Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3)

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Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3) Page 12

by B. N. Kasner

  “Yes, I understand.” Grace’s voiced held a trace of a growl. It stopped him in his tracks. She never spoke to clients unprofessionally. He stomped over, taking the phone from her hand.

  She glared, but plastered a fake smile for the door pounder, holding up one finger to show she’d be right there in a minute. “This is Carter Montgomery, Lead Architect for Redwater Construction, can I help you?” Grace slapped his arm, mouthing, “Be nice.” He rolled his eyes, waiting for whoever was on the other end of the phone to start speaking. “Hello?” Carter tried to keep the growl out of his voice.

  “I had an appointment with you at eight-thirty this morning. No one was at your office. I took a chance with you people, and I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know about the treatment I’ve received today. That secretary of yours-” His growl did leak out then. Nobody talked bad about his Gracie in front of him.

  “That secretary is the smartest, most talented interior decorator in northeastern Oregon. You might want to watch your tone of voice when speaking about her. Also, it’s eight o’clock right now and both of us are here.” Grace shook her head, waving her hands around. “What?” He mouthed to Grace, ignoring the shrill voice on the phone.

  “Daylight savings time!” She whisper-yelled, pointing out the clock on the computer. 9:04 flashed back at him. “Tone down the attitude, I’m going to take care of this guy. Then we need to try and fit in the hour of appointments we missed before lunch, because after that, we’re booked solid.” Grace paused, then leaned over the counter and gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”

  Her hips swayed seductively as she walked to the front door. Only the dial tone pulled Carter from the dirty thoughts circulating inside his mind. “Mr. Wilson, this is our architect, Carter. Since you’re just redecorating, you’ll be working primarily with me. If you ever want to do an addition or anything like that, Carter’s the bear for the job.

  “My office is right this way, on the right. Go ahead and take a seat.” She waited until Mr. Wilson walked into her office to shoot him a saucy smirk. “Have fun calling clients for the next fifteen minutes and trying to fix the schedule before your first appointment gets here.” Carter stood there speechless as she walked away from him.

  This version of Gracie got to him the most. The sassy, confident woman, who left him standing there with his mouth hanging open and his cock hard. Goddess, he had one helluva bear on his hands. When Carter had a moment, he’d get more than just his paws on her.

  “Fuck.” Carter leaned his forehead against the cold glass of the office front door. Chaotic didn’t even begin to explain the morning him and Grace had endured. Finally, they had a moment to breath. At least for thirty minutes before the meetings started back up.

  Spring was their busy season, while the other guys would be working all through the summer. It may have been a bitch working all the long hours, but the money made it all worth it. They could make it through the slow fall and winter months without worrying. With all his friends growing their families, the business had to succeed now more than ever. Grace still had someone in her office, so he could only put the closed for lunch sign on the door.

  Back in his office, he looked over the schedule. Running an hour behind had fucked with his plans for the day. He’d have to wait until their day ended until he could get any uninterrupted time with his Gracie. She looked amazing in yet another dress and heel combination. Closing his eyes, Carter imagined her in nothing but her heels.

  Honestly, he didn’t need to be thinking about fucking Grace at work. It would only leave him with a throbbing hard cock and a distracted mind. Two things he didn’t need with the day they were having. Grace’s clicking heels signaled her arrival before she stomped into his office. “You really don’t know how to knock do you?”

  “I don’t need to knock, mate.” The word left her mouth in a sensual purr. A chill ran down his spine, making him sit up a little straighter. She hadn’t called Carter mate out loud before. Damn, he wanted to hear it more often.

  “However, we do need to talk.” Her hip rested against the edge of his desk, making her curves stand out. “You said I could walk away if I wanted?” She said it like a question but didn’t wait for him to say anything else. Carter could hardly hear over the pounding of his heart.

  No, she couldn’t walk away. Carter had been a fucking fool to ever give her an out. “I just thought I should let you know that won’t be happening.” Carter breathed a sigh of relief, she wasn’t leaving him. Grace inched closer to him, a mischievous look on her face.

