Arcane Heart (Talents Book 2)

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Arcane Heart (Talents Book 2) Page 14

by Angela Knight

  At last she pulled away to slant him a wicked little smile. “I think we’d both enjoy this a lot more without two layers of Kevlar and twenty pounds of gear.” Reaching out, she flicked his ASP baton, making it swing beside the thicker bulk of his erection. “Notice I’m resisting the obvious nightstick joke.”

  He chuckled and brushed his knuckles across her jawline. “I appreciate your self-control.” Wrapping his hand around hers, he turned her toward the house.

  Anticipation rolling hot through his blood, Jake felt his erection pressing against his fly. It made the task of getting his key in the lock a little more demanding than usual. Finally he wrestled the door open, flipped on the hall light, and led the way into the kitchen.

  “Nice house,” she commented, though she barely glanced at the room’s stainless steel appliances and granite countertops.

  “Managed to get a VA loan,” Jake said, gaze hot on her mouth. Wanting only to taste it again. “Nickel tour now, or later?”

  “Later. I’m a little… distracted.”

  “Glad I’m not the only one.” Resting a hand on the small of her back, he guided Erica into the hall and up the stairs to the master bedroom. And was more than a little relieved to find the California King neatly made under its pewter spread.

  “Damn, Nolan, you could land jets on that bed.”

  “Hey, I’m a big guy.”

  “You’re five feet ten inches.”

  He smiled so slowly and suggestively, she snorted. “I see -- you need the extra room for your ego.” Her gaze swung and caught below his duty belt. A dark brow rose. “Among other things.”

  “I find you very inspiring.”

  “I’m flattered.” Erica rose on her toes as he leaned down for another taste of mint and magic. But as their bodies brushed, her ASP baton tapped his thigh again. Erica chuckled against his lips. “Gotta get rid of the armory.”

  “Sounds good to me” He reached for the wide plastic buckle of her duty belt, clicked it open, then went to work unfastening each of the straps that attached the belt to the leather one beneath it.

  While he worked on the belts, she started unfastening the buttons of his uniform shirt, revealing the black bulk of his Kevlar vest. A deep breath reminded him he’d just spent the past twelve hours encased in the thing. It might be April -- he got really ripe in August -- but still. “Want to share a shower?”

  “God, yes. I probably smell like a goat.”

  Jake gave her a slow grin. “Nope. Nowhere near that baaaad.” He gave the last word a realistic magical bleat.

  Erica wrinkled her nose at him. “What, Dave’s writing your material now?”

  But when she shed her shirt and pulled open the Velcro tabs of her bulletproof vest, there was nothing even remotely goat-like about her scent, just heated, healthy woman. His erection bucked in hot interest.

  They undressed each other slowly, tossing clothing and equipment on the armchair by the bed. He enjoyed the sight of her clothes lying tangled with his. Every inch of skin they revealed was an invitation to touch and kiss, and he lost himself in the taste of her, in the silken textures of her body, the intoxicating scent of sex, Erica and magic.

  At last he had her naked, her body slim and strong, with just enough curve to soften the lean athlete’s muscle she’d built as cop and soldier. Her breasts tempted his hands with their small berry nipples. So did those long, lean legs and the soft triangle of chocolate hair between them.

  He drew her into the master bathroom. It was a thoroughly utilitarian space, with a narrow sink, commode, and glassed-in tub. When he bent to turn on the water, her hands promptly sought out the width of his back to begin tracing intricate patterns over his skin.

  Jake grinned over his shoulder at her as the water came on with a hiss. “Working a spell back there?”

  Her smile was slow and mysterious, and her fingers moved, gliding over his aura as much as his flesh. The sensation that rolled through him was indescribable, as if she had plucked his soul like a guitar string. His cock hardened even more in response to the surge of stark lust. Jake stepped back with a sweeping gesture for her to precede him into the tub.

  She lifted a brow. “Ladies first? Really?”

  He flashed her a grin. “Hell, no. I’m just ogling your ass.”

