Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3)

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Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3) Page 4

by B. N. Kasner

  “Why the fuck is the front door open?”

  “Holy shit,” Grace whispered as Carter snatched up her hand, pulling her from the floor. “Fuckin’ Mason. Mason, Carter!” Shit, this was worse than she could’ve imagined. Well, not completely, it could’ve been Gene. “What are we gonna do?”

  “Be quiet and put on my shirt.” He threw his shirt back at her while pushing her past a slightly open door. When had he taken his shirt off? It didn’t really matter to Grace, but she wanted to maximize the amount of time she got to see him shirtless. Damn, he’d gotten bigger since the last time she’d seen him without a shirt on.

  It’d been five years, but still, hot damn he’d only gotten sexier. “Shirt, Grace.” He growled so low in his throat she barely heard him. His eyes turned the lime green of his bear when they dropped below her face for a nanosecond. “Now.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m goin’ grumpy pants.” Her brother had gotten all the tall genes in her family because Grace barely reached five foot one and Gene could qualify as a giant. Carter had at least a foot on her. His shirt’s hem brushed her knees while the short sleeves rested against her forearms. Hell, it must’ve looked like a dress on her.

  “Damn it Grace, quiet.” Carter pushed her up against the wall, his chest to her back.

  “Hello? Anyone in here?” Corey’s head popped in the open front door, looking around the now empty hallway. Carter had one arm around her, pulling her further into him and the darkened room.

  “Go in with your claws out next time. What if Noah was in here? Don’t let an intruder know that you know they’re in there.” Mason came around him, doing the same thing Corey had just done. He must’ve felt the place was safe because he let Corey pass him.

  “Shit, right. I’ll keep it in mind.” Corey looked more alert after Mason’s advice.

  “And quit cussing.” Mason rolled his eyes, running a hand through his blonde hair.

  “You cuss.” The boy had a mouth on him and he knew when to use it. His sarcastic wit could even outdo Isaiah.

  “Do as I say not as I do. Now let’s find your bookbag.” Dragging a hand over his face, Mason used his other hand to wave around in the air. Poor guy looked run down, but newborn twins would probably make anyone tired.

  “I don’t see it.” No shit. It had broken her landing on the floor. She just knew she’d have a bruise on her hip.

  “That’s because I fell on it.” She muttered under her breath, giving him a glare even if he couldn’t see her.

  “Grace, keep your mouth shut.” The hand he had against the wall moved to cup the back of her neck.

  “Did you hear something?” Both his arm and the hand on her neck tightened, along with her whole body. The effect wasn’t from almost being caught, but how Carter manhandled her. Grace had curves, not many men could make her feel like a woman.

  “No. Maybe your bookbag grew some legs and walked home.”

  “Found it. I wonder how it got under the bench.”

  “I kicked it across the hall.” She hadn’t really done it, but she’d sure as shit wanted to.

  “Keep your mouth shut Gracie before I make you.” He used his hand to turn her head towards him.

  “Gracie?” He hadn’t used the nickname for years, which was why it had caught her off guard at the hospital. She thought she’d grown out of it, but she liked the way it sounded coming from his lips.

  “Gracie, shh.” He fisted some of her hair in his hand. Carter had her facing him and pinned against the wall far quicker than she thought he could. His face came closer to hers, making Grace hold her breath. It almost looked like he was about to kiss her. Her hands twitched with the need to touch his bare chest.

  It was right in front of her, begging for it. Instead, she twisted the soft material of his shirt in her hands. Grace didn’t want to chance wrecking the moment happening between them.

  “Thank you for bringing me out here this late.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Corey swing the backpack up onto his massive shoulders. He reminded her of Gene at sixteen with his size.

  “Hel-heck, the twins had Ella and me up anyway. Just make sure to get your English essay done by Monday.”

  “I will Pop.” Their footsteps stopped suddenly, even Carter turned to look at Mason. The spell over them broken.

  “Pop?” Mason swallowed hard, looking a little pale. Ella had raised Corey after their mom passed away. Since Corey and her two other brothers moved to Redwater, Mason had taken over as his father.

