Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized Series)

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Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized Series) Page 28

by Kaitlyn Hoyt

  “Vincent, please don’t go.” I lower him to the ground. I hope that no one shows up right now. Gently resting his head on the grass, I push his hair out of his face. “Vincent?”

  “I can s-see her.” The blood is still oozing out the wound. He’s too far gone for anyone to help. I hope he’s not in pain anymore. His eyes close, but he’s still breathing. “She’s so beautifu…” With one last exhale, his body goes limp.

  “Vincent?” Nothing. “Go to Claire,” I whisper and place a small kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Spotting Larkin at the edge of the clearing, I call his name. “We need to bury him,” I tell as I stand up. “He deserves a proper burial.”

  “Ryanne…” he starts.

  “Please don’t,” I ask him. He’s going to tell me not to sacrifice myself again. I must have a look that he recognizes. After staring at me for a few seconds, Larkin just nods and blinks away with Vincent’s body. I don’t stray from the spot, but I move my eyes around and scan the fighting. Tom, Colin, and Chris are still fighting. Liam is with Natalie and James. Bragden and Incendia are where they were before. David and Emma are working together as well, fighting off as many Gadramicks as they can. But where is Colton? He has to be invisible, because I can’t find him anywhere.

  Pushing all the sounds of the fighting into the background, I bring my attention back to the small area in front of me. I need to remain focused if I’m going to do this. I need that confident feeling I had earlier. I need that feeling of happiness and love I experienced when near the tree with the initials carved into it. Running a hand through my hair, I concentrate on calling my magic to me.

  When Zahtri comes, I’m not going to fight. I’m going to use all my magic. I’m going to throw everything I can at him, and he’s going to wish he ended me when I was down and injured. He had a dagger and could have easily finished me off. He should have finished me off.

  Hearing thunder roll above me, I push more magic out. Dark tenebrous clouds start rolling in as my magic moves around us. The sounds of fighting are completely tuned out as the whispers start materializing. I have all the attention on me, but I don’t look out at the crowd. Taking a few steps back, I take in a deep breath, call out Zahtri’s name, and wait.

  I don’t have to wait long.

  Zahtri appears in front of me with a large smile plastered on his face. “That was quite the little disappearing act you just pulled. How’d ya do it?”

  “Magic,” I tell him without moving toward him. Get creative. I need to get creative. Vincent was right. Claire was right. Colin was right. I can do this. I just need to get creative. “I’ll tell you about it someday.”

  “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into,” he says as he takes a step forward. I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, but I’m going to pretend like I do. It’s kind of my thing.

  “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into,” I tell him as I push more magic around. Strengthening the shield around my thoughts, I stare Zahtri down. I can tell he can feel my magic. These games need to stop. This has to end. I’m prepared to finish this. Right here. Right now.

  I feel Zahtri try to penetrate my shield, but I don’t let it affect me. Without breaking eye contact, I take a step forward. Strength spreads through me as a look of shock crosses his expression. When he feels the edge of my magic brush against him, he moves back a little. I can see the disbelief in his face. I’m ready now.

  Sensing that, Zahtri starts gathering magic around him as well. I can feel the shift in the air as his moves around me. Taking one final deep breath, I gather all of my magic into a giant ball and push it forward at the same time as he sends some at me. I don’t visualize my magic doing anything other than just hitting him. I need to stun him long enough to do what I fully have in mind.

  I’m going to get creative.

  Our magic counteracts each other, and neither one of us causes any harm. This could take longer than I planned. Time for plan B. Running toward him, I jump into the air and transition straight into my flips. Usually my gymnastics stuns my opponents long enough for me to get a hit in. Zahtri sidesteps my moves, but he doesn’t take into consideration that I can use my magic and fight at the same time. As I move in front of him, I push my magic out.

  It cascades through the air and collides into his chest sending him flying back into the tree. Without giving myself any time to relax, I start pushing more magic out. Extending my hands, I imagine the magic creating a vortex around Zahtri. I just need him to stand up. I’ve created a magical tornado before, but this one will require more magic. I didn’t intend to cause harm the first time I made one. This time, I do.

