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Cassidy's War

Page 21

by Susan Macatee

  Arriving home, he found Tillie, who he’d left to care for the house while away, in an uproar. She rushed up to take his bag from his hand.

  “Sir, you have to know what they’re saying about you.”

  He scowled. “What the devil is wrong?”

  The woman’s thin lips quivered. “There’s rumors you mistreated a patient under your care. A young woman.”

  “That’s absurd!” Scott’s blood ran cold. “Who’s spreading these ridiculous rumors?”

  “It’s the Stuarts. Miss Stuart said you laid hands on her and her brother backs her up. They’ve been saying horrible things about you.”

  “Well, I’ll just have to put a stop to this.” He stomped down the hall. Heated, he stripped off his coat, dropped the garment, then unbuttoned his vest.

  Tillie raced after him, scooping his coat from the floor. “Sir, what if the town believes them?”

  Scott twirled around. “They’re obviously after the patients who flocked to me after Miss Stuart showed the town what a bungler she is, and now her brother wants to get them back.”

  “They’re lying?” Tillie raised her brows.

  “How can they prove what they say? It’s their word against mine.” Scott racked his brain, trying to recall who’d seen him that night.

  “What about the patient you mistreated?” Tillie lifted her gnarled hands to her mouth.

  Could they have found out about Miss Wellingham or had that bitch, Miss Baker, talked? He’d thought he had her cowed, but she may have spoken up when he’d left for New York.

  “They can’t have proof for any of these wild accusations.” He stepped on the bottom stair. “Have a glass of bourbon ready for me when I come back down.”

  “Sir?” Tillie frowned. “It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”

  “I didn’t ask you, Tillie. On second thought, bring it to my room.” He turned and ascended the stairs, not looking back.

  After quenching his thirst, he decided a trip to the tavern would be in order, while Tillie prepared his dinner. If gossip about him had spread through town, he’d find out and see if he could nip the whole thing in the bud.

  As he sat at the bar sipping bourbon, a man slid into the seat beside him. Scott glanced over at a thin, blond haired, clean-shaven, man eyeing him with interest. He took a sip of the drink the bartender laid before him and swallowed.

  “You’re Doc Madison ain’t ya?” the man murmured. “I’ve seen you in here before but haven’t had the pleasure...”

  “I believe I’m at a disadvantage, sir.” Scott extended his hand.

  The man smiled. “Nate Bartholomew.” He reached out and shook Scott’s hand. “Heard you’d gone out of town for a spell.”

  Scott glanced around the tavern. This early in the day, only the bartender and a serving woman dealt with a handful of patrons. “I was in New York City...for a medical conference.”

  Bartholomew leaned toward him. “The Stuarts have been spreading gossip about you since you’ve been gone.”

  “So, I’ve heard. False gossip, I might add.”

  “Seems likely they want to drive you out of town, so they can get all their patients back.” Bartholomew frowned. “But I’ve seen you courting Miss Stuart. What’d she do, go sour on you, Doc?”

  Scott scowled. “Seems her old beau, George Masters, showed up in town and stole her away from me.”

  “Masters? He’s a liar and a cheat. She’d be better off with you.”

  “So I’d thought.” He lifted his glass, allowing the warmth of his drink to stir up his embers. “Seems she’s chosen him.”

  Bartholomew shook his head. “If I see him, I’ll sock him in the jaw. He cleaned me out about a week ago when I stayed at my brother’s in Philadelphia. We have a running poker game here in the back room, too. He’s there whenever he’s hurting for cash. A real pro at raking it in too.” He inclined his head, and Scott followed his gaze to a door on the left side of the kitchen.

  Scott turned back. “So, you know him.” He leaned toward the man, keeping his voice low. “Sounds like you have a serious grudge against the man.”

  Bartholomew turned and spat in the spittoon on the floor beside his stool. “Sure enough do, Doc. In fact, if I get my hands on the scum, I wouldn’t want to say in polite company just what I’d like to do to him.”

