Cowboy in the Extreme

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Cowboy in the Extreme Page 2

by Rita Herron

  He had to check on Kim and her daughter first.

  He held his breath as he inched open the door. Darkness bathed the interior, and he searched blindly to see if someone was inside. A lamp was overturned, broken. A twig snapped beneath his boots, and the wind whistled through an open window. Was that how the jerk got in?

  The sound of a child’s soft cries echoed from one of the bedrooms. A terrified sound that made Brandon’s blood turn to ice. Lucy.

  Was she simply frightened or had the intruder hurt her or Kim?

  Chapter Two

  Panic bolted through Kim. Whoever had broken in was determined to find her and Lucy.

  But the sound of a car engine rumbled outside, then a siren wailed, a door slammed and more footsteps pounded.

  Lucy trembled against her, and Kim soothed her. “It’s all right, baby.”

  Brandon’s gruff voice echoed through the house. “Kim, it’s all right. Where are you?”

  Relief surged through her, and she jumped up and hurried to unlock the door. Lucy clung to her, her head trying to bore a hole in Kim’s chest.

  The doorknob twisted, and he knocked on the wood. “Kim, answer me,” Brandon asked. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay, just give me a minute.” Adjusting Lucy on her hip, she flipped the lock and threw open the door. When she saw Brandon in the doorway looking worried and so damn handsome and big and strong, she was so relieved she almost collapsed into his arms. “Thank you for coming,” she said on a ragged breath.

  He took a step forward as if to reach for her and the years of hurt and pain fell away. She ached to have him hold her again, to make everything all right, to have him love her.

  But his pale green eyes, eyes that reminded her of their past, of the hurt and betrayal between them, skated over her, then down to Lucy and she stiffened.

  He’d never met Lucy before. What if he took one look and knew the truth?

  Brandon tensed, gripping his hands into fists. “Are you two okay?”

  Kim stroked her daughter’s back, swaying back and forth rocking her. “Yes. Just frightened.”

  Brandon gestured toward the living room. “Come on, let’s go into the den. Then you can tell me what happened.”

  Kim’s legs felt shaky as she walked to the living room and sank onto the couch. Brandon flipped on the kitchen light, and she blinked to adjust her eyes. The sight of the broken lamp and dirt on the floor made her stomach knot with renewed fear.

  “Mommy?” Lucy lifted her head slightly, tears streaking her cheeks, and Kim wiped them away with her hand.

  “It’s okay, honey. We’re safe. You can go back to sleep.” Lucy sighed, then seemed to accept her mother’s answer and huddled against her chest in a tiny ball.

  Blue lights from the sheriff’s approaching car swirled outside, streaking the window. The sound of the engine clicking off echoed in the tense silence; then seconds later, the sheriff appeared at the door.

  Brandon went to meet him. “Sheriff, I’m Brandon Woodstock, Johnny and Brody’s friend. I was at the main house when Kim called about the break-in.”

  Sheriff McRae introduced himself, then followed Brandon over to the sofa, where she sat trying to compose herself. But having someone try to break into her cabin and seeing Brandon so close that she could touch him had her nerves tied in knots.

  “What happened?” Sheriff McRae asked. “Did you see anyone?”

  Kim swallowed hard. The sheriff was a big guy with a barrel chest and eyes that cut through her. “No, I was in bed when I heard a noise,” Kim said. “I heard footsteps and the lamp crashed to the floor, so I ran to Lucy’s room and locked her door. Then we hid in the closet.”

  Sheriff McRae shifted on the balls of his feet. “Let me take a look around.” He examined the lock, then stooped down to study the dirt marring the wood entryway. “It looks like he picked the lock.”

  “Johnny said there were problems on the ranch before,” Brandon said. “A fire and fencing cut.”

  “Yes, I’ve been investigating those incidents,” Sheriff McRae said. “This could be related. I’ll get a crime kit and dust for fingerprints.”

  He glanced back at the door. “Was the intruder still here when you arrived, Woodstock?”

  Brandon shook his head. “I heard a horse galloping away in the back, but I was worried about Kim and her daughter so I checked inside first.”