  Zahtri pushes himself up and faces me again. I can feel his magic hit my shield, but it doesn’t penetrate the barrier. He’s going to have to try harder than that. When my skin starts vibrating from my own magic use, I forcefully thrust it forward. Zahtri’s eyes the magic tendrils swirling towards him, but he doesn’t react soon enough. Instead of barreling straight into him, I imagine it splitting down the middle and circling around, creating a magical tornado with him in the middle.

  When Zahtri is fully encased inside, I push electrified magic at it. The electricity from the lighting coalesces with the vortex. The tornado lights up like a Christmas tree with thousands of twinkling lights flickering off and on. Gathering all the anger from both mages and Gadramicks around me, I strengthen my magic and continue pushing it out. Despite being wrapped in negativity, my magic glides through the air like the wind before a storm—calm and peaceful, but potentially dangerous.

  The edge of the tornado bows out as Zahtri attempts to break free from the magical cocoon. Raising my hands above my head, I close my eyes and unlock my thoughts box. The thoughts of those around me swarm my senses, briefly overwhelming me. I wrap the thoughts in excess magic and push them toward the tornado. I’m hoping when they hit it, it’ll confuse Zahtri enough that he won’t be able to form any counterattacks.

  Taking a few steps back, I continue pushing magic out and swirling it around us. I don’t know what is happening in the clearing, but I can’t afford to break my concentration even for a second. A second is all Zahtri needs.

  Continuing to move backward, I image the tornado coming together at the top. I open my eyes and watch the vortex. If I can just close the vortex, I can end this. The edge of the tornado is pushed out again as Zahtri tries to get out. With renewed vigor, I thrust more magic at him.

  Reaching deep inside me, I break down the rest of the barrier I had constructed around my magic. Zahtri was right when he said I had to release more magic. I had more locked up than I thought; dwelling inside of me was hidden magic begging to be used.

  I’m the secret of the flame. Liam said that flames provide the illumination during the darkest of times. Mages have been living in darkness for a while now, and if I can cease the flickers in the flame and bring back its brilliant luminance once again, then I’m going to. No matter what it takes.

  I feel my energy start to wane, but I continue funneling magic out. I don’t know how much magic it’ll take to stop Zahtri, but I’m going to find out. Starting to lose my balance, I fall to my knees and push more out. I don’t think I have an endless supply of magic, so I’m sure I’m about to find out what happens when you use all of it.

  The tips of the vortex fuse together, capturing Zahtri inside. Placing my palms flat against the cold earth, I push more magic out. My airways tighten with each piece of magic that leaves me. Hanging my head low, I think about Colton. My best friend and soulmate. We had all these plans together and I don’t think we’ll ever get to experience them now. He means everything to me, so I wrap my love for him around the magic.

  I’m going to disappoint all them, but this has to be done. David and Logan’s jokes echo in the background and I keep pushing. The time that Emma and I baked a cake for Colton fills my mind. The magic strengthens as the happy memories intermingle with the strands leaving my body. I wrap my love fo
r Liam around vibrating pieces of magic and push them out. My pranks with Bragden are pulled to the front of my mind and though my body is protesting my actions, I don’t stop the flow.

  I think about everyone. I think about those that came here to fight today. I think about the lives we have lost during this battle. I think about all those that died before at the hand of Dravin and Zahtri. All these emotions cascade out of me and infuse my magic. Neither one of them can come out of this alive.

  All the strength leaves my body, but I don’t stop. I can’t stop. I close my eyes and focus on the vortex. I have to end this. The Gadramick’s reign has to cease tonight. Mages shouldn’t have to live in fear anymore. Humans shouldn’t be at the mercy of them. The world is full of enough evil as it is. Magic does not have to add to it. Magic is supposed to be used for good. For help. For encouragement. For anything, but what they want to use it for.