  “And you’re not allowed to walk away either.” He raised an eyebrow at her dominant tone. Hadn’t he already taught her who was in charge?

  “Is that so?” Leaning forward, Carter dragged a hand up her leg and pulled her towards him. Whatever happened after she’d left his house, he was thankful for because it had brought Grace back to her usual sexy self. Her hands landed on his shoulders as she stared down at him.

  “Yeah. If another woman even looks at you, I’ll tear her eyes out. I’m done letting you dictate what’s going to happen. No more. You can pick the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to you.” Grace had come closer and closer until her lips were just a hair’s breadth away from his.

  “What’s the difference?” She didn’t need to know he’d already made up his mind about them. She’d be his in every way possible.

  “The easy way, you give in and we start a relationship. The hard way, I use any means necessary to convince you we belong together.” He stood up quickly, catching Grace off guard. Scooping her up, he dumped her on top of his desk.

  “Oh, Gracie.” Carter cupped her gorgeous face in his hands. “I’m yours, but now that you threw the challenge out there…” Stepping out from between her spread thighs, he dropped back down into his chair. He put his arms behind his head, a cocky smirk on his face and said, “Hop to it, pretty girl. I wanna see what you’ve got up your sleeve.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Carter’s eyes were riveted to the sight in front of him, Gracie’s pink, plump, pussy. “Where are your panties?” He snarled as her legs snapped shut. A flush, the color of her hair, covered her chest and neck. To think she’d been prancing around the packed office all day without any panties on made his blood boil.

  Even if she didn’t know it yet, Grace belonged to him. Any woman of his would be wearing panties around other men. No panties when it was just the two of them sounded great, but not when there could be other shifters who might be able to scent her musky need. He needed to teach his pretty girl a lesson. One she wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

  “W-what?” She stuttered, her legs slowly drifting open a little.

  Standing back up, he wrapped her hair around his fist. Carter pulled until her eyes met his, letting his dominance out. He asked again, “Where are your fucking panties?” Her breathing picked up, those perky tits of hers strained against the blue fabric.

  She blinked the dazed look from her eyes, “At home.” Grace’s red lips tilted up in a sexy smirk. “Why, is that a problem?” This woman would be his downfall. She didn’t know it, but Grace pushed every button Carter had.

  “It’s a big fucking problem. I don’t want other man scenting what belongs to me.” He bit her plump bottom lip. “From now on, in public, you better have fucking panties on.” His lips ghosted across her jaw until he reached her ear.

  He growled low, “Should I give you a pass or make sure you never forget?” He’d make it seem she had a choice, but either way he’d get what he wanted in the end.

  “I’m kinda forgetful.” She bit her lip, batting her eyelashes at him. Grace wasn’t, on the contrary, she remembered everything. It could only mean she wanted him. Wanted whatever he had in store for her. “Maybe you should show me who I belong to.”

  “You’re playing with fire, pretty girl.” He kissed down the column of her neck. Nibbling enough to make the area red, but not leave a mark. Not yet, but soon. As soon as he could
get to the skin usually covered by clothes, then he’d leave behind his marks.

  Taking a step back, he reluctantly released her. “On your knees.” She dropped down, golden eyes shining with lust. “Have you ever sucked a cock before, Grace Elaine?” He hoped to the Goddess her answer was no, because if it weren't, he’d be hunting down Jake to kill him.

  “No,” Grace whispered, unbuttoning and pulling down the zipper of his pants. “You’ll have to teach me what you like.” She looked embarrassed, but, fuck was he glad he’d be the one she learned on.

  Her gasp reached his ears, the same time the cold air hit his cock. “Wow.”

  “Glad you like it, because it’s the only cock you’ll be seeing from now on.” Carter didn’t even try to keep his cocky attitude in check, pun intended. In all his sleeping around, the only good thing to come out of it was his self-confidence. He knew his cock was far above average. Hell, he’d even say above excellent.

  Especially if the look of pure lust on Grace’s face was anything to go by. Tentatively, she took his already hard cock in her hand. “It won’t bite. Grip harder, and use your other hand to play with my balls.” Grace went to work, the concentration apparent on her face. “Now slip the head into your mouth.”