  “I wouldn’t mind sharing in a bit of retribution on the man myself.” Scott relaxed, knowing he’d found a kindred spirit.

  “He’s a cheating bastard. Learned all those fancy card tricks in New York City. Served in the war with him, too. Still the same son-of-a-bitch back then. Took all my money, then told me I just had back luck.” He leaned toward Scott and lowered his voice. “If I had my druthers, Doc, I’d be happy to take care of him for you, so you can get the little lady back.”

  Turning to his drink, Bartholomew lifted his glass and swallowed the last drop, then slammed the empty container on the bar. “The one room I can afford in town is a small room behind the kitchen. I would’ve left this hell hole by now, but he took all my money, and the only job I could find is cheap labor that doesn’t pay enough for train fare out of here.”

  “What if I told you I could help you out?” Scott smiled, pulling out a wad of money.

  The man’s brows lifted. “I’m listenen’. What I have to do?”

  “I’d like to discredit the Stuarts so they’re the ones forced to leave town, but for George Masters, I need someone skilled in the art of revenge.”

  Bartholomew leaned in close. Scott caught the scent of whiskey and tobacco on his breath.

  “Tell me, do you own a firearm, Mr. Bartholomew?”


  With his plan for revenge in motion, Scott decided it was time to pay Miss Baker a call. Find out if she’d told the Stuarts what he’d done to her. If she hadn’t, maybe he’d just spend a little more time with the schoolteacher. Then he’d deal with Miss Stuart and her brother.

  He waited, like he had the last time, for the school day to be done. He hoped to find her in the school house alone. Anticipation of seeing her again and touching her petal soft, ivory skin, threading his hands through her silky hair, sent his pulse racing.

  He stopped a few yards from the school house. The door stood open, but he didn’t see any children. He hoped she was inside getting ready to depart for the day.

  Stepping around the side of the one room structure, he peered into a window. She stood at a desk setting slates in a pile. He opened the door and walked in.

  Her eyes widened and she backed away. “Miss Baker, I thought it time to see you again and be sure our agreement is in order.”

  Her gaze shifted to her left. Movement in the corner of the room caught Scott’s attention. A man strode toward him. Quinn Stuart.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Madison?”

  Scott swallowed. “I could ask you the same thing, sir.”

  Miss Baker’s face paled. “He’s helping me clean up and seeing me home.”

  Scott licked his lips. “I wish to speak to you, Miss Baker. Nothing more.”

  “About what?” Stuart’s scowl deepened, and he stepped menacingly close. “What business do you have with her anyway?”

  “I...I saw Miss Baker a few months ago as a patient. She’d cut her arm.”

  “I know all about that. My sister treated her. She’s Cassie’s patient now. You have no business coming here, and I suggest you leave.” He raised a fist.

  Scott backed away. “Are you planning to cuff me like that brute Masters? I heard your sister’s his whore now.”

  Stuart stepped to within an inch of Scott and grasped his shirt collar, twisting the fabric. “Get out of here, now, or I swear to God, I’ll...”

  Scott raised his hands in surrender. When Stuart released him, he backed out the door. “I’ll leave, but you’d better get a handle on your sister.”

  As Scott strode back to town, rage burned within him. Apparently, Miss Baker hadn’t told the Stuarts what he’d done
, but would she now? And how could he get to her to be sure she didn’t?


  George stopped by Cassidy’s home to be sure she was all right. He’d learned Madison had returned from a trip to New York City. He had to be sure the bastard wouldn’t come after her again.

  He found her in her office, cleaning up after a patient visit. Her mother let him in, and he noted acceptance and relief in the woman’s gaze when she greeted him.

  Cassidy glanced up when he entered the room. She dropped the rag in her hand and ran into his arms. Her hair smelled of fresh rainwater and herbs.

  “He’s back,” George said.

  “Who?” She searched his eyes. “Dr. Madison?”

  He nodded, setting her away from him.

  “Seems he’s been at a medical conference in New York. I’d kind of hoped he’d left town for good.”

  “Quinn talked about going to the sheriff, but it would be Madison’s word against ours. I’m not sure what we can do.”