  Taking one last deep breathe, I gather everything I can. I can no longer see what is going on around me, nor can I hear anything, but I know what I have to do. Wrapping the weather elements, the emotions, and the voices into one giant ball of magic energy, I thrust it forward toward the vortex. Everything I had in me leaves and moves through the air. I open my eyes and watch in slow motion as my magic melds around the vortex.

  A few seconds later, everything explodes. My magic release plummets back into me and surrounds me with a bright white light.

  Then everything goes dark.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “Ryanne,” someone calls out for me. I roll onto my back and try to blink away the fog from my mind. “Ryanne,” she repeats.

  When the haze finally dissipates, I look around. I’m in the middle of the field of dreams…only this time I’m not alone, nor is Liam here. I’m surrounded by my mom, Claire, Jedrek, Vincent, and Kyril. I’m surrounded by the dead…which means I’m dead.

  I died. Again.

  “Did I do it?” I ask. “Is Zahtri gone?”

  “He’s gone,” Claire says. “You did well, dear. You did well.”

  I push myself off the ground. “Not well enough. I’m here. I’m not at the compound anymore. I freaking died again.” I bite my lip and try to not cry, but a single tear rolls down my cheek.

  My mom rushes forward and wraps her arms around me. “Don’t cry, dear.” I wrap my arms around her waist and cry onto her shoulder. When you tell someone not to cry, it becomes impossible to actually listen to them. Something inside me has to rebel against authority.

  “Do you remember what I told you that first day in the book store, Ryanne?” Claire asks.

  “Umm, you told me the town was full of unexplainable things,” I reply. Before I even finished speaking, she starts shaking her head.

  “I told you not everything is as it seems. Magic has a way of complicating things. You’re not really dead, Ryanne. Right now, you’re sort of in…between life and death.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “You pushed all your magic out, Ryanne. Literally all of it,” she says.

  “I couldn’t risk him getting away.” Zahtri was strong. I had to make sure he wasn’t going to walk away from that situation. “I had to.”

  Jedrek steps forward. “Do you remember how I told you that your magic was mixed with your blood?” I nod. Of course I remember that conversation. “Well, when you came into your magic, it became an intricate part of you. You need it to survive. Your magic isn’t like an appendix. You can’t just have surgery to have it removed and then go about things like nothing is missing. Your magic is like your heart. You can’t live without a heart, Ryanne.”

  “So…I killed myself,” I state.

  “You’re not dead,” Vincent says. I watch as Claire looks over her shoulder and smiles widely at him. Even in death, she found happiness. Vincent glances over at her. I can see the love in his eyes as he looks at her.

  “Then what’s going to happen to me?” I ask to anyone who can give me an answer.

  “That depends on you,” my mom says. I look up at her as she speaks. She still has her arms around me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you died before, you had to overcome your insecurities to go back. You had to promise me that you’d start seeing yourself as others do. You promised to believe you were strong enough to succeed and that you were good enough for Colton.”

  “I did. I do. I overcame all of those things.”

  “Yes, you did honey,” she says. “This isn’t like that.”

  “Then what is this like?” I ask. I look between all of them. I don’t really know if I like where this conversation is going. Vincent looks at me with sad eyes. My mom’s grip around me tightens. I look at Claire and then focus on my mom. “Mom, please tell me.”

  “There’s nothing you can do but wait.”

  “Wait? What the heck am I waiting for?” I demand as I step out of her arms.

  “Whether or not your body is strong enough to heal itself.”

  “Well then, I’m screwed,” I mumble as I sit down on the ground. “How long does it take for my body to realize I’m actually dead?”

  “That’s not the right attitude,” Claire says. “You need to think positively, Ryanne.”

  “I need to think positively?” I ask incredulously. “Do you realize what you’re asking of me? Do you know how hard it was for me to finally realize that I was strong enough to end this? I didn’t figure that out until a few hours ago while I was in the middle of that fight.”