  She did as he commanded, her lips spreading around the tip of his cock. “Fuck.” He groaned, her hot, wet mouth would make him come too soon. Carter pulled her head off gently. Greedy, pretty girl didn’t want to give him up.

  Her tongue trailed down his shaft and gave attention to his balls as she jerked him off. “You promise you haven’t done this before?” Her cheeks turned pink, a sweet smile spreading across her luscious lips.

  “I’ve seen some videos. I wanted to be prepared.” Carter took the information in stride. He’d known it. After he’d watched her masturbating, he knew Grace was a sensual being. She’d be able to keep up with his appetite for sex.

  She’d just put the head of his cock back in her mouth when the alarm for the back door went off. “Grace?” Her eyes widened with panic. Why did her brother, of all people, have to come and ruin their fun? They were just getting to the good part.

  Not to mention, his office door stood wide open and any minute Gene would walk in and see Carter’s cock hanging out. “Under the desk.” He ushered Grace in the tiny space where his feet were supposed to go. He yanked his pants up as far as he could and plopped his ass in the chair. Carter took a deep breath, thankfully the air smelled mostly of him and his need.

  A trace of Grace still lingered, but they shared an office, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary. “She just left for lunch.” He called out, spreading his legs so his pretty girl had enough room. Shaking his head, Carter barely stopped from chuckling. Here Gene stood, in the same spot his little sister had just been sucking Carter’s cock.

  “Explains why I didn’t see her truck.” Like Grace had, Gene strode right into his office. “Do you know how long she’ll be? Lani wanted me to give her an invitation to her nephew’s baby shower.” When he went to open his mouth to spew some lie, Grace’s hot, wet mouth wrapped around his cock.

  “Uh, no.” Carter coughed, trying to cover up his groan. He wanted to sink back in the chair and enjoy himself. But no, Gene was already looking at him weirdly. “She had to pick up something specific for a conference we have later. It might take a while. You can leave it on her desk if you want?”

  “Yeah. I’ll do that, Lani doesn’t like it when I’m away from the house for too long. She’s been brave, but Jeremey left some lingerin’ effects on her.” Carter felt truly bad about how things had played out concering Gene’s mate. It had been his idea to use the women as bait and it had backfired on him. Big time.

  At the time, he didn’t think the wolf could outsmart him, but he had. Jeremey had kidnapped Lani right in front of Grace, Annie and a very pregnant Ella. Ella had been inconsolable, Annie mute, and his Gracie? She’d had a panic attack of epic proportions. Then turned around like an epic badass and went in with the guys to rescue Lani.

  With Gene’s back turned, he pushed his chair back enough to see Grace. “If you make me come in front of your brother, I will tan your delectable ass.” His remarks only made the lust in her eyes shine brighter. A devilish smile curved her swollen lips. Seeing her like that? He wanted to come right then and there.

  Carter couldn’t help himself. When his cock hit the back of her throat, he gripped her hair in a fist. He got in two pumps of his hips before he had to push his chair back in. Gene stopped in his doorway, “Tell Grace to call Lani when she has a chance. My wife’s been bouncin’ off the walls about something.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know anything, would ya?” His hunter green eyes, so much like his Gracie’s stared into his soul. Like his sister, their speech changed depending on their mood. For instance, Grace always had perfect language around clients or lately around him. Maybe he was rubbing off on her because he hated when she talked like that.

  Of course, it was that moment Grace doubled down on her efforts. “Nope. No idea.” He slapped his open palm down on his desk. The little beauty under his desk was about to make him come. He couldn’t hold it off any longer. His cock twitched as he pumped Grace’s mouth full of cum.

  “Okay. I’ll see ya around.” Dropping his head down, he let the cold wood calm him down. A naughty smile came over his face. Carter’s pretty girl didn’t have any idea what she was in for now.


  All the videos she’d seen hadn’t prepared her for one thing. The taste of Carter. His cock she liked, loved actually, but his semen on the other hand? It had been awful. She’d swallowed anyway because, well, she was stuck under his desk while her brother stood right there.

