The Sheriff's Little Girl

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The Sheriff's Little Girl Page 11

by Alex Reynolds

  Julie smiled at Peter’s praise.

  “I want to fuck you now,” he told her. “Get back in the position you were in before. Face down, ass up.”

  * * *

  Julie scrambled back into position, her bottom hole clenching around the tail plug as she did. Sucking Peter’s cock had made her even more aroused than she had been before, and she was longing for his thick cock to fill her now.

  She gave a suggestive wiggle as she took her position, letting her tail sway back and forth. She had gotten used to the size of the plug now, so even when she clenched around it, it didn’t feel overly large. When her movements reminded her of its presence, though, she felt herself grow even wetter.

  She felt Peter reaching back and gently stroking her throbbing pussy.

  “I’ve never seen a girl as wet as you are now,” he told her.

  She felt him insert a finger into her, checking to see just how much he turned her on, she assumed.

  “Are you ready for me to fuck you, my darling?” he asked.

  Julie nodded. “Yes, daddy.”

  “You really want it?”

  “Please,” she whimpered. She realized that she was on the verge of begging. The thought that she might beg for Peter’s cock made her face redden with embarrassment.

  But Peter didn’t make her go that far. Julie felt his cock rubbing against her pussy.

  “Reach back and spread yourself for me,” he instructed.

  The thought of putting herself more on display than she was at the moment made her hide her face against the floor, but she reached both her hands back and spread her pussy wide open.

  “Mine,” he said, his tone of voice sounding like he was admiring it.

  “All yours,” Julie whispered back.

  Finally, Peter slipped his cock into her. The feeling of having her pussy filled along with the plug in her bottom hole was almost overwhelming. Peter’s cock in her made her feel stretched and full to begin with, but having both her holes occupied at once was so much more enjoyable than she would have expected.

  She found herself rotating her hips, grinding herself against her daddy’s cock. Her bottom was still red and sore from the spanking that she had received earlier, and when she pressed it against Peter’s body, the warmth was revived.

  Peter must have liked the feeling of it, too, because he grunted with pleasure.

  Julie tried to lift her upper body, to have more range of movement, but Peter used his hand to harshly push her back down to the floor.

  “I didn’t tell you that I wanted you to move,” he ordered.

  “I’m sorry, daddy!” Julie moaned, practically gasping between each word.

  “You need to listen to what I tell you, don’t you, little girl?” Peter asked, emphasizing each word with a deep, hard thrust.

  “Yes! Yes, I do! I’ll be a good girl!” Julie wailed.

  “Good,” Peter said. “You can show me that you’re being obedient by coming when I tell you to.”

  Julie felt like she was ready to explode with orgasm already, especially with the harder, faster pace that Peter had picked up. He rocked her back and forth as he continued to thrust into her. Wetness ran down her leg.

  Julie did her best to keep quiet while she waited for the command she so desired, but she couldn’t help but moan and whine. As her pleasure built, it became harder and harder to keep from coming. She knew that she could, though. She wanted nothing more than to be a good girl for Peter.

  Finally, he spoke to her again. “I’m going to count down from ten,” he told her. “When I finish, I want you to come for me. Understood?”

  Julie nodded. “Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

  “Good girl,” Peter praised. Then he began to count. “Ten…”

  Julie let her body start to relax just a little. She felt herself teetering on the edge of the orgasm that she so craved.


  God, he was counting slowly! Why did her daddy have to love teasing her so much?

  “Eight… seven…”

  Julie bit her lip, trying to hold herself back.

  “Six… five…”

  Halfway there? Julie thought.

  “Four… three…two…”

  Peter paused even longer this time and Julie practically held her breath with anticipation.

  “One,” he finally counted. “Come for me, princess.”

  And Julie did, instantly. She let out a long wailing cry of ecstasy as she did, her muscles gripping at the plug in her bottom as she rocked wildly against Peter’s throbbing cock. Her hands grasped at the carpet and her knees shook. Her climax was immediately followed by more feelings of pleasure, and she realized that she was going to come again.

  As she was about to fall into orgasmic bliss once again, she felt Peter’s hands grasping her gruffly. He groaned with pleasure as he pounded into her, even harder and stronger than before.

  She felt his hot seed inside her, and it sent her over the edge again. She gasped and cried out as she let all the built-up tension out of her body. When she was finished, she collapsed, feeling entirely spent.

  “Thank you, daddy,” she breathed out happily.

  Chapter Eighteen

  For a couple of days after their trip to Cuddleville, Julie was on her best behavior. She got up as early as she could and made the bed each day. She brought her daddy fresh cups of coffee as he sat at his desk working, and did her best not to distract him too much or make a big mess in the kitchen with the coffee grounds.

  She worked on painting at the kitchen table quite a bit, or read on the living room floor. She watched movies and anime on TV and generally made the time pass.

  One day, though, she realized that she was bored of everything she had been up to recently. She went into the kitchen and climbed on the counter in order to reach the top shelf, looking to see if they had enough supplies in for her to do some baking. That would be a good distraction, and Peter would be pleased with the surprise.