  Laughing softly, Erica got in, the shift and sway of that beautiful backside every bit as delicious as he’d anticipated. Jake stepped in after her as she turned to face him, backing beneath the spray. Her eyes slipped closed, head tilting back as the water cascaded over her head and shoulders. Rivulets traced shining patterns over her delicate collarbones and down the slopes of her breasts to stream off her nipples.

  Unable to resist, he leaned down and took one of those raspberry points into his mouth. The water streamed along his jaw as he rolled his tongue over it. Sweet. She tasted so incredibly sweet.

  And I want more.

  * * *

  Erica stared down at him, entranced by the look on his face. There was such fierce need in those golden eyes. His teeth rasped gently over her captured nipple, and he suckled hard, each pull sending another bolt of pleasure shafting through her body.

  Her gaze skated along the width of his broad, wet shoulders, admiring the ridges of tendon, the thick pads of muscle lying over the broad bone.

  Jake straightened, kissing and licking his way up her torso as he went, following the line of her throat up to her chin and from there to her mouth. His big hands closed around her waist and pulled her closer as he took her lips, his tongue thrusting deep.

  Erica caught his lower lip between her teeth and bit down gently. His mouth seemed the only soft part of his entire body as he pulled her flush against him. All that slick, hard muscle was intoxicating, intriguing. Delicious.

  Unable to resist the need to touch him, Erica stroked her hands up his ribs up to the tight beads of his small male nipples. She flicked her thumbs over them, and Jake rumbled against her mouth, sounding like Clarence. And returned the favor, his hands cupping her breasts, his touch exquisitely gentle.

  As they kissed and teased each other, the warm spray cascaded down their bodies, pooling here in the bend of an arm, streaming along the curve of her breasts, beading like gemstones in his chest hair and along the length of his proud cock. Each touch branded itself on her consciousness.

  Making love to Bobby had never felt like this. Making love to anybody had never felt like this.

  Erica thrust the thought quickly away, knowing it would lead her places she had no desire to go. Not with Jake standing so deliciously naked and male against her.

  She needed this too much to be distracted by dark memories. Needed Jake’s heat, his male carnality, his humor and his intelligence. She’d been alone too fucking long…

  Jake dropped to his knees in front of her. Erica blinked down at him as he flashed her that dimpled grin and wrapped one big hand around her knee. She braced her hands against the wall of the shower as he lifted her leg and hooked her thigh over his shoulder, then leaned in and covered her pussy with his mouth. With one of those deep rumbles that always drove her crazy, he stroked his tongue the length of her folds and parted her labia. The incredible flashing pleasure of each hot lick made her eyes roll back, a shudder running the length of her body.

  Leaning a shoulder against the wall of the shower, Erica watched in dazed delight as he ate her, his eyes closed, his expression intent. Completely focused on the taste of her. His tongue swirled over and around her clit, each little flick shooting another hot burst of pleasure jolting up her spine. The sensation was so intense it made her knees go weak.

  Jake’s probing fingers found the opening of her pussy and thrust deep, forcing her to grab his head with her free hand. His hair felt like wet silk under her palm. “Jake!” she gasped, tightening the grip of her lifted leg across his back as she fought to keep her balance.

  God, it felt so good…

  He ate until the knee of her supporting leg quivered in helpless reaction.
His free hand reached up to cup her breast, his thumb flicking her nipple, the pleasure echoing the intense swirls of his tongue over her clit.

  Her climax began with inner muscles clenching deep, every pulse making her entire nervous system ring like a bell. Until she had to grab for the showerhead or fall flat on her ass.

  She wrapped one hand around the faucet and held on for dear life as his ruthlessly skillful mouth suckled and bit and tasted. Squeezing her eyes shut, Erica chanted through clenched teeth, “Oh God, oh God, oh God…”

  She wanted to touch him, had to touch him, but she knew that if she let go she’d fall. So instead she reached out with her aura, let it play over the whirling rose and violet of his.

  Jake growled softly against her pussy, the sound a dark male rumble. Staring down at him, she glimpsed the head of his cock, pressed hard against his belly. A wicked thought occurred to her, and she sent her aura questing out to wrap around the thick, flushed shaft.

