Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3)

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Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3) Page 19

by B. N. Kasner

  Before Grace could get to them, a doe sprinted out of the woods. The look in her glowing brown eyes told Grace the doe was a shifter. The smallest of the three wolves, which really wasn’t all that small, roared with a fury which scared Grace. It raced forward, motioning at the doe with its head. The doe dropped to the ground as one of the Wilson brothers jumped over it, tearing into the human who’d been chasing the shifter.

  The doe shifted, leaving the waitress from Lucky Star laying on the ground with bruises covering her body. Pulling off her shirt, Grace covered the woman. Her brown hair was matted with blood. Someone had beaten her good. Isaiah, now a man, checked the woman’s pulse before lifting her into his arms. “Gonna take her in. Nice to see you Red.” His eyes never left the woman, but Grace kept her mouth shut. Her injuries could’ve been why all his attention now rested on the unconscious woman. More people were turning up injured. They weren’t going to make it to the old mill.

  “Isaiah. There’s a plan to led the ones who can’t fight to the old mill, along the southwest path and stream. I don’t think you’ll be able to make it with all the injured though. When Mason and the others shift and cause a distraction, they’re supposed to go out the back. Keep them safe.” Grace swallowed hard, knowing some of them weren’t going to make it.

  Tugging off the rest of her clothes, she pushed her shift as fast as she could. She shifted easier than the others, but not as quickly or easily as Goddess-blessed shifters. A brownish gray shape caught her attention. Just like they’d planned when Mason, Gene, Carter and Nathan shifted people poured out the back door of the town hall. Scott and Grams stood on one side while Greg and Isaiah patrolled the other side.

  Grace breathed easier when she saw Stella holding onto Annie and Lani’s hands. She turned around and made eye contact with Grace. Winking, Grace gave her a bear smile, making Stella smile. Something right behind Stella made Grace squint her eyes. Oh, no!

  She roared, running at full speed as others moved out of her way. Noah’s green bear eyes glinted at her in the sunlight. He wasn’t going to hurt anyone else. Not on her fucking watch. He may have underestimated the men, but that asshole wasn’t getting away from Grace alive.

  Leaping, she cleared the line of people currently shuffling back inside. Out of the corner of her eye, a dark red bird took flight. Good girl, Stella. Stay safe. Her body slammed into Noah’s, causing him to hit a tree in the process. While he was down for the count, Grace stalked over to him.

  Her heart felt for the old man. He’d never found his mate or love. Never had a family. Maybe if he’d had a better life, it wouldn’t be ending like this. When his eyes opened, Grace tried to convey her feelings to him.

  He growled, snapping his jaws at her. Fuck you too, asshole. Without any more hesitation, Grace used her powerful jaws to crush his neck. He wouldn’t be hurting anyone in Redwater ever again. A gunshot rang through the air as pain blossomed in her side.

  Lacking control, Grace shifted while falling to her knees. Blood poured out of an open hole right below her ribcage. Another pain dropped Grace to the forest floor. All this time, she’d been praying everyone else made it out safe. She hadn’t thought to pray for herself.

  Maybe it was time to wish on that shooting star. Focusing on the sky, Grace gritted her teeth against the pain. Don’t leave Carter all alone in this world. Please don’t let me die. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard Carter’s roar before the treetops faded from Grace’s vision leaving her to float in a sea of darkness.


  “No. Fuck no.” Carter slid on his knees, coming to a stop over his bleeding mate. She was losing too much blood. He couldn’t lose another mate. But more importantly, he couldn’t lose his Gracie. “Grace Elaine. Don’t you dare fucking leave me.”

  His hands pressed down on the two gaping holes, blood gushed through his fingers. He was a blubbering mess. Carter had taken down the man who shot her, killing him as soon as Carter got his paws on him. The man must’ve been the one in charge because the rest of the humans had scattered into the wind. In the back of his mind, other things were starting to register.

  Mason fretting over Ella. Gene putting his hand on Carter’s shoulder. Others started crowding around them. Nathan calling both the cops and an ambulance. The only thing Carter wasn’t seeing? His mate coming back to him. No, she was slipping further and further away from him.

