Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized Series)

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Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized Series) Page 19

by Kaitlyn Hoyt

  The Gadramicks in the grass jump up. Ryanne gets to work on the cuffs. Making quick work, she unlocks the handcuffs and throws something to Liam. Zahtri must have had the key around his neck. Ryanne runs toward Liam and Adam and starts fighting the men behind them. She easily takes them out with the combination of her magic assaults and physical combat.

  Liam unlocks his handcuffs and helps Adam undo his. Dravin and Zahtri both stand up and slowly walk toward Ryanne, Liam, and Adam.

  “Now?” I ask Tom. Tom looks toward Ryanne. She throws up a shield around them and backs up. Leaning back, she whispers something to Liam who nods and prepares for the fight ahead. I watch as she leans over and kisses Adam on the cheek, causing a surge of jealousy to course through me. He looks surprised but seems prepared to fight with them.

  Ryanne turns around and looks at Dravin a small smile on her face. I glance toward Logan who nods at me, knowing he has to get her. If she’s going to get out of this, she has to be healed. I’m about to stand up when Ryanne starts to raise her arms. Conner and David drag me back down. The wind around us is starting to pick up. Ryanne’s hair is blowing around her crazily as she calls more magic to her. All the Gadramicks trying to break down the shield are having difficulty. Even Zahtri looks stunned at Ryanne’s magic. Dropping the shield, she thrusts her arms forward and sends all the wind out. The Gadramicks, including Dravin, fall backward, landing on the ground in front of the platform. Zahtri stumbles, but remains standing.


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “This is it,” I tell Liam as Dravin and Zahtri start stalking toward us. We are way outnumbered right now and the possibility of coming out of this alive is slim to none. I strengthen the shield around us and look in Adam’s direction to see what he’s doing. He’s in a defensive stance scanning the area around us. Despite everything he’s done in the past, he’s really been there for me this past week. Adam gives me a small, sad smile. He knows what’s about to happen.

  “Thank you, Adam,” I whisper to him. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. I know Adam has feelings for me, but he never once acted on them because he knows about Colton. That’s all I can give him. A look of shock crosses his face when I step back. I need to give us some time to try and get in a better location.

  Magic, I need you. I don’t want the magic to flow into me like I’ve done previously. I want it to flow around me, creating a single large gust of wind. Zahtri said I wasn’t strong enough because I hadn’t yet released all my magic. Well, he’s about to see how strong I can really be.

  While standing on the platform with Zahtri earlier, I attempted something I’d never tried before. I needed the key he had dangling around his neck, but I knew he’d read my mind and figure out my plan. Creating a shield around my mind, I projected false thoughts to him. All the thoughts were things I’d thought about previously, so I’m really surprised he didn’t catch on.

  Slowly raising my arms, I wait for the magic to reach its peak. I know I can do more, but right now I only need a couple seconds to move. Zahtri looks surprised that I’m even attempting to fight against so many of them. However, he should know better than that. He’s been reading my mind, he knows how I think. He also knows there is no way I’m ever going to work for the Gadramicks. Now, I’m going to make sure he regrets not killing me when he had the chance.

  I drop the shield and thrust my magic out as I instantly start walking back. I turn around quickly and push Liam and Adam off the platform. They know what I’m doing and instantly turn around and start running.

  When I stop moving, I see all the Gadramicks lying on the grass seemingly shocked that I was able to do that to all of them at once. A few even look scared. Zahtri is the only one left standing. I throw another shield around Liam, Adam, and myself as we continue moving. Zahtri looks angered, so I know that there is going to be a battle. There’s no turning back now.

  I am about to drop the shield when I see Colton and Tom jump up from behind the bushes in the distance and start running toward us. I can’t help the smile that forms on my face, when I see Colton alive. However, that smile is short lived when I see him making his way into the thick of the Gadramicks. A couple hundred mages jump out from the bushes behind my family and join them.

  “How did they get so many?” Liam asks.

  “I told him not to come,” I whisper. “I didn’t want to risk it. Why doesn’t anyone listen to me?”

