Cassidy's War

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Cassidy's War Page 25

by Susan Macatee

  He removed his hat and swallowed hard. He’d rehearsed what he planned to say to her, but all of the flowery words fled his mind. She wouldn’t turn him down after all they’d been through, but nagging doubt held him back.

  Sarah turned, frowning. “Well, c’mon George. What are you waiting for?”

  He smiled and moved past Sarah to the entrance of the parlor. The door stood ajar. Glancing inside, he caught sight of Cassidy. An open book lay on her lap; a frown marred her beautiful features. When he stepped inside, she glanced up.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you, Cassie.”

  “Oh, no.” She closed the book, placing it on the side table. A medical text, he noted.

  “You still have all summer before you go off to Philadelphia.”

  She beamed, patting the chair beside her. “Sit down. I want to talk to you before dinner’s ready.”

  “All right.” He settled in the chair and handed her the bouquet. She cradled the flowers, smiling. Her dark hair and bewitching green eyes sent his pulse racing. He longed to take her in his arms, kiss her thoroughly, then propose, but fear of rejection paralyzed him.

  “George...” Cassidy frowned. “What is it?”

  “I—I don’t quite know how to put this.”

  She leaned over and patted his arm, placing the flowers on the table. “Is something wrong? Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Cassie...” He cleared his throat. “Damn, this is just as hard as the first time.” He stared at his hands in his lap.

  She stroked the back of his hand, sending delicious tingles coursing through his body. He sought her gaze.

  “I know you’re going off to Philadelphia in a few months, and I have no quarrel with that. In fact, I’m mighty proud of you for being accepted as a medical student.”

  Her face flushed. “I’m so glad.”

  “But the thing is, I would like you to consider marrying me.”

  Her gaze dropped and his heart sank. He’d hoped when she’d learned he worked as a Pinkerton detective, instead of earning his keep as a professional gambler, she’d be eager to accept his proposal, but as a lawman he’d offer her a life of uncertainty. What had he been thinking?

  “I’m sorry, Cassie. I’ll be taking my leave now.” He rose and turned to go.

  “George.” She stood and stepped to block his way. “Where are you going?”

  “I love you, Cassie, but I’ve never been good enough for you, and now I’ve chosen a profession that’ll put us both in danger. I can’t ask you to do that. You go off to the city and find a man who’ll do you proud.”

  She reached for both his hands. “You do me proud, George Masters. And I will not allow you to take your marriage proposal back again.”

  “Are you saying...?” Hope rose as he studied her face.

  “I’m going to marry you, mister, whether you like it or not.” She dropped his hands and fisted hers on her hips.

  “Well...” His arms circled her waist. “I’ll just have to hold you to it.” He lowered his mouth to hers and tasted heaven. She laid her head against his chest, her warmth and sweetness threatening to send him beyond propriety.

  He eased her away. “I think that will have to be enough for now. We have to be presentable to go in to dinner.”

  She smiled and cupped his face in her hands for a chaste kiss. “This will hold you until later, I reckon.”

  “Indeed it will.”


  Friday evening, Cassidy announced their engagement at dinner. Her family was thrilled with the news. She still planned to attend school in the fall but didn’t want to wait until she completed her studies to marry George. She’d waited much too long already.

  He took his leave only to return later in the evening with another announcement. Drawing him into the parlor, Cassidy motioned him to sit.

  “What is it?” She studied his face, searching for clues. “Don’t dare keep me in suspense.”

  “I’ve obtained a position as a deputy here in town. Two businessmen are planning an expansion, including shops, banks and a hospital right here in Burkeville, hoping to draw newcomers. The sheriff wants to be prepared for more people and bring in trained help now. After you finish school, we’ll settle here in town.”

  She looked away, biting her lip.

  “If that’s what you want.” He reached for her hand. “I should have asked you first, if you wanted to live here.”

  Cassidy turned to him and kissed his hand. “You’ve just made me a very happy woman, George Masters. Although it will be fun staying in a big city for a while, my heart is this town and with you.”

  He grinned. “Then I reckon we should start planning a wedding.”


  Eight days later, Cassidy fidgeted in her room trying to adjust her wedding veil. Sarah and her mother had helped her pick the material and construct the gown. Sewing wasn’t Cassidy’s forte, except when she used her skill to stitch up a patient.

  George settled in as a deputy and looked to purchase a home here in town. He promised to keep the house up with the help of her mother, while she was away.