  Jake jerked in reaction, muscle rolling all along his broad shoulders, fingers tightening on her breast and convulsing in the depths of her pussy. Closing his lips around her clit, he sucked hard.

  “Jake!” she groaned, almost tumbling into orgasm before she caught herself and retaliated with the gliding stroke of her aura along his balls.

  His head jerked back, and his eyes blazed up the length of her body, brilliant gold. His mouth looked wet from her juices as he rasped, “You do like to live dangerously.”

  Scooping her leg off his shoulder, he steadied her with a grip on her hip. Erica, staring down at him, thought she saw the glowing swirls of a lion’s mane curling around his shoulders just before he gripped her hips and turned her back to him, then pulled her down.

  “What are you…” she began, just before she splashed to all fours in the bottom of the tub.

  With a leonine growl, he caught the back of her head and pushed it down. Shocked and aroused, Erica braced herself on her forearms.

  A heartbeat later, Jake drove the entire rock-hard length of his cock into her wet pussy, stuffing her full in one ruthless plunge.

  “Jake!” The sound was raw with shock and hunger.

  His only response was a fierce growl as he drew back, dragging his thick length out of her. Only to drive in again and again, plunging, digging deep. A low rumble filled the air as he grabbed a fistful of her wet hair with one hand.

  Erica should have been pissed off. Should have been offended by the raw masculine dominance in the gesture. And if it had been any other man, she would have been. But it was Jake, and she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

  Braced on her elbows, feeling the water slosh around her as the spray beat her flesh, hearing the hiss of the shower and his low growls -- it all felt incredibly primal. Each digging stroke of his cock spread her slick tissues, speared her with delicious friction. Her eyes felt so wide they burned, watching each furious thrust send water splashing up the tub walls.

  God, she was sooooo close… So frustratingly close…

  “Jake, Jake, Jake…” She heard her own voice moaning sounding raw and desperate.

  And as he fucked her, the currents of his magic flowed through and around hers until it seemed to reach parts of her far beneath the skin.

  Erica wanted more. Wanted it all. Craved the savage, burning orgasm that trembled just out of reach. She threw herself open, releasing the mental shields that usually protected her. And closed her eyes.

  Their joined magic spun around them like a whirlwind, a dozen shades of violet, rose, and blue, his denser, brighter than hers, surging and tumbling together.

  With each pumping swirl of magic and cock, she felt the orgasm coil tighter in the base of her belly, so frustratingly close she started throwing herself backward to meet his thrusts, making her breasts dance. She felt the prick of something sharp on the skin of her hip.

  He swore, and the pain faded. He must’ve manifested claws, then retracted them. “Are you all…”

  “Don’t stop!” She screamed it, so close to the edge she could feel inner muscles clamping, pulsing…

  He didn’t question her, just pounded, deep and grinding. The lingering sting inflicted by his claws combined with the fierce stroke of his cock and the blaze of their magic, shooting her higher, higher until…

  Erica screamed, coming, as her magic exploded behind her eyelids, a boiling light show that flared out of her body -- and engulfed him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Magic tore through Jake like a firestorm, feeling as if every cell of his body was involved -- flesh, bone, muscle and soul.

  He cried out in a human yell that grew louder, deepening into a roar. He roared until his chest and throat ached with the force of it as the magic blasted him and his balls emptied in her slick hot depths. Pumping and pumping until nothing was left.

  When it was over at last, he sagged against her, folding over her bent body, catching himself on the bottom of the tub with a splash.

  For a long moment neither of them moved, too busy fighting to breathe.

  Jake wrapped one arm around her and laid his cheek against her back, listening to the furious pound of her heartbeat as it slowed. The warm water of the shower pounded against his back.

  He felt at peace, and was struck suddenly by how rare a feeling that was. This time they’d avoided the pitfalls of guilt and grief that had sabotaged the moment the last time, the ghost of Bobby’s sins…

  The thought brought an ice-cold burst of realization. Oh, fuck, I manifested claws! Just like Bobby… Jerking upright, Jake twisted to look down at her hip, at the spot he remembered gripping when he’d felt the magic dig deep. To his relief, the five marks looked no worse than pinpricks. Thank God.