  “Um, er, yeah. If you don’t like it, I-” She knew Corey liked to call Mason and Ella mom and dad in private or around close friends, but she’d only heard it happen once before.

  “No, son. I like it. Let’s get home to your mama and the little ones.” He clapped Corey on the back, leaving his hand on the boy’s shoulder. Grace had to swallow hard against the lump in her throat. Ella had a fantastic mate. The door slammed closed, the sound of the lock turning echoed in the silence.

  “What was all that?” Carter put at least three feet of space between them. She wasn’t about to let him off the hook. Her instincts were screaming he’d wanted to kiss her.

  “Just trying to keep you quiet.” His voice said one thing, but his face told another story. When would he learn he couldn’t lie to her?

  “So you have no problem makin’ out with someone in front of me, but can’t tell me the fuckin’ truth?” She wasn’t like the others, she’d always seen through his bullshit and now wasn’t any different. Grace had let him get away with shit for too long. Not anymore.

  “Enough.” He glared at her like it would make a difference.

  “No. I’ve had enough-”

  “Grace Elaine.” His snarl cut her off, putting off enough dominance that she had no other choice but to back down. Fucking asshole.

  “I’m leavin’, and takin’ your shirt with me. Even if it’s tainted with blonde slut cooties.” She held the shirt away from her like it disgusted her. It wasn’t the same one he’d had on earlier, but who knew what Barbie had touched. She wasn’t disgusted either, in fact, the stupid shirt smelt delicious.

  A blend of freshly cut grass and Carter’s natural bear musk, something which was both primal and arousing. Grace wasn’t going to let him know how he affected her. Just because she was wearing his shirt and nothing else didn’t mean she couldn’t leave without her pride still intact. Marching to the front door, she made sure to stomp the whole way.

  “I didn’t fuck her. Could barely stand her and sent her walking down the street.” Her hand stopped on the door handle. “Just wanted you to know.” Part of her heart felt warmed by the idea he hadn’t fucked her high school arch nemesis. But another, larger piece, still felt betrayed.

  She straightened her shoulders and without turning to face him said, “Do whoever you want Carter, and I’ll do whoever I want.” Grace didn’t stick around to hear his reply. Even though, deep down, she knew she wouldn’t be sleeping with anyone anytime soon. It wouldn’t hurt to put the visual into his head. See how much he likes it.

  Chapter Five

  How am I going to explain this? The hole in the wall stared back at him while warm blood ran down his knuckles. He needed to rein in his jealous streak. It didn’t matter who Grace fucked because she wasn’t his mate, girlfriend or wife. If he told himself that enough, maybe he’d start to believe it.

  Her parting comment cut him deep. Secretly he’d be making sure she didn’t sleep with anyone. Most of the unmated males in Redwater would jump at the opportunity to have Grace. They’d use her for her body, then dump her at the curb. He’d never let anyone use her, she deserved better.

  Carter used the broom from the kitchenette to sweep up the discarded plaster scattered all over the floor. Grace knew exactly what buttons to push, always getting a rise out of him. Now, more than ever, they needed to break the bond. He’d almost kissed her in Scott and Greg’s office. Finding her sprawled naked on the floor hadn’t helped anything.

  He wasn�
��t blind, his eyes had devoured her curves. Carter wanted to grip her thick thighs and- “Fuck me.” Those kinds of thoughts would only lead him down a dangerous road. One where he examined the way her body melting into him made his heart beat out of control. Or how her scent got him hard. No, those thoughts needed to stay locked away deep inside his mind.

  Becky. He needed to think about her. The broom made a thud when he threw it down the hall. His carefully crafted walls were crumbling. Everything he’d kept bottled up came to the surface. This is why I don’t let women close. They were his undoing.

  The same thing had happened with Becky. He’d turned into a softie, only to have his heart ripped out and stomped on. Carter used to be fun and outgoing. After Becky, he’d shut himself in his house, not leaving for almost six months. It wasn’t until Mason came around asking questions and threating to call his mom, that he pulled himself together.