  After the wedding, Sarah, Wesley, and their new baby would be heading home to York. And Quinn would keep up the practice, once Cassidy went off to medical school. After all, he’d be the only doctor in town and now courted Miss Baker. Cassidy hoped another wedding would be announced soon.

  “Cassie, aren’t you ready yet?” Sarah hissed. “You’re keeping the men waiting.”

  After one last glance in the full-length mirror, she nodded. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Her stomach fluttered as she followed her mother and Sarah down the staircase and into the parlor where the men of the family, along with the minister, gathered.

  Quinn stepped to the open doorway and took her arm to lead her to her future husband. George’s dark eyes widened as he eyed her new gown.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispered. Her brother placed her hand in his.

  As the minister read the marriage ceremony and she and George recited their vows, Cassidy couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if George hadn’t stepped back into her life.

  At the close of the ceremony, family and friends surrounded the couple. With the man of her dreams at her side, nothing or no one could ruin her elation.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” the minister intoned. He smiled and nodded at George. “You may now kiss your bride.”

  She turned to her husband. He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her. Her thoughts scattered, and she realized after so long, they at last were married.

  At the reception afterward, she sat with her sister, mother and friends, watching the men as they congregated.

  Cassidy couldn’t take her gaze off her new husband. Her thoughts drifted back to when they were children and he’d teased her. She never would’ve thought that boy and the roguish young man he’d grown into would turn out to be the perfect man for her.

  Sarah gazed at Wesley and beamed. “How handsome they all are!”

  Her mother sighed. “That they are.”

  Cassidy smiled as she noted her mother’s gaze set on her two sons, dressed in their best suits.

  “I’d best go check on Johnny,” Sarah said.

  “I’ll get him,” her mother volunteered. With a swish of her skirts, she left the room.

  Sarah turned to Cassidy. “I’m so glad you’ve finally found happiness. You deserve this, after all you’ve been through.”

  “Thank you, Sarah.” She leaned forward to kiss her sister’s cheek. “But of all the men...” Her face heated as she gazed at George.

  Sarah smirked. “You two were meant for each other, I reckon. And I’m sure your future life will be very exciting.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “I’ve had enough excitement to last a lifetime. All I want now is a family and a small practice where I can use my skills to ease suffering. And hopefully, gain respect for my profession.”

“You will, Cassie.” Sarah glanced up as her mother eased into the room, little Johnny snuggled in her arms.

  “I think he wants his mother.” Ma settled the baby in Sarah’s lap.

  She laughed. “I think it’s time for this little man to be fed.” She stood. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Bring him back when you’re both through,” Cassidy said. “I haven’t seen enough of him with all the distractions.”

  Nodding, Sarah left the room.

  Later, George and Cassidy left by carriage to spend the night in his hotel room. He promised the house he’d purchased would be ready for them the next day.

  He undressed her with reverence, then laid her on the bed. She ached to undress him too, but he wouldn’t allow her.

  “I want to gaze at your beautiful body while I undress. Then you’ll have your chance at me.” He grinned.

  He slipped out of his clothing. When finished, he lay beside her and stroked her cheek.

  “Do you remember the first time we spent in this bed?”

  She nodded. He moved closer, pressing the length of his heated body against her. His lips covered hers, and she drifted to heaven. Then his mouth roved down her throat to her breasts. Heat shot to her core as his tongue laved her nipples.

  Now she knew what to expect, she had no fear or trepidation. She wanted this more than anything in her entire life.

  As he eased himself into her, a thrill like no other threatened to shatter her. Will it always be this wonderful? Each time proved more exciting than before.

  Once she lay nestled in her husband’s arms, she knew the war that had brought them together and torn them apart was over. But the war to be a respected female physician was just beginning.

  A word about the author...

  Susan Macatee sets her stories of romance during and just after the American Civil War. Her passion for this period in American history also extends to the paranormal. You’ll find time travelers, ghosts, and vampires in the mix.

  Her interest in the period stems from her years spent as a civilian Civil War reenactor, alongside her husband, who did the military side, with the 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment for about ten years.

  Her other love is science fiction, which she reads voraciously and hopes to incorporate into future romance plots.

  She lives with her husband and sons, and the family dog, a boxer mix named Chase. She spends her free time cheering on her local baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies, spending time with Chase and her husband, watching favorite old movies, and inhaling books.

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