have any interest in anyway,” I said confidently.

  He lifted his brow. “You sound pretty sure of yourself.”

  “I think you’ve given me plenty of reasons to be,” I said coyly, then hopped to my feet as the gondola arrived at the top of the mountain. “Let’s go check out the view.”

  “From where I’m sitting, the view’s pretty damn spectacular.” His eyes were ravenous as he drank me in from head to toe. I had on my holey jeans—which were freshly laundered—and a gray V-neck T-shirt from Target. Nothing to write home about. I didn’t think it would have mattered to him if I was in vintage Valentino. He wasn’t hiding his desire.


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