  Grace wanted to giggle with the excitement of it all. She’d never done something so dirty before. When the back door beeped again, Carter yanked her out from underneath the desk. “What did I tell you?” He snarled, but it didn’t hold any anger in it.

  It held a different kind of heat. A kind Grace had thought she’d never get from Carter. Lust. “Turn around and bend over.” The dark promise in his voice had her doing his bidding. Grace promised herself to put up a bigger fight next time.

  Gripping the edge of Carter’s desk, she looked over her shoulder to see Carter staring at her ass. She wiggled it in front of him. His hands roughly pulled her dress over her hips, exposing her lower half to the chilly air. Goosebumps raced over her pale skin. Carter’s warm hands caressed her skin, “Damn, this is one fine ass.”

  He leaned forward giving each cheek an open-mouthed kiss. Grace laid her face flush on his desk, enjoying his ministrations. A rush of air was the only signal she got before Carter’s open palm slapped her ass. She gasped, confused by the mixture of pain and pleasure. “Gracie? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No. You caught me off guard, though.” His hand rubbed the leftover sting until he was just massaging her ass.

  “Did you like it?” His hands moved to her hips, still massaging all the kinks out of her muscles. “Or do you want me to see for myself?” Now, they gently pushed her legs apart. For someone who worked in an office most of the time, his hands were rough.

  “So wet.” He groaned, nipping the inside of her thigh hard enough to leave a mark. She moaned at his touch. “I want to taste you.”

  “Carter.” Grace breathed, her body going tense. “I’ve never done anything like this.” He rose over her, kissing his way up her spine. Even through her clothes, it made her melt.

  “Shh, pretty girl. If I do anything you don’t like, just tell me, and I’ll stop. Okay?” Grace couldn’t think straight with Carter’s hands and mouth roaming her body.

  “Okay.” She whispered, hoping it felt as good as it looked in the videos she’d seen. His lips followed the same path down her back and to her thighs. Grace nearly jumped over his desk when his tongue touched her clit. Carter’s hands gripped her hips, keeping her within reach.

  In one stroke, he licked from her clit to her opening. �
�Oh, Goddess.” Grace moaned, biting her lip to stay quiet.

  “Not Goddess, pretty girl. Carter.” He replaced his tongue with his finger, rubbing her aching clit in little circles. “Only my name leaves your lips when you’re like this. Now, tell me who you belong to.” His finger sped up, adding more pressure.

  “You.” She moaned, her voice coming out huskier than normal.

  “Who? I didn’t hear you.” His finger slowed down, making Grace whimper.

  “You, Carter. I belong to you!” Grace basically screamed, she was so close to coming, but Carter wouldn’t let her.

  “Good girl.” Whimpering when his finger left her, turned into a wailing moan when his tongue plunged inside of her. “Oh, fuck, you taste amazing.” He ate her like a man starving. Her hips rocked with the motions of his tongue.

  “Please Carter, I’m so close.” Grace wasn’t above begging. Carter’s growl told her, he liked her begging. His name became a chant on her lips. She just needed something to push her over the edge. Instead of sending her over the edge, Carter stopped altogether.

  “What the hell?” She whipped around, panting, wet and needy. Grace didn’t even care that her voice bordered on being whiny. Okay, it was totally whiny, but he could deal with it. His lips were covered in her juices, his slacks tented with an already hard cock.

  He licked his lips, lime green eyes trained on hers the entire time. “I told you not to make me come and you did. Now, you don’t get to.” Oh, he didn’t play fair.

  “I’ll just get the job done myself.” She went to reach down, but Carter caught her hand. A snarl echoed around the quiet office.

  “Don’t you dare.” He cupped her mound, sliding a finger into her channel. “This is mine. You need relief, you come to me. This is only to teach you a lesson.

  Carter crushed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. One which left her forgetting why she was upset with him in the first place. A knock had him slowly pulling away from her. “Come on, pretty girl. The rest of the day awaits. Then we’ll get the fuck out of here and you’ll get to come all over my cock.”


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