  “He’s just as stubborn as you are, Ryanne. You just have to accept that,” Liam says. “And I told him to come.”

  I whip around and face him, totally forgetting about the fight ensuing around us. “What? Why would you do that? You know I wouldn’t risk his life like that. There’s a chance we’re not going to come out of this alive and I don’t want that to happen to him either.” I point in Colton’s direction, but I honestly have no idea where he is right now. I lost him when he started fighting all the Gadramicks.

  “Because I want you to get out of this. Do you think he’d be able to live with himself if you died and he didn’t even try to save you? No, he wouldn’t. You have to think about what your death would do to him as well. You’re soulmates. If you can’t survive without him, what makes you think that he could survive without you?”

  “Because I’m weak, Liam! Colton’s not.”

  Liam grabs my shoulders and turns me toward him. Grabbing my chin, he forces me to look up at him. “No, you’re not, Ryanne, and you’re going to prove that to every last one of the Gadramicks here today. Channel their anger and strengthen your magic. Think about everything you’ve felt and heard since you’ve been here. Do whatever it takes to make it out of here alive.” When I don’t say anything, Liam continues, “Ryanne, Colton came out here to save you. I want you to fight so you get that life you imagined afterwards. You deserve that much.”

  Colton did come here to save me. The least I can do is fight. I nod and look at the mess around me. Mages are still running from behind the bushes. Our numbers look evenly matched. “Okay,” I turn and look between Adam and Liam. “I’m going to drop the shield. Are you guys ready? It’s about to get crazy.”

  “It’s already crazy, Ryanne. Drop the shield. Let’s do this,” Liam announces. Both Liam and Adam step on either side of me, preparing for a fight. I see Natasha fighting her way through the chaos. She’s asphyxiating people left and right, both mages and Gadramicks. I need to stop her from hurting anyone else. However my eyes are drawn to the area behind her. Zahtri is fighting multiple mages at once and succeeding. I’m the only one who has a chance of stopping him, but I don’t think I’m strong enough right now.

  “Liam,” I say as I drop the shield and start fighting a Gadramick that jumped in front of me. I block his punch and Adam commands him to walk away. “I need Logan if I’m going to stop Zahtri. I need my full strength.”

  Another man runs toward us. Liam steps in front of me and makes quick work of him—knocking him unconscious before the man even knew what hit him. “You’ve got to teach me that,” I tell him.

  “Maybe someday,” he says without even looking back at me.

  The tintinnabulation of swords hitting each other echoes through the field, and my stomach tightens with each metal-on-metal pang that I hear, because I know that this could very well be the end...for all of us. Every shout and grunt I hear pierces me, weakening me with guilt. This is all because of me. These people are getting hurt because of me. I never wanted any of this to happen. I didn’t want a large battle to ensue. I wanted a quick ending. A simple fight between two people where one comes out victorious. The end.

  Nothing can ever be that simple.

  I didn’t want to be the prophecy girl. I didn’t want magic. I just wanted a normal life with friends and family—people who loved me as much as I loved them. I guess some things don’t come free. Through this process, I’ve gotten myself into some sticky situations, but I’ve come out of all of them stronger. Everything I’ve been through, everything I’ve done, has br
ought me to this moment. I gained so much through this whole ordeal.

  I have a family now. I have a soulmate, best friend, and future husband all in one man. I have a dozen people who are willing to risk their life for me tonight and are now fighting with everything they have in them to stop the Gadramicks from wreaking more havoc. Their reign has gone on long enough and it needs to be stopped. All these mages are fighting for me to succeed. Each of them has a different story, a different reason for being here, but a reason nonetheless. I can’t let them down.

  I scan the crowd again, trusting Liam and Adam to protect me if anyone comes near. I see Emma and David fighting off to my right. Seeing fire to the left, I know that Incendia is near there and if my hunch is correct, Bragden will be fighting beside her. Larkin and Kyril are tag-teaming it and creating a lot of confusion on the far right side of the field. Larkin is transporting in and out of different areas, knocking unobservant Gadramicks unconscious. I’d like to think he’s only knocking them unconscious anyway. I see Lily in the middle of a fight. She’s standing back to back with Natalie, Colton, and Logan. Colin, Tom, and a third man are all standing together, fighting. Based on their teamwork, I’d say that they’ve worked together before.