  She rummaged through, trying to see what was there. As she reached into the very back of a cabinet, she accidentally knocked a metal bowl off, sending it crashing to the tile floor.

  Peter came running into the kitchen immediately after the sound. Julie was actually a little surprised by how quickly he had arrived.

  “Julie!” he scolded. “You scared me!”

  She tried to turn around without falling from her perch. “Sorry, daddy. I didn’t mean to make a noise.”

  Peter studied her position with disapproval in his eyes. “What are you doing up there?” he asked.

  “Nothing!” Julie told him. She wanted him to be surprised.

  Peter narrowed his eyes. “I want you to get down from there,” he told her. “This is a house, not a jungle gym.”

  Julie scrunched up her nose in frustration.

  “I’m not hurting anything!” she said grumpily.

  “I don’t want you playing in the kitchen when I can’t watch you. It’s for your own safety.”

  “Noooooo, I’m fine,” Julie pouted.

  “Get down. Now. I won’t ask again.” Peter’s voice had become dangerously stern.

  “Daddddddy,” Julie whined.

  Peter had obviously had enough. He walked over to where Julie was perched and lifted her off the counter.

  “Julie, when I tell you to do something, and I tell you that it’s for your safety, I don’t expect you to protest,” he told her.

  He set her down on the floor. Julie stood nervously as she waited to see what was going to happen next. She had some ideas, though.

  Peter grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and set it in the middle of the room and sat down on it.

  “To me,” he ordered.

  Julie twirled her hair with her finger nervously. “Daddy, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you…” she started, hoping she could explain. Her heart was pounding hard as she looked at Peter sitting there with a very stern look on his face.

  “Well, that was a very quick turn
around time, kitten,” he told her. “You went from ‘it’s not fair’ to ‘I’m sorry’ in just a matter of seconds, it seems. I’m not convinced. You know better than to disobey me by now, don’t you?”

  Julie hung her head. “Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

  “Well, now you know what’s going to happen. You’re going to get a bare bottom spanking, like you always do when you’re a naughty little girl who doesn’t listen to her daddy. You need a reminder to behave yourself today, I suppose.”

  Julie slowly inched her way over to where Peter was sitting, her hands instinctively finding their way to her bottom and clutching at it protectively.

  “Over my lap, now,” he told her.

  Julie lowered herself into position. She felt Peter wrap his arm around her waist to pin her in place. His strength made her feel comforted. It was a reminder that even though he was going to punish her, she was always protected. In a way, it felt more like a cuddle than a restraint, even though it kept her from moving in the least.

  Peter flipped up the skirt of her striped dress and immediately yanked her panties down.

  “No, daddy,” she whined. “Can’t I have my panties on at first like last time you punished me?”

  Peter gave her a firm smack on her now bare bottom.

  “Julie, you don’t get to tell me how I punish you. You don’t get to decide what rules are fair and which ones aren’t. The rules are in place to protect you, because you’re a little girl who needs to be taken care of. And if I say that you can’t climb on the kitchen counters, then you can’t climb on the kitchen counters. If I say you’re getting a bare bottom spanking, then you’re getting a bare bottom spanking. Is that clear to you, princess?”

  Peter’s stern words made Julie blush.

  “Yes, daddy,” she breathed.

  “Good. Now you’re getting a bare bottom spanking. A long and hard one, that is going to leave you nice and sore for the rest of the afternoon, I hope. That will keep you out of trouble while I have work to do.”

  Peter then began to spank Julie, landing crisp swat after swat on her upturned bottom. They hurt right away, making Julie kick her feet and wriggle as much as she could when she was held so tightly.

  Her bottom was growing sorer by the moment, and still the punishing swats continued to fall. There was no relief from the quick tempo of the spanking.

  “I’m going to be good!” Julie promised.

  “I don’t believe you yet,” the sheriff told her. “I’m going to make sure that you really are. I don’t want you falling down and cracking your head on the tile. I work too hard to keep you safe from dangers outside to let you get hurt right in my own home.”

  “But this hurts!” Julie pouted.

  “Of course it does. It hurts in a way that reminds you to listen. It hurts in a way that teaches you a lesson. That’s the kind of pain that you need right now, kitten. Not some kind of accident. Not an injury. A hot little bottom to teach you a lesson.”

  The smacks continued to fall with no end in sight. Julie couldn’t lie still. Her bottom burned and stung too much for that.

  “I don’t think this is getting through to you,” Peter scolded, finally giving her a break.

  “It is! You don’t need to spank me more!” Julie pleaded, sensing an opportunity.

  Peter moved his arm from around her waist.

  “Get up,” he told her.

  Julie sprung to her feet immediately, her hands rubbing her bottom.

  “Thank you! I’m sorry I was naughty and I promise that I…” Julie began hastily.

  “Oh, no,” Peter told her, “your punishment is not over yet. You’re still telling me what to do when I’m disciplining you, so you’ve made it clear to me that I’m not really getting through to you.”

  Peter got up from the chair and walked over to the counter. He opened a drawer there and pulled out a heavy looking wooden spoon that was used for cooking. He smacked it against his hand and it let out a loud crack.

  Julie jumped back at the sound.

  “This should do for the next part of your punishment,” he told her.

