Slave Gold 2: Cardinal Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Slave Gold 2: Cardinal Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Becca Van

  “Where are we going, N…Annie?” Ryker asked.

  “I need to get out and get some fresh air.”

  “The balcony was not sufficient?” Bako asked.

  Annie stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. She hadn’t even noticed that he and Davo had come along.

  “No,” she answered emphatically.

  Annie waved her hand over the elevator panel and sighed with relief when the doors opened straight away. When her entourage stepped in, she once more waved her hand over the panel on the inside and gave her command. “Ground floor.” Moments later the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

  Ryker got out first, looking around, and when he nodded, the rest of them followed. Annie headed across the massive elevator foyer and the back door. She loved being outside. Cardinal was such a beautiful planet. She inhaled deeply of the clean, fresh air. The ozone from the misty water streaming over the waterfall no more than a hundred yards away permeated the air.

  She wandered along the grassy-green tracks, looking at the unusual-colored flowers, plants, and trees and listening to the chirps and songs of the flying creatures. She’d forgotten what they called them, but it wasn’t “birds.” Winged gliders. That’s what they called birds.

  Annie didn’t pay any attention to the men following her. She soaked up the warmth from the two red suns and meandered about. The turmoil in her mind lessened, and the knot in her gut grew smaller.

  When she spied small dwellings in the distance, she turned and headed toward them and was glad her contingency didn’t protest. A few older men were sitting outside one abode, and Annie waved to them as she passed. She was glad they didn’t ignore her or look at her like she was an anomaly and gave her toothy grins while waving back. Maybe they knew who she was, not that she cared. She was just like they were as far as she was concerned.

  When she saw a woman, female, tending a flower garden, Annie stopped to talk to her.

  “Hi. I’m Annie.”

  The female looked young, no more than twenty, and she only met Annie’s eyes for a brief moment as she got to her feet. Her eyes lingered on Ryker before her tanned skin went a darker hue.

  Now isn’t that interesting? Does she have the hots for her lead warrior?

  Ryker was staring at the young woman, and Annie could practically feel the heat coming from his body. When she looked at Bako, Davo, and Sano, she found them looking at her just as intently.

  “Greetings, Nav Annie. I am Russy.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Russy. Have you met my guard?”

  Russy looked at the ground and shook her head, so Annie introduced them all. The men were as attracted to Russy, as she was to them. She was going to have to make sure they got time to spend with each other. Especially since there were hardly any females on this planet. If she could help them into a relationship, then she would.

  “Can I help you with your gardening?”

  “Oh no, Nav Annie. You can’t do something so menial.”

  Annie placed her hands on her hips. “Why not?”

  “Well, because you are Nav,” Russy answered quietly.

  “Just because I have a title doesn’t mean I’m useless.”

  “I did not mean…”

  Russy looked so horrified that she had insulted her, Annie felt guilty. “Don’t worry, Russy. I know what you meant. Can you cook?”

  “Yes Nav—”

  “Call me, Annie. Everyone else does.” She waved her hand toward her guards.

  “Do you think you can teach me all about Cardinal foods, preparation and cooking it?”

  “I would be honored…Annie.”

  “Good. Have you finished here?” Annie asked.


  “Then let’s get going?” Annie hooked her arm with Russy’s and led her back toward the castle.

  “Where are we going?” Russy asked.

  “To the castle kitchens.” Annie smiled when Russy’s mouth dropped open. She looked so flabbergasted it was everything she could do not to laugh.

  Annie had a great time with Russy and knew they were going to be great friends. Russy showed her all the ingredients she could and explained their uses. By the time the suns were setting, she and Russy had made several desserts and were laughing and joking with each other. Her warrior guards had been test tasters, and after a few false starts were praising her and Russy’s equivalent of Earth’s apple-and-cinnamon rolls.

  Annie made Russy promise to come back to teach her more in two sun risings. Her personal warriors had smiled widely when she had agreed with a blush before hurrying back home.

