Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2)

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Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2) Page 13

by V. F. Mason


  Stepping outside the shower stall, I wiped myself dry while studying my reflection in the mirror, wincing at the black eye and several bruises left from Radmir’s punches. My stomach hurt like a motherfucker, but oddly, I welcomed the pain as it sobered me up. The last thing Rosa needed was my drunken ass crying, or worse, making advances on her body.

  I wrapped the towel around my waist, ran my fingers through my messy hair so I wouldn't wake up with a halo above my head, and went into the bedroom, as my insides screamed at me to join my woman in bed.

  Fuck, bed! After my discovery in Italy, I was supposed to order a proper bed for us, because she didn't deserve to lie on the floor, but it escaped my mind with her wedding and pushing me away after our night together.

  Exhaling heavily, I turned off the light and closed the bathroom door behind me.

  The picture that greeted me stopped me in my tracks; all the air left my lungs at once.

  Three dozen or even more lit candles were scattered around the floor, creating a mysterious and seductive atmosphere as the moonlight enhanced it. Rosa kneeled on the mattress, her hands hanging loose at her sides. Her hair cascaded down to her shoulders in silky, damp waves, while her sun-kissed skin glistened in the light as droplets of water slid down her collarbone, begging to be licked. She must have taken a shower in the guest room.

  Her perfect body with the most amazing curves was encased in a see-through black lacy nightgown that showcased the fullness of her breasts and tight, rosy nipples, and my eyes trailed down to her pussy, which unfortunately at this angle was impossible to see. My cock hardened under the towel as every muscle in me strained, and my voice turned raspy and low, when I asked, “What are you doing?”

  Slipping her tongue out, she moistened her full, begging-to-be-kissed lips and trailed her finger from her graceful neck to her rapidly heaving chest, circled my cross of ownership, and dipped into the valley of her breasts.

  “Seducing you. Is it working?” she whispered, and for a second, any common sense left me, and all I could focus on was her wanting me and practically humming with desire.

  But then, like cold water pouring over my head, the memories flooded back and I stepped back. “’No, krasavica. You just got your identity back. You are in shock, and you need rest.”

  Plus, all her words about the horrific stuff she went through… we couldn't have sex right now.

  Rising slightly higher, she winced as if suffocating, and in an instant, I was by her side, palming her head and laying her down so I could hover above her as I scanned for any injuries to her skin while she giggled, and it dawned on me she was acting. “Rosa.” But before I could scoot away, she used all her strength and flipped me so my back hit the mattress and she straddled my thighs.

  “Dominic,” she whispered, leaning down, her lips inches away from mine. Her hair closed us in, as if a cocoon was protecting us from outside forces. “You talk too much.” With that, she covered my mouth with hers, greedily going after my tongue and holding it prisoner, using it as her personal toy.

  Who the fuck would be able to resist?

  Sliding my hand into her hair, I fisted it and brought her closer as she moaned, kissing me with more passion, and something else. Some new awareness, as if knowing her true identity brought all those intimate moments we had shared in the past back. Where she learned my body as I did hers. When she gave me her virginity, and we made love for the first time.

  Possessiveness rushed through me like an angry wave as my mind chanted one thing only.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  She let go of me and pushed me down, pressing on my shoulders and breathing heavily. My hands automatically rubbed her velvet thighs and traveled up to discover her bare ass, my fingers digging into it, squeezing each cheek. “Mine.”

  Her eyes blazed with desire as she nodded. “Yours. But I want to play tonight.” She gently rubbed under my eyes, her touch like a feather over my bruised skin. If my woman wanted to be in control, she’d have it.

  She gave me a light peck and left butterfly kisses all over my face, trailing lower to nip on my chin with her teeth and suck on my neck, a bit too harshly, probably leaving hickeys.

  “Mine,” she growled so adorably I grinned.

  “No one else’s, krasavica. Just yours.” She licked down my chest, grazing my nipples with her nails as my breath hissed, and dipped her tongue in my belly button. How the fuck did she know it could be so sensitive? She sat up straight, cockily smiled, and then her eyes widened in mock surprise as she grasped my hard cock through the towel, earning a groan from me. Then she asked, “Is this present for me?”

