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Slave Gold 2: Cardinal Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Becca Van

  “Look at me, Annie.” Shar was panting, and from the large bulge in his pants, he was as turned on as she was. She glanced at her other mates and saw that they were in the same condition.

  “Annie.” Shar drew her gaze again. As she stared into his eyes, she saw him dip his fingers back into that container for another glob of cream. She wanted to watch his fingers, but she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes from his. She twitched when she felt those cream-coated digits at her entrance and then gasped as he once more pressed them inside.

  It was really hard to keep her eyes open since they felt so heavy, weighted with passion, but she managed to keep them connected to his. She drew in a ragged breath and groaned as he began to finger-fuck her. With each advance and retreat, he thrust his fingers into her faster, deeper, always stroking over her sweet spot. The coils inside grew tighter, and she cried out when Mott and Riek bent to suck on her nipples.

  Another set of hands pressed her legs further apart, and she cried out when a cool, wet finger caressed her anus. Her first instinct was to clamp down and turn away, but it felt so damn good she couldn’t get her body to obey. The more Baro rubbed her rosette, the tighter the spring got.

  And then Shar stopped pumping his fingers in and out of her, but the pleasure grew even more, because the pads of his fingers were continually caressing that hot spot. Her legs began to tremble, and she keened with the carnal bliss of what they were all doing to her. Baro breached her ass, and she was a goner.

  Gratification hit her like a tidal wave. The spring inside of her snapped, and she cried out with joy. Shar and Baro didn’t let up, and the orgasm continued until she couldn’t draw air into her lungs. She screamed and thrashed, but Mott and Riek held her down as they sucked and nibbled on her nipples.

  The euphoria was so good she became deaf and blind to anything else but her own body. She quaked and quivered, and wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her, until she felt like she’d been tossed about in a tumultuous storm she had no control over. Fluid gushed from her cunt in a great expulsion, drenching her and no doubt Baro’s and Shar’s fingers and hands, but she had no power over it. It was like they had taken over her body and she had no resistance to them. Not that she wanted to.

  One orgasm after another crashed into and on top of her until she felt like they'd torn her apart, mind, body, and soul, and she wasn’t sure if they’d ever be able to put her back together.

  Her vision was nonexistent, and then it was all too much. Annie teetered on the edge of consciousness, and as she slipped away from the excess of pleasure, she hoped she would wake again soon.

  She couldn't wait for her mates to do that to her again, and she was excited to see where this new adventure would take her.

  Chapter Eight

  Shar sighed and shifted from the bed. He grimaced when his softening, sticky cock stuck to his pants. He’d shot his load like a new warrior and was a little embarrassed about his lack of control, but when he saw all three of his male kin grimace, he had to stifle a chuckle.

  Baro looked at him and scowled, but then he, too, chuckled. Before he knew it, they were all laughing like the four-legged hyetta. If any of the other warriors saw them, they would think they were insane.

  “She is amazing, isn’t she?” Mott said in an awe-filled voice.

  “Yes,” Shar agreed. “Let’s clean up our mate and ourselves, and go out to the other room. We have to make plans.”

  But he couldn’t seem to drag his eyes away from his bonded. Shar had never seen or felt anything so beautiful in his life. His mate in the throes of orgasm was the best experience he’d ever had. He and his male kin had felt bad for making their mate sore, and he was glad that Must had volunteered to be their healer. All warriors had knowledge of healing and medi-scanner use. It was part of their training since there wasn’t always a healer on hand, but he had been so worried about Annie after they had all joined with her and she’d winced. It was totally unacceptable to them for her to be in any sort of discomfort or pain.

  He had asked one of his mated palace guards about his and his male kin’s bonded when he was younger. He’d been curious, as any young male would be, and since there were no women for them to court and relieve themselves with, he’d asked questions. Of course he could have gone to the Council Elders and asked, but they were so fastidious about protocol he didn’t feel comfortable talking with them. His sire had never spoken about what happened between a male and female to him or, as Annie called them, his brothers. He knew why, of course. His sire was still mourning his mate even after three hundred years.

  The warrior had told him that it took all four of them to give their female pleasure. If word got out that a human female could be pleasured more than once by every male singularly and collectively, in a family unit, he could see them having a riot on his hands. It was going to be hard enough to convince the Council Elders to accept their mate, let alone if they found out how much joy they could give their bonded.

  He and his male kin were going to have to be very careful about what they said about and to Annie in the presence of others. Plus, he would need to assign his most trusted warrior unit to protect her when he and his brothers couldn’t be there.

  Baro met Shar's gaze with a fierce frown. Of all his male kin, he was more like him and thought the same way as he did. Although his younger kin were intelligent and strong, fierce warriors, sometimes they didn’t see what he and Baro did. There was going to be trouble on their home world when they took Annie back, but they would do anything to protect her.

  * * * *

  Annie bolted upright when a piercing screech sounded. When she noticed she was alone, she scrambled from the bed and was surprised at how clean, relaxed, and refreshed she felt. Her mates must have taken her into the bathroom. Shit, Annie, it’s the cleansing room. Get it right. What surprised her even more was that she wasn’t sore, anywhere. “That cream stuff must be good shit,” she muttered to herself.