  She met her men in their suite, and after pushing her food around her platter, she got up dumped it into the recycle unit and headed to the bathroom. After stripping off, she dove into the big bathing pool and swam a few laps. When she found the contoured seat in the side, she lounged back and rested her head on the edge.

  Splashes alerted her to her men’s presence, but she kept her eyes closed.

  “You are anxious, baby,” Riek said as he sat next to her. “Why don’t you let us wash you and give you a massage?”

  “That sounds nice.”

  Shar, Baro, Mott, and Riek washed her all over, and when they were done, Baro scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the steps. Annie leaned her cheek against his shoulder and breathed in his clean male scent. After they were dry, he carried her to the bedroom and placed her in the middle of the memory mattress.

  “Just stay nice and still for us, cosmose.” Shar kissed her shoulder, and then all her men began to knead, rub, and caress her body. By the time they’d finished, her eyelids were too heavy to stay open and she drifted into a deep sleep.

  Annie opened her eyes and immediately panicked when she noticed her mates were no longer in bed. She rolled off the mattress and after donning the robe, rushed out to the greeting room. Her men were all sitting around the floating table, eating, drinking, and talking.

  “Are you all right, Annie?” Baro rose to his feet, walked toward her, and clasped her hand.

  Her throat was too constricted to speak, so she nodded.

  “Are you hungry, Annie?” Shar pointed toward the fruit on the large platter.


  “Why don’t you go and dress?” Mott suggested. “I will have a mug of caffa sent up to be here for you by the time you return.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” Annie reached up, pulled Baro down for a quick kiss, and then hurried back to the bedroom. After dressing in a warrior uniform and pulling on soft boots, she hurried back to them.

  “What time is this fight?” she asked as she took the empty space beside Baro and reached for the mug of caffa.

  “It will begin in two sects…uh, hours,” Baro stuttered.”

  “I don’t want you to do this, Shar.”

  Shar sighed. “It is my right, cosmose.”

  Annie wanted to argue with him some more, but they’d been over this before, and she knew by the resolute expression on his face he wasn’t going to relent just to make her feel better. And then she realized how selfish she was being. She wouldn’t and hadn’t backed down from her battle with the Sytax, and she couldn’t expect him to let Rotec get away with what he’d done either.

  Before she knew it, she was following her men outside, with their personal guards surrounding them. With each step she took, her fear for Shar escalated, and the dreaded knot was back in her stomach. Her legs felt rubbery, and she prayed they would continue to support her. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass her mates by falling on her ass.

  They stopped beside a large shuttle and piled in. Bile rose in her throat, but she swallowed it back down. She clung to Baro as the shuttle rose and was glad when Mott wrapped his arm around her waist to hug her tight. Riek held on to her hand. The flight wasn’t as bad as when they first came to Cardinal and was over way too quickly.

  Everyone disembarked, and she held Shar’s hand as they entered the arena. It wasn’t as big as she imagine
d it would be, but it was big enough and it was packed full of warriors. The seats were in tiered layers, and as they walked across the middle of the oval, she felt as if all eyes were on her. It was hard to keep her expression stoic or not to fidget with so many eyes upon her. She drew in a ragged breath when Shar guided her up some steps and into seats just above ground level.

  Baro, Mott, and Riek formed a half circle behind her as Shar turned her to face him. “Try not to worry too much, Annie. I know what I’m doing. I train every day and am a lot stronger than that…asshole.”

  Annie reached up and cupped his face between her hands. “I love you, Shar. Please, be careful. Promise you’ll come back to me.”

  “I love you, too, my Annie. I promise.” Shar bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. She slung her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, not caring that others were probably watching. She loved him and his brothers so much and didn’t want him fighting without him knowing how much he meant to her.

  Shar broke the kiss, hugged her one last time, drew back, and turned away. She blinked the moisture from her eyes and watched him descend to the arena before walking across it and disappearing.