  “I see them,” I tell Liam. Liam reaches forward and punches a man in the jaw. His body goes slack as he falls to the ground in pain. Liam kicks him in the chest and moves onto the next Gadramick.

  She’s just going to let them do all the dirty work, I see. Simultaneously, I turn around and push my magic out, sending a group of about ten Gadramicks flying into the bases of large oak trees.

  “I’m going to try and push my way through everyone. Can you two handle yourself here?” I ask.

  “I’m coming with you Ryanne,” Liam announces. I’ve already moved a couple steps forward, before I turn around and face him. I throw a shield up around us again. I knew Liam would make this difficult and pull the protector card.

  I look at him for a moment and then realize how much time I’m wasting just standing here. “Fine, but keep up,” I smile at him as I turn around and the drop the shield. I casually walk forward into the large crowd.

  That girl is crazy, I hear Liam think behind me. I shoot a smile at him over my shoulder and wink, but continue moving. With each step I take, I channel all the anger from everyone into me. Anger fuels my magic, making it more aggressive—stronger.

  When someone attempts to run toward me, I point my arm out and shoot my magic toward him. My liquid lightning cascades from my palm and hits the man in the chest. Without thinking about it, I move on. I hit two more men before I think better of this idea. I stop moving and wait for everyone to come to me.

  “Ryanne, what are you doing?” Liam shouts at me while fighting off another man.

  “Don’t worry about me, Liam,” I shout back. “Just watch my back.”

  I bring my arms above my head all the while calling my magic to me. I don’t know if this is going to work, but it’s worth a shot. I can hear Liam fighting behind me, but that doesn’t faze me. I know that he’s fully capable of defending himself and protecting me. I trust my protector with my life.

  I close my eyes and envision the scene in front of me freezing—all the Gadramicks stopping mid-motion, frozen in time, while the mages remain as they are. I need to talk to everyone for a moment and this is the only way I can think of accomplishing that feat. Still hearing the fighting around me, I push more magic out, imagining it coating each individual; lining their bodies and slowing their movements until they stop moving all together. The sound slowly decrescendos until all I hear is the breathing of those around me.

  “Did you do that?” Liam asks me. Hearing the awe in his voice, I open my eyes. Everyone has frozen mid-action like someone pushed pause on a movie. It’s just like I imagined.

  I ignore his question and slowly weave my way through all the unmoving bodies. I don’t know how long this is going to last, so I need to get to Logan fast. I can hear some people shuffling around me, but I hope they are the mages. I think some of the mages froze during the process, so I apparently wasn’t as specific as I thought I was.

  “Logan?” I call out. They were standing close to this area last time I saw them. I accidently bump into a Gadramick. His body teeters, but he doesn’t come unfrozen. Huh, Weebles do wobble, but they don’t fall down. I can’t help the tiny giggle that escapes. Adam and Liam step up behind me and give me a questioning look.

  “This is so cool,” Adam says as he waves his hand in front of the man’s face. Obviously, he doesn’t respond.

  “Ryanne?” I hear Logan call back to me. I turn to my left and pick up my speed. I know his voice came from this direction.

  “I can see him. Keep heading forward. They’re about twenty feet in front of us.”

  “It’d nice if I was just a little taller,” I mumble as I duck under someone’s outstretch arm. “Then, I’d be able to see them for myself.”

  Liam laughs at me, but doesn’t say anything. I maneuver around all the frozen bodies. This reminds of when I was little and we’d all play freeze tag in the middle of the street—except for the fact that we never actually froze. There’s not a single kid who can remain still for that long.

  “So, Zahtri is actually Ezra?” I ask Liam as I duck under an extended arm.

  “Apparently. I’d recognize him anywhere. He looks older now, but it’s him.”