  “You defeated Zahtri,” Kyril says. “You defeated the Gadramick that even Dravin was afraid of. You know you’re strong, Ryanne, you just don’t know how strong you really are. You’re going to pull through this.”

  I sit down on the ground. How do I always get myself into these situations? Why do I always get myself into these situations? “I know what’ll happen if I die tonight,” I look up at Claire. I remember what she told me when I died in that hotel room. Dravin and Zahtri aren’t alive, so not everything will play out like she previously stated, but I still can’t risk it. “I can’t let that happen, Claire. I can’t let that path be paved. What do I have to do?”

  “Be positive,” Jedrek says. “Think positively.”

  I’m not usually a very positive person. In fact, if there was a positivity award, I would never be a recipient. Ever. Right now though, I can at least try to think on the bright side. I can think of the glass half-full.

  “So how long are we talking about here? Five, ten minutes? An hour tops?”

  “Only you know that,” Claire says.

  “Well, do you think we can get a pizza delivered here? Thirty minutes sounds reasonable. I’m starving. I’ve been fighting all day.” I try to keep a serious expression on my face, but seeing everyone’s smiles lifts my spirits a little bit.

  I can do this.

  But the actual question is, can my body?

  “So what’ll happen to you guys?” I ask moving my eyes between all of them. They’re…dead. They don’t have another chance. I’ve been given too many chances. Why don’t they get one too?

  “After this, we move on,” Claire says. “We’re here to help you. Once your body chooses, our time is done. We get to move on. I finally get to move on.” I can see the small smile on her face.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whisper. I feel responsible for their deaths. Claire died during an explosion that was meant to kill me. My mom died in a car crash that was meant to kill me. Jedrek, Kyril, and Vincent all died in a battle that they were a part of because of me. I’m the common factor in all of their deaths.

  “Ryanne, do not blame yourself for our deaths,” Vincent says. “Phillip killed me. Not you.”

  “I chose to correct the car,” my mom tells me.

  “Cawtel killed me,” Jedrek says, “but my death was long overdue.”

  “Fallon stabbed me,” Kyril states.

  “I chose my death,” Claire cryptically says. At my confused look, she continues. “You’ll understand someday. Che
ck the books.” The books? Claire winks at me, but refuses to explain further.

  “Claire, what were Colton’s parents names?” I remember him telling me their story, but for the life of me, no pun intended, I can’t remember their names.

  “Scott and Lynelle,” she answers. “Why?” I knew it. They are the ones that carved their initials into the tree. Colton’s parents helped me tonight. They played a part in helping me overcome Zahtri…and I may never get to tell Colton that.

  Choosing to ignore her question, I ask, “So what now?” I cross my legs and lean back, closing my eyes and basking in the sunlight. That’s one thing I love about this place. It’s never too hot. It’s never too cold. There’s a light breeze and a nice amount of sunlight. It’s not blinding, but it feels good as it hits the skin.

  “We wait,” my mom answers.

  I hate waiting.


  The fighting around us has basically stopped. Ryanne’s magic isn’t just concentrated on the opposite side of the platform anymore; it’s moving around us as well. She has Zahtri fully enclosed in a vortex of magic. She pulled this same move on Colin during a training session we had back at his house.

  I push my invisibility back and look at Liam, who’s staring at Ryanne with a worried expression on his face. Even though he’s not her protector now, I know he still wants to be fighting beside her. “Something’s wrong,” he whispers.

  I look back over at Ryanne as she falls to her knees on the ground. The vortex has folded in on itself, creating a cocoon around Zahtri. There’s no way for him to escape now. Ryanne is still pushing out magic. Too much magic. “What is she doing?” She needs to stop.

  “She’s ending this,” Liam answers. At the same time, we both start to head in her direction.

  The wind begins to pick up. Increasing in intensity, it pushes against our bodies making it impossible to move forward. Voices and soft whispers fill the air. Ryanne leans forward and places her hands on the grass to remain upright. Thunder cracks above. She’s still pushing out magic.


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