  Sheriff McRae nodded, then angled his head toward Kim.

  “Ma’am, can you think of anyone who’d want to hurt you? Do you have any enemies?”

  Kim shook her head. “No.”

  “How about a husband or boyfriend?”

  Kim felt Brandon’s gaze burning through her, and gritted her teeth. “No.”

  Sheriff McRae raised a brow. “No ex-husband who might want the child?”

  She knew he was thinking about Rachel’s situation, that her ex had been stalking her and tried to kidnap their son. “I’ve never been married.”

  “What about the little girl’s father?”

  Kim glared at him for asking such a question in front of her daughter. “I said no.”

  “Wait a minute,” Brandon cut in, his tone worried. “Johnny called earlier to warn me, Kim. There was a prison break. Carter escaped.”

  Kim gasped, perspiration beading on her neck. “I have to talk to Johnny.”

  The sheriff gave her an odd look, but she didn’t wait to explain. She settled Lucy on the sofa and covered her with an afghan, then took her phone and stepped onto the porch.

  The sheriff’s questions were too probing. Too close to home. She had to do something. Get away. Hide.

  If Carter had escaped and knew she was here, he might have come after Lucy.

  BRANDON RECOGNIZED the fear and panic in Kim’s eyes and wanted to comfort her. But he had given up that right when he’d left her and married Marty.

  Besides, she had slept with Carter. Just the thought of her in Carter’s arms, in his bed, roused his anger.

  Hell, if Carter was coming here to see his daughter, Brandon could hardly blame him.

  It was exactly what he would do if Lucy had been his child, and he’d been locked up for years, unable to watch her grow up and spend holidays and birthdays with her.

  Had Kim carried Lucy to the prison to see Carter? What had she told the little girl about her father?

  Pain knifed through him, an ache so raw that he had to suck air through his teeth to stem a moan.

  He would never have a child of his own. He couldn’t risk it.

  Not knowing whether he might pass on the same genetic disorder that had tormented his younger sister. Not after losing her to it…

  It was the final straw that had ended his marriage to Marty. She had wanted a family. He had adamantly refused. He could not chance bringing a child into the world only to watch the child suffer the way Joanie had.

  Besides, he’d known it was a last frantic attempt on Marty’s part to tie him to her.

  God knows, he’d wanted to love her.

  But he hadn’t been able to and she’d known it.

  Because he’d given his heart to Kim years ago, and he’d never gotten it back.

  “What’s going on?” Sheriff McRae asked. “You mean the prison break earlier at the state pen where a guard was shot?”

  Brandon nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Do you know one of the prisoners?”

  “Yes. Carter Flagstone.” He tightened his fists to control his temper. “He and Johnny Long and Kim and I grew up together.”

  Sheriff McRae grimaced and folded his arms. “You think he’ll come to you for help?”

  Brandon made a sarcastic sound. “Hardly. We had a falling-out a few years back. After he was arrested, we lost touch.” Because Brandon had hated his guts for sleeping with Kim. And Carter had accused him of not giving him an alibi because of that night. It was a pretty messed-up story.

  “This falling out…” Sheriff McRae cocked his head sideways. “It woul
dn’t happen to be about Kim?”

  Brandon heaved a weary sigh. “Yeah, it would. That and the fact that Johnny and I didn’t stand up for him in court like he thought we should have.”

  “So you think he’s looking for revenge?”

  Brandon hated to bad-mouth his old buddy. But Carter had been trouble in the old days, drinking and fighting, conning his way into women’s beds, starting bar brawls, and then having blackouts. No telling how prison life had hardened him. Like Johnny said, he must be desperate.

  “It’s possible,” Brandon said. He glanced at the sleeping little redhead on the sofa all curled up beneath the blanket hugging her stuffed lamb to her. “Either that, or he came here to see his daughter.”

  KIM PRESSED THE PHONE to her ear in a white-knuckled grip, keeping an eye on Lucy from the doorway of the porch. The sheriff went to his car and returned a moment later, murmuring he was going to check for fingerprints. “Johnny—”

  “What’s wrong, Kim?”