  Julie didn’t like the sound of ‘the next part.’

  Peter returned to the chair and beckoned Julie over to him again.

  She didn’t really want to obey, since she didn’t want to get spanked more, but it seemed like a bad choice to not do what Peter was telling her. It could only add more discipline, and she wasn’t sure what else he had in store for her already.

  So she crept over to his side and, without him telling her, climbed back into position over his lap.

  “That’s a good girl,” he told her. “I shouldn’t have to fight you about these things, should I?”

  Julie shook her head, no.

  “I’m going to spank you with this spoon now, and I hope that teaches you a lesson. I expect you to listen and be respectful. It’s not too much to ask, is it?”

  “No, sir,” she muttered.

  “Alright then,” Peter told her.

  The first swat with the spoon stung more than Julie would have expected. It was so hot, so biting and the pain made her head positively buzz. The next one was just as bad; a small patch of burning, searing pain.

  “Owwwwwwwwww,” she wailed.

  Peter gave her another swat. And then another. Then another. He built to a rhythm again, although a much slower pace than what he had been peppering her bottom with when he spanked her with his hand. Each smack was agonizing.

  Julie hung her head and let her body go limp, no longer struggling against the spanking. It seemed to hurt less when she didn’t fight it, or maybe Peter was going easier on her; she couldn’t tell. She simply ‘ouched’ and ‘owwwed,’ eventually letting her sounds turn into one long wail as the wood visited her bottom again and again.

  Her bottom felt swollen and extremely hot when Peter finally let the spoon rest on her back.

  “Lesson learned?” Peter asked her.

  Julie didn’t have to feign contrition. “Yes, daddy,” she told him.

  “That’s my good little girl,” he praised.

  He helped Julie off his lap and into a hug. She rested her face against his chest and he scooped her up, cradling her in his arms and making her feel as small and safe as she had ever felt in her life.

  Peter held her for a while, as she caught her breath. Eventually, the pain in her bottom faded enough that she could sit up and have a normal conversation, instead of only being able to focus on just how sore she was.

  “I just wanted to make a cake or something,” she told him.

  “I would have let you, if you had asked and I had gotten things down for you,” Peter explained. “You got punished for not listening to me, not for wanting to do things, you know.”

  “I know. Can I do it now?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Not yet,” Peter told her. “You need one more reminder to be a good girl for the rest of the day.”

  Julie’s heart started to pound at those words. More punishment? But her bottom was so sore already. She couldn’t take anything else, surely!

  Peter gave her a kiss and set her on her feet.

  “I’ll be right back,” he told her, then walked to the bedroom.

  Julie started to fidget, trying to rub the soreness out of her backside while he was away.

  He returned with the bag from the sex shop the other night. “I didn’t just get the plug you wore the other night when I ran into the store,” he explained. “I got you one that has a flat base, so you can wear it longer. So, you’re going to wear this for the rest of the time that I’m working, to remind you to be a good girl.”

  Julie had quite liked the feeling of having a plug in her bottom. It had been very erotic, and she liked the filled feeling.

  But the plug that Peter took out of the bag was bigger than the one that she had worn before. Not huge, but definitely not small, either. It was made of clear glass. It wasn’t even cute, she thought with a sigh. She eyed it with apprehension.

nbsp; “Bend over and spread your cheeks for me,” Peter ordered. Julie did as she was told, blushing furiously as she exposed her bottom hole for Peter.

  He didn’t put his finger into her bottom first this time. He simply rubbed a little bit of lube against her tight hole, then she felt the cold, hard plug pushing against her.

  She tensed her bottom hole, trying to push it out.

  “Don’t fight it,” Peter scolded. “Your little bottom hole needs to be punished to teach you a lesson, and you’re going to take it.”

  Julie did her best to relax.

  Peter tried again, pushing the glass against her muscles. As it started to enter her, it felt different than when Peter had put the other plug in. She was well aware that she was being punished, which made the whole thing feel very shameful. It was even worse that her pussy was starting to get wet. She was sure that her daddy could see her arousal.

  The plug seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger, stretching her in a way that her hole wasn’t ready for. It was so hard not to squirm away from it when it began to hurt.

  “Daddy, it’s too big,” she whined.

  “It’s not too big. You can take it,” Peter told her.

  It stretched her more, making her hole burn with soreness.

  “It hurts!” she whimpered.

  “It’s a punishment. Punishments aren’t meant to feel good.”

  She gasped and groaned as it reached the widest part of the plug, then she breathed a sigh of relief as it slipped into place, her muscles clenching down on the neck to hold it in place.

  “This stays in until I say so,” he explained. “I want you to think about why it’s there. It needs to remind you to continue to be a good and obedient girl for me today.”

  “Can I get up?” Julie asked.

  “Yes, you may.”

  Julie rose to her feet. It felt strange to move with such a big thing filling her up. Every step felt different than it usually did, and it made her very aware of the plug in her bottom.

  “Do you think you can be a good girl for the rest of the day now?”

  “Yes, I promise!” Julie told him. She was being honest. She couldn’t imagine disobeying while she had such a physical and personal reminder of Peter’s dominance affecting her in an unescapable way.


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