  Annie took her seat and clutched at her hands, wringing her fingers together as the dread in the pit of her belly began to grow. When Shar emerged back out into the arena, her breath caught in her throat. He was only wearing what looked like a loincloth, his hard, muscular, and tanned body was pumped up with blood and adrenaline, and his skin gleamed under the two red suns as if he’d applied oil over his flesh.

  When Rotec emerged, she nearly laughed and a peaceful calm washed over her. The man had a paunch, and his muscles were so much smaller than Shar’s. Council Elder Pharl came to stand between the two challengers.

  “Where are the other elders?” Annie asked.

  “They are in the seating to your left,” Mott answered.

  Annie leaned forward and turned to look. “Aren’t there six elders?”

  “Yes.” Baro replied before he, too, leaned forward and glanced to where the elders were. “Botoc is missing.”

  “Ardo, find out where Council Elder Botoc is,” Riek ordered.

  “Yes, Nava Riek.” Ardo bowed and thumped his chest before hurrying away. Bako was on his heels.

  “Navas Tammock, Nav Tammock, warriors, we are here to witness the warrior’s right,” Council Elder Pharl said. Annie was amazed how loud his voice was and wondered if he had a concealed microphone pinned to his shirt somewhere. “As you know, no weapons are permitted, but shifting is allowed. May you each fight strong and true.” Pharl started backing away, and then loud sound burst into the air, making Annie jump.

  Shar and Rotec started out circling each other. As they moved, long claws erupted from their fingertips and their fangs elongated. Rotec let out what sounded like a battle cry and charged toward Shar.

  Annie held her breath when Shar didn’t move, worried he was about to get hurt, but at the last minute, he stepped aside, turned as Rotec’s momentum carried him forward, and slashed his claws from the Elder’s shoulder to the small of his back.

  Rotec roared in pain and fury. Annie closed her eyes, trying to shut out the sight of blood, but it didn’t help. When she heard another pain-filled shout, she opened her eyes again. One of Rotec’s thighs had been ripped open.

  And then everything seemed to slow, as if she was watching a replay in slow motion, until everyone was frozen in place. Annie blinked, not sure if what she was seeing was real, but nothing changed. And then she felt them.

  Sytax were close by.

  She stood up, and after checking Baro, Mott, and Riek, who were sitting completely still on their seats, she slowly turned and looked about. How they had gotten there without being seen, she didn’t know, but there were at least fifteen slimy Sytax standing on the top rim of the arena wall, and Council Elder Botoc was standing with them.

  Annie pushed her way into Baro’s mind, merging their souls together, and released him from the hold those fuckers had on him. He blinked and his muscles tensed when he came out of the trance. She whispered to him, hardly moving her lips. “Don’t move. Give me time to release the others.”

  Baro blinked at her instead of talking, to let her know he understood. His voice was deep and would carry. Still merged with Baro, she pushed into Mott’s and then Riek’s minds and finally Shar’s. None of her men moved.

  “Can you release our warrior guards, too, baby?” Riek asked, his voice so soft he was barely audible.

  Annie blinked and then, one by one, entered the warrior guards’ minds, but not as deeply as she did her mates’.

  “It’s up to you lot to get the Councilman,” Annie whispered. “I’m going to release you now that you are cognizant, and connect with one of the stinky things. I’ll keep an eye on you to make sure they don’t get hold of your minds again.”

  “Just take care of yourself, dearling. We will have your back,” Baro said in a low monotone.

  Annie started toward the steps and began climbing them. With each step she took, the harder it was not to gag. The stench coming from the green dudes was overwhelmingly bad.

  “Stop right there, human,” Botoc ordered.

  Annie ignored him and kept climbing. She stopped a couple of steps below the top and began to get scared. Even though she was in the mind of one of the reptiles, she couldn’t seem to control it. She pushed harder and deeper, but it wasn’t working. The only chance she had of getting out of this was her men, but she wasn’t sure if the Sytax would be able to get back into her mates’ minds.