  “Likely, he’ll try to discredit you and Quinn. Make it look like the two of you are in cahoots to get your practice back.”

  She frowned. “Do you really think so?”

  “I truly believe the man’s capable of anything, Cassie, after what Colonel Wellingham told me he did to his daughter.”

  “How will we ever get any proof against him?” She chewed her lower lip.

  “Can’t say I know, but we have to stay vigilant. I won’t allow him to harm anyone else, especially you.” He stepped close and spread his arms.

  Cassidy smiled, melting into his embrace. Soft and pliant. He’d keep her safe, no matter what.

  “George...” She pressed her face into his coat, so he had trouble hearing her muffled words. “ promised never to leave me again.”

  “I won’t, darlin’.” He kissed her hair. “I won’t.”


  Tuesday evening, Scott invited Nate Bartholomew to his home so they could talk without being overheard. He’d told him to come late, after the housekeeper left for the day.

  Bartholomew strode in the door and followed Scott to the parlor where he slid into an upholstered chair. As Scott perched on the settee, he noted the man’s scowl. He certainly looked capable of killing a man.

  “Now, Doc...” Bartholomew rubbed his calloused hands together. “...just how much would you pay me to take care of Masters for you?”

  Scott frowned. “Well, if truth be told, I’d say you wanted him gone just as much as I. Makes us partners of a sort.”

  Nate frowned. “If I’m the one pulling the trigger, I’m taking all the risks. Reckon I should be compensated, is all.”

  Scott smiled. “My good man, you will be. First off, I’ll be paying your train fare out of Burkeville. Until then, you can stay here, and I’ll provide all your meals.”

  The man rubbed his chin. “What about your housekeeper?”

  “Simple. I’ll tell her I’m renting you a room until you can get back on your feet.”

  “She won’t be suspicious?”

  “Tillie knows to keep out of my business. Otherwise, I’d be forced to dismiss her.”

  Bartholomew scrubbed his face. “And after I’ve done the deed?”

  “You’ll be paid handsomely for your part.” Scott waved his hand. “I’ll make sure you get out of town, and then you’ll be free to go anywhere you wish.”

  Nate squinted. “I’ve always wanted to go out west. Reckon that’s where I’ll head.”

  Scott nodded. “A good choice. A man can lose himself on the west coast.” He scowled. “I don’t know who’d care about Masters’ death, anyway.”

  “What about that gal he’s taken up with?”

  “Don’t worry about her.” Scott rubbed his palms together in anticipation. “I have my own plans for Miss Stuart.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Late Wednesday morning, George trudged in the direction of the Stuart home. Madison back in town put his nerves on edge. He couldn’t get past the thought the bastard plotted and planned something malicious. He didn’t worry so much for himself, but if Madison harmed Cassidy, he’d never forgive himself.

  He found her in the garden at the back of the house, pulling weeds. When she caught sight of him, she smiled.

  “I worried so about you, George.”

  “And I worried even more about you.” He reached for her hand and set down the basket. “Has Madison contacted you?”

  She frowned. “No, but...I’ve spoken to Quinn. He stayed with Miss Baker at the school house after her class left and Madison showed up wanting to see her.”

  He gulped. “What happened?” He searched her eyes.

  “Quinn threatened him and chased him off. Afterward Miss Baker seemed scared. He tried to comfort her. That’s when she told him...” She swallowed.

  “Told him what?”

  “Madison forced himself on her.”

  George’s pulse thundered. “In his office?”

  “No.” Cassidy shook her head. “He touched and kissed her in the office, but later, he came to the school house when she was there alone...” Her gaze glazed over. “I can’t believe anyone could be so horrible! Miss Baker is the sweetest woman.”

  George gathered her in his arms. “It’s all right, Cassie. We have him now. We’ll take Miss Baker to the sheriff.”

  “No.” She mumbled into his chest. “Quinn wanted to take her, but she refuses to go.” She gazed up at him. “She fears revealing what he did will damage her reputation beyond repair.”