  He felt it through the bond. “Come on pretty girl, come back to me.” Carter wanted to shake her, but that was just his frustration leaking out. Lani hobbled over to Gene, whispering something in his ear.

  “Goddess, no. Where is he?” Lani pointed to where Vivienne was huddled over a body. Gene and Lani went over to her, helping his dad into a sitting position. Jackson’s head was bleeding, and his eyes looked cloudy. Vivienne stood, rushing over to him.

  Laying her hands on Grace, she shook her head. “Has somebody already called an ambulance? She needs more help than I can give her.”

  Alex stormed over, “What kind of witch are you? You can’t help other people?” Alex squatted beside him. “She’ll pull through. Red’s a fucking fighter.”

  “Can’t believe that nickname finally caught on.” Isaiah sat on the other side of him. Both had somehow found clothes, which even at a time like this Carter was thankful for. He didn’t need all those swinging dicks near his mate.

  “Have any clothes for Gracie?” His voice didn’t sound like his own. It was raspy and hoarse. A woman walking by with dirty blonde hair and blueish green eyes threw a shirt and pants at him. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” She tore one shirt into pieces, “Press these against the wounds. It’ll slow down the bleeding.”

  “Miss Grace?” A naked little girl came running up to his mate, almost throwing herself on Grace. “Miss Evie, is my sister okay?” The woman’s face turned pale, a tear running down her cheek.

  “Stella, honey. I’m sorry. I tried, but the store got overrun.” The little girl, Stella, started to sob. “Shh, I’m sure your mom is around here somewhere.” At the statement, Stella crumbled into a ball. “Shit.”

  “Stella.” Carter swallowed hard, trying to make his voice softer. “Put this shirt on sweet pea and come over here to me.” He felt oddly protective of the little girl. She looked so lost and alone. It reminded him of Grace when her mother died. Stella did as she was told, plastering herself to Carter’s side.

  “Viv. Thank the Goddess.” Greg kissed his mate on the top of her head. Sitting, he held her up when she wavered. “Don’t push too hard. I can already hear the ambulance.” The words hadn’t even left his mouth when Vivienne fell back against him. “Viv?”

  Greg wasn’t as composed as Carter and shook his mate gently. “Vivienne Louise Peck. Wake up this instant.” He cradled her face. Goddess, everybody had been affected by Noah once again. At least this time his warrior mate had taken care of business. He’d never hurt anyone again because of Grace.

  If she’d hadn’t gotten hurt herself, he’d be even prouder than Carter already was. “Where’s that fucking ambulance?” Greg snarled, a level of dominance Carter hadn’t expected pouring from him. Obviously, the only thing which got Greg worked up was his mate. Other than that, he never acted out of control.

  Somebody else screamed in pain. His eyes darted up to see Lani clutching her stomach. “My water just broke. Oh, fuck.” Gene paled, helping his wife to the ground. “It’s too early.” She sobbed, “I’m only twenty-eight weeks.”

  “I know sweetheart. We’ll get through this. The sirens are gettin’ closer. I’m right here.” Gene ran his hand over Lani’s stomach. “Our little guy is coming before we even have a name picked out.”

  “Before the shower.” Gene had successfully taken Lani’s mind off the pain. Carter couldn’t do that for his mate. All he could do was pray. And to a Goddess who was preparing to take away the woman he loved. Closing his eyes, Carter opened his heart to the Goddess.

  Dear Goddess,

not sure if I’m doing this right. I’ve never prayed to you before, but I need you now more than ever. The woman I love needs you. She’s the reason my life has meaning. Without her, my life will be worthless. Whatever you have planned for me, for us, if it doesn’t involve her, then I don’t want any part of it. You’ve already taken Becky. And I forgive you for that. But not with Grace. My Gracie, she deserves to live. To have a life filled with love. Don’t take that away from us. Away from her.


  He finally opened his eyes, watching as his tears hit Grace’s pale skin. Beside him, little sniffles echoed his sadness and grief. Carter thought back on his wish the night before. He’d wished for Grace to never leave him. His entire world was now in the hands of a shooting star and a fictional Goddess.


  Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound was starting to really annoy her. Grace’s eyes felt heavy and her body hurt all over. “Pretty girl?” Carter’s voice sounded far away. Almost like she was underwater. Trying again, her vision was blinded by a bright light.

  “The lights.” Is that me? Her voice sounded rough and raspy. Nothing like she usually did.

  “Shit, sorry.” His shoes squeaked as the sound of his footsteps faded then grew near again. Carter’s hand caressed her face. “There you go Gracie, try again.” Cracking her eyes open, the room came into view. The sterile hospital smell flooded her senses, along with that damn beeping.

  She glared at the machine, then at the I.V. in her arm. Her mate didn’t look much better than she did at the moment. His usual shining brown eyes looked dull, with dark circles underneath them. He’d cut his hair finally, but she could tell he’d been running his hands through it. Grace swallowed hard, she’d almost died.

  The image of a brunette angel would be seared into her mind forever. Whoever the woman was had turned her around and sent her back to Carter. Back to the man who owned her heart. Tears ran down his cheeks, “I thought I’d lost you.” He hugged her the best he could, burying his face in her neck.

  “I told you.” She had to pause to catch her breath. “I’ll never leave you.” Bringing her shaky hand up, Grace cupped his face. Carter’s lips felt soft against her chapped ones. Grace thanked the Goddess for her life. She’d never take anything for granted ever again.

  “Let me get the doctor in here. I want to take you home.” His relief flowed through the bond, as he walked out of the room. Grace hated hospitals. They always reminded her of losing her mom. This wasn’t like being there for the birth of Ella’s twins.

  She wanted out of there as soon as possible. Hopefully, her doctor would be happy to discharge her that day. Carter walked in with an elderly woman in a white coat. The exam was quick and easy, with the doctor saying she’d be free to leave after a blood test. Using the pillows, Grace propped herself up.

  “Am I the only one here?” Carter poured her a cup of ice water, shaking his head. “How many others were hurt?” Her mate sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her thigh in soothing circles. He always knew exactly what to do to calm her anxiety.

  “We lost ten. Twenty more were injured, but not severely. Five, including you, Vivienne and your dad were critically hurt. Everyone else we’re close with it alright. Though, your nephew arrived early.”

  “Shit.” Her heart hurt for the families who’d lost their loved ones. “Are Lani and the baby okay?”

  “Yep, both are healthy and happy.” The sweet smile on his face faded. “But there’s a little girl-”

  “Stella?” Grace’s heart lodged itself in her throat. “No. I saw her fly away, tell me she’s safe.” A tear ran down her cheek. That little girl was precious, she’d never forgive herself if something happened to her.

  “She’s fine, physically. Emotionally though? That’s a different story.” He sighed, rolling his shoulders. The tension in his neck was visible, as was his apprehension through the bond. “Both her mom and sister died.

  “Stella’s downstairs talking with Social Services. They’re trying to find a relative for her to live with, but it’s not good. Last time I overheard them, they were looking to put her in foster care.” Grace scooted over on the tiny bed, making room for Carter to cuddle up next to her. Since her I.V. was out, she could move around easier.

  “But, Stella could get placed with anyone. What if her new guardians are anti-shifter? Or mean? Or-” Carter silenced her with a kiss.

  “I’ve already thought about all of that. The girl needs to be kept safe. Somewhere no one can ever hurt her again. Maybe a nice couple who would treat her like their own.”

  “Annie and Nathan?” Grace wanted to cry. It wasn’t like Annie and Nathan wouldn’t be good guardians. Hell, they’d been trying to have kids since they got together three years ago. But a part of Grace felt like Stella was hers. Our cub. Obviously, her bear felt the same way.

  “Actually, pretty girl. I was thinking…” He paused, swallowing hard. “If you want, Stella could come home with us. We have the spare room and more than enough love to give her.”

  “I’d like that, but only if Stella agrees to it.” Her heart soared at the thought of Stella becoming their little girl. They’d give her a good home, lots of love and hopefully some siblings one day.