  Annie withdrew from the Sytax’s head and sent out an alert to her men and the warrior guard she was still connected to and started backing up when the Elder and Sytax began stalking her. It was difficult moving backward since she couldn’t see behind her, but she shuffled until her heel was over space and stepped down.

  Again and again, she moved, and still they kept coming.

  “The whole arena is surrounded with Sytax, Annie,” Baro spoke to her telepathically.

  “Can you release all the entranced warriors, cosmose?” Shar asked.

  “I don’t know, but I am going to give it my best shot.” Annie expanded her mind out, touching on each and every warrior sitting in the arena. When they brushed lightly against her mind, she knew that it was working.

  “Get down to the arena floor, baby,” Riek said. “We can protect you better down there. We’ll have more room to move.”

  “Okay.” Annie continued to shuffle backward, and then her booted feet met the dirt floor in the arena. She could see Shar in her periphery. He still hadn’t moved. She was only about ten yards from him when all hell broke loose.

  Lasers fired, and men roared. Swords clashed, and claws ripped. The snarls and growls were ferocious. Annie turned toward Shar only to see him fighting five Sytax. Only this time, they had weapons, too. She turned in a circle, and everywhere she looked men were fighting the reptiles.

  She gasped as laser light grazed her arm, the smell of her own flesh burning causing her to gag. Annie ran toward the arena wall, hoping to get out of harm’s way, but she never made her destination. Someone grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet. She kicked and clawed at the arm, but it didn’t do her any good. When she turned to look over her shoulder, she met Council Elder Botoc’s hate-filled eyes.

  “You have ruined everything, you fuggar. You will pay. I am going to kill you.”

  Annie grunted when he shoved her facefirst into the arena wall, the breath forced from her lungs. Her cheek burned where he pushed her skin against the wall, hard.

  Annie kicked back with her foot, but he was too close for a decent impact. She planted her hands against the walls and pressed back with all her strength, but she wasn’t strong enough. And then he pulled her away from the wall and wrapped his arm around her throat and squeezed.

  She coughed and struggled, trying to fill her burning lungs with air, but she was getting sluggish and weak from lack of
oxygen. She felt the tip of a long claw against her neck and knew she was going to die. Annie reached up and back, feeling for his eye sockets, and when she found them, she shoved her thumbs in as hard as she could.

  Botoc screamed with pain, his arm dropping from around her throat, and she fell to the ground, gasping and dragging in breath after breath of air into her depleted lungs. As she raised her head, she saw Botoc’s elongated talons coming toward her throat and closed her eyes as she waited to die. In the distance, she heard an almighty roar.

  Annie waited for what seemed like hours, but the blow never came. When she opened her eyes, Baro in crug form stood over the beheaded body of Council Elder Botoc. She pushed to her knees, crawled around the body and blood, and wrapped her arms around Baro’s cat’s neck and cried.

  When he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, she realized he’d shifted back into his male skin. He caressed up and down her back, whispering nonsense, trying to calm her.

  “Healer Must,” Baro yelled so loudly he hurt her ears.

  Within moments, Healer Must was kneeling at her side and running his medi-scan over her. She felt tingling warmth around her throat and injured arm, and the pain in her neck dissipated. Healer Must didn’t give her time to thank him, because he was already scurrying away.

  Annie’s tears finally ran out. She kissed his cheek and drew back. “I love you, Baro.”

  “I love you, too, dearling.”

  “Is she hurt?” Mott asked as he knelt beside her.

  “No, not anymore.” Baro answered.

  “Are you okay, Annie?” Mott asked.

  “Yes.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him closer. “I love you, Mott.”

  Mott lifted her from Baro’s lap and cuddled her against his chest. “I love you, too, Annie.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Annie!” Riek yelled.

  Annie saw him barreling toward them, and then she was swung up into his arms. “You were amazing, baby. You released every single warrior and Council Elder from the Sytax’s mind hold. We defeated them all, thanks to you.”


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