  “Blast it all!” George backed away, ruffling his hand through his hair. “We have to tell the sheriff...”

  “But it will be her word against a respected doctor,” Cassidy protested.

  “What about the attack on you?” George paced the room. “You and Quinn can see the sheriff...”

  She spread her hands. “Without absolute proof, the sheriff would have to take our word against his. And rumors are already spreading through town that we’re trying to discredit him and drive him out.”

  “There has to be something we can do. I couldn’t live with myself if he got to you before I could stop him.”

  She turned away and planted her fists on her hips. “What about you? He’s no more happy with you than me. Miss Baker, Quinn, you and I...we’re all in danger.”

  George sighed and grasped her shoulders, turning her to face him. “We all have to be on guard. But I don’t know how to keep watch on you when I can’t be with you all the time.”

  She smiled and stroked his cheek. “The hours I spent in your room were the most wonderful hours of my life.” Her face lifted, so he could feel her sweet breath on his face. His own breathing quickened. “I want you to make love to me again.”

  “” He swallowed hard. “This isn’t the time. Your mother and Quinn already suspect...”

  “I don’t care, George. I don’t know if it’s the excitement of all this going on with Madison or just being here so close to you. My senses are tingling.” She stood on her toes, her tongue flicking out to lick his lips. He opened his mouth and she kissed him, probing with her tongue.

  His arms tightened around her. An image of the two of them naked, alone for the night, sent his shaft hardening. How could he deny her?

  She pulled away and smirked. “Will you, then?”

  He shook his head, but grinned. “You drive a hard bargain, Cassidy Stuart.”

  She glanced around, then lifted her lips to his ear. “I’m supposed to tend to one of my patients in town after dinner. I’ll look in on her, then sneak to the back of your hotel. Meet me there at eight o’clock.”

  Before he could answer, she snatched the basket and dashed into the house. George sighed and licked his lips. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but for right now, having her in his bed the entire night caused his body to hum with anticipation. And he wouldn’t have to worry about Madison getting to her while he wasn’t around to protect her.


  By la
te Wednesday afternoon, Scott and Nate had their revenge all planned out. By allowing Nate to do all the dirty work, Scott would be left free to keep his practice. And with Masters gone and the Stuarts discredited, he’d have complete control. Since Miss Stuart had spurned him, he’d take up with that little schoolteacher. He’d keep her as a mistress until he found a suitable woman to pursue for a wife.

  Once Nate settled in, Scott stepped into his room to go over the plan.

  Nate glanced around, smiling. “Nice place you have here, Doc. My room at the tavern’s a dump!” He flopped on the bed and lifted both legs onto the quilt.

  Scott scowled, noting he still wore his boots. “You must focus on your task, and as soon as the deed’s done, I’ll have your money waiting, and you can board a train out of town.”

  “Long as you’re paying.” Nate propped his upper body against the headboard.

  Scott stiffened, not liking the man dirtying the quilt his late mother had sewn, but let it go, not wanting to aggravate him.

  “Once you’ve taken care of Masters, you’ll be free to leave.”

  Nate grinned.

  “I do hope you’ve got your weapon ready and loaded.”

  “Sure do.” Nate patted his vest pocket. “Got me a derringer all ready for the bastard.”

  Scott scowled. “A derringer? You’ll have to stand at close range to shoot him.”

  A slow grin spread over Nate’s face. “Oh, I surely intend to. I want him to look me right in the eye, so he knows who killed him.”

  “So long as he doesn’t get you first.” Scott waved his hand. “But I do want to be apprised when he’s been taken care of. Once he’s out of the way...” He trailed off, a thrill racing through him at the thought of what he’d do to Miss Stuart.

  Nate grinned. “You’re gonna go after that gal, ain’t ya?”

  Scott scowled. “She’s no concern of yours.”

  “I see.” Nate rose and circled Scott’s chair. “If what you’re planning is what I think, I’d like to have a go at her too.”

  “Absolutely not!” Scott glanced up at the man. “Once Masters is taken care of, I’ll pay you, and you’ll be on your way.”


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