  “I saw that scar on him earlier and thought of the story you told me, but you didn’t mention specifically where you cut him, so I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know for sure though until I read your thoughts. You were basically screaming them at me.”

  “I’m sorry about that. It just took me by surprise. All of my anger just came rushing back the second I saw him. It all makes sense though. I knew there was a reason why Valdus was working with the Gadramicks. He wouldn’t just help them for no reason.”

  I dodge another arm before entering into a cleared area. Colton’s spinning around in a circle, confused. He stops when she sees me and his eyes widen. Instead of waiting for him to come to me, I run forward and jump into his arms. My heart swells when I feel his arms wrap around my back as he catches me. I didn’t realize how bad I was actually feeling until this moment. The aching feeling in my heart dissipates and the empty feeling I’ve been having leaves. I bury my face in his neck and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. “Thank you for not listening to me,” I mumble against his skin.

  “Even Jack Sparrow needs help every once in a while.”

  Colton sets me down and looks at me. I see and feel the anger that flashes across his eyes as he takes in my appearance. I know that I have a black eye and bruise on my shoulder. Considering the amount of throbbing in my head, I’m sure that there’s an even more obvious bruise there too. “I need Logan to heal me,” I whisper as I look around the small area. Everyone is here except Bragden and Incendia. Logan pushes through everyone and walks over to me.

  “Well, I’ve seen you look worse, gorgeous.”

  I smile as I step away from Colton and walk over to him. Without wasting a second, Logan wraps his arms around me while simultaneously healing me. I sink into him letting his healing magic work its way through my body. “You sure do like to get yourself into trouble, don’t you?” Logan whispers as he releases me. Leaning forward he kisses my forehead. “We’ve missed ya, little one.”

  “Ryanne, did you do this?” Tom asks as he points to a Gadramick on his left.

  “Yeah, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop Zahtri until I had my full strength, so I needed to find a way to get to Logan. I thought about just fighting my way through, but that would take too long, so I froze them.”

  “Amazing,” a man says as he steps around Tom. This is the man I saw fighting beside him earlier.

  “Oh, Ryanne, this is Vincent. Vincent this is Ryanne. Vincent helped transport everyone here.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I feel like I know you already from what I’ve heard from Claire and this boy,”
Vincent claps Colton on the back. I smile as I listen to his voice. The deep timbre of his voice is raspy yet very soothing to the ears. I can only imagine what Incendia and Emma have said about him.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. Thank you for helping.” My eyes widen. “Wait, Claire contacted you?”

  “Yep, she said that a pretty girl needed my help and I better get off my high horse and rejoin the mage world.”

  “Sounds like Claire,” I say. Seeing movement to my right, I bring my eyes over there. Bragden is standing there with Incendia. When he sees me he takes two longs strides and engulfs me in a hug. My feet are lifted off the ground, so I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “You sure do have a way of scaring those who care for you, missy.”

  “I’ve missed you, Bragden.” I say as he sets me back on the ground. “I didn’t realize how much I missed our little pranks on each other until I couldn’t do them anymore.”

  “Dude,” Liam says behind me. Bragden looks over my head at his brother and smiles. I turn around right as Liam continues, “We’re blood and you didn’t even say hey, nice to see you again to me.” He shakes his head, but can’t say anything more as Natalie runs across the clearing and jumps into his arms.

  “Sorry, man, missed you too.” Bragden mutters, but knows that Liam isn’t listening anymore. When he steps back to Incendia’s side, I see the small flamed pendant around her neck. Bragden finally gave his necklace away.

  I turn around and look at Colton again, but he’s not looking at me. He’s glaring at Adam. Liam’s standing off to the side with a large grin on his face as his eyes move between Colton and Adam.


  “Colton, stop giving him the death glare.”

  “Nope,” Colton says without taking his eyes away from Adam.

  I walk up to Colton and grab his chin, making him look at me. Colton moves his head down, but his eyes remain fixed on Adam. “Colton, look at me,” I demand. I wait a couple seconds and when he doesn’t move, I stomp on his foot.


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