  A sliver of guilt bled through Kim at his distressed tone. She hated to disturb him when he and Rachel were just getting settled in. “Someone broke into the cabin tonight.”

  Johnny made a shocked sound. “Are you and Lucy all right?”

  Tears pricked Kim’s eyes as she saw Brandon scrape a hand through his thick, wavy dark hair. “Yes. I called for Brody, but he wasn’t there. Brandon answered and came over.”

  “Brandon’s there with you?”


  “Thank God.”

  Kim breathed in and out to wrestle her emotions under control. She’d relied on Johnny for so long she didn’t know how not to. He was the only one she’d ever let down her guard around. He was the only one who knew the truth.

  Johnny cleared his throat. “Kim, are you really okay?”

  His words hung in the air. He was referring to the fact that she’d seen Brandon face-to-face for the first time in years. “No…” She sucked in another breath. “But I will be. The sheriff’s here now.”


  She closed her eyes, reliving the nightmarish memory. “You should have called me and warned me about the prison break.”

  Johnny released a pent-up breath. “I’m sorry. I only found out a couple of hours ago. I was going to call you in the morning.”

  “Do you think Carter came here tonight?” Kim asked. “That he was the intruder?”

  A heartbeat of silence passed, riddled with anxiety. “I don’t know, but sooner or later he’ll show up at your place, or mine or Brandon’s. And he’ll want to see Lucy.”

  “So he knows about her?”

  “He had the newspaper with the photos of the rodeo the last time we talked.” Johnny paused. “He probably thinks you’ll be more willing to help him than Brandon or me.”

  “I don’t know,” Kim said. “He was furious with me the last time we talked.”

  “I don’t believe he’d hurt you, but he’s in a bad way. We don’t know what happened at the jail.” He hesitated. “Still, I sure as hell don’t want you to stay there tonight or to be alone until he’s caught. Pack Lucy up and drive to my place. Or if you’re too shaken up, I’ll drive over and pick you up.”

  Kim shivered at the thought of staying in the cabin the rest of the night. But she’d vowed to let Johnny have his own life now. He had Rachel and Kenny, and she had to stop leaning on him.

  “No, Johnny. I’ll be fine here,” she said instead.


  “Listen, big brother, I appreciate the fact that you care, but I’m a big girl now. I’m not going to horn in on you and Rachel every time some little problem occurs.”

  “Carter is not a little problem, Kim. He could be dangerous.” Johnny paused, then lowered his voice. “There is another option, you know.”

  Kim leaned against the porch rail. She had a bad feeling he was going to want to post some goon on her. “I don’t want a stranger in my house—”

  “I’m not talking about hiring a bodyguard, Kim, although I can do that.” He paused. “I think it’s time you talk to Brandon.”

  A chill of foreboding rippled through her. “No, Johnny, I can’t—”

  “He’ll protect you and Lucy, Kim, and you know it.”

  Her throat clogged. Yes, he probably would. But all the hurt and pain of the past would resurface. Just looking at him now, remembering how deeply she’d loved him and how heartbroken she’d been when he’d left her, robbed her breath.

  She had dreamed of marrying him from the time she was fifteen years old.

  But he’d taken another bride.

  “Listen, sis, I understand this is difficult, and I know you were hurt and had your reasons for avoiding Brandon and for keeping secrets. But he’s been divorced almost a year now, and he deserves to know the truth. So does Lucy—”

  The sheriff walked out then, Brandon behind him, and she pressed her hand over the mouthpiece. “Hold on, Johnny.”

  “I’m taking off now, Ms. Long,” Sheriff McRae said. “I’ll let you know if we get any hits on the prints.”

  Kim thanked him, then looked up to see Brandon watching her.

  “Is that Johnny?” Brandon asked.

  Kim nodded, and Brandon reached for the phone. “Let me speak to him.”

  She moved her hand and spoke to her brother. “Brandon wants to talk to you, but Johnny—”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell him anything. That’s up to you, Kim.” Frustration laced her brother’s voice. “But like I said, it’s time you two talked. You owe it to Lucy.”