  “Always for you.” She tapped her finger on her lower lip, as if wondering what she should do next, but slowly, agonizingly slow if you ask me, she unwrapped the towel, and I lifted so she could throw it to the side.

  She gasped, as her eyes danced with mischief. “It’s so huge.” Considering she had seen it numerous time, and how much my cock hurt in the moment, I didn't find it as humorous as she did. But it was her show, so I had to keep my mouth shut.

  Her thumb swept the precum leaking from the head, and she tasted it, closing her eyes in pleasure.

  “Rosa,” I warned, as she smiled and then scooted lower so her breath fanned my erect cock, which jerked in anticipation.

  She murmured, “Relax and enjoy, darling.”

  Since she never restrained my hands, I decided to speed up the process; otherwise, I might just explode in her face and the party would be over, like a fucking teenager. That was how much I craved my woman, who had gained her sexual confidence. Fisting her hair once again, I pressed the head of my cock against her lips. Her mouth opened, and she gently sucked, right on the tip, and I thought I’d fucking come right there. Fuck me and her talented tongue. She took me deeper as one hand caressed my sac while her other hand stroked me at the base, and she took me deeper and deeper, almost gagging on my length.

  Her virgin mouth, a year ago, was the only one ever to claim me. Satisfaction settled inside me, as my possessive beast inside beat his chest at the thought.

  She let go of my cock with a pop, licking it, and then sucked on it again.

  Again, again, and again, she repeated the action, driving me out of my fucking mind.

  My skin burned with need as desire spread to every bone in my body through the blood running in my veins, and I couldn't take this torture anymore. As much as I fucking loved her mouth, my favorite place to come would always be her pussy. Tugging on her hair, I almost dragged her up while she licked her lips. I kissed her hard, tasting myself on her. She laced her fingers in my hair, holding on to me for dear life.

  I adjusted her on my lap as my hands cupped her breasts and thumbed her pointed nipples. She leaned to me, her breasts in front of my mouth. I licked around one and then sucked as her head tilted back, and she moaned loudly, enhancing my arousal.

  Moving to the other, I repeated the action as she ground on my thighs, her wetness covering my skin. Holding her with one arm around her back, I slid my hand lower to her soft stomach, entering her wet pussy with my middle finger. She clenched around me and whimpered, begging, “Dominic, please.” My own need bordered on insanity, so prolonging the torture and enjoying the taste of her pussy would have to be pushed for another time.

  Raising her above me, I impaled her on my cock with one hard thrust as our groans mingled together. Her nails scratched my back as she bit my neck. Fuck me, she gripped me so tightly I thought I’d come right there. The feel of her wet pussy on my bare cock was heaven. I didn't need anything else, just her heartbeat against mine, while I was buried inside her. She tugged on my ear, and then whispered, “Dominic, move.”

  Pushing my hips forward slowly, I questioned, “Want to boss me around, krasavica?”

  She whimpered, trying to push up and down, but my hands on her hips wouldn't let her. “No, I want to feel your hot cum inside me.”


  She had to say so
mething that would make me impatient, didn't she? Little minx.

  Flipping her on her stomach, her ass rose higher, and I couldn't resist dragging my tongue over the soft skin then slapping it slightly for the torture she had put me through before soothing the pink skin, leaving openmouthed kisses all over her flesh.

  She wiggled and bit into the pillow, her knees bending farther under her so I’d have better access to her. Her pussy glistened, calling to me.

  “Get ready for a hard fucking, Rosa. God knows you asked for it.”

  She looked over the shoulder, her lips puffy from all the kissing and sucking, and grinned cockily. “Bring it on, Pakhan.” I entered her from behind, sliding my hand up from her ass to her neck, and fisted her hair, bringing it up so I could enjoy every sound escaping her sexy mouth. I pulled back and surged forward again, slapping sounds echoing in the room while she mewled with each thrust. “It’s—” she started, but couldn't finish the sentence as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

  I brought her higher, so she could rest her back on me while I took her heavy breasts in my hands. “That’s what it feels like to be mine.” In and out, in and out, we collided in our passion as our breaths mingled, and nothing existed in this moment but us. This rough yet sweet, passionate yet loving sex was an extension of our love, our being-back moment, and I wished for it to last forever.