  Well, as together as he could at the time. He’d stopped grieving, going on as if he’d never found his true mate. Or lost her. Gene and Mason tried to bring him out of his slump, but they didn’t understand. Carter didn’t expect them to. Somehow, he’d fallen into bed with some random woman, and the pain stopped. Even if it was only a temporary feeling.

  From then on, he’d chased the feeling. Sometimes sleeping with multiple women throughout the day. Anything to get a break from his broken heart. A pregnancy scare finally snapped him out of his fucking routine. He didn’t want kids if he couldn’t have them with Becky, let alone with someone whose name he hadn’t taken the time to learn.

  The same anger and grief he’d felt after Becky’s death boiled in his gut. Now that the floodgates were open, he couldn’t stop feeling. All the hard work he’d done over the years, gone. All because of a bombshell redhead who saw right through him. Carter didn’t know if he wanted to strangle Grace or kiss her. Again, with the kissing?

  His snarl sounded deadly in the silence. This was driving him crazy. How much longer could he live like this without going feral? Because he felt like he was at a tipping point. Carter didn’t know where he’d end up when everything was said and done. Talking to Greg moved to the top of his to-do list.

  Then he remembered Greg and Vivienne were out of town until the following Tuesday. He could make it four more days. Besides he didn’t have much of a choice at this point.

  Carter didn’t want to face Grace, but it was inevitable. They worked together Monday thru Friday at his, Mason, Gene and Nathan’s construction company. Ella’s three brothers were in the process of becoming a part of the company. At sixteen, Corey’s name couldn’t be on any paperwork, but all the guys were teaching him some aspect of the business. Even Grace tried to teach him about interior design whenever he dropped by after school.

  The pup indulged her, listening avidly to whatever she said. Then he’d come over to Carter’s office and roll his eyes. Corey didn’t care about designing, but didn’t want to hurt Grace’s feelings. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought the kid had a crush on her. Carter saw the way Corey talked about his math tutor. He’d put money on the girl becoming more than just his tutor.

  Taking a deep breath, he finally got out of his car. Grace’s old beat up truck sat in her usual spot right beside the back door. She liked to wear dressy clothes and heels for the clients, said it made them look more professional. Most of their customers were from Redwater or the neighboring towns. They all knew Redwater had a predominately shifter population and didn’t expect them to dress up like they were from the big city. He thought Grace just liked having a reason to get all dolled up.

  It wasn’t a hardship on Carter. The tight dresses and high heels only made her sexier. Not that he thought of her as sexy, because he didn’t. At least, it was what he liked to tell himself. It didn’t make a difference because his eyes still worked, and her body got a reaction out of him.

  The back of their office opened into a common area with a couch and mini fridge. Carter’s office sat directly across from hers on the right side of the building. In the front was a long countertop along one wall with a built-in desk. Since the two of them ran the whole thing, Grace doubled as a secretary, spending half her day in the front. He heard her setting up an appointment as he stepped through the back door.

  Setting his briefcase down on his desk, Carter waited until Grace hung up the phone to approach her. “Morning Grace.” The clicking of her keyboard continued as if he hadn’t said anything. Maybe she couldn’t hear him. An archway connected the back space of the building to the front.

  He poked his head around the corner. “Good morning.” Carter practically yelled to make sure she heard him. Her body visibly tightened, but still he got nothing but silence. The mouse cracked in her hand before she went back to typing.

  “Grace Elaine.” Using her middle name had come out of nowhere the other night. He felt like he had a right to say it whenever he wanted. “Look at me.” Carter shouldn’t have used his dominance on her, but he couldn’t help himself. The silence was too much for him to handle.

  She shook with anger, not only did he feel it, but her scent changed too. “Carter Montgomery, this is the second time in three days you’ve made me submit to you. Do it again, and I’ll let my bear out in this office. Do you wanna go toe to toe with her? Because let me tell you, mate or not, I’m not gonna hold back.”

  Carter took a step away from her. Of course, he didn’t want to fight with her. Even though this whole argument centered around his dominance, Carter wouldn’t hesitate to use it again. If it kept her as a human, he’d be all for it. “Calm down.” Her growl sent a shiver down his spine.