  Kim swallowed a retort and handed Brandon the phone, then inched closer to the doorway to check on Lucy again. Thankfully, she was still sleeping.

  Was Johnny right? Was it time for her to confess to Brandon?

  But what if she told him and he tried to take Lucy from her? He had money now....

  “Johnny…yeah…” Brandon cut his gaze toward her, a dozen emotions flitting across his rugged face. The scar on his forehead he’d gleaned from one of his daddy’s beatings puckered as he frowned. “Don’t worry. I’ll be ready if he shows up.”

  He disconnected the call, then handed Kim the phone. The simple brush of his fingers across hers sent a bolt of desire through her.

  She jerked the phone to her and closed her hand around it, praying he hadn’t seen her reaction as she stepped into the den.

  “Pack a bag for you and Lucy,” Brandon said, following her inside. “You’re going to my place for the night.”

  Panic streaked through Kim. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Brandon.”

  His jaw hardened, the vein at the base of his neck throbbing the way it always had when he was trying to control his anger. “This is not up for debate. I told Johnny I’d take you two to my ranch so you’d be safe for the night, and I intend to keep my word.”

  Their gazes locked, and she remembered other promises he’d made to her. One in particular. The night they’d first made love, he’d promised to love her and take care of her forever.

  A promise he hadn’t kept.

  Was he remembering that, too?

  “I’ll talk to Johnny—”

  “I’m not arguing.” He jerked his thumb toward the house. “You either pack a bag, or I’ll do it for you.”

  Kim had forgotten how bullheaded Brandon could be. That when he set his mind to something he charged after it and refused to let anything or anybody stand in his way.

  Just like he had when he’d decided to better himself and buy his own ranch. Not that that had been a hard choice. Ranching was in his blood just as it was her brother’s and in hers. But with his awful childhood, he hadn’t had it easy. In fact the cards had been stacked against him.

  Old hurts stabbed at her. She’d wanted them to work together to build a home and a ranch. But he’d chosen Marty to do those things with.

  No. There was no way she could spend the night in Brandon’s house, not in the place he’d shared with his wife.

  “I appre
ciate the offer, Brandon, but you can’t tell me what to do anymore. Lucy and I will be fine here.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “You’d rather face Carter alone if he returns?”

  At this point, she didn’t know if she was more afraid of Carter or Brandon. Carter had a temper, and if he was coming for Lucy and she opposed him, he might hurt her. After all, he’d had five long years for his anger to fester.

  But he didn’t have the power over her that Brandon had.

  Then again, she didn’t know how Brandon would react when he finally learned the truth about Lucy.

  He had a bad temper, too. And now he had money and power....

  “Please, just go, Brandon. I’ve taken care of Lucy all these years by myself. I can do it now.”

  He twisted his mouth sideways the way he used to do when he was working his thoughts to make a point. “Really? Then you and Lucy have visited Carter?”

  She shook her head. “No.” Carter hadn’t wanted to see her. And jail was no place for a little girl.

  Brandon gripped her arms. “Then he’s not going to be happy with you when he arrives, is he?” Brandon’s gruff voice rose a notch, and Lucy suddenly stirred.

  “Mommy?” Lucy rolled over and looked at them. Her eyes widened with fear at the sight of Brandon gripping her arms. “Don’t hurt my mommy!”

  She jumped off the sofa and threw herself at Brandon, slamming her fists into Brandon’s legs. “Stop it, don’t hurt my mommy!”

  BRANDON’S HEART CLENCHED at the terror in the little girl’s cries, and he immediately released Kim. Dear God, Lucy thought he was going to hit her mother.

  Shame engulfed him, memories of his own childhood flashing back. His daddy beating his mama. His sister’s screams of terror. Him in the middle, trying to protect them both.

  Kim stooped down to pull Lucy away. “It’s okay, Lucy. He wasn’t hurting me.”

  “But he yelled at you.” Lucy’s lower lip trembled as Kim picked her up; then she rubbed her teary eyes and looked up at Brandon.

  Brandon forced his hands to hang limply by his sides, determined to prove to the child that he wouldn’t hurt her or her mother.


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