  When she saw her clothes, she grabbed them up and dressed quickly. She still didn’t have anything for her feet to match the warrior-like uniform, but it didn’t really matter right now. She would get her men to find her boots like theirs later. For now, she grabbed her sneakers, pulling them on without any socks. The screeching noise stopped, and she sighed with relief. She wondered if it was some type of alarm and, if so, what the hell was going on.

  Annie hurried out and noticed that all the bedroom doors were open, and they were all empty. When the hall door swished open and she found the living room empty, too, she began to worry. Even the kitchen—eating room—was empty.

  “Where the hell is everyone?” Annie nibbled on her lip as she tried to decide what to do. She couldn’t stay here in ignorance. She needed to make sure her mates were all right. For some reason, she couldn’t feel them like she normally could. Sometimes their emotions were so strong they nearly overwhelmed her, but it was like they had put up a wall to keep her out. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. She felt like a huge, gaping hole had ripped open her chest, and she wanted to sink to the floor, curl into a ball, and bawl her eyes out. After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed slightly, and then the grief turned to anger.

  Annie knew she was being irrational, but she couldn’t seem to stop the emotional roller coaster, and it was all their fault. She stomped over to the entrance and waved her hand over the panel. The door swished open, and she stepped out. The scene that greeted her eyes was one that looked like chaos. Warriors were hurrying up and down the corridors, and they looked scary as hell. Their eyes were a glowing light-red color, their fangs were extended, and they had long, hellishly dangerous-looking claws protruding from their fingertips. She could even see grayish-colored fur on their hands and bare forearms. All the men wore short-sleeved uniforms. Her men had made her one with long sleeves, too, and she had put that one on so she wouldn’t get cold, she realized. Her anger at them faded somewhat, but she was still a little mad at waking up alone and not being able to feel them right then.<
br />
  She turned about, trying to decide which way to go, and turned right when she couldn’t remember where they told her where the control room was. Annie just hoped she was going in the right direction. When she got to another intersection, she saw a sign on what looked like a plaque on the wall with weird-looking symbols and realized it was a map with writing on it. Since she couldn’t read what it said, she took a guess and turned left.

  The air whooshed from her lungs, and she would have fallen to her ass if the big, scary warrior hadn’t reached out and grabbed her arms.

  “Sorry,” she apologized. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  The warrior snorted and shook his head. He looked her up and down, and then he let go of her and stepped back. He glanced over his shoulder and sighed with relief when he realized no one was watching them.

  “What’s going on? Where are Shar, Baro, Mott, and Riek?”

  “They are commanding,” the warrior replied. “You should not be here. We are being attacked. Go back to your quarters.”

  “Attacked?” Annie’s heart flipped in her chest, fear making it difficult to breathe. “Why would someone—ˮ A loud bang sounded, and then the ship began to tilt. Annie fell to her knees and slid across the floor until she hit the wall.

  The warrior was about to reach for her, but then his eyes began to glow brighter and turned a darker red hue, and then he roared so loudly her eardrums reverberated, hurting her ears.

  She looked up at him with fear, but he wasn’t taking any notice of her. He was staring down the corridor she just came from. She turned her head and whimpered. Four huge, gangly, green reptilian creatures were rushing toward them. They made hissing and clicking sounds, and when she looked down, she saw they had webbed feet with very long, sharp-looking talons. Their skin was covered in green scales, and the smell coming from them was so bad she gagged. The closer they came, the worse the smell got, and she felt sick to her stomach. Their scales looked wet, like they were covered in oil, and she knew that secretion was what smelled. How she knew that, she had no idea.

  The warrior roared again, and then he ran toward the green, scaly aliens. He slashed at them with his claws, bit with his long fangs, and fought like a martial artist. If she hadn’t been so scared, she might have been impressed. Two of the green things stood watching while the other two fought her men’s warrior.

  Annie wasn’t sure if she’d made sound or moved and drew their attention, but all of a sudden, the two green dudes watching the fight pinned her with their frightening silver eyes. One of them blinked, if she could call it that. A thin membrane covered those black orbs for a moment before sliding back. It was weirdly eerie.

  What happened next scared the shit out of her. The warrior was lifted from the ground, flung back against the wall, and pinned there, but none of the green things were touching him. The man pinned to the wall was struggling furiously, but he couldn’t get free and was barely moving.

  Annie caught movement from her periphery and turned to look back at the four green things. They all looked the same, but one of them was much bigger than the other three, and he took a step toward her. She whimpered and pushed herself back against the wall, glad that she hadn't been pinned to the wall and was still on her feet, but it was a useless endeavor, because they were blocking the corridor and there was nowhere to go. For one crazy moment, she wished the wall would open up and swallow her whole. That would be better than having to face whatever those things wanted with her.

  When her head started buzzing, she shook it, but the noise got louder, and no matter how hard she tried to dispel it, she couldn’t. Then her head began to ache, and it felt like a vise was clamped around the top of it, squeezing harder and harder until she thought her head would be crushed or explode from the brutalizing pain. She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes, but when the air around her moved, she opened them again. The biggest green thing was standing so close he could have touched her.