  Just as she opened her mouth, the bell over the door rang. Both of them looked towards the door. The man looked to be around Grace’s age with black hair and green eyes. He stared at Grace as if he’d seen a ghost. Carter’s gaze went back to the woman in question. She too looked shocked. “Damn. Grace Dodson, you sure are a sight for sore eyes.”


  “No fuckin’ way. Jacob Benson.” She whispered the name swallowing hard. Beside her stood her mate and in front of her, the guy she’d once thought about mating.

  “In the flesh.” The smile he gave her made Grace’s heart do a little flip and her bear growl. Jake’s good looks hadn’t faded since high school. Hell, if anything he looked more mature, grown up, hot. He opened his arms wide. Hopping up on the counter she swung her legs over with ease, coming down on the other side with grace.

  His embrace felt the same. A part of her body melted into him, like always. A snarl made the hair on her arms stand up. Carter not only looked furious but ready to shift at a moment’s notice. She took one big step back from Jake, giving him an apologetic smile. “Sorry. This is Carter, we’re business partners.”

  Grace smiled sweetly at Carter just to rub her insult in a little more. It was then she let herself actually look at him. There were circles under his eyes, and his shirt had wrinkles all over it. Where his jacket and tie were, she had no clue. Carter thought she wanted them to dress professionally for the clients, which was partly true, but a bigger part liked getting all dolled up just for him.

  The fact he turned up to work every day dressed in a suit, didn’t hurt either. Her mating mark stood out on his forearm. For some reason, she’d thought it wouldn’t be healed yet. She’d seen Mason the day after Ella had bitten him and it was healed. Deep down, she’d wondered if her mark would stay on him at all.

  They weren’t true mates, fuck, he didn’t even want her. He’d made that abundantly clear. There wasn’t a reason for the bond to stay intact. “Nice to meet you, Jacob. How do you know Gracie?” A vein in Carter’s neck throbbed. He moved into his signature pose. Shoulders squared and arms crossed. It put her mark on display.

  “We were high school sweethearts.” Jake smiled fondly at her. Grace couldn’t help herself, she smiled back at him. It felt natural to be near him again like she was falling back into an old routine. “Always had a soft spot for her.”

  His statement wiped the smile from her face. Once upon a time, it would’ve made her smile and blush. Now, she knew how quickly he could change his mind where concerning her. All the kindness and sweetness he’d showed her disappeared the second he’d found out about Grace being a shifter. “Yeah, a soft spot alright.”

  “I shouldn’t have said all of the things I did Grace. I’ve wanted to apologize since the moment the words left my mouth.” Goddess, on the one hand, she had a mate who didn’t want her, On the other, an ex-boyfriend pleading for her forgiveness. Would her life always be this complicated? Couldn’t a girl just get a happily ever after?

  “What did you say to her?” Carter looked ready to haul ass over the counter if Jake said the wrong thing. And he would say the wrong thing because he’d said some nasty shit to her. Things which still cut deep if she let herself think about it.

  “Nothin’ that matters now.” This conversation needed to end before someone did or said something they would regret. “It’s in the past.”

  “Really, because it doesn’t look like it to me.” Is he jealous? No, that couldn’t be right, it was just wishful thinking on her part.

  “Actually, Grace, I came here to talk to you.” He gave her a sheepish grin, looking like he was eighteen all over again. It took her back to a time when he gave her butterflies. “My mom said you redecorated their living room last year. It looks real nice by the way. Anyway, I just graduated and moved to Frostford. Ran into Tommy, he told me you're still going to the Lucky Star on Fridays…”

  He trailed off at her expression. Nobody knew Grace went there, and she meant nobody. Not even the girls or her overprotective brother who liked to keep tabs on her. “What’s the Lucky Star?” Oh, fuck. I’m screwed.

  Carter would give her a lecture and then call her brother. Who would, in turn, give her another lecture. She glared at Jake, who mouthed, “Sorry,” at her with a shrug of his shoulders. Maybe he wasn’t as grown up as she initially thought.


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