  She wrapped her hand around my neck, pulling me forward so we could share a kiss as I entered her deeply. Her motions froze as she cried out and tightened around me, reaching her peak. She sagged in my arms, but I spun her around, adjusted her to her back, placed her legs above my shoulders, and drove into her, deep. She grabbed onto the edge of the mattress as it shifted beneath us. Tingling sensations started in my spine. My balls tightened, my ass cheeks clenched, and I roared my release into her. Little black dots danced in front of my eyes, and I crumpled, landing on my elbows as we both breathed heavily, trying to catch our breaths.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around me, playing with my damp hair. “I love you, Dominic. Thank you for bringing me back home.”

  The missing piece of my heart locked back in place as I rubbed her cheek, wiping away the single tear running down the bridge of her nose. “Always, krasavica. I love you. I’m sorry for the nightmare that you had to endure.”

  She shook her head. “No, no more regrets. I’m sick and tired of them.” Then she giggled. “I think we need to take a shower again. We’re sticky.”

  Grinning, I nuzzled her neck, enjoying the feel of her in my arms. “Not yet, krasavica.” And in the peaceful atmosphere of the night, we fell asleep, knowing that in the morning we would have each other.

  If only everything was as simple as we thought.


  If you wanted to do something right, you had to do it yourself. Looked like no one but me would ever be able to eliminate Rosa for good. Vito’s surveillance and constant search for information didn't escape my radar, and I could fool him for only so long before he’d find the truth.

  This madness had to end, so we could all exhale freely and enjoy life to the fullest.


  “Krasavica.” Dom’s voice disturbed my sleep, and frowning, I dug my face deeper into the soft pillow, hiding from the bright sunlight slipping in from the open balcony door. “Wake up.”

  “No,” I whined. Was the man crazy? We’d barely gotten any sleep last night. After our lovemaking, we drifted off for a few minutes, and then Dom filled a bathtub for us, where I lay in his arms while the hot water and sea salt eased our sore muscles, and lavender relaxed any remaining tension.

  After we were clean, he dried us and tucked me into his side so we could sleep side by side, only to take me again in two hours. As much as I loved his hunger for me, I seriously doubted I could move a limb at this point.

  Soft kisses trailed from my ass to my neck, as Dominic licked my spine, nipping at the sensitive skin in the process. He cupped my breast, fondling it and lightly thumbing the tight peak. I moaned as he spread his hand and slid it down my stomach, which clenched in anticipation. Sucking on my neck, leaving more marks, as if the ones I already had weren't enough, his finger played with my heat, spreading wetness around, making sure I was well prepared before his invasion.

  I pressed against him, my ass brushing against his erect cock. With a growl, he lifted my leg and entered me as my flesh locked around him. It hurt a little bit, as I was still swollen from the hard pounding he had given me last night.

  His lips touched the back of my neck, as he whispered, “Breathe.” I gulped air as he pushed deeper then pulled out and entered again.

  Slowly, so slowly, he moved inside me, holding me in his arms, where I could feel him and us as our breaths mingled. We didn't say words, because we didn't need them. Circling my arm around his neck, I sought his mouth with mine as we kissed passionately, while our bodies molded into one.

  He gripped my hip tighter with his right hand, while his left one enveloped mine so our fingers laced. I’d never been more attuned to him than right in that moment.

  My skin burned from the fire of his passion, leaving restlessness and hunger in its wake that only Dominic could soothe. The sensations spreading through me in waves couldn't be held in anymore. I cried out, clenching around his cock, as he groaned into my neck. He continued his slow torture with a few more pumps, and then he grunted as his hot seed released inside my damp heat, satisfying our mutual desire.