  “Thank Goddess, you said that.” Carter had a shy smile on his face. It was a first for Grace to see her tough, dirty-talking mate acting shy.

  “Why?” She raised a red brow at him, trying to figure out what the sneaky bear was up to.

  “I may have already talked to Social Services, they said there’s some paperwork to fill out but, she’s ours. And Stella? Well…” He brought two fingers up to his mouth and whistled. Stella tiptoed into the room with a backpack on her shoulders. Along with a giant teddy bear wrapped in a bright pink bow clutched to her chest.

  Her hazel eyes were darker than before and bloodshot from crying. “Carter said if I wanted, I could come live with you?” Stella’s bottom lip quivered. “My family…the bad men took them away.”

  “Oh, sweet pea, come here.” Grace’s heart melted seeing Carter interact with Stella. He treated her like she was his own and always had been. He laid her backpack on the chair beside the bed, then lifted her to lay in between them. Instead of being scared or tense, Stella’s little body snuggle down in her spot. “Those bad men will never hurt you again. I promise.”

  “I know. You and Miss Grace are bears. Big and strong.” She yawned, closing her little eyes. The poor thing probably hadn’t slept since everything happened. Damn, Grace didn’t even know how long she’d been out of it. “Should I still call you Miss Grace?”

  “What about Gracie? It’s what I like to call her.” Carter didn’t share her nickname with anyone, but here he was offering it freely to Stella. She nodded, laying her head on Grace’s chest. Within moments, her breathing evened out, her grip on Grace loosening.

  Leaning her head on Carter, the three of them cuddled on the bed. It wasn’t long before Grace felt her eyes burning. She’d rest them for just a minute, Grace didn’t want to miss out on anything this life might throw her way.


  Carter pulled his girls closer to him, tucking the blanket around them. Stella and Grace were alike in a lot of ways. Both were fighters, having been through more in their lives than they should’ve. He vowed to protect them. No one would get through him to hurt them.

  The three of them still had a long way to go. Stella had no problem with Carter or Grace, but he’d seen the way she acted with the social workers. She’d screamed and cried until he had shown up. He knew her heart had to be broken from losing her family, but Stella had easily latched onto him. It wasn’t uncommon for shifters to often take in lost cubs.

  An instinct in them couldn’t leave the young out there to fend for itself. Maybe that’s what Carter and his bear were feeling. From the moment he’d seen her, Stella had felt like his daughter. His cub, even if she was a bird. Our sweet pea, his bear growled contentedly, stretching out like a lazy house cat instead of a fe
arsome bear.

  Apparently, having a mate and daughter did that to a man. Turned him from someone hard and unforgiving, to someone willing to do anything to see his girls happy. Carter hadn’t realized how cold he’d been on the inside. That version of himself was long gone. Now he was a mate, a father. A man worthy of the second chance he was given.

  A life he’d spend loving, laughing and smiling, because with Stella and Grace those three things were sure to be in his future. One Carter couldn’t wait to get started on.

  Redwater Shifter Series

  Bearly There

  On the run from a cruel alpha, Ella Wilson is hiding out in the Oregon forest. If she can just avoid other shifters, she should be fine. Things hadn't worked out well for her last time. They'd almost dragged her back to Kansas. Like Dorothy said, there's no place like home. Only Ella wasn't going back without a fight. Being a hopeless romantic has kept her going. Sure she needs some work after living in the woods, but underneath all that dirt and grime is a real diamond.

  Mason Callahan is the alpha of Dark Oaks, a bear sleuth that has been in his family for generations. He's a laid back alpha believing the best way to command respect is through giving respect. With most of his family gone, he relies on his closest friends to help run the sleuth. However, a council of elders has been pushing him to find a mate. Under his tough exterior, Mason is a true romantic, but his whole life is dedicated to being alpha. There's no room for a mate. He fears one council member's reasons are more for his own good than the sleuths.

  Fate, however, has them crossing paths. The only thing neither of them can outrun is destiny, and she just came knocking.

  Beauty and the Bear


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