  Annie was so scared she felt like she could pee her pants, but then she began to get pissed off. How dare these things try and kill her men and their warriors! How dare they board this ship without permission!

  With slow deliberation, Annie pushed up from her ass to her feet to face the creatures. She wasn’t about to cower on the floor with fear. If she was going to go down, she would fight with every fucking thing she had. Without even thinking about what she was doing, she clenched her fist and swung as hard as she could. She cried out with pain when her fist connected with its face, but she smiled with satisfaction when its head turned to the side. It turned back without a grimace of pain or change of expression and looked into her eyes.

  The pain in her head intensified until she was worried she would throw up, but she couldn’t give in to it. She pushed it to the back of her mind and tried to think. She was obviously no match for this thing in the strength department, but she had brains. She could use her mind to get out of this situation.

  She gagged when its stench drifted to her nose and her eyes began to water, the tears rolling down her face. It blinked again and seemed fascinated by the moisture and watched as it trailed down her cheeks. That was when she noticed the pain in her head had lessened. It seemed that when the thing looked into her eyes, it hurt. Did that mean it was in her head? Able to see what she was thinking and feeling?

  Annie heard more loud roars in the distance, but she was trying to work out how this creature was able to keep the warrior pinned to the wall. She glanced at the other green aliens, but they were watching her and not the defenseless warrior. Did they have mind-control abilities? Telekinesis maybe? If so, could she use her mind in the same way they could?

  What did she have to lose? Either way she looked at it, she was in deep shit.

  She met the eyes of the biggest dude again, and even though the pain in her head intensified, making her stomach roil, she swallowed and kept thinking. And then she was somehow in its head, seeing through its eyes. She was looking at herself, wondering what sort of creature she was and where she came from.

  Annie gasped. The thing tilted its head, and she was looking at herself at an angle. It wanted to take her back to its ship and test her. It wanted to know if she would be breeding compatible with it. She watched with a sort of surreal horror as she leaned over and lost the contents of her stomach. The green being was revolted by her illness, but she didn’t give a shit. When she had finished tossing her cookies, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and glared at it. She was so angry she was shaking. With anger came clarity. Information flowed into her brain, and she knew what she had to do.

  Annie pushed further into the thing’s brain and turned to face the other three green aliens. She raised its hands, and then she was killing the other reptiles with a swipe of claws at the neck. She jumped back when a yellowy fluid sprayed out of them, but when she looked at herself again, she realized she hadn’t moved from her position near the wall. It was like she had taken over the mind and body of the green alien dude. She had entrenched herself in it so deep she couldn’t feel it. The three other aliens were dead on the floor, and she had been the one to kill them through the biggest dude. Confidence and power filled her to overflowing.

  She looked up at the warrior pinned to the wall and, with a wave of her hand, released him. He landed on his feet, and as he raised his sharp talons toward the reptile thing, her true self moved in front of him. Annie was glad he had quick reflexes and halted his hand in midair.

  “Don’t kill it,” she said, her voice sounding far away. “I’ve managed to get into its head. I’m controlling its body.”

  The warrior looked at her with a sort of horrified awe and then bowed low to her and thumped his fist onto his chest.

  “Lead me to the other infiltrators. I don’t know my way around the ship,” Annie commanded.

  She turned to follow the warrior and saw at least ten others staring at her with mouths agape. When she looked each of them in the eyes, they all bowed and did the fist-thumping th
ing. The man she’d released from the wall turned and motioned for her to follow him.

  “Oh, by the way, the only way to kill these things is to cut their necks. The rest of their bodies have armor-like scales that can’t be penetrated.” Annie walked behind the man with the alien thing moving at her side, but she was aware of the other warriors following.

  Every corridor he led her to was full of the green aliens and fighting warriors. Annie directed the alien she controlled to kill as many as she could, but when the stinky dudes realized what was happening, they all started moving toward them.

  Annie expanded her mind as far as she could and pushed into the brains of as many reptiles as possible, and then she directed them to fight their own kind.

  The warrior with her shoved her aside, and when Annie turned, she was just in time to see his talons slice into the neck of a green alien. She hadn’t even been aware that one of them was creeping up behind her with murderous intent. He must been in one of the rooms along the hall and hadn’t been under the control of her and the big-ass green dude.

  “Thank you. You saved my life.”

  “As you have saved mine.” The warrior bowed and thumped his fist on his chest over where she assumed his heart was. Is he saluting me?

  They continued walking down hallway after hallway and when she found the eating room she took the time to grab some lacca to rinse the horrible taste from her mouth, before continuing on. When she and the warrior were standing outside of closed double doors she looked at him and raised an eyebrow in question but he either didn't get the gesture or was too distracted by something behind him. When she turned to look behind her, there were what looked like hundreds of her men’s warriors in the corridor, looking at her with their mouths hanging open. Only five green things were left, and they were standing in a trance, waiting for her direction.


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