  It still bugged the hell out of him that he’d lost control. Again. “Are you okay?”

  Erica turned her head to look at him, a sated smile on her face. “Oh, yeah.”

  The purr in her voice made Jake grin. “You look downright smug.”

  The smile broadened and tilted into a wicked grin. “I am.”

  He sat back on his heels, wincing a little as his knees protested grinding against the tub floor. “As much as I hate to break this up, if we don’t get out of here, we’re going to turn into giant prunes.”

  “I’ll risk it if you will.”

  “You’ll change your mind when the hot water runs out.” Rising to his feet, he bent to catch her around the waist, meaning to help her up.

  “I’ve got it.” Erica pulled free and sat up.

  Not about to start an argument on that score, Jake stepped out of the shower and walked, naked and dripping, to the vanity. He pulled out a couple of clean towels and tossed her one as she emerged from the shower. She made a hell of a view, lean and naked, water beading her full, perfect breasts, dripping from her pert nipples.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” Unable to resist his need to touch her again, he walked over, flipped the towel over her head, and began drying her off.

  By the time he was done, her short, damp locks stood up in tufts, and her eyes gleamed lazily at him. She treated him to the same stare he’d just given her, gaze lingering here and there -- mostly there -- as she looked him up and down. “Mmmm.”

  Lifting the towel, she started running it over his chest and shoulders, drying him in turn. The rasp of the thick, soft fabric sent a delicious little swirl of heat down to his balls. “If you keep that up, we’re never going to get any sleep.”

  “I thought you like it when I keep you up.”

  Chuckling, he started drying her long, lean torso, enjoying the way her soft breasts bounced as he blotted away the water. He ran the towel over her slowly as she worked on him, enjoying her purr of contented approval.

  “My mom has a cat that sounds just like that.”

  She gave him a mock glower. “You did not just mention your mother after we finished making love. That’s a major violation of sexual etiquette.”

  “Etiquette?” He grinned. “I don’t know this wor
d, ‘etiquette.’”


  “Didn’t seem to bother you much a minute ago.” His smile faded at a new thought. Fuck it, might as well just ask. “Are you staying the night?”

  The silence stretched on so long, he was beginning to think she’d refuse. “I’d like that.”

  Tight muscles loosened across his shoulders, and he smiled.

  * * *

  Erica made use of his hairdryer and one of the spare toothbrushes left over from his last trip to the dentist, then joined him on the California King. She curled against him, her head on his shoulder, her long fingers playing sleepily with a strand of chest hair.

  He’d spent the time she’d been drying her hair thinking about what he wanted to say. What he needed to say. What he’d better say if he wanted them to have any kind of chance.

  If they didn’t clear the air, he wasn’t sure their fragile relationship would survive.

  “I remember the first time I watched you disarm a MEED,” Jake said softly. “We’d all watched Sergeant Castillo die that way just a couple months before, and we were all scared shitless we were about to watch you do the same. But you handled it, just like you handled all the others I’ve seen you disarm since.”

  “I notice you didn’t try to protect me from it.” Her voice sounded a little dry.

  “Of course not. I knew I couldn’t without getting you and me blown to hell. And you demonstrated you were up to the job. You had the guts and the skill and the sheer power.”

  “I’m sure it came as a shock.” That observation sounded even drier than the first one had. Then she snorted softly. “But I’m not that damned powerful. Genevieve…”

  “… Wouldn’t have the faintest idea how to disarm a MEED. Besides, for certain kinds of jobs, that much power gets in the way, which is why she has a hard time detecting more delicate magical structures. You don’t.”

  She lifted her head from his chest and eyed him dubiously. “Nolan, are you trying to flatter me?”

  “My point is I do respect your abilities.” He gave her a long, steady look. “On the other hand, if somebody manifested, say, a fucking polar bear, I trust you’d stand back and let me handle it.”


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