  Breathing in much-needed air, I joked weakly, “With this sex marathon we have going on, I won’t need a gym.”

  His chest vibrated from laughter as he flipped me on my back, and his gaze studied me lovingly. “I’m okay with that.” Then he glanced at the wooden clock and cursed, slapping my ass lightly, but I still glared at him. “We need to get up, now. We’re already late.”

  “For what?”

  “Meeting with your dad.”

  “What?” Not caring in the least for my nakedness, which would have been laughable in this situation anyway, I rose fast, darted to the bathroom, and waggled my index finger at him when he wanted to follow me. “Nope, we will not be able to shower fast. Dom, how could you not have mentioned that?”

  “I did. His message, or rather order, was the only reason I woke you up.”

  “And I have a fresh hickey on my neck,” I hissed, while his eyes shone with satisfaction.

  “You do.”

  “How lame is that, to meet my dad in this state?”

  He managed to grab me quickly, giving me a peck on the lips and then nudging me to the bathroom. “Go, your clothes are waiting for you there as well. I’ll use the guest bathroom.”

  With that, I proceeded to do what he told me, shutting the door right into his laughing face.

  Arrogant jerk.


  Waiting for Rosa to get ready, I dialed Vitya as soon as she was out of earshot. I hated having secrets from my woman, but the last thing she needed right now was another worry or the fear of a killer on the run. “Talk.” Grabbing the bottle of cold water from the bar fridge, I sat on the couch taking a sip.

  “Radmir left for the States this morning, Yuri along with him.” The fuck? Since when the hell did my kaznachei travel abroad without informing me first? “Did he inform you?”

  “Yeah, he knew you didn't want to be distracted. He had an emergency.”

  Still, I didn't fucking care. Radmir got a pass due to his history. Yuri damn well better learn to respect me better, or else we’d have to meet in the ring. With Rosa back at my side, I had to reign in my Bratva. My men had too much free time on their hands. “In the States?”

  Vitya chuckled, finding something humorous in the situation, but he didn't share it with me as he changed the subject. “Yeah. Vito called.”

  That got my attention, and I removed the phone from my ear, listening to the bedroom, but the shower was still running, so I continued the conversation. “And?”

  “With the equipment and tapes we watched
, he found the rat. It was his bodyguard, Lucas.” He must have read the information from the paper as he paused, and then continued, “He used to prospect in Don’s mafia, but he kicked him out due to drug usage. He got clean, but you know Don. One mistake could cost your life. Since Lucas was barely eighteen, he put him in rehab instead, but forever forbade him to return to the New York crime scene. Lucas became a killer in a few years, which caught the attention of Vito, and the rest is history.”

  So all this fucking time, I was searching for a professional killer who was right under my nose? “None of Alfonso’s contacts led to him.” Rubbing my chin, I couldn't help but feel that we had missed a crucial piece of information.

  “That’s true. But like you said, he had to protect himself from us.”

  Reluctantly accepting this excuse, I asked, “Why does he hate me? Alfonso kept repeating we didn’t know what was at stake. Why me?”

  Vitya exhaled heavily, and I could imagine him swiping his face with his palm. “Honestly? I have no fucking clue. His main target was Rosa, because he hated Don as much as Alfonso, but since one was in the family, he had better access to this. They found evidence in his cabin along with Alfonso’s videos. Fucking sick,” he finished, and if my enforcer considered something sick, the bastard must have been a real piece of shit.

  Furious, I threw the bottle away. “Bring him to Russia.” No way in fuck would this fucker die without my exquisite torture. He’d want to be dead by the time I finished with him. Unlike everyone else, his punishment would last days if not weeks.

  “Vito agreed, but first he needs to use him as an example to the rest of his family. So he should be here in a few weeks.” As much as I wanted to call and curse at Vito that this was not his revenge to take, I couldn't, because it was his right.

  “Rosa doesn’t know. Make sure everyone keeps their mouth shut. Update Don, Connor, and Melissa.”

  “Will do. And Dom?”


  “Be happy. She is back. You got her, Pakhan.”


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